1. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Density reduction and beam penetration in gas targets : review article / S.-J.
- In: Medical application of cyclotrons IV : proceedings of the fourth Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons, May 28-31, 1986, Turku, Finland / ed. by V. Näntö and E-M. Suolinna. - Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1988, s. 1-23. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja D, Medica - Odontologica, ISSN 0355-9483 ; 27). ISBN 951-880-145-2 UDC 616, 54, 53 |
2. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A diagnostic study of proton-beam irradiated water targets / S.-J. Heselius, D.
J. Schlyer, A. P. Wolf.
- In: International journal of applied radiation and isotopes, ISSN 0020-708X, 40 ( 1989) s. 663-669. |
3. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A multi-anode proportional counter for measuring of (11C)carbon dioxide in
exhaled air / S.-J. Heselius, H. T. Sipilä, D. Roeda.
- In: Medical application of cyclotrons IV : proceedings of the fourth Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons, May 28-31, 1986, Turku, Finland / ed. by V. Näntö and E-M. Suolinna. - Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1988, s. 163-168. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja D, Medica - Odontologica, ISSN 0355-9483 ; 27). ISBN 951-880-145-2 UDC 616, 54, 53 |
4. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A multiwire proportional counter for monitoring of airborne positron-emitting
gases / S.-J. Heselius, H. T. Sipilä.
- In: Fifth Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons : abstracts / ed. by S-J. Heselius. - Turku : Turku Medical Cyclotron Project, 1989, s. 10-11. Turku, Finland, May 31 - June 3, 1989 / arr. by the Turku Medical Cyclotron Project/PET. ISBN 952-90095-9-3 UDC 616 |
5. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A positron-sensitive low-voltage ionisation chamber : abstract / S.-J.
Heselius, H. T. Sipilä and H. Saarni.
- In: V fysik dagen = V fysiikan päivä 14.09.1989 : rapporter = esitykset. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Institutionen för fysik, 1989, s. 18. - (IFAA ; 00189/300). ISBN 951-649-614-8 |
6. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of 123I for medical use with small accelerators / G. J. Beyer...et
- In: Isotopenpraxis, ISSN 0021-1915, 24 (1989) 8, s. 297-303. |
7. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A study of proton beam penetration in a smallvolume water target / S.-J.
Heselius, D. J. Schlyer, A. P. Wolf.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 26 ( 1989) s. 140-142. |
8. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of radiopharmaceuticals at the Turku medical cyclotron/PET project 1
January 1987-31 December 1989 / K. Aho...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 72-73. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
9. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A multiwire proportional counter for monitoring of airborne positron-emmitting
gases / S.-J. Heselius and H. T. Sipilä.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 91-94. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
10. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A positron-sensitive low-voltage ionisation chamber / S.-J. Heselius, H. T.
Sipilä and H. K. Saarni.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 95-97. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
11. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Development of gas-filled positron-sensitive radiodetectors / S-J. Heselius, H.
T. Sipilä.
- In: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on targetry and target chemistry, 19-23 June, 1989, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / Thomas J. Ruth, 1990, s. 67-71. |
12. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Issues in carrier-free target systems : their development and maintenance /
Sven-Johan Heselius, Kenneth A. Krohn & Jeanne M. Link.
- In: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on targetry and target chemistry, 19-23 June, 1989, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / Thomas J. Ruth, 1990, s. 5-18. |
13. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Measurements of photonuclear activation of air with a multiwire proportional
counter / Pertti Ruotsalainen, Sven-Johan Heselius and Hannu T. Sipilä.
- In: Sixth Varian European users meeting : proceedings : May 31 - June 4, 1989, Royal Hotel, San Remo, Italy / A. B. M. F. Karim, 1990, s. 98-99. - (Varian research report). |
14. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A multiwire propotional counter for monitoring of airborne positron-emitting
gases / S.-J. Heselius and H. T. Sipilä.
- In: Fifth symposiun on the medical application of cyclotrons : proceedings of a symposium held in Turku, Finland, May 31-June 3, 1989 / ed. by Sven-Johan Heselius.../et al./. - Stockholm, 1991, s. 89-90. - (Acta radiologica. Supplementum, ISSN 0365-5954 ; 376). |
15. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of 66Ga and 67Ga at a compact cyclotron / F. Szelecsényi.../et al./.
- In: Fifth symposium on the medical application of cyclotrons : proceedings of a symposium held in Turku, Finland, May 31-June 3, 1989 / ed. by Sven-Johan Heselius.../et al./. - Stockholm, 1991, s. 62-63. - (Acta radiologica. Supplementum, ISSN 0365-5954 ; 376). |
16. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Development of a mini-size six-target revolver for a low-energy dual beam H-
cyclotron / Sven-Johan Heselius.
