1. | Åberg, Carl-Johan : Svensk handelspolitik, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Svensk handelspolitik / Åberg, Carl-Johan - (UD informerar ; No. 2), 32 p.. - Stockholm : Utrikesdepartementet, 1985. - ISSN 0347-5298 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
2. | Meng, Werner : Streitbeilegung im GATT, 1981 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Streitbeilegung im GATT / Meng, Werner REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 41., p. 69-102. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 1981 . LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
3. | Abbott, Frederick M. : Integration without institutions: the NAFTA mutation of the EC model and the future of the GATT regime, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Integration without institutions: the NAFTA mutation of the EC model and the future of the GATT regime / Abbott, Frederick M. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The American journal of comparative law : No.40(4)., p. 917-948. - New York : The American Society of Comparative Law, 1992. - ISSN 0002-919x LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
4. | Farer, Tom J. : Political and economic coercion in contemporary international law, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Political and economic coercion in contemporary international law / Farer, Tom J. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : 79., p. 405-413. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1985. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
5. | McRae, D.M. : The GATT and multilateral treaty making, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The GATT and multilateral treaty making : the Tokyo round / McRae, D.M. ; Thomas, J.C. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : 77., p. 51-83. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1983. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
6. | Gold, Joseph : Strenthening the soft international law of exchange arrangements, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Strenthening the soft international law of exchange arrangements / Gold, Joseph REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : 77., p. 443-489. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1983. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
7. | Graham, Thomas R. : The U.S. generalized system of preferences for developing countries, 1978 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The U.S. generalized system of preferences for developing countries : international innovation and the art of the possible / Graham, Thomas R. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : 72., p. 513-541. - New York : American Society of International Law, 1978. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
8. | Jackson, John H. : The jurisprudence of international trade, 1978 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The jurisprudence of international trade : the disc case in GATT / Jackson, John H. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : 72., p. 747-781. - New York : American Society of International Law, 1978. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
9. | Neuwahl, Nanette A. : A Europe close to the citizen, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph A Europe close to the citizen : the "trinity concepts" of subsidiarity, transparency / Neuwahl, Nanette A. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: A citizens' Europe : in search of a new Europe / Rosas, A.; Antola, E. (eds.), p. 39-57. - London : SAGE, 1995. ISBN 0-8039-7561-9 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
10. | Eide, Asbjörn : Minority protection and world order , 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Minority protection and world order : towards a framework for law and policy / Eide, Asbjörn REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Universal minority rights / Phillips, A.; Rosas, A. (eds.), p. 87-112. - Turku/Åbo : Åbo Akademi University. Institute for Human Rights, 1995. ISBN 951-650-547-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; |
11. | Bradlow, Daniel D. : Limited mandates and intertwined problems, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Limited mandates and intertwined problems : a new challange for the World Bank and the IMF / Bradlow, Daniel D. ; Grossman, Claudio REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : 17; 3., p. 411-442. - Baltimore : The JOhn Hopkins U.P., 1995. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
12. | Wet, Erika de : Labor standards in the globalized economy, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Labor standards in the globalized economy : the inclusion of a social clause in the general agreement on tariff and trade/world trade organization / Wet, Erika de REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : 17; 3., p. 443-462. - Baltimore : The John Hopkins U.P., 1995. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
13. | Section II : the United Nations, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Section II : the United Nations / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Perspectives on international law : dedicated to judge Manfred lachs for his lifelong and lasting contribution to international law / Jasentuliyana, N. (ed.), p. 119-216. - London : Kluwer, 1995. ISBN 90-411-0884-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Law-amking in the United Nations, by Oscar Schachter. 2. Codification of human rights law by the United Nations, by Fausto Pocar. 3. The regulatory of the United Nations in promoting economic growth and development, by Frank Njenga. 4. Preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peacekeeping in the context of international law, by Nabil Elaraby. 5. The United Nations facing the crisis of the nation state, by René-Jean Dupuy. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; CERD; ICESCR; CEDAW; Charter of economic rights and duties of states; Lima declaration; CAT; ICCPR-27; UN charter; CRC; |
