1. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
Characterization of Schwartz spaces by their holomorphic duals / Sten Bjon.
- In: Proceedings of American mathematical society, ISSN 0002-9939, 102 (1988) s. 909-913. |
2. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
On a bornological structure in infinite-dimensional holomorphy / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematische Nachrichten, ISSN 0025-584X, 139 (1988) s. 77-86. |
3. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
Schwartz property and nuclearity of spaces of holomorphic and smooth functions
: /abstract/ / Sten Bjon.
- In: Congreso de analisis functional, El Escorial, Madrid, 13-18 Junio, 1988, : seccion 1, no 9 : /cursos y seminarios. - Madrid : Department de Analisis matematico. Facultad de Ciencias Matematicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid , 1988, |
4. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
The approximation property for nuclear convergence vector spaces / Sten Bjon.
- In: Matematische Nachrichten, ISSN 0025-584X, 142 (1989) s. 267-275. |
5. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
Numerisk och diskret matematik / Sten Bjon...et al. - Åbo : Sigma vid Åbo
akademi, 1989. - 164 s. : ill.
Läromedel i kompendieform.
ISBN 951-649-547-8 |
6. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
The Schwartz property and nuclearity of spaces of smooth and holomorphic
functions in infinite dimensions / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, ISSN 0305-0041 , 107 (1990) s. 377-385. |
7. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] Endre Pap, Weak convergence in a K-space / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 90b s. 46008. |
8. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] R. Beattie, H.-P. Butzmann, Countability, completeness and the closed
graph theorem / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 90c s. 46009. |
9. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
Function algebras on which homomorphisms are point evalutions on sequenses / P.
Biström, S. Bjon, M. Lindström.
- In: Manuscripta mathematica, ISSN 0025-2611, 73 (1991) s. 179-185. |
10. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
Homomorphisms on some function algebras / P. Biström, Sten Bjon, Mikael
- In: Monatshefte für Mathematik 111 (1991) s. 93-97. |
11. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] A. Kriegl, P. Michor, W. Schachermayer, Characters on algebras of
smooth functions / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 91b (1991) s. 46046. |
12. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] H.-P. Butzmann, Convergence structures in functional analysis / Sten
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 91d (1991) s. 46002. |
13. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] K. C. Min; L. D. Nel, Intrinsic functional analysis of sequential
convergence spaces / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 91f (1991) s. 46101. |
14. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] Aron, R.M., Cole, B.J., Gamelin, T. W.: Spectra of algebras of
analytic functions on a Banach space / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 92 f (1992) s. 3192. |
15. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] Lourenco, Mary L.: Boundaries for some uniform algebras in infinite
dimensions / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 92 e (1992) s. 2599. |
16. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] Medeiros, Lucia R. R.: Absolute basis in the space of holomorphic
mappings / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 92 m (1992) s. 6876. |
17. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
Remarks on homomorphism on certain subalgebras of C(X) / P. Biström, , S. Bjon,
M. Lindström.
- In: Mathematica Japonica, ISSN 0025-5513, 36 (1992) s. 105-109. |
18. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
On C/m/-bounding sets / P. Biström, S, Bjon, M. Lindström.
- In: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society : series A: pure mathematics and statistics, ISSN 0263-6115, 54 (1993) s. 20-28. |
19. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] Dineen, S.: Holomorphic functions on Frechet-Montel spaces / Sten
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 93b (1993) s. 830. 93b:46084. |
20. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] Endre Pap, Charles Swartz, On summable boundedness in convergence
linear spaces / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 93d (1993) s. 2000. 93d:46011. |
21. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
One-parameter semigroups of operators on L(sub c)-embedded spaces / Sten Bjon.
- In: Semigroup forum, ISSN 0037-1912, 49 (1994) s. 369-380. |
22. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] R. M. Aron, Y. S. Choi, M. L. Louren, O. W. Paques, Boundaries for
algebras of analytic functions on infinite dimensional Banach spaces / Sten
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 94f (1994) 94f:46058. |
23. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] Characters of functional algebras on Banach spaces / M. I. Garrido,
J. G. Gómez Gil, J. A. Jaramillo / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 96h (1996) 96h:46062. |
24. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] Remarks on convergence linear spaces / Jan Pochcial / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 97m (1997) 97m:46007. |
25. | Bjon, Sten / Matematiska institutionen |
[Rev. of] The department of mathematics in Uppsala 1945-1993 / Stig
Christofferson / Sten Bjon.
- In: Mathematical reviews, ISSN 0025-5629, 96h (1996) 96h:01042. |