1. | Rynning, Marjo-Riitta / Företagsekonomiska institutionen |
An empirical illustration of an alternative approach to measuring the market
power and high profits hypothesis / Otto Andersen, Marjo-Riitta Rynning.
- In: International journal of industrial organization, ISSN 0167-7187, 9 (1991) s. 239-249. |
2. | Rynning, Marjo-Riitta / Företagsekonomiska institutionen |
Typiske konsulentoppdrag og vellykkete konsulentoppdrag : konsulenters og
klienters synspunkter / Marjo-Riitta Rynning. - Bergen : Norges
handelshöjhskole, 1991.
- (SNF-rapport/Stiftelsen for samfunns- og naeringslivsforskning. Norges
handelshöyskole ; 1991, 21).
3. | Rynning, Marjo-Riitta / Företagsekonomiska institutionen |
The capabilities, co-operation, and diversification connection / Marjo-Riitta
Rynning and Otto Andersen.
- In: Marketing for Europe - marketing for future : proceedings of the 21st annual conference of the European Marketing Academy, Aarhus, Denmark, May 26-29, 1992 / ed. by Klaus G. Grunert and Dorthe Fuglede. - Aarhus : The Aarhus School of Business, 1992, ISBN 87-89695-07-0 |
4. | Rynning, Marjo-Riitta / Företagsekonomiska institutionen |
Succesful consulting with small and medium-sized vs. large clients : meeting
the needs of the client / Marjo-Riitta Rynning.
- In: International small business journal, ISSN 0266-2426, vol. 11 (1992) 1, s. 47-60. |