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Biblio: the search term namn=('Backman, Rainer') results in 76 hits

1. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Alkali metals volatilisation in pressurised fluidised-bed combustion and gasification of peat / Wahab Mojtahedi.
- In: Fluidised combustion in practice : clean versatile, economic : volume I : the Institute of Energy, London, 4th International Fluidised Combustion Conference : Scientific Socities Lecture Theatre, New Burlington Place (off Savile Road), London W1. 12/13 December 1988. - London, 1988, s. II/2/1 - II/2/16.

2. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Kattiloiden typpioksiidipäästöt Suomessa / M. Hupa.
- In: Kemia = Kemi, ISSN 0355-1628, 15 (1988) 1, s. 13-17.

3. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Nitrogen oxide emissions of boilers in Finland / M. Hupa.
- In: VII intenational distric heating conference : abstracts of papers : Praha 12.-14.9.1988. - Praha, 1988,

4. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  En termogravimetrisk undersökning av kalkstenars, järnpulvers och natriumkarbonats reaktioner i HCl-haltiga gaser vid förhöjd temperatur / Peter Backman. - Åbo : Åbo akademi, 1988. - 26 s. : ill.. - (Report, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 2).
ISBN 951-649-450-1
UDC 54
5. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  The fate of sodium and potassium in the pressutised fluidised-bed combustion and gasificationof peat / W. Mojtahedi, R. Backman.
- In: Journal of the institute of energy, ISSN 0144-2600, 62 (1989) 453, s. 189-196.

6. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  The influence of chlorides on the recovery boiler fireside behaviour / M. Hupa...et al.
- In: International symposium on corrosion in the pulp and paper industry, 6th, Helsinki, August 29-September 1, 1989 : pulp and paper industry corrosion problems : volume 6A. - Hki : The Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute (distr.), 1989, s. 127-137.

7. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Nitrogen oxide emission of boilers in Finland / M. Hupa, R. Backman, S. Boström .
- In: JAPCA, ISSN 0894-0630, 39 (1989) s. 1496-1501.

8. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Release of alkali metals in pressurised fluidised-bed combustion and gasification of peat / Wahab Mojtahedi, Rainer Backman. - Espoo : Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Polttoainejalostus- ja voitelutekniikan laboratorio , 1989. - 48 s. : ill. - (Publications, ISSN 0358-5069 ; 53).
ISBN 951-38-3388-7
UDC 66, 54
9. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Sodium and sulfur chemistry in combustion gases / Rainer Backman. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1989. - 15, 69 s. : ill. - (Report/Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1989, 4). Diss.: Åbo Akademi.
ISBN 951-649-561-3
UDC 54, 66
10. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Energiantuotannon ja -kulutuksen kasvihuonekaasujen päästöt Suomessa / Sture Boström, Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa. - Helsinki : Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö, 1990. - 49 s. : ill. - (Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö. Energiaosasto. Sarja D, ISSN 0358-3910 ; 186). Sammandrag. - Abstract.
ISBN 951-47-2931-5
UDC 502/504, 551.5, 662, 628.3/.6
11. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Liquidus temperatures in multicomponent silicates : Euram project MA1E/0009/c / R. Backman...et al. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990. - var. pag : ill. - (Report/Åbo Akademi. Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Institutionen för oorganisk kemi, ISSN 0358-9676 ; no 78).

12. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Gasification of black liquor at elevated pressures : part I: thermodynamic analysis / R. Backman, M. Hupa. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990. - 56 s. - (Report/Åbo Akademi. Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1990, 10).
ISBN 951-649-781-0
13. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  The effect of different methods of cationisation on the on the Starch granule and its gelatinisation product / T. Vihervaara...et al.
- In: Starch/Stärke, ISSN 0038-9056, 42 (1990) s. 64-68.

14. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  The influence of chlorides on the fireside behavior in the recovery boiler / M. Hupa...et al.
- In: Tappi journal, ISSN 0734-1415, 73 (1990) 6, s. 153-158.

15. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Prediction of liquidus temperatures for multi-component silicate glasses / R. Backman...et al.
- In: Glastechnische Berichte, ISSN 0017-1085, 63 K (1990) s. 460-469.

16. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Greenhouse gas emissions related to energy production and consumption in Finland : current emission and some future technology scenarios / Sture Boström, Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa. - Hki : Ministry of trade and industry., 1991. - 88 s. : ill. - (Ministry of trade and industry. Energy department. D: Research reports ; 197 ). Tiivistelmä.
ISBN 951-47-4466-7
17. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Greenhouse gas emissions from energy production and use in Finland / S. Boström, R. Backman, M. Hupa.
- In: Energy and environment 1991 : 1991 International Symposium on Energy and Environment, August 25-28, 1991, Espoo, Finland / ed. by Eino Kainlauri.../et al./. - Atlanta, Ga : American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineer, 1991, s. 110-114.
ISBN 0-910110-82-4
18. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Modelling the chemistry in lime kilns / Rainer Backman. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1991. - 25 s. : ill. - (Rapport/Åbo Akademi. Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 91, 17).
ISBN 951-650-018-8
19. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Pressurized gasification of spent pulping liquors : thermodynamic and kinetic constraints / W. J. Frederick, R. Backman, M. Hupa.
- In: Energy and environment 1991 : 1991 International Symposium on Energy and Environment, August 25-28, 1991, Espoo, Finland / ed. by Eino Kainlauri.../et al./. - Atlanta, Ga : American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineer, 1991, s. 190-196.
ISBN 0-910110-82-4
20. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Modeling the sodium enrichment in lime kilns / Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa, Honghi Tran.
- In: 1992 International Chemical Recovery Conference, Westin Hotel, Seattle, WA, June 7-11 : proceedings : book 1. - Atlanta, Ga : TAPPI, 1992, s. 153-160.
ISBN 0-89852-849-6
21. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Pressurized gasification of spent pulping liquors : thermodynamic and kinetic constraints / W. J. Frederick, Rainer Backman and Mikko Hupa.
- In: 1992 International Chemical Recovery Conference, Westin Hotel, Seattle, WA, June 7-11 : proceedings : book 2. - Atlanta, Ga : TAPPI, 1992, s. 617-625.
ISBN 0-89852-849-6
22. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Ash sintering mechanisms in CFB boilers / Bengt-Johan Skrifvars...et al. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1993. - 9, <13> s. : ill., diagr., tab. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1993, 2).
ISBN 951-650-216-4
23. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Basic studies on black-liquor pyrolysis and char classification / Rainer Backman, William J. Frederick and Mikko Hupa.
- In: Bioresource technology, ISSN 0960-8524, Vol. 46 (1993) s. 153-158.

24. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Empirical modeling of black liquor char gasification : a short review / Kevin Whitty, Rainer Backman and Mikko Hupa. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1993. - 27 s. : ill., diagr., tab., bil. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1993, 8).
ISBN 951-650-270-9
25. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Inorganic impurities in cationised starch granules / Rainer Backman and Henrik H. Bruun.
- In: Starch = Stärke, ISSN 0038-9056, 45 (1993) 11, s. 396-400.

26. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Modelling the sodium enrichment in lime kilns / Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa and Honghi Tran.
- In: Pulp & paper Canada, ISSN 0316-4004, vol. 94 (1993) 11, s. 78-83.

27. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Pressurized pyrolysis and gasification studies of biomasses / Kevin J. Whitty...et al. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1993. - 9 s. : diagr., tab. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1993, 7).
ISBN 951-650-250-4
28. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  The role of sodium in pressurized black liquor char gasification / Chris Verrill...et al. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1993. - 37 s. : Tab., diagr. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1993, 10).
ISBN 951-650-285-7
29. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Black liquor combustion properties / Mikko Hupa, Rainer Backman and William J. Frederick.
- In: 30 years recovery boiler co-operation in Finland : proceedings : international conference Baltic Sea; 24-26 May 1994 / Suomen soodakattilayhdistys = Finnish Recovery Boiler Committe. - Helsinki : Finnish Recovery Boiler Comitte, 1994, s. 37-60.
ISBN 952-90-5525-0
30. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Askkomponenters löslighet i vatten : en icke-ideal jämviktsmodell / Kristoffer Sandelin, Rainer Backman.
- In: SIHTI 2 : energia- ja ympäristöteknologia : tutkimusohjelman vuosikirja 1993 / toimittajat: Maija Korhonen, Kari Saviharju. - Espoo : Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus, 1994, s. 193-206. - (VTT symposium, ISSN 0357-9387 ; 143). På titelbladet även: Energia- ja ympäristötutkimusohjelma. Abstract : SIHTI 2 : energy and environmental technology.
ISBN 951-38-4094-8
31. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  An empirical rate model for black liquor char gasification as a function of gas composition and pressure / Kevin Whitty, Rainer Backman and Mikko Hupa.
- In: Advances in forest products, environmental and process engineering : the 1993 Forest products symposium / Elmer L. Gaden Jr. series ed. ; Christopher L. Verill, vol. ed. - New York : American Institute of Chemical Engeneerings, 1994 , s. 73-84. - (AIChE symposium series ; vol. 32, no. 32).
ISBN 0-8169-0663-7
32. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Equilibrium behaviour of sodium, sulfur and chlorine in pressurized black liquor gasification with addition of titanum oxide / Rainer Backman and Keijo Salmenoja.
- In: Paperi ja puu = Paper and timber, ISSN 0031-1243, 76 (1994) 5, s. 320-325.

33. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Pressurized black liquor gasification reactor modeling : part 1: basic model / Kevin Whitty, Ron Zevenhoven and Rainer Backman. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1994. - 15 s. : ill., diagr., tab. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1994, 13).
ISBN 951-650-473-6
34. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Pyrolysis of kraft black liquor in a pressurized grid heater / Vesa Sorvari...[et al.]. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1994. - 16 s. : ill., diagr., tab. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1994, 11).
ISBN 951-650-460-4
35. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Sintering mechanisms of FBC ashes / Bengt-Johan Skrifvars...[et al.].
- In: Fuel, ISSN 0016-2361, 73 (1994) 2, s. 171-176.

36. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  DTA and RTG examination of the system Na[sub 2]SO[sub4] - Na[sub 2]CO[sub 3] / Axel Ståhlström, Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Rainer Backman. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1995. - [12] bl. : diagr., tab. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1995, 7).
ISBN 951-650-625-9
37. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Fast size distribution measurement system for combustion and pyrolysis experiments / M. Marjamäki ... [et al.].
- In: Abstracts of the 1995 European Aerosol Conference : Helsinki, Finland, 18-22 September 1995 / Conference organized by the Finnish Association for Aerosol Research (FAAR) in association with The European Aerosol Assembly (EAA). - Kidlington : Pergamon, 1995, s. 105-106. - (Journal of aerosol science, ISSN 0021-8502 ; vol. 26 (1995) : suppl. 1).

38. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Flue gas chemistry in recovery boilers with high levels of chlorine and potassium / Rainer Backman...[et al.].
- In: 1995 International Chemical Recovery Conference : papers to be presented on Monday and Tuesday April, 24-25, 1995, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada / co-spons. by the Technical Section, CPPA and TAPPI Preprints. - Montreal : Technical Section, CPPA, 1995, s. A95-A103.

39. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Corrosion in bubbling fluidized bed boilers burning chlorine containing fuels / K. Salmenoja, K. Mäkelä and R. Backman.
- In: Proceedings : 8th International Symposium - and EFC event no 204 - on Corrosion in the Pulp & Paper Industry, Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-19, 1995 : [Swedish Corrosion Institute ... ]. - Stockholm : Korrosionsinstitutet, 1995, s. 198-206 . - (Pulp & paper industry corrosion problem ; vol. 8).
ISBN 91-87400-06-5
40. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Liquor-to-liquor differences in combustion and gasification processes : alkali release and fume formation / R. Backman, M. Hupa, L. Söderhjelm.
- In: Abstracts of the 1995 European Aerosol Conference : Helsinki, Finland, 18-22 September 1995 / Conference organized by the Finnish Association for Aerosol Research (FAAR) in association with The European Aerosol Assembly (EAA). - Kidlington : Pergamon, 1995, s. 681-682. - (Journal of aerosol science, ISSN 0021-8502 ; vol. 26 (1995) : suppl. 1).

41. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Liquor-to-liquor differences in combustion and gasification processes : pyrolysis behaviour and char reactivity / Kevin Whitty ... [et al.].
- In: 1995 International Chemical Recovery Conference : papers to be presented on Monday and Tuesday April, 24-25, 1995, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada / co-spons. by the Technical Section, CPPA and TAPPI Preprints. - Montreal : Technical Section, CPPA, 1995, s. A245-A253.

42. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  A neural network approach for predicting black liquor char conversion under pressurized gasification / Xuven Zhang...[et al.]. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1995. - 27 s. : ill. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1995, 6). Part of LIEKKI 2, project 502.
ISBN 951-650-619-4
43. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Sodium release during black liquor pyrolysis : differences between the results from various laboratory scale experiments / E. J. Kauppinen...[et al.].
- In: 1995 International Chemical Recovery Conference : papers to be presented on Monday and Tuesday April, 24-25, 1995, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada / co-spons. by the Technical Section, CPPA and TAPPI Preprints. - Montreal : Technical Section, CPPA, 1995, s. B105-B112.

44. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Sulfur removal from strong black liquor during pressurized concentration / J. Nurmi ... [et al.].
- In: 1995 International Chemical Recovery Conference : papers to be presented on Monday and Tuesday April, 24-25, 1995, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada / co-spons. by the Technical Section, CPPA and TAPPI Preprints. - Montreal : Technical Section, CPPA, 1995, s. A273-A278.

45. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Ash chemistry and sintering / Bengt-Johan Skrifvars, Rainer Backman and Mikko Hupa. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996. - [11] s. : diagr., tab. - (Report / Åbo Akademi. Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 1996, 6). Paper presented at the 1996 American Chemical Society Division of Fuel Chemistry National Meeting Symposium on "Ash chemistry: Phase relationships in ashes and slags", New Orleans, LA, USA, March 24-28, 1996.
ISBN 951-650-795-6
46. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  The behaviour of alkali compounds in air and CO[sub 2]/O[sub 2]-blown coal conversion processes / J. Nykänen...[et al.].
- In: High temperature gas cleaning / Institut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik der Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH). Ed. by E. Schmidt... [et al.]. - Karlsruhe : Inst. für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik, 1996, s. 706-717.
ISBN 3-9805220-0-8
47. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Corrosion of BLRB floor tubes in reduced kraft smelts : experimental and theoretical studies / M. Mäkipää...[et al.].
- In: 1996 TAPPI Engineering Conference: September 16-19, 1996, Chicago, IL, USA. - Atlanta, GA : TAPPI press, 1996, s. 681-692.
ISBN 0-89852-668-X
48. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Flue gas and dust chemistry in recovery boilers with high levels of chlorine and potassium / R. Backman...[et al.]..
- In: Journal of pulp and paper science, ISSN 0826-6220, vol. 22 (1996) no. 4, s. J119-J126.

49. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Liquor-to-liquor differences : sodium release during pressurised pyrolysis of black liquor / V. Sorvari...[et al.].
- In: Nordic pulp & paper research journal, ISSN 0283-2631, (1996) 4, s. 273-286.

50. Backman, Rainer / Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen
  Measurement of time-dependent fume release rate during black liquor pyrolysis / M. Kymäläinen...[et al.].
- In: Journal of pulp and paper science, ISSN 0826-6220, vol. 22 (1996) no. 1, s. J17-J23.
