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Biblio: the search term namn=('Lindman, Ralf') results in 26 hits

1. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Bullies and victims at school / R. Lindman, Y. Nenonen & D. Schalin.
- In: Aggression in children / ed. by Lea Pulkkinen, J. Martin Ramirez. - Sevilla : Univ. de Sevilla, 1988, s. 63-69.
ISBN 84-7405-434-6
UDC 159.942:159.922.7
2. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Sex and dominance : mood and socioemotional behavior in small groups / B. Lindfors...et al.
- In: International Society for Research on Aggression, 5th European conference, Szombathely, Hungary, June 25-30. 1989 : abstract. - Budapest : Hungarian academy of science. Institute for psychology, 1989, s. 77.

3. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Representations of dimensional models of similarity / H. Eisler & R. Lindman.
- In: Representations of dimensional models of similarity : selected papers of the Cenetennial Symposium in honour of Gustav Theodor Fechner / H.-G. Geissler (ed.). - Toronto : Hogrefe & Huber, 1990, s. 165-171.

4. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Mood as a determinant of drinking / Ralf Lindman.
- In: Alcoholism and other dependencies : World Psychiatric Association, Regional symposium proceedings, Warsaw, Poland 22-25 November 1987 / eds.: Andrzej Piotrowski, Stefan Leder, Barbara Gawronska. - Warsaw : Polish Psychiatric Association, 1989, s. 93-95.

5. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Serum testosterone, cortisol, glucose, and ethanol in males arrested for family violence / Ralf Lindman...et al.
- In: Pharmacology and toxicology, ISSN 0901-9922, 67 (1990) Suppl. 1, s. P1. XX Annual Nordic Meeting on Biological Alchohol Research. - Även i: Alchoholism 14(1990)2, s. 311 (5th Congress of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Aggression, June 19-25, 1990, Toronto, Canada).

6. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Alcohol and dyadic interactions of high dominant and low dominant women / Ralf Lindman...et al.
- In: Kön, rus och disciplin : en nordisk antologi / red. Margaretha Järvinen & Pia Rosenqvist. - Hfors : Nordiska nämnden för alkohol- och drogforskning (NAD), 1991, s. 226. - (NAD-publikation, ISSN 0358-7024 ; nr 20).
ISBN 951-47-5326-7
7. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Department of Psychology, Åbo Akademi University / Pekka Niemi.../et al./.
- In: Psychology at the Finnish universities 1980-1990 / ed. board: Klaus Helkama.../et al./. - Hki : The Finnish Psychological Society, 1991, s. 121-129 . - (Acta psychologica Fennica, ISSN 0515-3115 ; 12).

8. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Alcohol and female disinhibition / Ralf Lindman.
- In: Of mice and women : aspect of female aggression / ed. by Kaj Björkqvist, Pirkko Niemelä. - San Diego : Academic Press, 1992, s. 241-250.
ISBN 0-12-102590-X
9. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Serum testosterone, cortisol, glucose, and ethanol in males arrested for spouse abuse / Ralf Lindman...et al.
- In: Agressive behaviour, ISSN 0096-140X, 18 (1992) 6, s. 343-400.

10. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Stress as a determinant of spouse abuse : hormonal indications / R. Lindman...et al.
- In: From conflict to cooperation : multidisciplinary studies on aggression in animals and humans, September 6-11, 1992 : X world meeting if ISRA, International Society for Research on Aggression, September 6-11, 1992. - Siena : Istitutio di Fisilogia Umana, 1992, s. 78.

11. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Alchohol and intimacy in cross-sex social interactions / B. Lindfors...et al.
- In: European views in psychology : keynote lectures / III European Congress of Psychology, July 4-9, 1993, Tampere, Finland ; edited by Matti Vartiainen. - Helsinki : , 1993, s. 74. - (Acta psychologica).

12. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Effects of alcohol on socioemotional interactions in high dominant and low dominant men and women / R. Lindman...et al.
- In: European views in psychology : keynote lectures / III European Congress of Psychology, July 4-9, 1993, Tampere, Finland ; edited by Matti Vartiainen. - Helsinki : , 1993, s. 73. - (Acta psychologica).

13. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Multidimensional scaling of cross-cultural beliefs related to drinking / R. Lindman...et al.
- In: European views in psychology : keynote lectures / III European Congress of Psychology, July 4-9, 1993, Tampere, Finland ; edited by Matti Vartiainen. - Helsinki : , 1993, s. 73. - (Acta psychologica).

14. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Alchohol-mediated testosterone elevation in women / C. J. P. Eriksson, T. Fukunaga and R. Lindman.
- In: Nature, ISSN 0028-0836, 369 (1994) s. 711.

15. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Alcohol-mediated testosterone elevation implying increased sexual urge in women / C. J. P. Eriksson, T. Fukunaga and R. Lindman.
- In: Alcoholism : clinical and experimental research, ISSN 0145-6008, 18 (1994) s. 9.20. Seventeenth Congress of the International Society for Biomedical research on Alcohol, Gold Coast, Qeensland, Australian.

16. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Alkoholi ja seksualisuus : disinhibitiota, aktivaatiota, vai likinäköistä konfliktien ratkaisua? / Ralf Lindman.
- In: Psykologia, ISSN 0355-1067, 29 (1994) s. 94-99.

17. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Hormonal covariates of socioemotional communication as a function of assertiveness, gender and alcohol / R. Lindman...[et al.].
- In: Alcoholism : clinical and experimental research, ISSN 0145-6008, 18 (1994) s. 9:12. Seventeenth Congress of the International Society for Biomedical research on Alcohol.

18. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Hormonal covariates of socioemotional communication in assertive and nonassertive men and women affected by a low alcohol dose / R. E. Lindman...[et al.].
- In: Pharmacology and toxicology, ISSN 0901-9928, 74 (1994) suppl. 1,

19. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  The alcohol-aggression stereotype : a cross-cultural comparison of beliefs / R. Lindman & A. R. Lang.
- In: International journal of the addictions, ISSN 0020-773X, 29 (1994) 1, s. 1-13.

20. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Confirmatory factor analysis of the AEQ-A in Finland / S. Rönnback, N. Ahllund, R. Lindman.
- In: Elämän hallinta : ohjelma ja abstraktit / Psykologia 96, Turku 28.-30.8. ; [toimitus: Marja-Leena Porsanger ja Katja Arola]. - [Turku] : [Turun yliopisto, täydennyskoulutuskeskus], 1996, s. 365. Poster-abstrakt P71.
ISBN 951-29-0780-1
21. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Early determinants of spouse abuse / B. von der Pahlen ... [et al.].
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, (1997) 23, s. 239-243. Även som abstrakt i: Elämän hallinta : ohjelma ja abstraktit / Psykologia 96, Turku 28.-30.8. ; [toimitus: Marja-Leena Porsanger ja Katja Arola]. - [Turku] : [Turun yliopisto, täydennyskoulutuskeskus], 1996, s. 105. Abstrakt O49 (S13). ISBN 951-29-0780-1. Även presenterat som poster vid: Human and animal aggression : sociocognitive and neurobiological determinants = Les déterminants socio-cognitifs et neurobiologiques de l'agression et de la violence : Internatonal Society for Research on Aggression : XII World Meeting : 25-30 August 1996, Strasbourg, France. - [Strasbourg], [1996], s. 110.

22. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Effects of drinking on anger and sexual arousal in women / R. Lindman, B. Koskelainen, C. J. P. Eriksson.
- In: Human and animal aggression : sociocognitive and neurobiological determinants = Les déterminants socio-cognitifs et neurobiologiques de l'agression et de la violence : International Society for Research on Aggression : XII World Meeting : 25-30 August 1996, Strasbourg, France : program. - [Strasbourg] : [International Society for Research on Aggression], [1996], s. 103. Abstract.

23. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Effects of drinking on sexual arousal and affect in women / R. E. Lindman, B. M. Koskelainen & C. J. P. Eriksson.
- In: BAR 1996 : XXIV Annual Nordic Meeting on Biological Alcohol Research : May 1996, Imatra, Finland / Nordic Meeting on Biological Alcohol Research. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996, s. Abstract 28. Vol. 31 no. 3 1996.

24. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Effects of drinking on sexual arousal and affect in women / R. Lindman, B. Koskelainen, C. J. P. Eriksson.
- In: Elämän hallinta : ohjelma ja abstraktit / Psykologia 96, Turku 28.-30.8. ; [toimitus: Marja-Leena Porsanger ja Katja Arola]. - [Turku] : [Turun yliopisto, täydennyskoulutuskeskus], 1996, s. 337. Poster-abstrakt P43.
ISBN 951-29-0780-1
25. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Trait hostility, cortisol and testosterone in violent and nonviolent men during temporary alcohol abstinence / R. E. Lindman, A. S. Aromäki & C. J. P. Eriksson .
- In: BAR 1996 : XXIV Annual Nordic Meeting on Biological Alcohol Research : May 1996, Imatra, Finland / Nordic Meeting on Biological Alcohol Research. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996, s. Abstract 27. Vol. 31 no. 3 1996.

26. Lindman, Ralf / Psykologiska institutionen
  Trait hostility, cortisol and testosterone in violent and nonviolent men during temporary alcohol abstinence / R. Lindman, A. Aromäki, C. J. P. Eriksson.
- In: Human and animal aggression : sociocognitive and neurobiological determinants = Les déterminants socio-cognitifs et neurobiologiques de l'agression et de la violence : International Society for Research on Aggression : XII World Meeting : 25-30 August 1996, Strasbourg, France : program. - [Strasbourg] : [International Society for Research on Aggression], [1996], s. 104. Även som poster-abstrakt i: Elämän hallinta : ohjelma ja abstraktit / Psykologia 96, Turku 28.-30.8. ; [toimitus: Marja-Leena Porsanger ja Katja Arola]. - [Turku], 1996, s. 338. Abstrakt-poster P44. Abstract.