1. | Guggenheim, Malvina H. : The implementation of human rights by the UN Commission on the Status of Women, 1977 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The implementation of human rights by the UN Commission on the Status of Women : a brief comment / Guggenheim, Malvina H. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Texas international law journal : 12(2-3)., p. 239-249. - Austin : University of Texas, 1977. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
2. | Kirilova Eriksson, Maja (ed.) : Reproductive freedom, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Reproductive freedom : in the context of international human rights and humanitarian / Kirilova Eriksson, Maja (ed.) - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 60), xiii, 573 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2000. ISBN 90-411-1249-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I : Gender equality under international law:. 1. The significance of the topic. 2. Non-discrimination and gender equality - some conceptual deliberations. 3. The principle of non-discrimination on the basis of sex and gender equality - a candidate for Ius Cogens status. PART II : REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM - ITS CORE COMPONENT ELEMENTS :. 4. The current discourse. 5. Family planning in a wide perspective. 6. Legal abortion - an emerging human right in international law? PART III : GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE - A GRAVE VIOLATION OF THE NON-DISCRIMINATION PRINCIPLE AND A MAJOR OBSTACLE TO REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM:. 7. Violence against women as an international issue. 8. The Ad Hoc tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. PART IV: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS :. 9. Summary and concluding remarks - De lege lata and de lege ferenda. 4. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CEDAW; CRC; ICCPR; Arab charter of human and people's rights; AMR; ADRD; Beijing declaration and platform for action; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam; Charter of the rights and welfare of the African child; Charter on the rights of women in childbirth; CRC; ECHR; ICESCR; ECPT; Geneva conventions; Genocide convention; Hague convention; jakarta declaration for the advancement of women in Asia and the Pacific; UDHR; UN charter; Convention for the suppression of the traffic in persons and of the exploitation of the prostitutions of others; Declaration of minimum humanitarian standards; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Vienna declaration and programme of action; |
3. | Weissbrodt, David : The right to a fair trial under the universal declaration of human rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The right to a fair trial under the universal declaration of human rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights / Weissbrodt, David - (The universal declaration of human rights ; vol. 1), viii, 167 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2001. ISBN 90-411-1507-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. Travaux preparatoires of the fair trial provisions - articles 8 to 11 - of the universal declaration of human rights. 3. Travaux preparatoires of the fair trial provisions - articles 14 and 15 - of the international covenant on civil andpolitical rights. 4. Travaux preparatoires to article 4 of the international covenant on civil and political rights - non-derogable rights - and how they refer to the right to a fair trial. 5. Interpretations of fair trial norms by the Human Rights Committee : articles 14 and 15 of the international covenant on civil and political rights. 6. Concluding remarks. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICESCR; ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; Declaration of basic principles of justice for victims of crime and abuse of power; ECHR; Genocide convention; UDHR; |
4. | Larson, Elizabeth L. : United Nations fourth world conference on women, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial United Nations fourth world conference on women : action for equality, development and peace (Beijing, China: September 1995) / Larson, Elizabeth L. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Emory international law review : vol. 10; Fall 1996; no. 2., 18 p.. - Atlanta, Gerogia : Emory University School of Law, 1996. - ISSN 1052-2850 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; CRC; Beijing declaration and platform for action; Vienna declaration and programme of action; |
