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Findoc: the search term indexes=('abuse of rights') results in 3 hits

1. Schammo, Pierre : Arbitrage and abuse of rights in the EC legal system, 2008

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Arbitrage and abuse of rights in the EC legal system / Schammo, Pierre

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law journal : review of European law in context : vol. 14; issue 3 - (in full text in EBSCO in May 2009)., p. 351-376. - Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. - ISSN 1351-5993


* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* missbruk av rättigheter = abuse of rights = oikeuksien väärinkäyttö

2. Kaikobad, Kaiyan Homi (ed.9 : International law and power perspectives on legal order and justice, 2009


International law and power perspectives on legal order and justice : essays in honour of Colin Warbrick / Kaikobad, Kaiyan Homi (ed.9 ; Bohlander, Michael , xxix, 593 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2009.

ISBN 978-90-04-17587-7


ABSTRACT: PART ONE: General Principles and International Human Rights:. I: Collective Complaints Under the European Social Charter Encouraging Progress? D J Harris. II: The European Convention on Human Rights and Extradition; Jacques Hartmann. III: In Search of Clarity: Non Liquet and International Law; Stephen C. Neff. IV: ‘Constitutionalization’ of International Law: A Sceptical Voice; Michael Wood. V: The Nature of State Obligations in Relation to Child Labour: Choosing Prosecution over Protection;Holly Cullen. VI: Shadows in the Cave: The Nature of International Law When it Appears before English Courts; Vaughan LoweD. VII: International Organisations and International Human Rights Law: One Giant Leap for Humankind; Robert McCorquodale. PART TWO: International Criminal Law and Justice. VIII: Imputability and Immunity as Separate Concepts:The Removal of Immunity from Civil Proceedings Relating to the Commission of an International Crime;Hazel Fox . IX: Neither Here Nor There? The Status of International Criminal Jurisprudence in the International and UK Legal Orders; Robert Cryer . X: Killing Many to Save a Few? Preliminary Thoughts about Avoiding Collateral Civilian Damage by Assassination of Regime Elites; Michael Bohlander. XI: Conduct and Proof of Conduct - Two Fundamental Conditions for the Imposition of Criminal Liability; G R Sullivan . XII: State Identity and Genocide: The Bosnian Genocide Case;Dominic McGoldrick . XIII: Explosive Remnants of the War between Eritrea and Ethiopia; Harry H G Post . XIV: International Law and the Violence of Non-State Actors; Dino Kritsiotis. PART THREE: International Order and Security:. XV: The ‘Disordered Medley’ of International Tribunals And the Coherence of International Law; David Anderson . XVI: Countermeasures: Concept and Substance in the Protection of Collective Interests; Elena Katselli . XVII: Does the Optional Clause Still Matter? J G Merrills . XVIII: Internationalized Tribunals: A Search for Their Legal Bases; Sarah Williams . XIX: The Road to Kandahar: British Military Interventions and International Law ; Nigel D. White. XX: Non Consensual Aerial Surveillance In the Airspace over the Exclusive Economic Zone For Military and Defence Purposes; K H Kaikobad.

* missbruk av rättigheter = abuse of rights = oikeuksien väärinkäyttö
* landminor = land mines = maamiinat
* aggression = aggression = agressio
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* barnarbete = child labour = lapsityö
* barnhandel = child trafficking = lapsikauppa
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter = civil and political rights = kansalaisoikeudet ja poliittiset oikeudet
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* ESK-rättigheter = economic, social and cultural rights = TSS_oikeudet
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* Europeiska kommittén för sociala rättigheter = European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) = (Euroopan) sosiaalisten oikeuksien komitea
* fängelseförhållanden = prison conditions = vankilaolosuhteet
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* kärnvapen = nuclear weapons = ydinaseet
* slaveri = slavery = orjuus
* statsansvar = state responsibility = valtiovastuu
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset

NOTE (GENERAL): ESC; ECHR; Genocide convention; UN charter; ICESCR; ICCPR; Paris declaration;

URL http://www.brill.nl/default.aspx?partid=210&pid=24608

3. de Morree, Paulien : Rights and wrongs under the ECHR, 2016


Rights and wrongs under the ECHR : the prohibition of abuse of rights in Article 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights / de Morree, Paulien, 301 p. - Cambridge : Intersentia, 2016.

ISBN 978-1-78068-418-5


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. The creation of the European Convention on Human Rights. 3. The Strasbourg case law on Article 17 ECHR. 4. The interpretation of Article 17 in legal doctrine. 5. Other abuse clauses in human rights law. 6. The concept of abuse of rights. 7. The concept of militant democracy. 8. The German 'Wehrhafte Demokratie'. 9. Militant democracy in the context of the ECHR. 10. Conclusions.

* missbruk av rättigheter = abuse of rights = oikeuksien väärinkäyttö
* demokrati = democracy = demokratia
* hatpropaganda = hate speech = vihapropaganda
* totalitarism = totalitarianism = totalitarismi
* judeförintelsen = holocaust = juutalaisvaino
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* föreningsfrihet = freedom of association = yhdistymisvapaus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* europeiska kommissionen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Commission of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* kommunism = communism = kommunismi

