1. | Sundell, Mats / Institutionen för teknisk polymerkemi |
Polymer supports with high accessibility / Mats J. Sundell, Kenneth B. Ekman
and Jan H. Näsman.
- In: Nordiske polymerdagar = Nordic polymer days, 1992, Trondheim, Norway, June 22-24 : programme and abstracts : Norwegian Chemical Society, 1992, s. P18. |
2. | Sundell, Mats / Institutionen för teknisk polymerkemi |
Synthesis of porous polysterene with bis(phosphonic acid) functionalized
surfaces / Mats Sundell...et al.
- In: Polymer preprints, ISSN 0032-3934, 33 (1992) 1, s. 992. |
3. | Sundell, Mats / Institutionen för teknisk polymerkemi |
Polymer supports for catalyst and reagents / by Mats Johan Sundell. - Åbo : Åbo
Akademi, 1994. - Var. pag : ill., diagr., tab.
ISBN 951-650-440-X |
4. | Sundell, Mats / Institutionen för teknisk polymerkemi |
Process for a macroporous styrene polymer : /patent/ / Jan-Anders H.
Näsman...[et al.]. - USA, 1994.
Us, C08F 30/02, 5.300,604, 05.04.1994.
5. | Sundell, Mats / Institutionen för teknisk polymerkemi |
Process for the preparation of a graft copolymer bound catalyst : /patent/ /
Jan H. Näsman, Mats J. Sundell, Kenneth B. Ekman. - USA, 1994.
Us, C08F 255/02, 5.326,825, 05.07.1994.
6. | Sundell, Mats / Institutionen för teknisk polymerkemi |
Preparation of poly[ethylene-g-(vinylbenzyl chloride)] and functionalization
with bis(phosphonic acid) derivates / Mats J. Sundell ... [et al.].
- In: Reactive polymers, ISSN 0923-1137, 25 (1995) s. 1-16. |