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Biblio: the search term namn=('Virtanen, Harry') results in 10 hits

1. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Combining and incrementing fuzzy evidence : heuristic and formal approaches to fuzzy logic programming / H. Virtanen.
- In: IFSA'91 : mathematics / eds. R. Lowen, M. Roubens : IFSA, 1991, s. 200-203.

2. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  DIAGAID : a connectionists approach to determine the informations valve of clinical data / J. Forsström...et al.
- In: Artificial intelligence in medicine, ISSN 0933-3657, 3 (1991) s. 193-201.

3. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Fuzziness in logic programming / H. E. Virtanen.
- In: Fuzziness in Finland '94 : FiF'94 / Markku Hurme...[et al.]. - Espoo : Helsinki University of Technology. Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, 1994, s. 106-110. - (Tehdassuunnittelun raporttisarja, ISSN 0358-0776 ; report nr. 21).
ISBN 951-22-2036-9
4. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Fuzzy unification / Harry E. Virtanen.
- In: Cinquieme conference internationale = Fifth international conference, IPMU : traitment d'information et gestion d'incertitudes dans les systemes a base de connaissances = information processing and management of uncertainty in knowledge-based systems, Paris, 4-8 Juillet 1984 = Paris, July 4-8, 1994 : actes = proceedings : volume II. - Paris : Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 1994, s. 1147-1152.
ISBN 2-905433-26-4
5. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  On the fuzzy logic nature of neural nets / P. Eklund, H. Virtanen, T. Rissanen.
- In: Neuro-Nimes'91 : fourth international conference, Neural Networks & Their Applications : proceedings & exhibition catalog : Nimes France, Novembre 4-8, 1991. - Nanterre Cedex : EC2, 1991, s. 293-300.
ISBN 2-906899-67-4
6. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  On the making of a fyzzy system development environment : ideas and proposals / Harry Virtanen.
- In: MEPP '92 : international seminar n fuzzy control through neural interpretations of fuzzy sets : Mariehamn, Åland, June 15-19, 1992 / /ed. by/ Patrick Eklund. - Åbp : Åbo akademi, 1992, s. 66-81. - (Reports on computer science & mathematics, ISSN 0358-3392 ; no 14).
ISBN 951-650-173-7
7. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  A study in fuzzy logic programming / H. E. Virtanen.
- In: Cybernetics and systems '94 : proceedings of the Twelfth European Meeting on Cybernetics and System Research / organised by the Austrian Society of Cyberetics Studies, held at the University of Vienna, Austria, 5-6, April 1994 ; edited by Robert Trappl. - Singapore : World Scientific, 1994, s. 249-256.
ISBN 981-02-1761-7
8. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  A study in fuzzy Petri nets and the relationship to fuzzy logic programming / H. Virtanen. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1995. - 30 s. : diagr., ill. - (Reports on computer science & mathematics. Ser. A / Åbo Akademi, ISSN 1235-7502 ; no. 162). Abstract.
ISBN 951-650-617-8
9. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Linguistic logic programming / H. Virtanen. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996. - 23 s. - (Reports on computer science & mathematics. Ser. A / Åbo Akademi, ISSN 1235-7502 ; no. 176). Abstract. - Utvidgad version av "Lukasievicz logic programming based on fuzzy equality". Se: EUFIT'96.
ISBN 951-650-771-9
10. Virtanen, Harry / Institutionen för informationsbehandling
  Lukasiewicz logic programming based on fuzzy equality / Harry E. Virtanen.
- In: EUFIT'96 : fourth European congress on intelligent techniques and soft computing, Aachen, Germany, September 2 - 5, 1996 : proceedings : vol. 1 / hrsg. von Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann. - Aachen : Mainz, 1996, s. 646-650.
ISBN 3-89653-187-5