14. | Part IV : Law, moral philosophy and economics in environmental discourse, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part IV : Law, moral philosophy and economics in environmental discourse / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Fairness in international law and institutions / Franck, T. M., p. 351-485. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1995. ISBN 0-19-8225901-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. Chapter 11 : Law, moral philosophy and economics in environmental discourse. Chapter 12 : Some instances of fairness in establishing environmental normative systems. Chapter 13 : Economic fairness : terms of development and trade. Chapter 14 : Fairness in international investment law. Chapter 15 : Forums of fairness INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; ICESCR; ICCPR; Charter of economic rights and duties of states; AMR; |
15. | Walter, Christian : Bericht über die völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahre 1993, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Bericht über die völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahre 1993 / Walter, Christian REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 55/4., p. 1095-1245. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 1995. - ISSN 0044-2348 LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
16. | Stoll, Peter-Tobias : Die WTO, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Die WTO : neue Welthandelsorganisation, neue Welthandelsordnung, Ergebnisse der Uruguay-Runde des GATT = New World Trade Organization, new world trade order, results of the GATT Uruguay Round (summary) / Stoll, Peter-Tobias REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 54/2., p. 241-339. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 1994. - ISSN 0044-2348 LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Havanna-charter |
17. | Marauhn, Thilo : Völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahre 1991, 1993 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahre 1991 / Marauhn, Thilo REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 53/4., p. 908-1098. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 1993. - ISSN 0044-2348 LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
18. | Cable, Vincent : The new trade agenda, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The new trade agenda : universal rules amid cultural diversity / Cable, Vincent REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International affairs : vol. 72: no. 2., p. 227-246. - London : Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1996. - ISSN 0020-5850 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Montreal protocol; |
19. | Messerlin, Patrick A. : France and trade policy, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial France and trade policy : is the 'French exception' passée / Messerlin, Patrick A. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International affairs : vol. 72: no. 2., p. 293-309. - London : Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1996. - ISSN 0020-5850 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
20. | Hurrell, Andrew : Regionalism in the Americas, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Regionalism in the Americas : Latin America in the New World Order : a regional bloc of the Americas / Hurrell, Andrew REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International affairs : vol. 68: no. 1., p. 121-140. - London : Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1992. - ISSN 0020-5850 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
21. | Lang, Winfried : Les mesures commerciales au service de la protection de l'environnement, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Les mesures commerciales au service de la protection de l'environnement / Lang, Winfried REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Revue générale de droit international public : tome 99., p. 545-566. - Paris : A. Pedone, 1995. LANGUAGE: FRE INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Montreal protocol; |
22. | Reich, Norbert : Judge-made 'Europe a la carte' , 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Judge-made 'Europe a la carte' : some remarks on recent conflicts between and German constitutional law provoked by the Banana Litigation / Reich, Norbert REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European journal of international law [EJIL] = Journal européen de droit international : vol. 7; no. 1., p. 103-111. - München : C. H. Beck, 1996. - ISSN 0938-5428 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: I. The foreign reader will wonder what the banana litigation has to do with the constitutional law of the European Union (EU) and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). The story we want to tell concerns the defying by German courts of EC Regulation 404/93 of 13 February 1993 on the common organization of the market in bananas.2 On this matter, the German Constitutional and administrative courts have voiced their open distrust not only of EC regulations, but also of the legal protection of fundamental rights offered by the ECJ to their citizens - namely German banana importers who lost considerable business after the enactment of the EC regulation of 1 July 1993 INDEX WORDS:
23. | Barnhoorn, L.A.N.M. (ed.) : Diversity in secondary rules and the unity of international law, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Diversity in secondary rules and the unity of international law / Barnhoorn, L.A.N.M. (ed.) ; Wellens, K. C. (ed.), xi, 365 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1995. ISBN 90-411-0092-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Geneva conventions; Convention on diplomatic relations; Rio declaration; SEA; EEC; TEU; AMR; ICCPR; ECHR; Refugee convention; UN charter; |
