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Findoc: the search term indexes='biomedicin' results in 2 hits

1. Meulders-Klein, Marie-Therese (ed.) : Biomedicine, the family and human rights, 2002

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

Biomedicine, the family and human rights / Meulders-Klein, Marie-Therese (ed.) ; Deech, Ruth ; Vlaardingerbroek, Paul, xii, 638 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002.

ISBN 90-411-1627-3


ABSTRACT: Preface, by Petar Sarcevic. PART ONE - THE GENERAL FRAMEWORK: 1. The European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, and its Protocols; P. Zilgalvis. 2. Biomedicine, the Family and Human Rights: Progress and Achievements in Biotechnology, by Chr. Gosden. 3. Biomedecine, famille & droits de l'homme. "Aspects anthropologiques, philosophiques et ethiques", by L. Assier-Andrieu. 4. La dimension psychologique dans les techniques d'assistance, O. Bourguignon. PART TWO - NATIONAL REPORTS: Genetics and Artificial Procreation. SECTION I: Common Law Jurisdictions. 1. Genetics and Artificial Procreation in the USA, by C. Schneider, L. Wardle. 2. Genetics and Artificial Procreation in Canada, by B.M. Dickens. 3. Genetics and Artificial Procreation in Australia, by L. Skene. 4. Genetics and Artificial Procreation in New Zealand, by K. Daniels. SECTION II: Roman Law Jurisdiction: 1. Genetique et procreation assistee en France, by D. Vigneau. 2. Genetique et procreation assistee en Belgique: etat du droit et des pratiques, by N. Denies. 3. Genetique et proceations assistées en Espagne, by J. Hualde-Sanchez, I. Alcorta Idiaquez. 4. Genetics and Artificial Procreation in Italy, by M.D. Panforti, M. Serio. 5. Les procreations mdicalement assistees au Bresil: etat des questions, par E. de Oliveira Leite. 6. Genetics and Artificial Procreation in the Netherlands, by F.C.B. van Wijnen, et al. III: GERMANIC AND RUSSIAN JURISDICTIONS:. 1. Genetique et procreation assisteees en republique federale d'Allemagne, par F. Furkel. 2. Genetique et procreation assisteee en Suisse, par P. Meier. 3. Genetics and Artificial Procreation in Austria, by M. Stormann. 4. Genetics Artificial Procreation in Russia, by O.A. Khazova. PART THREE - GENERAL REPORT:. SECTION I: GENETICS. 1. Genetics and Common Law, by B.M. Knoppers. 2. Genetique, famille et droits de l'homme dans les pays romanistes, par B. Feullet-le Mintier. 3. Rapport regional - Pays germaniques et Russie, by O. Guillod. 4. The use of biotechnology in medicine with particular regard to questions in family law, by J.M. Halvorsen. II: ARTIFICAL REPRODUCTION:. 1. Assisted Conception in Common Law Jurisdictions, by D. Morgan, R. Lee. 2. Procreation artificielle dans les pays romanistes, by J. Pousson-Petit. 3. Artificial Reproductive Technology General Report on the Law of the Germanic Countries, by B. Verschaegen. 4. Artificial Procreation in the Nordic Countries, by L. Nielsen. PART FOUR _- JUDICIAL PERSPECTIVE:. 1. Losing control? - some case, by R. Deech. 2. Tourisme procreatif et droit communautaire europeen des changes: Le cas Blood, by J.-S. Berge. 3. Biomedicine, the Family and Human Rights: The juridical perspective, by J. Wilson. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS:. 1. Biomedicine, the Family and Human Rights: the Same Ethics for all?, by M.T. Meulders-Klein.

* biomedicin = biomedicine = biolääketiede
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* bioteknologi = biotechnology = bioteknologia
* genetik = genetics = genetiikka
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet
* insemination = insemination = keinohedelmöitys
* barn = children = lapset
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* kloning = cloning = kloonaus
* surrogatmoderskap = surrogacy = kohdunvuokraus


URL http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/90-411-1627-3?a=1

2. Jürgen Meyer (Hrsg.) : Kommentar zur Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union, 2003


Kommentar zur Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union / Jürgen Meyer (Hrsg.), xxxii, 634 p.. - Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlag, 2003.

ISBN 3-8329-0040-3


ABSTRACT: INHALTS:. 1. Würde des Menschen. 2. Freiheiten. 3. Gleichheit. 4. Solidarität. 5. Bürgerrechte. 6. Justizielle Rechte. 7. Allgemeine Bestimmungen.

* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* utlänningar = aliens/non-citizens = ulkomaalaiset
* biomedicin = biomedicine = biolääketiede
* demokrati = democracy = demokratia
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* EU = EU = EU
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* barnarbete = child labour = lapsityö
* människovärde = human dignity = ihmisarvo
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* massmedia = mass media = joukkotiedotusvälineet
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* miljöskydd = environmental protection = ympäristönsuojelu
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* föreningsfrihet = freedom of association = yhdistymisvapaus
* författning/grundlag = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö

NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; TEU; ToA; CFREU; Refugee convention; Rio declaration;


URL http://www.nomos.de/nomos/d/recherche/titel_rech/action.lasso?-database=titel.fp3&-layout=internet&-response=/nomos/d/recherche/titel_rech/tit_detail.lasso&ISBN=3-8329-0040-3&-search