5. | Szasz, Paul (ed.) : Administrative and expert monitoring of international, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Administrative and expert monitoring of international / Szasz, Paul (ed.), xiii, 278 p.. - Ardsley, NY : Transnational publishers, 1999. ISBN 1-57105-039-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I : HUMAN RIGHTS: PART II : ENVIRONMENT. PART III : NUCLEAR SAFETY AND DISARMAMENT. PART IV : APPENDICES: INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Cambodia / El Salvador / Former Yugoslavia / Guatemala NOTE (GENERAL): CERD; ICESCR; CEDAW; CAR; CRC; ACHPR; ECPT; 1235 procedure; 1503 procedure; Vienna convention and the Montreal protocol; Biological weapons convention; Chem ical weapons convention; ICCPR; |
6. | Bijnsdorp, Mireille G. E. : The strenght of the optional protocol to the United Nations women's convention, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The strenght of the optional protocol to the United Nations women's convention / Bijnsdorp, Mireille G. E. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights (NQHR) : vol. 18; no. 3., p. 329-355. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2000. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
7. | Fitzpatrick, Joan F. (ed.) : Human rights protection for refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced persons, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights protection for refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced persons : a guide to international mechanisms and procedures / Fitzpatrick, Joan F. (ed.) - (Procedural aspects of interational law series), xxxi, 665 p.. - Ardsley, NY : Transnational publ., 2002. ISBN 1-57105-061-2 Oy LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: Chapter 1. THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF REFUGEES, ASYLUM-SEEKERS, AND INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS: A Basic Introduction—Joan Fitzpatrick 1. Introduction 2. Who Are Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, and Internally Displaced Persons? 3. Identifying Rights at Risk and Framing a Human Rights Claim 4. A Basic Primer on the Nature of International Human Rights Law and the Varied Functions of Enforcement Bodies 5. Conclusion Bibliography Chapter 2. PROTECTION UNDER THE COMPLAINT PROCEDURES OF THE UNITED NATIONS TREATY BODIES, by Anne Bayefsky, Stephanie Farrior, Karen Hanrahan, and Andrew Langham 1. Brief Overview of Individual Complaints under International Human Rights Treaties 2. Admissibility Criteria for Individual Complaints 3. Substantive Rights and Significant Jurisprudence 4. Additional Considerations 5. Strengths and Weaknesses of the UN Treaty Mechanisms for Individual Complaints 6. Other Advocacy Possibilities Bibliography Chapter 3. THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER-BASED MECHANISMS, by Camille Giffard and Meagan Hrle´: 1. Introduction 2. Setting the Context 3. How Do The Charter-Based Mechanisms Work and What Can You Achieve by Using Them? 4. What Mechanisms Are Available and How Can You Identify Which Ones May Apply in Your Case? 5. Once You Have Identified the Available Mechanisms, How Do You Go about Using Them? 6. How Effective Are the Mechanisms? 7. Other Advocacy Possibilities in the Context of the UN Charter Organs Bibliography CHAPTER 4: AFRICAN REGIONAL MECHANISMS THAT CAN BE UTILIZED ON BEHALF OF THE FORCIBLY DISABLED, by Chidi Anselm Odinkalu and Monette Zard. 1. Introduction 2. African Regional Mechanisms Resolution 3. Sub-Regional Mechanisms 4. Conclusion Bibliography CHPATER 5. EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS MECHANISMS, by Diane Atkinson-Sanford : 1. Introduction 2. Advocacy 3. ECHR Jurisprudence and Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, and IDPs 4. Other European Human Rights Mechanisms 5. Conclusion Bibliography CHAPTER 6 : THE INTER-AMERICAN MECHANISMS, by Beth Lyon and Soren Rottman. 1. The Major Bodies 2. Admissibility Criteria for Individual Complaints 3. Substantive Rights and Important Jurisprudence 4. Effectiveness of the Inter-American Mechanisms 5. Other Avenues for Advocacy 6. Specific Guidance for Advocates Bibliography Chapter 7. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNALS: : Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Who May Be Witnesses Before the Tribunals—Åsa Rydberg and Kelly Askin 1. Introduction 2. The Establishment of the Ad Hoc Tribunals 3. Investigation and Pre-Trial Stages 4. The Victims and Witnesses Section 5. Trial Phase 6. Post-Trial Phase 7. Restitution of Property and Victim Compensation 8. The International Criminal Court Bibliography CHAPTER 8: INTERNATIONALIZED LEGAL STRUCTURES AND THE PROTECTION OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS: —Marcus Cox and Christopher Harland 1. Introduction 2. Human Rights Issues in Population Displacement 3. Institutional Models for the Protection of IDPs 4. Assessing the Institutional Choices Bibliography Appendices Bibliography of International Instruments Index INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CEDAW; CERD; ECPT; DEDAW; ECHR; ICESCR; ACHPR; EU charter of fundamental rights; |
