1. | Hearn, Jeff / Sociologiska institutionen |
Hva innebaerer kritiske studier av menn? / Jeff Hearn.
- In: Kvinneforskning, ISSN 0333-0265, Vol. 21 (1997) 1, s. 76-88. |
2. | Hearn, Jeff / Sociologiska institutionen |
The implications of critical studies on men / Jeff Hearn.
- In: NORA : journal of Nordic women's studies, ISSN 0803-8740, Vol. 3 (1997) 1, s. 48-60. |
3. | Hearn, Jeff / Sociologiska institutionen |
The managers of social work : the experiences and identifications of third tier
social services managers and the implications for future practice / J. Hearn
and J. Lawler.
- In: British journal of social work, ISSN 0045-3102, Vol. 27 (1997) 2, April s. 191-218. |
4. | Hearn, Jeff / Sociologiska institutionen |
- In: Men, masculinities and managements : unities, differences and their interrelations / Jeff Hearn and David L. Collinson. - Manchester : University of Manchester, 1997, - (Working paper / Manchester International Centre for Labour Studies ; 17). |