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No 17 / 21

Single Particle Studies of Black Liquor Gasification under Pressurised Conditions (LIEKKI 2-514)

Date: 1.1.1996-31.12.1997
Code: 17649
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Chemical Engineering (KTF), Combustion Chemistry Research Group of ÅAU
Address: Lemminkäinengatan 14 - 18 B, FIN-20510 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 432
Fax +358-2-2154 780
E-mail pek@abo.fi
Project leader: TkD Mikko Hupa, professor (1.1.1996-31.12.1997)
, (-)
TkD Rainer Backman, (1.1.1996-31.12.1997)
MSc Kevin Whitty, (1.1.1996-31.12.1997)
Researchers: DI Mika Kullberg (1.1.1996-31.12.1997)
FM Paul Ek (1.1.1996-31.12.1997)
FM Stig-Göran Huldén (1.1.1996-31.12.1997)
Type of research: 1 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- developmental work 100 %
Man months: Totally: 168 months
Partners: Institute of Chemical Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Keywords: förbränningsteknik, avfallsgaser, rökgaser, utsläpp, polttotekniikka, jätekaasut, savukaasut, päästöt, förbränning, förgasning, forskningsprogram, combustion, gasification, research programme,

The purpose of this project is to provide experimental data relevant to pressurised black liquor gasification concepts.The reactivity of single black liquor droplets during simultaneous pyrolysis and gasification under pressure will be investigated.Data on swelling, char yields, and composition release during pressurised pyrolysis of single particles is also obtained.


1.10.1996 / 18.6.1998