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Findoc: the search term indexes=('economic exclusion') results in 1 hits

1. Justino, Patricia : Economic exclusion and discrimination, 2002

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

Economic exclusion and discrimination : the experiences of minorities and indigenous peoples / Justino, Patricia ; Litchfield, Julie - (Report 2002 ; no. 6), 28 p.. - London : Minority Rights Group (MRG), 2002.

ISBN 1-904584-09-8


* social utslagning = social exclusion = sosiaalinen syrjäytyminen
* ekonomisk utslagning = economic exclusion = taloudellinen syrjäytyminen
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* fattigdom = poverty = köyhyys
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* sysselsättning = employment = työllisyys
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* beslutsfattande = decision-making = päätöksenteko
* affirmative action = affirmative action = affirmative action
* EU = EU = EU
* romer = Roma = romanit
* barndödlighet = infant mortality = lapsikuolleisuus

NOTE (GENERAL): ICESCR; ICCPR; CERD; Declaration on the rights of minorities; Convention concerning the indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries (ILO convention no. 169);
