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Findoc: the search term indexes='alkio' results in 5 hits

1. Part 3 : Personhood and the human embryo, 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph

Part 3 : Personhood and the human embryo /

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Conceiving the embryo : ethics, law and practice in human embryology / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 151-248. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996.

ISBN 90-411-0208-6


ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Is the human ebryo a person? No., by Maurizio Mori. 2. Human embryology and the criterion of moral standing, by Alicja Przyluska-Fiszer. 3. Embryos as moral subjects and limits of responsibility, by Knut W. Ruyter. 4. The moral status of the pre-personal human being : the argument from potential reconsidered, by Sören Holm. 5. The idea of brain-birth in connection with artificial abortion, by Jozsef Kovacs.

* embryo = embryo = alkio
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* konstgjord befruktning = insemination = keinohedelmöitys
* moral = morality = moraali
* etik = ethics = etiikka
* abort = abortion = abortti
* forskning = research = tutkimus
* ofödda barn = unborn children = syntymättömät lapset

2. Part 5 : human embryo research, 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph

Part 5 : human embryo research /

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Conceiving the embryo : ethics, law and practice in human embryology / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 283-324. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996.

ISBN 90-411-0208-6


ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. What developments of human embryo research would be philosophically challenging, by Alex Mauron. 2. Research on human embryos, by Panagiota Dalla-Vorgia. 3. The regulation of embryo research under the human fertilisation and embryology act of 1990, by Arlene Judith Klotzko. 4. Procuring gametes for research and therapy, by Donald Evans.

* etik = ethics = etiikka
* embryo = embryo = alkio
* forskning = research = tutkimus

3. Part 6 : legislation concerning human embryology, 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph

Part 6 : legislation concerning human embryology /

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Conceiving the embryo : ethics, law and practice in human embryology / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 325-349. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996.

ISBN 90-411-0208-6


ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. legal consensus and divergence in European legislation in the area of human embryology - room for harmonisation?, by Linda Nielsen. 2. The embryo in French legislation, by Christian Byk. 3. The use of gametes and zygotes in German law, by Erwin Deutsch. 4. Spanish legislation on uses of gametes and zygotes (pre-embryos), by jaime Vidal Martinez.

* embryologi = embryology = sikiöoppi
* embryo = embryo = alkio
* religion = religion = uskonto

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany / Denmark / France / Greece / Austria / Italy

4. Giegericht, Thomas ... [et al.] : German yearbook of international law, 2012


German yearbook of international law : volume 54 - 2011 / Giegericht, Thomas ... [et al.], 824 p.. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2012.

ISBN 978-3-428-13886-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. FORUM: The global financial crisis:. 1. Christian Tietje: The international financial architecture as a legal order. 2. Christoph Ohler: The European stability mechanism: the long road to financial stability in the Euro area. FOCUS: The Arctic challenge:. 1. Kristin Bartenstein: Navigating the Arctic: the Canadian NORDREG, the International Polar code and regional cooperation. 2. Jonas Attenhofer: Navigating along precedence: how Arctic sovereignty Melts with the Ice. 3. Nele Matz-Lück: Continental shelf delimitation and delineation in the Arctic: current developments. 4. Richard Barnes: International regulation of fisheries management in Arctic waters. 5. Nigel Bankes: Indigenous land and resource rights in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: comparisons with the draft Nordic Saami convention. 6. David L. VanderZwaag: The Arctic Council at 15 years: edging forward in a sea of governance challenges. 7. Tim Stephens: The Arctic and Atlantic regimes and the limits of Polar comparativism. 8. Adalheidur Johannsdottir: The European Union and the Arctic: Could Iceland's accession to the EU change the EU's influence in the Arctic? GENERAL ARTICLES:. 1. Emmanuel Voyiakis: International law, interpretative fidelity and the Hermenutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer. 2. Bjorn Kunoy: Conservation and management of shared fish stocks and the applicable international trade regime. 3. Rosemary Rayfuse: Differentiating the common? The responsibilities and obligations of states sponsoring deep seabed mining activities in the area. 4. Ralf Müller-Terpitz: Genetic testing of embryos in vitro - legal considerations with regard to the status of early human embryos in European law. 5. Kasey L. McCall-Smith: Reservations and the determinative function of the human rights treaty bodies. 6. Christoph J. Schewe and Azar Aliyev: The Customs Union and the Common Economic Space of the Eurasian Economic Ecoonomic Community: Eurasian counterpart to the EU or Russian domination? GERMAN PRACTICE : articles a.o. 1. Susanne Wasum-Rainer and Christophe Eick: The UN Security Council and international law in 2011. 2. Peter Wittig: Climate change and international peace and security: the open debate in the United Nations Security Council on 20 July 2011. 3. Thomas Giegerich: The Federal Constitutional Court's defence to and Boost for Parliament in euro crisis management. 4. Jan Oliva: Legal persons from EU member states and their entitlement to fundamental rights under the German basic law.

* ursprungsfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* landrättigheter = land ownership rights = maanomistusoikeus
* interamerikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Inter-American Court of Human Rights = Inter-Amerikkalainen ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* samer = Sami = saamelaiset
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* arktiskt område = arctic region = arktinen alue
* gentest = genetic test = geenitesti
* embryo = embryo = alkio
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* klimatförändring = climate change = ilmastomuutos
* författningsdomstol = constitutional court = valtiosääntötuomioistuin
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* internationell straffrätt = international criminal justice = kansainvälinen rikosoikeus
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* sedvanerätt = customary law = tapaoikeus
* kontroll över naturtillgångar = natural resources control = luonnonvarojen valvonta
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* rätt till vatten = water ownership rights = oikeudet veteen
* skadestånd = compensation = vahingonkorvaus
* fiskerättigheter = fishing rights = kalastusoikeudet
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* fred och säkerhet = peace and security = rauha ja turvallisuus

NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UN convention on the law of the sea; Draft Saami convention; Convention concerning the indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries (ILO convention no. 169); UN declaration onthe rights of indigenous peoples; ICCPR-27; AMR-21; Framework convention on climate change; Kyoto protocol; Biomedicine convention; EU charter of fundamental rights; TFEU; CERD; CEDAW; ICESCR;

5. Turkish yearbook of human rights , 2012

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph

Turkish yearbook of human rights : vol. 34, 2012 / - Ankara : The Institute of Public Administration; Human Rights Research and Documentation Center for Turkey and the Middle East, 2012. - ISSN 1300-1809


ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Consumer rights perception in Turkey: legal and administrative system perspective, by Burcu G. Özcan, M. Kemal Öktem-Caglar Özel. 2. Food banking at associations and foundations as a means of social politics, by M. Caglar Özdemir-Oguzhan Dura. 3. The legal status of the human embryo in test-tube in reproduction process in Turkey, by Aykut Coban.

* embryo = embryo = alkio
* konstgjord befruktning = insemination = keinohedelmöitys
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet

