1. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
The category of ordered Cauchy spaces in Cartesian closed / D.C. Kent.
- In: General topology and its relation to modern analysis and algebra VI : proceedings of the sixth Prague topological symposium 1986 / ed. Z. Frolik. - Berlin : Helderman, 1988, s. 331-336. - (Research and exposition in mathematics ; Vol. 16). ISBN 3-88538-216-4 |
2. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
A maximal chain approach to topology and order / Reino Vainio.
- In: International journal of mathematics and mathematical science, ISSN 0161-1712, 11 (1988) 3, s. 456-472. |
3. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
Ordered Cauchy and convergence spaces / D.C. Kent.
- In: Rendiconti circolo matematico di Palermo : supplemento : ser. II, ISSN 0009-725X, (1988) 18, s. 83-95. |
4. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
A completion functor for ordered Cauchy spaces / D. C. Kent, Reino Vainio.
- In: Matemathische Nachrichten, ISSN 0025-584X, 141 (1989) s. 45-53. |
5. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
Order-theoretical connectivity / T. A. Richmond, R. Vainio.
- In: International journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, ISSN 0161-1712, 13 (1990) s. 717-720. |
6. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
Connectivity in lattice-ordered spaces / M. Erne, R. Vainio.
- In: Mathematische Nachrichten, ISSN 0025-584X, 147 (1990) s. 13-28. |
7. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
On the ordered function space C/c/(S, P) / Reino Vainio.
- In: Seventh Prague topological symposium, August 19 to 23, 1991 : abstracts. - Praha, 1991, s. 108. |
8. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
Connectedness in function spaces / R. Vainio.
- In: Eighth summer conference on general topology & applications : abstracts & schedule. - Flushing N.Y. : Queens College, 1992, s. 45. |
9. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
Maximal chains in function spaces / R. Vainio.
- In: Papers on general topology and applications : sixth summer conference at Long Island University / ed. by Susan Andima... et al. - New York, N.Y. : New York Academy of Science, 1992, s. 188-193. - (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; v. 659). |
10. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
New result on connectedness / Reino Vainio.
- In: Tenth summer conference on General Topology and Applications : Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 94, August 15-18 / [the organizing committee]: J. M. Aarts...[et al.]. - Amsterdam, 1994, s. 163. |
11. | Vainio, Reino / Matematiska institutionen |
A note on connectedness in cartesian closed categories / Reino Vainio.
- In: International journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, ISSN 0161-1712, Vol 20 (1997) no 1, s. 101-104. |