24. | Fifth part : means for ensuring compliance with the convention, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Fifth part : means for ensuring compliance with the convention / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: La convention sur l'interdiction et l'élimination des armes chimiques : une percée dans l'entreprise multilatérale du désarmement = The convention on the prohibition and elimination of chemical weapons : a breakthrough in multilateral disarmament / Bardonnet, D. (ed.) - ( Hague Academy of International Law), p. 479-608. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1995. ISBN 90-411-0154-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. The chemical weapons convention and commercial interests : conflict or co-operation, by M. P. Walls. 2. The verification system for the chemical weapons convention, by J. P. P. Robinson. 3. Disputes between the inspected state party and the inspection team, by R. J. Mathews and T. L. H. McCormack. 4. The settlement of disputes under the chemical weapons convention and the case of the Confidentiality Commission, by E. P. J. Myjer. 5. Reactions in the event of breach, by Allan Rosas. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): Workshop, the Hague, [19941124-19941126], [C] |
25. | Klabbers, Jan : The redundancy of soft law, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The redundancy of soft law / Klabbers, Jan REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Nordic journal of international law : vol. 65; no. 2., p. 167-182. - Hague : Kluwer, 1996. - ISSN 0902-7351 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
26. | Garbo, Gunnar : Kampen om FN, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Kampen om FN : skal de store og sterke styre verden som de vil? / Garbo, Gunnar, 257 p.. - Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1995. ISBN 82-00-22439-2 LANGUAGE: NOR INDEX WORDS:
27. | 4. International monitoring procedures, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial 4. International monitoring procedures / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Monitoring children's rights / Verhellen, E. (ed.), p. 393-452. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0161-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. The invisibility of children and adolescents : the need to monitor our rhetoric and our attitudes, by Bruce Abramson. 2. Possible optional protocols to the UN convention on the rights of the child : improving or undermining the convention and its monitoring? The case of child prostitution, child pornography and sale of children, by Geert Cappelaere. 3. The prohibition of child labour as a clause in ultilateral trade agreements, by Koen de Feyter. 4. Impressions en Marge d'une session du Comité des droits de l'enfant, by Leyla Khalfallah. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CRC; CEDAW; ACHPR; CRC-27; Declaration on the rights of disabled persons; Optional protocols to the CRC; Declaration on the rights of the child; CESR; European charter on the rights of the child; |
28. | The indigenous world 1994-95, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The indigenous world 1994-95 /, 250 p.. - Copenhagen : IWGIA, 1995. - ISSN 1024-0217 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Greenland / Norway / Russian Federation / Canada / USA / Mexico / Guatemala / Honduras / Nicaragua / Costa Rica / Panama / Venezuela / Colombia / Guayana / Ecuador / Peru / Bolivia / Brazil / Paraguay / Argentina / Chile / West Papua / Hawaii / Aoetearoa / Australia / East Asia / China / Taiwan / Tibet / japan / South-East Asia / Burma / Thailand / Viet Nam / Malaysia / East Timor / Nagaland / India / Africa NOTE (GENERAL): Convention concerning the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples (ILO convention no. 169); Rio declaration; Draft declaration on indigenous peoples' rights; LIBRARY LOCATION: s IWGIA... |
29. | Hagsgård, Anders : EG-rätten i nationell rättstillämpning, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph EG-rätten i nationell rättstillämpning / Hagsgård, Anders, 237 p.. - Stockholm : Norstedts juridik, 1996. ISBN 91-7598-753-8 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
30. | Winter, Jan A. ... [et al.] : Reforming the treaty on European Union, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Reforming the treaty on European Union : - the legal debate - / Winter, Jan A. ... [et al.] - (Asser Institute colloquium on European law ; session 25), xxxi, 537 p.. - Hague : Kluwer, 1996. ISBN 90-411-0133-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. International agreement or European constitution, by B. de Witte. 2. Increased differentiation or stronger uniformity, by C.-D. Ehlermann. 3. European citizenship and human rights, by J. H. H. Weiler. 4. Betwixt and between : democracy and transparency in the governance of the European Union, by D. M. Curtin. 5. The effectiveness and simplification of decision-making, by C. W. A. Timmermans. 6. Effectiveness and simplification of decision-making by the Council, by A. Dashwood. 7. On the democratic representation through the European Parliament, the Council, the Committee of the regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the national parliaments, by K. Lenaerts and E. E. de Smijter. 8. The instruments of community law and the hierarchy of norms, by A. Tizzano. 9. The role and structure of the European judiciary now and in the future, by W. van Gerven. 10. The internal powers of the Community and the Union, by the P. VerLoren van Themaat. 11. The external powers of the Community and the Union : proposals for protecting the interests of EU citizens rather than the interests of EU politicians, by E.-U. Petersmann. 12. Economic and Monetary Union, by J.-V. Louis. 13. Market integration and policy integration : two sides of the same European currency, by L. A. Geelhoed. 14. The Common Foreign and Security Policy, by W. F. van Eekelen. 15. Immigration and asylum policy : from JHA co-operation to communitarisation, by R. Fernhout. 16. Combatting fraud, judicial criminal matters and police cooperation, by R. Errera. 17. Judicial cooperation in civil matters, by A. Borras. 18. Closing remarks and a report of the final session, by A. E. Kellermann. INDEX WORDS: