1. | Lindström, Tom / Institutionen för papperskemi |
Adsorption of cationic starch onto CaCo/3/ filler / F. Hedborg and T. Lindström
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, 8 (1993) 3, s. 319-325. |
2. | Lindström, Tom / Institutionen för papperskemi |
Adsorption of cationic starch onto bleached softwood cellulosic fibres / F.
Hedborg and T. Lindström.
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, 8 (1993) 2, s. 258-263. |
3. | Lindström, Tom / Institutionen för papperskemi |
Alkaline rosin sizing using microparticulate aluminium-based retention aid
systems in a fine paper stock containing CaCO/3/ / F. Hedborg and T. Lindström.
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, 8 (1993) 3, s. 331-336. |
4. | Lindström, Tom / Institutionen för papperskemi |
A device for measuring fiber floc sizes in highly turbulent fiber suspensions /
L. Beghello...[et al.].
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, 11 (1996) 4, s. 249-253. |
5. | Lindström, Tom / Institutionen för papperskemi |
A device for measuring fiber floc sizes in highly turbulent fiber suspensions /
L. Beghello ... [et al.].
- In: 1995 International Paper Physics Conference : September 11-14, 1995 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON / International Paper Physics Conference. - [Montreal] : CPPA, 1995, s. 71-76. ISBN 1-895288-87-8 |
6. | Lindström, Tom / Institutionen för papperskemi |
- In: Elementi di chimica cartaria / L. Beghello, D. Eklund, T. Lindström. - Milan : Aticelca, 1994, |