- In: Targetry 91 : proceedings of the IVth International work shop on targetry and targetry chemistry, PSI Villingen, Switzerland, September 9-12, 1991 / ed. Regin Weinreich. - Villingen : Paul Scherrer Institute, 1992, s. 115-116. - (PSI-proceedings, ISSN 1019-6447 ; 1992, 01). |
17. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Elemental analysis of small tissue samples using thick-target PIXE / K.-E.
Saarela...et al.
- In: Medical application of cyclotrons VI : proceedings of the Sixth symposium on the medical application of cyclotrons, June 1-4, 1992, Turku, Finland / ed. by L.-M. Voipio-Pulkki and U. Wegelius. - Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1992, s. A131-A132. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja D. Medica - odontologia, ISSN 0355-9483 ; 88). ISBN 951-880-695-0 |
18. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of 208,209,210AT via 209Bi(3He,xn)processes / F. Szelecsenyi...et al
- In: IXeme Symposium International de Chimie Radiopharmaceutique : abstracts : Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers 292 rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris 6-10th April 1992. - Paris, 1992, s. 443-444. |
19. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Report on the posters for chapter 3: target physics and target chemistry :
liquid and gaseous targets / Sven-Johan Heselius and D. J. Schlyer.
- In: Targetry 91 : proceedings of the IVth International work shop on targetry and targetry chemistry, PSI Villingen, Switzerland, September 9-12, 1991 / ed. Regin Weinreich. - Villingen : Paul Scherrer Institute, 1992, s. 9-12. - (PSI-proceedings, ISSN 1019-6447 ; 1992, 01). |
20. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Routine production of radionuclides at the Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory /
U. Hällsten...et al.
- In: Proceedings of the XXVI Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society : March 19-21, Lahti; Finland / ed. by P. Hakonen, M. Holmström and A. Oja. - Otaniemi : Helsinki University of Technology, 1992, s. 7:6. - (Report A / Helsinki University of Technology. Low Temperature laboratory ; 697). ISBN 951-22-0967-5 |
21. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Monitoring of light emission in air for measuring particle beam intensities in
external beam PIXE / J.-O. Lill...et al.
- In: Proceedings of the XXVII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society : 18.-20.3.1993, Turku / edited by T. Kuusela. - Turku : University of Turku, 1993, s. 13.7. - (Turku-SFL-R5 ; 5). ISBN 951-880-938-0 |
22. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Charge measurements in thick-target PIXE / J.-O. Lill...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 35-39. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
23. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Experimental setup for non-vacuum PIXE / J.-O. Lill...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 31-34. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
24. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Formation of /236/Pu and /237/Pu by proton-induced reactions on /237/Np / J.
Aaltonen...et al.
- In: Applied radiation isotopes, ISSN 0969-8043, 44 (1993) s. 831-834. |
25. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A mini-size six-target revolver for a low-energy dual beam H/-/ cyclotron /
S.-J. Heselius.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 61-65. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
26. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Novel method for charge intergration in external beam TTPIXE : application to
analyses of biological materials / J.-O. Lill...[et al.].
- In: Nuclear intruments and methods : B: beam interactions with materials and atoms, ISSN 0168-583X, 83 (1993) s. 387-393. |
27. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Novel method for charge integration in external beam TTPIXE / J.-O. Lill...et
- In: Biennal report January 1991 - July 1993 / ed. by T. Lönnroth. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1993, s. 11. ISBN 951-650-291-1 |
28. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PIXE-induced XRF-analysis of geological samples / J.-O. Lill...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 46-49. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
29. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of /66/Ga and /67/Ga with a low-energy cyclotron / F.
Szelecsenyi...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 91-92. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
30. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of astatine isotopes via /209/Bi(/3/He,xn) processes / F.
Szelecsenyi...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 93-95. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
31. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of /208,209,210/At via /209/Bi(/3/He,xn) processes / F.
Szelecsenyi...et al.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 32 ( 1993) s. 443-444. |
32. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals 1990-92 / K. Aho...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 55-58. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
33. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Quantitative thick-target PIXE analysis / J.-O. Lill...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 40-45. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
34. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Measurement of excitation function of [sup nat]B(p, X)[sup 7]Be / F.
Ditrói...[et al.].
- In: Nuclear data for science and technology : proceedings of the International Conference, Gatlingurg, Tennessee, May 9-13,1994 / editor J. K. Dickens. - Oak Ridge : Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1994, s. 383-385. |
35. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Study of static and dynamic effects in gas targets / F. Tarkanyi ... [et al.].