8. | Makkonen, Timo : Multiple, compound and intersectional discrimination, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Multiple, compound and intersectional discrimination : bringing the experience of the most marginalized to the fore / Makkonen, Timo, 65 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi University. Institute for Human Rights, 2002. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; CEDAW; GC-19-27 (CERD); Vienna declaration and programme of action; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: VIP/IMR:s rapporter |
9. | Smith, Rhona : Textbook on international human rights, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Textbook on international human rights / Smith, Rhona, xxxi, 361 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2003. ISBN 1-84174-301-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. Historical Background. 3. The United Nations. 4. The International Bill of Rights. 5. The United Nations' Organizational Structure. 6. Regional Systems. 7. Europe. 8. Organization of American States. 9. Organization of African Unity. 10. Realising/Enforcing Human Rights. 11. Substantive Rights. 12. Equality and Non-Discrimination. 13. Right to Life. 14. Freedom from Torture. 15. Right to Liberty of Person. 16. Equality Before the Law - Right to a Fair Trial. 17. Right to Self Determination. 18. Freedom of Expression. 19. Right to Work. 20. Minority Rights. 21. Right to Education and Human Rights Education. 22. Looking to the Future. INDEX WORDS:
10. | Freeman, Michael : Human rights, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights : an interdisciplinary approach / Freeman, Michael, ix, 201 p.. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2002. ISBN 0-7456-2356-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction : thinking about human rights. 2. Origins : the rise and fall of natural rights. 3. After 1945 : the new age of rights. 4. Theories of human rights. 5. The role of the social sciences. 6. Universality, diversity and difference : culture and human rights. 7. Idealism, realism and repression : the politics of human rights. 8. Development and globalization : economics and human rights. 9. Conclusion : human rights in the twenty-first century. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Virginia declaration of rights; UN charter; ICCPR; ICESCR; CEDAW; CERD; DEDAW; Declaration on the rights of man and the citizen; Declaration on the right to development; Declaration on the rights of minorities; Draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; |
11. | Rehman, Javaid : International human rights law, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International human rights law : a practical approach / Rehman, Javaid, xlii, 494 p.. - London : Longman, 2003. ISBN 0-582-43773-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW - THEORY AND PRACTICE: PART I: INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SYSTEM AND HUMAN RIGHTS: 1. International Law and Human Rights. 2. The United Nations System and the Modern Human Rights Regime (1945-). PART II: THE INTERNATIONAL BILL OF RIGHTS: 3. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 4. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 5. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. PART III: REGIONAL PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS : 6. European Human Rights - I. 7. European Human Rights - II. 8. The Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights. 9. African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. PART IV: GROUP RIGHTS : 10. Equality and Non-Discrimination. 11. The Rights of Minorities. 12. The Rights of "Peoples" and "Indigenous Peoples". 13. The Rights of Women. 14. Rights of the Child. PART V: CRIMES AGAINST THE DIGNITY OF MANKIND : 15. Torture as a Crime in International Law and the Rights of Torture Victims. 16. Terrorism as a Crime in International Law. Appendix I: Sources and Further Research in Human Rights Appendix II: Status of the Ratification of the Prinicpal International Human Rights Treaties Index INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Botswana / Canada / India / Pakistan / Israel / Namibia / United Kingdom / USA / Zimbabwe NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; ECHR: AMR; CAT; Covenant of League of Nations; Genocide convention; Geneva conventions; Refugee convention; CDE; ICESCR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Vienna convention on the succession of states in respect of treaties; CRC; Migrant workers convention; Convention on biological diversity; OAS charter; Revised ESC; The Addis protocol; OAU convention on the prevention and combating of terrorism; ToA; Declaration on the rights of the child; The Atlantic charter; UDHR; Standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners; DEDAW; Declaration on friendly relations; Rio declaration; Vienna declaration and programme of action on human rights; UN draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; Beijing declaration; EU charter of fundamental rights; CERD;
