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Ash Behavior Predictor for Biomass Combustion in Fluidised Bed Boilers (LIEKKI 2-325)

Date: 1.1.1997-30.6.1998
Code: 17723
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Chemical Engineering (KTF), Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU
Address: Lemminkäinengatan 14 - 18 B, FIN-20510 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 648
Fax +358-2-2154 780
E-mail bjskrifv@abo.fi
Project leader: TkD Mikko Hupa, professor (1.1.1997-30.6.1998)
TkD Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, (1.1.1997-30.6.1998)
Researchers: TkD Rainer Backman (1.1.1997-30.6.1998)
Type of research: 1 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- developmental work 100 %
Man months: Totally: 72 months
Partners: Foster Wheeler Energia Oy, Helsingfors, Finland
Keywords: förbränningsteknik, avfallsgaser, rökgaser, utsläpp, polttotekniikka, jätekaasut, savukaasut, päästöt, förbränning, förgasning, forskningsprogram, combustion, gasification, research programme,

This project aims at developing a predictor for ash behavior for biomass combustion in fluidised bed combustion conditions.The predictor would estimate the chemical composition, thermal properties, fouling tendency and sintering tendency of the ash.The ultimate goal is to be able to predict potential problems due to flue gas heat exchanger fouling and bed agglomeration in fluidised bed boilers, using advanced fuel analysis and a few boiler operating parameters as input data.


1.10.1996 / 17.6.1998