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Development of the fish disease prophylaxis and -therapy in fish farms in the Archipelago Sea (Fiskvaccinering)

Date: 1.7.1995-31.12.1997
Code: 6612
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), The Institute of Parasitology
Address: BioCity, Artillerigatan 6, FIN-20520 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 301
Fax +358-2-2154 748
E-mail gbylund@abo.fi
Project leader: FD Göran Bylund, Föreståndare, forskare (1.7.1995-31.12.1997)
Researchers: FK Lars-Gustav Lönnström (1.7.1995-)
Type of research: 0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 20 %
- applied research 80 %
Man months: Totally: 36 months
Partners: Vilt- och fiskeriforskningsinstitutet Veterinär- och livsmedelsverket
Contacts: Ansluter sig nära till projektet Immunomodulation in rainbow trout
Keywords: djursjukdomar: fisk, profylax, vaccin, eläintaudit: kalat, ennaltaehkäisy, rokotus, Fiskvacciner, fisksjukdomsprofylaxi, antibiotika, fish vaccines, disease prophylaxis, antimicrobials,

The economic outcome from our fish farming industry is today drastically reduced due to infectious fish diseases.There are, however, today possibilities, through effecient disease prophylaxis, to reduce the losses due to fish diseases.One aim of the project work is to test modern, oil-based fish vaccines and to work out vaccination strategies adapted to our conditions.Another aim is to test and to introduce into our fish farming industry antimicrobial drugs more effecient and with less implications for the aquatic environment then those we are using.


15.2.1996 / 19.2.1996