1. | Cronström, Christofer / Institutionen för fysik |
On the uniqueness of static, sperically symmetric and regular solutions to
Yang-Mills equations / Christofer Cronström.
- In: Commentationes physico-mathematicae, ISSN 0069-6609, (1988) 93, s. 1-10. Nr.92-99/1988. Essays in honour of professor of applied physics Erik Spring on the occasion of this sixtieth birthday July 23, 1988. |
2. | Cronström, Christofer / Institutionen för fysik |
Fermionic and Gauge fields in interaction : a question anomalies / Cristofer
- In: Hadron structure '89, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 25-29, 1989 : proceedings / eds. M. Nagy and D. Krupa. - Bratislava : Slovak academy of science, 1989, s. 31-42. - (Physics and applications ; vol 15). |
3. | Cronström, Christofer / Institutionen för fysik |
Johdatus kvanttimekaniikkaan / C. Cronström, C. Montonen. - Helsinki : Limes,
1991. - 200 s. : ill.
ISBN 951-745-146-6 |