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Findoc: the search term indexes=('HCHR USED FOR High Commissioner for Human Rights') results in 1 hits

1. Clark, Roger Stenson : A United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 1972


A United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / Clark, Roger Stenson, 186 p.. - The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1972.

ISBN 90 247 1297 1


ABSTRACT: The object of this study is to examine the High Commissioner proposal in its context as a part of the international movement for human rights.Subjects discussed are: the background and history of a proposal; the details of the High Commissioner's activities that seem to be encompassed in the loose language employed in the ECOSOC draft ; administrative matters ; the "legality" of the Office ; and the General Assembly's power to establish a Commissioner by resolution and the role of the High Commissioner as essentially a law promoter rather than a protector is discussed.

* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* internationella organisationer = international organizations = kansainväliset järjestöt
* högkommissarie för mänskliga rättigheter = HCHR USED FOR High Commissioner for Human Rights = ihmisoikeusvaltuutettu