URL http://www.pearsoneduc.com/book.asp?prodID=100000000013934&d=LW&sd=LWIN&crs=BL9704 |
12. | Irmscher, Tobias H. : Die Behandlung privater Beschwerden über systematische und grosse Menschenrechtsverletzunggen in der UN-Menschenrechtskommission , 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Die Behandlung privater Beschwerden über systematische und grosse Menschenrechtsverletzunggen in der UN-Menschenrechtskommission : das 1503-Verfahren nach seiner Reform / Irmscher, Tobias H. - (Schriften zum Staats- und Völkerrecht ; Bd. 99), 703 p.. - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2002. ISBN 3-631-39444-6 ABSTRACT: Aus dem Inhalt: 1. Teil : Wesen und Tätigkeit der UN-Menschenrechtskommission. 2. Teil : Die Entwicklung des 1503-Verfahrens. 3. Teil : Das Verfahren in seinen Einzelaspekten. 4. Teil: Bezüge des 1503-Verfahrens zu weiteren Verfahren des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes - Die Rechtmäßigkeit des Verfahrens. 5. Teil : Einschätzung und Bewertung. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (THESIS): Dr.iur. (thesis), Univ. of Würzburg, [2001] NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; Resolution 1503; UN charter; CERD; CAT; CEDAW; ACHPR; AMR;
URL http://www.peterlang.ch/all/index.cfm?textfield=irmscher&vResult=true&vDom=3&vRub=1060 |
13. | Cohen, Roberta : Human rights protection for internally displaced persons, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights protection for internally displaced persons / Cohen, Roberta, 47 p.. : Refugee Policy Group - Center for Policy Analysis´and Research on Refugee Issues, 1991. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UDHR; ICESCR; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |
14. | Bringing rights to bear, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Bringing rights to bear : an analysis of the work of UN treaty monitoring bodies on reproductive and sexual rights /, 291 p.. - Toronto : The Center for Reproductive Rights and University of Toronto International Programme on Reproductive and Sexual Health Law, 2002. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Beijing declaration and platform of action; CERD; ICESCR; CAT; CEDAW; CRC; |
15. | Mertus, Julie A. : United Nations and human rights, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph United Nations and human rights : a guide for a new era / Mertus, Julie A. - ( Global institutions series), xvii, 223 p.. - London : Routledge, 2005. ISBN 0-415-34338-0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aghanistan / Albania / Algeria / Argentina / Australia / Austria / Burma / Burundi / Cambodia / Canada / Chechnya / China / Congo / Croatia / East Timor / El Salvador / Gaza / Germany / Ghana / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Guatemala / Guyana / Haiti / India / Indonesia / Iraq / Israel / Italy / Japan / Jordan / Kuwait / Latvia / Lebanon / Liberia / Libya / Mexico / Moldova / Mongolia / Namibia / Nepal / Netherlands / New Zealand / North Ireland / Palestine / Philippines / Poland / Portugal / Rhodesia / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Sierra Leone / Slovenia / Somalia / South Africa / USSR / Spain / Syria / Tajikistan / Tanzania / Uganda / United Kingdom / Uzbekistan / Yugoslavia NOTE (GENERAL): CAT; CEDAW; CERD; ICESCR; ICCPR; ICESCR; UDHR; |
16. | Gunner, Göran (red.) : Allas värde och lika rätt, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Allas värde och lika rätt : perspektiv på mänskliga rättigheter / Gunner, Göran (red.) ; Namli, Elena, 345 p.. - Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2005. ISBN 91-44-03769-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. Inledning. 1. Mänskliga rättigheter, av Göran Gunner. Mänskliga rättigheter – en internationell och nationell angelägenhet, 19 Politisk vilja och rättskällor, 21 Det universella regelverket, 22 Kontrollmekanismer, särskilda rapportörer och ombudsmän, 26 Regionala regelverket, 28 ILO och OSSE, 31 Andra aktörer, 32 Att läsa vidare. 2. Ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigheter, av Therese Björk. Rättigheternas karaktär, 36 Var rättigheterna regleras, 39 Rätten till arbete och rätten till social trygghet, 40 Rätten till en skälig levnadsstandard, 43 Rätten till hälsa, 47 Rätten till utbildning, 49 Rätten till kultur, 52 Utmaningar, 53 Att läsa vidare. 3. Medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter, av Karin Åhman. Närmare om rättigheterna, 57 Den nationella regleringen, 60 Den internationella regleringen, 65 Att läsa vidare. 4. Humanitär rätt, av Malin Greenhill. Historik – Henry Dunant, 71 Internationella rödakors- och rödahalvmånerörelsen och humanitär rätt, 72 Den humanitära rättens två ben, 74 Stridsmedel och stridsmetoder, 74 Sårade och sjuka, 77 Krigsfångar, 78 Civila, 80 Interna väpnade konflikter, 81 Barnsoldater, 82 Vem kontrollerar?, 83 Vem straffar?, 84 Utbildning och information, 86 Att läsa vidare. 5. Mänskliga rättigheter ur ett filosofiskt perspektiv, av Elena Namli. Förståelsen av människan som fri och rationell, 88 Upplysningen, förnuftet och politiken, 91 Kränkningar av människovärdet, 95 Negativa och positiva rättigheter, 97 Om rättigheter i konflikt, 101 Grund för mänskliga rättigheter, 105 Att läsa vidare. 6. Diskriminering, av Lotta Lerwall. Regler på olika nivåer, 109 Olika typer av diskrimineringsförbud, 111 Förbud mot diskriminering i svensk rätt, 114 Definitioner av diskriminering, 116 Den diskriminerande handlingen, 118 Diskrimineringsgrunder, 120 Orsakssamband, 122 Beviskrav, 123 Gränserna för diskriminering, 124 Sverige och Rasdiskrimineringskonventionen, 126 Att läsa vidare. 7. Barnets rättigheter, av Birgitta Rubenson. Barndom och vuxenblivande, 129 FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter, 131 Barnpolitik i Sverige, 138 Internationellt samarbete, 142 Viktiga temaområden, 144 Att läsa vidare. 8. Kvinnor och mänskliga rättigheter, av Diana Amnéus. Bakgrund och historisk överblick, 151 Kvinnors rättigheter – mänskliga rättigheter?, 153 Uppdelningen mellan offentligt och privat – ett hinder för kvinnors MR, 154 Mänskliga rättigheter – för alla människor? Problem med könsneutral lagstiftning, 155 FN:s konvention om avskaffande av all slags diskriminering av kvinnor (1979), 155 Kvinnokommittén, 158 Tilläggsprotokollet till kvinnokonventionen (1999), 159 Kvinnokonferensen i Peking (1995) och Peking +5 (2000), 159 Våld mot kvinnor – ett brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna?, 161 Att läsa vidare. 9. Yttrandefriheten, Thomas von Vegesack. Uppfattningar, 172 Upplysningar, 174 Upplevelser, 175 Yttrandefrihetens kanaler, 178 Yttranden som mänsklig rättighet, 184 Att läsa vidare. 10. Religions- och samvetsfrihet, Göran Gunner. Religionsfrihet i Sverige, 189 Den europeiska konventionen, 191 Förenta Nationerna och religionsfriheten, 194 Organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa, 203 Till frågan om definition av religion, 206 Att läsa vidare. 11. Ursprungsfolks och kulturella minoriteters rättigheter, av Christina Johnsson. Definitioner av begreppen minoritet och ursprungsfolk, 212 Mänskliga rättigheter för minoriteter och ursprungsfolk, 217 Minoriteters och ursprungsfolks rättigheter i folkrätten – allmänt, 219 Minoriteters och ursprungsfolks rättigheter i folkrätten – FN, 220 Minoriteters och ursprungsfolks rättigheter i folkrätten – Europarådet och OSSE, 225 Minoriteters och ursprungsfolks rättigheter i Sverige, 227 Var finns det bästa skyddet?, 230 Att läsa vidare. 12. Asyl- och flyktingrätt, av Anders Sundquist. Internationella överenskommelser och svensk rätt, 234 Flyktingkonventionen, 235 Rätten att söka skydd, 238 Migrationsverket och Utlänningsnämnden, 241 Problem eller brister vid myndigheternas handläggning, 243 Resursfrågan, 246 Att läsa vidare. 13. Den ”värdelösa” juridiken, av Percy Bratt och Fredrik Kron. Rättspositivismen, 252 Sambandet mellan rättigheter och demokrati, 255 Juridisk metod och utvecklingen av ett rättighetsskydd, 256 Utvecklingslinjer i Sverige och internationellt, 260 Att läsa vidare. 14. Teologi och mänskliga rättigheter, av Per Sundman. Begreppen rättighet och mänsklig rättighet, 268 Antropocentrism, 270 Den kristna gemenskapens etik, 272 Imago Dei – människan som Guds avbild, 275 Människovärde och mänsklig förmåga, 276 Människovärde som gåva, 279 Att läsa vidare. 15. Rättigheter i en postmodern värld, av Elena Namli. Ar rättigheterna en konstruktion?, 285 Konstruktivism och relativism, 288 Mångkulturalism och universella värden, 291 Den globala utmaningen, 295 I skuggan av 11 september, 299 Kommunikation utan konsensus, 301 Om gamla utopier och unga realister, 305 Att läsa vidare. 