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The calibration of scanning probe microscopes (Kalibrering av SPM)

Date: 1.2.1997-31.1.2000
Code: 7670
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), Dept. of Physical Chemistry
Address: Porthansgatan 3-5, FIN-20500 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 252
Fax +358-2-2154 706
E-mail jpeltone@abo.fi
Project leader: FD Jouko Peltonen, docent (1.2.1997-31.1.2000)
Type of research: 2 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 70 %
- applied research 30 %
Foreign funding organizations: The European Community (Standards, Measurements and Testing) ECU 15000
Man months: Totally: 12 months
Partners: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt [PTB], Braunschweig, Germany Danish Institute of Fundamental Metrology [DFM], Lyngby, Denmark CNR-Instituto di Metrologia, Torino, Italy National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, United Kingdom Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Carl Zeiss Jena Gmbh, Jena, Germany Fries Research Technology Gmbh, Bergish Gladbach, Germany Microscopy and Nanotechnology [MiNT], Munich, Germany Danish Micro Engineering A/S, Herlev, Denmark Nanosearch Membrane Gmbh,Wien, Austria Bundesanstalt fyr Materialforschung und -Pryfung, Berlin, Germany
Keywords: fibrer, ytkemi, kuidut, pintakemia, kalibrering, svep probe mikroskop, scanning probe mikroskop, calibration, scanning probe microscopes,

The network aims at bringing together working groups which are primarily interested in the metrological use of Scanning Probe Microscopes [SPM] to establish traceability and to develop calibration methods, and users and manufacturers to investigate these methods in practice.The network is planned to strengthen the European position in micro- and nanotechnology in application and hopefully also in production.Industrial users are included to ensure that the practical aspects of the work will remain in the scope.The role of our group at Åbo Akademi University is to supply samples to be tested with novel calibration algorithms and standards developed by the other partners.


21.3.1996 / 11.3.1998