- In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry : Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York, September 19 to 23, 1993 / edited by J. Robert Dahl ... [et al.]. - Upton, (N.Y.) : Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1994, s. 48-58. - (Informal report ; 61149). |
36. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Determination of trace element profiles in coarse-grained tourmaline crystals
by external millibeam PIXE / A. Lindroos...[et al.].
- In: Scientific programme and abstracts / The 14th Nordic Atomic Spectroscopy and Trace Element Conference, 30 May-2 June 1994, Naantali, Spa, Naantali, Finland. - [Helsinki] : Association of Finnish Chemical Societies, 1994, s. 41. |
37. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
[sup 3]He-induced nuclear reactions on [sup]209Bi at particle energies less
than 28 MeV production of [sup 209]At / Z. Szücs...[et al.].
- In: Radiochimica acta, ISSN 0033-8230, 65 (1994) s. 87-91. |
38. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Measurement of excitation function of [sup nat]B(p,x)[sup 7]Be nuclear reaction
for application in wear measurements / F. Ditrói...et al.
- In: ATOMKI : annual report 1993 / edited by: Z. Gácsi. - Debrecen : Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1994, s. 81. |
39. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Study of static and dynamic effects in gas targets / F. Tárkányi...[et al.].
- In: ATOMKI : annual report 1993 / edited by: Z. Gácsi. - Debrecen : Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1994, s. 83-84. |
40. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Determination of trace element profiles in coarse-grained minerals by external
millibeam PIXE : a Schorl Tourmaline study / A. Lindroos ... [et al.].
- In: Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, ISSN 0367-5211, 67 (1995) 1, s. 47-59. |
41. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Gas density distributions in cyclotron targets / David J. Schlyer ... [et al.].
- In: Sixth workshop on Targetry and Target Chemsitry : abstracts : Vancouver, B.C. Canada, August 17-19, 1995. - S.l. : s.n., [1995], s. 3 s. |
42. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Investigation of the charged particle nuclear reactions on natural boron for
the purposes of thin layer activation (TLA) / F. Detrói...[et al.].
- In: Nuclear intruments & methods : B: beam interactions with materials and atoms, ISSN 0168-583X, 103 (1995) s. 389-392. |
43. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Preconcentration of trace elements in biological materials by dry ashing for
TT-PIXE analysis : a study of matrix effects / K. E. Saarela ... [et al.].
- In: Nuclear intruments & methods : B: beam interactions with materials and atoms, ISSN 0168-583X, 103 (1995) s. 466-472. |
44. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Thick-target PIXE analyses of seasonal variations of trace element
concentrations within tree rings / L. Harju ... [et al.].
- In: Particle induced X-ray emission and its analytical applications : proceedings of the seventh International Conference on PIXE and Its Analytical Applications, Padua, Italy, May 26-30, 1995 / editors G. Moschini, V. Valkovic. - Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1996, s. 73-74. - (Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. B ; 109/110(1996)). |
45. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
[sup 3]He induced nuclear reactions on [sup 237]Pu targets / J. Aaltonen...[et
- In: Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, ISSN 0236-5731, 203 (1996) No. 1, s. 67-77. |
46. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Design and layout of cyclotron building : 15-19 Januari 1994 under project
EGY/0/010 / S.-J. Heselius, F. Tarkenyi, and A. Valek. - [Vienna] :
International Atomic Energy Agency. Division of Technical Co-Operation
Programmes, [1995]. - 5 bl.
- (IAEA reports ; RU-4238).
47. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of neptunium and plutonium tracers with a low-energy cyclotron / J.
Aaltonen...[et al.].
- In: Radiochemistry, ISSN 0301-0716, 38 (1996) No. 4, s. 285-289. Translated from Radiokhimiya, ISSN 0033-8311, 38 (1996) No. 4, p. 285-289. |
48. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Proton and [sup 3]He-induced nuclear reactions in uranium and neptunium targets
/ J. Aaltonen...[et al.].
- In: Radiochimica acta, ISSN 0033-8230, 72 (1996) s. 163-168. |
49. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Analysis of trace elements in trunk wood by thick target PIXE using dry ashing
for preconcentration / L. Harju ... [et al.].
- In: Fresenius journal of analytical chemistry, ISSN 0937-0633, 358 (1997) s. 523-528. |
50. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Evaluation of honey as a bioindicator material by thick target PIXE / K.-E.
Saarela ... [et al.].
- In: Ecotoxicology and environmental health, technology and policy : proceedings : third Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Jyväskylä, May 9-10, 1997 / Harri Högmander and Aimo Oikari (Eds.). - Jyväskylä : Finnish Society for Environmental Sciences, 1997, s. 261-264. - (Ambiotica, ISSN 1455-1713 ; 1/1997). ISBN 951-34-0985-6 |