17. Folkmord, andra internationella brott och den internationella straffrätten, av Pål Wrange. Historisk tillbakablick, 309 Brotten, 311 Ansvaret för internationella brott mot folkrätten, 316 Beivrande av brotten, 318 Hur kan folkmord och andra internationella brott beivras och förhindras?, 320 Att läsa vidare, 324 Mänskliga rättigheter i utveckling – mer juridik och mindre politik, 327 Gudmundur Alfredsson Nationell implementering och utbildning i mänskliga rättigheter, 328 Övervakning av mänskliga rättigheter – en angelägenhet för folkrätten, 330 Konsolidering snarare än fortsatt vidlyftig utvidgning, 332 Kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter, 334 Universalitet, 335 Förstärkning av vissa internationella överenskommelser, 336 Mainstreaming, demokrati och god samhällsstyrning, 338 Frivilligorganisationer, 340 Att läsa vidare, 341 Förkortningar, 343 Pris: 258:- (6% moms) Artikelnr: 31913-01 ISBN: 9144037694 Upplaga: 1 Utgivningsår: 2005 Sidantal: 345 Beskrivning Författare Kontakta oss INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.studentlitteratur.se/o.o.i.s?id=1488&artnr=31913-01&csid=5035&mp=4918 |
17. | Kent, George : Freedom from want, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Freedom from want : the human right to adequate food / Kent, George ; foreword by Jean Ziegler, xvii, 271 p.. - Washington, DC : Georgetown U. P., 2005. ISBN 1-58901-056-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Part I. Foundations Chapter 1. Food and Nutrition:. Malnutrition. Causes of Malnutrition. Growth Measurement. Numbers of Malnourished People. Malnutrition and Mortality. Comparative Morality. Food and Nutrition Security. Varieties of Government Action. Chapter 2. The International Human Rights System:. Historical Foundations. International Humanitarian Law. The International Bill of Human Rights. Children's Rights. Regional Human Rights Agreements. Human Rights Agencies. United Nations Charter Bodies. United Nations Treaty Bodies. Civil Society Organizations. Informal Civil Society. Chapter 3. Adequate Food is a Human Right:. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. Food in International Human Rights Law. Food in International Humanitarian Law. Global Declarations and Commitments. General Comment 12. The Special Rapporteur. The Voluntary Guidelines. Part II. Human Rights Systems : Chapter 4. Human Rights, Governance, and Law. Human Rights and Governance. Studying Human Rights in National Governance. The Role of National Law. Universal Human Rights and the Role of International Law. Chapter 5. Rights/Entitlements:. Definition. Moral versus Legal Rights. Soft versus Hard Rights. Rights as Goals. Rights Imply Entitlements. Determining Local Entitlements. Having versus Realizing Rights. Chapter 6. Obligations and Commitments:. Moral Responsibilities. When Do Governments Do Human Rights Work?. Levels of Government Obligation. Economic Rights. The Obligation of Good Governance. Obligations of Nonstate Actors. Questionable Charity. Chapter 7. Accountability Mechanisms:. Varieties of Accountability. Justiciability. Remedies for Rights Holders. National and Local Human Rights Agencies. Accountability through Public Action. Chapter 8. India:. The Supreme Court Case. Starvation is Not the Problem. The Missing Piece in India's Rights System. The Tamil Nadu Integrated Nutrition Project. Chapter 9. Brazil :. Chapter 10. The United States:. Chapter 11. Feeding Infants:. Breast-Feeding Rights. Infants' Human Right to Adequate Food. Principles. Women's Right to Breast-Feed versus Infants' Right to be Breast-Fed. Chapter 12. Feeding Infants of HIV-Positive Mothers:. Official Guidance on HIV/AIDS and Infant Feeding. Issues. A Court Case. Informed Choice. Principles. Chapter 13. Water :. The Household Water Problem. Water Rights are Different. General Comment 15. Chapter 14. Trade:. Issues. The Human Right to Adequate Food in Relation to Trade. Reconciling Different Frameworks. Food Sovereignty. Chapter 15. Refugees:. Issues in Refugee Nutrition. Explanations and Justifications for Uneven Services. The Human Right to Adequate Food. The Adequacy Question. Specifying the Obligations. Limiting the Obligations. The Work Ahead. Chapter 16. International Humanitarian Assistance:. Issues. Rights to Assistance. The Provider's Motivation. Implementation. Chapter 17. Global Human Rights Global Rights and Global Obligations. Global Accountability. Strategic Planning. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; Refugee convention; CAT; Genocide convention; CRC; Protocol relating to the status of refugees; ECHR; GC-12-14-15(ICESCR); Geneva conventions; Limburg principles; Declaration on the rights to peace; Declaration onthe right to development; Declaration onthe rights of indigenous peoples; UN charter; UDHR; Vienna declaration and programme of action;
URL http://press.georgetown.edu/detail.html?session=291205f760b2014d4652b077ae9f0c61&cat=1&id=1589010566 |