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Reactions of coating components in the dispersion

Date: 1.10.1997-31.12.2000
Code: 17803
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Chemical Engineering (KTF), Laboratory of Paper Chemistry
Address: Porthansgatan 3, FIN-20500 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 859
Fax +358-2-2516 757
E-mail kbackfol@abo.fi
Project leader: TkD Dan Eklund, professor (1.10.1997-31.12.2000)
Researchers: DI Kaj Backfolk (1.10.1997-31.12.2000)
Type of research: 0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 100 %
Man months: Totally: 30 months
Keywords: dispersioner, adsorption, dispersiot, adsorptio, bindemedel, polymer, latex, pigment, adsorption, växelverkan, mikrokalorimeter, entalpi, adsorptionsisoterm, binder, latex, pigment, polymer, adsorption, interaction, microcalorimeter, enthalpy, adsorption isotherm,

The reaction of coating components in the dispersion determines its flow properties, water retention and immobilization.The first step in this work is to evaluate if an adsorption of binders on pigments occurs.After determined the adsorption isotherms, the heat of interaction will be measured by microcalorimetry.In this work both non-dispersed and dispersed kaolin and calcium carbonate pigment will be used.The binder will be different callulose derivates and latexes.The Microcalorimeter will be an important instrument to investigate the interactions, but also other instrument like UV-VIS, Ellipsometry, Raman and the Rheometer will be necessary.


21.2.1996 / 10.3.1998