1. | Lindfors, Tom / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Single-piece all-solid-state ion-selective electrode / Johan Bobacka ... [et
- In: Analytical chemistry, ISSN 0003-2700, 67 (1995) s. 3819-3823. |
2. | Lindfors, Tom / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
An impedance spectroscopic study on single-piece all-solid-state
calcium-selective electrode based on polyaniline / T. Lindfors...[et al.].
- In: Analyst, ISSN 0003-2654, 121 (1996) s. 1823-1827. Även i: Yearbook 1996 / Graduate School of Materials Research. Åbo, 1997, s. 114-121. |
3. | Lindfors, Tom / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
A jet ring cell with a renewable solid support for amperometric detection of
glucose in a sequential injection analysis system / Tom Lindfors, Ilkka
Lähdesmäki and Ari Ivaska.
- In: Analytical letters, ISSN 0003-2719, 29 (1996) 13, s. 2257-2267. Även i: Sammanfattningar = Abstracts / Analysdagarna den 10-13 juni 1996 Stockholm ; Stockholms universitet, Svenska kemistsamfundet. - Stockholm : Univ. , 1996, s. 110. |
4. | Lindfors, Tom / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Calcium single-piece all-solid-state ion-selective electrode : part I : the
influence of the molar ratio of protonic acid to polyaniline on the electrode
performance / Tom Lindfors ... [et al.].
- In: ESEAC '96 : 6th. European Conference on ElectroAnalysis, University of Durham, England 25-29 March 1996 : conference abstracts booklet / European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry. - Durham : Royal Society of Chemistry Electroanalytical Group in conjunction with Fine Chemicals and Medicinals Group , 1996, s. [abstract B26]. |
5. | Lindfors, Tom / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Calcium single-piece all-solid-state ion-selective electrode : part II :
protonation of polyaniline at a higher temperature with DiOHP and DBSA as
protonic acids / Tom Lindfors ... [et al.].
- In: ESEAC '96 : 6th. European Conference on ElectroAnalysis, University of Durham, England 25-29 March 1996 : conference abstracts booklet / European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry. - Durham : Royal Society of Chemistry Electroanalytical Group in conjunction with Fine Chemicals and Medicinals Group , 1996, s. [abstract A3]. |
6. | Lindfors, Tom / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Electrosynthesis of polypyrrole in iodide solution : film growth, redox
behaviour and potentiometric response / Tom Lindfors, Johan Bobacka, Ari Ivaska
- In: Analytica chimica acta : international journal devoted to all branches of analytical chemistry, ISSN 0003-2670, 355 (1997) s. 217-225. |
7. | Lindfors, Tom / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric and impedance characterization of electrodes prepared of soluble
conducting polypyrrole / Tom Lindfors ... [et al.].
- In: Yearbook 1997 / Graduate School of Materials Research. - Åbo : Graduate School of Materials Research, 1998, s. 155-164. - (Yearbook /Graduate School of Materials Research, ISSN 1239-8608 ; 1997). |