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Findoc: the search term indexes=('European security and defence policy (ESDP)') results in 2 hits

1. Balzacq, Thierry (ed.) : The external dimension of EU justice and home affairs, 2009


The external dimension of EU justice and home affairs : governance, neighbours, security / Balzacq, Thierry (ed.) - (Palgrave studies in European Union politics), xii, 283 p.. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

ISBN 978-0-230-21977-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The Frontiers of Governance: Understanding the External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs, by T.Balzacq. PART I: RECASTING INSTITUTIONS:. 2. The Genesis of the European Neighbourhood Policy: Alternative Narratives, Bureaucratic Competitions, by J.Jeandesboz. 3. ENP and EMP: The Geopolitics of 'Enlargement Lite', by A. Hadfield. PART II: REFRAMING GOVERNANCE:. 4. The EU as a Rule of Law Promoter in the ENP, by N.Wichmann. 5. The ENP and Political Conditionality: Double Standard in EU Democracy Promotion?, by E. Baracani. 6. The Mediterranean Dimension of EU's Internal Security, by S. Wolff. PART III: REDRAWING LINES:. 7. The ENP and Security: Creating New Dividing Lines in Europe?, by R. Zaiotti. 8. Very Remote Control: Policing the Outer Perimeter of the Eastern Neighbourhood, by I. Gatev. 9. 'Values vs. Security'?: A Human Security Perspective on the ENP, by S. Leonard.

* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* korruption = corruption = korruptio
* organiserad brottslighet = organized criminality = järjestäytynyt rikollisuus
* narkotikahandel = drug trafficking = huumekauppa
* Europeiska säkerhets- och försvarspolitiken (EFSP) = European security and defence policy (ESDP) = Euroopan turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikka (ETPP)
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* olaglig invandring = illegal immigration = laiton maahanmuutto
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi

NOTE (GENERAL): Schengen agreement; TFEU; ToA; Treaty of Lisbon; TEU;


URL http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=310647

2. Eckes, Christina (ed.) : Crime within the area of freedom, security and justice, 2011


Crime within the area of freedom, security and justice : a European public order / Eckes, Christina (ed.) ; Konstadinides, Theodore, xiv, 312 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2011.

ISBN 978-1-107-00215-9


ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. Introduction, by Christina Eckes and Theodore Konstadinides. 1. EU criminal justice: beyond Lisbon, by Maria Fletcher. 2. The European Union policy against corruption in the light of recent international developments, by Patrycja Szarek Mason. 3. The EU's anti-money laundering agenda: built on risks?, by Ester Herlin-Karnell. 4. EU anti-money laundering regulation: multilevel cooperation of public and private actors, by Maria Bergström. 5. The legal framework of the European Union's counter-terrorist policies: full of good intentions?, by Christina Eckes. 6. Organised crime: developments and challenges for an enlarged European Union, by Massimo Fichera. 7. The Europeanization of extradition: how many light years away to mutual confidence?, by Theodore Konstadinides. 8. The European evidence warrant: mutual recognition and mutual (dis)trust?, by Cian Murphy. 9. Law and order and internal security provisions in the area of freedom, security and justice: before and after Lisbon, by Alicia Hinarejos. 10. The external dimension of EU's area of freedom, security and justice by Ramses A. Wessel, Luisa Marin and Claudio Matera.

* EU = EU = EU
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen
* medborgarskap = citizenship (EU) = kansalaisuus
* korruption = corruption = korruptio
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikosoikeus
* dataskydd = data protection = tietosuoja
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* utlämning = extradition = luovuttaminen
* Europeiska säkerhets- och försvarspolitiken (EFSP) = European security and defence policy (ESDP) = Euroopan turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikka (ETPP)
* Europol = Europol = Europol
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi

NOTE (GENERAL): Convention on the fight against corruption; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; Schengen agreement; TEU; Treaty of Lisbon; TFEU; UN convention against corruption; UN convention against terrorism;


URL http://www.cambridge.org/fi/academic/subjects/law/european-law/crime-within-area-freedom-security-and-justice-european-public-order?format=HB
