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Findoc: the search term indexes='ekstremismi' results in 5 hits

1. Report on ongoing and planned measures and activities of the Federal government at combating right-wing extremism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and violence pursuant to Subpara. 21 of the resolution by the German Bundestag of 30 March 2001 (Doc. no. 14/5456), 2001

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

Report on ongoing and planned measures and activities of the Federal government at combating right-wing extremism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and violence pursuant to Subpara. 21 of the resolution by the German Bundestag of 30 March 2001 (Doc. no. 14/5456) /, 99 p.. - Berlin : Ministry of the Interior , 2001.


* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* antisemitism = Anti-Semitism = antisemitismi
* våld = violence = väkivalta
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* offer = victims = uhrit
* politiskt deltagande = political participation = poliittinen osallistuminen
* extremism = extremism = ekstremismi


URL http://text.bmi.bund.de/ (also in full text)

2. Lutz, James M. : Global terrorism, 2004


Global terrorism / Lutz, James M. ; Lutz, Brenda J., xiv, 289 p.. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2004.

ISBN 0415700515


ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Introduction. 2. What is Terrorism? Definition and classification. 3. Tactics, weapons and targets. 4. State Sponsors and supporters of terrorism. 5. Religious justifications for terrorism. 6. Ethnic and national bases of terrorism. 7. Terrorism and ideologies of the left. 8. Terrorism and ideologies of the right. 9. Terrorism and multiple motivations. 10. State use of domestic terrorism and repression. 11. Countries with Multiple crises of Terrorism. 12. Counterterrorism. 13. Terrorism: a continuing phenomenon.

* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* etniska konflikter = ethnic conflicts = etniset selkkaukset
* extremism = extremism = ekstremismi
* ideologi = ideology = ideologia
* counter-terrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* terror = terror = terrori
* religion = religion = uskonto

URL http://www.routledge.com/shopping_cart/products/product_detail.asp?curTab=CONTENTS&id=&parent_id=&sku=&isbn=9780415700511&pc=/shopping_cart/search/search.asp!search=global%20terrorism

3. Kuwali, Dan (ed.) : By all means necessary, 2017


By all means necessary : protecting civilians and preventing mass atrocities in Africa / Kuwali, Dan (ed.) ; Viljoen, Frans (ed.), 495 p. - Pretoria : Pretoria University Law Press, 2017.

ISBN 978-1-920538-66-8


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: IMPLEMENTATION OF PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS MANDATES. 1. Dan Kuwali and Frans Viljoen: Introduction. 2. Dan Kuwali: Article 4(h), the responsibility to protect and the protection of civilians. 3. Conor Foley: Defining protection of civilians in the context of armed conflicts. 4. Dire Tladi: Interpretation of protection of civilians mandates in United Nations Security Council Resolutions. PART II: PROTECTION OF SPECIFIC POPULATIONS AND PROPERTY AT RISK. 5. Thompson Chengeta: Protection of civilians from wilful killing in armed conflicts. 6. Dan Kuwali: Prevention of violent extremism in Africa. 7. Cephas Lumina: Protection of children in armed conflicts. 8. Cristiano d'Orsi: Protection of refugees and internally displaced persons during armed conflicts. 9. Dan Kuwali, Catherine Nakirya and Grace Amuge: Protection from sexual and gender-based violence in Africa. 10. Dan Kuwali and Gudmundur Alfredsson: Protection of minorities. 11. Jan F. Mutton: Protection of cultural heritage during armed conflicts in Africa. PART III: MEANS AND STRATEGIES FOR DEALING WITH MASS ATROCITIES. 12. Anna Larsson and Dan Kuwali: The role of humanitarian agencies in the protection of civilians. 13. Thomas Probert: The role of the UN Human Rights Council Special Procedures in protecting the right to life in armed conflicts. 14. John-Mark Iyi: The role of courts in protection of civilians. 15. Mphatso Boti-Phiri: Conflict prevention, peace building and prevention of mass atrocities. 16. Neville Dastoor and Dan Kuwali: The role of the United Nations Security Council in protection of civilians. PART IV: LESSONS LEARNT IN PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS IN ARMED CONFLICTS. 17. Buba Bojang: Protection of civilians in armed conflicts in West Africa. 18. Bright Nkrumah and Godard Busingye: No peace, no war: protection of civilians in the Great Lakes Region in Africa. 19. Paul Phiri: Protection of civilians in the Horn of Africa. 20. Joe Stork: Protection of civilians: experiences from the Middle East and North Africa. 21. Solomon Dersso: The African Union's agenda on the protection of civilians: a review of its ambition and practice. 22. Noel M. Morada: Asian perspectives on atrocity prevention and protection of civilians PART V: THE FUTURE OF PROTECTING CIVILIANS AND PREVENTING MASS ATROCITIES IN AFRICA. 23. Gilbert Mittawa: Overcoming challenges in protecting civilians. 24. Dan Kuwali: The future of protection of civilians in Africa. 25. Dan Kuwali and Frans Viljoen: Conclusion.

* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* civilbefolkning = civilian population = siviiliväestö
* skyldighet att skydda = responsibility to protect (R2P) = velvollisuus suojella
* massilldåd = mass atrocities = julmuudet
* Säkerhetsrådet = Security Council = Turvallisuusneuvosto
* extremism = extremism = ekstremismi
* barn = children = lapset
* barnrekrytering = child recruitment = lapsirekrytointi
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* internflyktingar = internally displaced persons = maan sisäiset pakolaiset
* sexuellt våld = sexual violence = seksuaalinen väkivalta
* könsrelaterat våld = gender-based violence = sukupuolistunut väkivalta
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* kulturarv = cultural heritage = kulttuuriperintö
* humanitär hjälp = humanitarian aid = humanitaarinen apu
* Rådet för mänskliga rättigheter = Human Rights Council = ihmisoikeusneuvosto (YK)
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* utomrättsliga avrättningar = extrajudicial executions = mielivaltaiset teloitukset
* konfliktförebyggande åtgärder = conflict prevention = konfliktien estäminen
* fredsbyggande = peacebuilding = rauhan rakentaminen
* Afrikanska Unionen = African Union = Afrikan Unioni

NOTE (MEETINGS): Colloquim on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts, Pretoria, 18 and 19 September 2014

NOTE (GENERAL): Constitutive Act of the African Union

4. Nowak, Manfred (ed.) : Using human rights to counter terrorism, 2018


Using human rights to counter terrorism / Nowak, Manfred (ed.) ; Charbord, Anne (ed.) - (Elgar studies in human rights), 371 p. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.

ISBN 978-1-78471-526-7


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Manfred Nowak and Anne Charbord: Key trends in the fight against terrorism and key aspects of international human rights law. 2. Martin Scheinin: Impact of post-9/11 counter-terrorism measures on all human rights. 3. Ben Emmerson QC: New counter-terrorism measures: continuing challenges for human rights. 4. Fionnuala Ni Aoláin: The complexity and challenges of addressing the conditions conducive to terrorism. 5. Lisa Ginsborg: One step forward, two steps back: the Security Council, 'foreign terrorist fighters', and human rights. 6. Richard Barrett and Tom Parker: Acting ethically in the shadows: intelligence gathering and human rights. 7. Ulrich Garms: The preventive criminal justice strategy against terrorism and its human rights implications. 8. Lisa N. Oldring: Questions of accountability in countering terrorism.

* counter-terrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* brott mot mänskliga rättigheter = human rights violations = ihmisoikeusloukkaukset
* FN = UN = YK
* Säkerhetsrådet = Security Council = Turvallisuusneuvosto
* skydd av mänskliga rättigheter = protection of human rights = ihmisoikeuksien suojelu
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* extremism = extremism = ekstremismi
* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus

5. Temperman, Jeroen : Religious hatred and international law, 2018


Religious hatred and international law : the prohibition of incitement to violence or discrimination / Temperman, Jeroen - (Cambridge studies in international and comparative law), xxxvi, 394 p. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018.

ISBN 978-1-107-57569-1


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. PART I: THE GENESIS OF THE PROHIBITION OF RELIGIOUS HATRED CONSTITUTING INCITEMENT IN INTERNATIONAL LAW. 2. Pre-ICCPR developments. 3. The drafting of Article 20(2) ICCPR. PART II: PRELIMINARY MATTERS. 4. The mandatory nature of Article 20(2) ICCPR. 5. Article 20(2) ICCPR: prohibition per se or also a human right?. 6. Comparative international perspectives: CERD and the European Court of Human Rights on the 'right to be free from incitement'. PART III: LEGISLATIVE OBLIGATIONS: DEFINING THE SCOPE OF THE OFFENCE OF 'ADVOCACY OF RELIGIUS HATRED THAT CONSTITUTES INCITEMENT'. 7. The actus reus of 'advocacy of religious hatred constituting incitement': threshold, definitions and concepts. 8. National incitement law checklist. PART IV: JUDGING INCITEMENT. 9. Intents. 10. The context of religious hatred. 11. Holocaust denial and glorification of religious violence. PART V: AGGRAVATING FACTORS AND SANCTIONS. 12. Organized hatred. 13. Sanctions. PART VI: CONCLUSION. 14. Conclusion

* hatpropaganda = hate speech = vihapropaganda
* propaganda = propaganda = propaganda
* religiös intolerans = religious intolerance = uskonnollinen suvaitsemattomuus
* religion = religion = uskonto
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee = ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* extremism = extremism = ekstremismi
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* judeförintelsen = holocaust = juutalaisvaino

