1. | Hekanaho, Jukkapekka / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
Centipede : a program refinement environment / R. J. R. Back, J. Hekanaho, K.
Sere. - Åbo : Åbo akademi, 1992. - 21 s. : ill.
- (Reports on computer science and mathematics, ISSN 1235-7502 ; no 139).
ISBN 951-650-123-0 |
2. | Hekanaho, Jukkapekka / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
Mechanising some advanced refinement concept / J. von Wright...et al. - Åbo :
Åbo akademi, 1992. - 19 s. : ill.
- (Reports on computer science & mathematics, ISSN 1235-7502 ; no 140).
ISBN 951-650-138-9 |
3. | Hekanaho, Jukkapekka / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
Background knowledge in GA-based concept learning / Jukka Hekanaho.
- In: Machine learning : Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference / Jukka Hekanaho. - [San Fransisco] : Kaufmann, 1996, s. 234-242. Även som: TUCS Technical reports, ISSN 1239-1891, no. 2. ISBN 1-55860-419-7 |
4. | Hekanaho, Jukkapekka / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
A GA-based approach to disjunctive concept learning / Jukka Hekanaho. - Turku :
Turku Centre for Computer Science, 1996. - [2], 30 s. : ill., tab.
- (TUCS Technical reports, ISSN 1239-1891 ; No 72).
ISBN 951-650-900-2 |
5. | Hekanaho, Jukkapekka / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
Symbiosis in multimodal concept learning / Jukka Hekanaho.
- In: Machine learning : proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning, Tahoe City, California, July 9-12, 1995 / edited by Armand Prieditis, Stuart Russell. - San Fransisco (CA) : Morgan Kaufmann, 1995, s. 278-285. ISBN 1-55860-377-8 |
6. | Hekanaho, Jukkapekka / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
Testing different sharing methods in concept learning / Jukka Hekanaho. - Åbo :
Åbo Akademi, 1996. - [2], 15 s. : ill., tab.
- (TUCS Technical reports, ISSN 1239-1891 ; No 71).
ISBN 951-650-899-5 |
7. | Hekanaho, Jukkapekka / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
Use of genetic algorithms to learn ligand recognition concepts : application to
the GPCR superfamily / Anders Aspnäs, Vic Cockcroft, Jukkapekka Hekanaho.
- In: Proceedings of the Second Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications (2NWGA) : a program refinement environment / edited by Jarmo T. Alander. - Vaasa : University of Vaasa, 1996, s. 131-149. - (Vaasan yliopiston julkaisuja. Selvityksiä ja raportteja, ISSN 1238-7118 ; 11 ). ISBN 951-683-627-5 |