1. | Lipsanen, Mikko / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
Polyneuropatioiden diagnostointi ja etiologian selvittäminen / Päivi Halonen,
Björn Falck, Mikko Lipsanen.
- In: Suomen lääkärilehti = Finlands läkartidning, ISSN 0039-5560, 47 (1993) 25, s. 2313-2320. |
2. | Lipsanen, Mikko / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
A prototype decision support system for diagnosing poluneuropathies / Mikko
Lipsanen...et al.
- In: Artifial intelligence in medicine Europe : proceedings of the 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe, 3-6 October 1993, Munich, Germany / ed. by S. Andreassen, R. Engelbrecht, J. Wyatt. - Amsterdam : IOS Press, 1993, s. 99-109. - (Studies in health technology and informatics, ISSN 0926-9630 ; no 10). ISBN 90-5199-141-X |