1. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Mot nya och bättre mål : en presentation av Margaret Donaldson's
utvecklingspsykologiska teori / H. Hurme.
- In: Nordisk psykologi, ISSN 0029-1463, 46 (1994) 4, s. 301-312. |
2. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Aggression after testosterone intake : real effect or anticipation? / Kaj
Björkqvist ... [et al.].
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 20 (1994) s. 17-26. |
3. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Aggression among university employees / Kaj Björkqvist, Karin Österman, Monika
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 20 (1994) s. 173-184. |
4. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Agressioprojektin esittelyä / Ari Kaukiainen ... [et al.].
- In: Elämän hallinta : ohjelma ja abstraktit / Psykologia 96, Turku 28.-30.8. ; [toimitus: Marja-Leena Porsanger ja Katja Arola]. - [Turku] : [Turun yliopisto, täydennyskoulutuskeskus], 1996, s. 85. Abstrakt O29 (S8). ISBN 951-29-0780-1 |
5. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Bullying as a group process / Elisa C. Salmivalli, Kirsti M. J. Lagerspetz, Kaj
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 19 (1993) s. 67. |
6. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Bullying as a group process : participant roles and their relations to social
status in the group / Christina Salmivalli ... [et al.].
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 22 (1996) s. 1-15. |
7. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Can outfit be aggressive? : values and images of punks / Kirsti Lagerspetz ...
[et al.].
- In: Aggression : biological, developmental, and social perspectives / edited by Seymour Feshbach and Jolanta Zagrodzka. - New York : Plenum Press, cop. 1997, s. 69-81. - (The Plenum series in social/clinical psychology). ISBN 0-306-45497-1 |
8. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Conclusions : alternatives to violence / Kaj Björkqvist & Douglas P. Fry.
- In: Cultural variation in conflict resolution : alternatives to violence / ed. by Douglas P. Fry, Kaj Björkqvist. - Mahwah (N.J.) : Lawrence Erlbaum, cop. 1997, s. 243-254. ISBN 0-8058-2221-6 |
9. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
A cross-cultural investigation of world view : student samples from ten
countries / Barbara Bergbom, Kaj Björkqvist & Nils G. Holm.
- In: World views in modern society : empirical studies on the relationship between world view, culture, personality, and upbringing / red. Nils G. Holm and Kaj Björkqvist. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996, s. 29-46. - (Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter, ISSN 0780-1270 ; 29). ISBN 951-650-758-1 |
10. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Cultural variation in conflict resolution : alternatives to violence / ed. by
Douglas P. Fry, Kaj Björkqvist. - Mahwah (N.J.) : Lawrence Erlbaum, cop. 1997.
- xv, 274 s.
ISBN 0-8058-2221-6 |
11. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Harassment at work : aggression in everyday life / Karin Österman & Kaj
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 19 (1993) s. 64-65. |
12. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Indirect aggression in boys and girls / Kirsti M. J. Lagerspetz & Kaj
- In: Aggressive behavior : current perspectives / ed. by L. Rowell Huesmann. - New York : Plenum, 1994, s. 131-150. The Plenum series in social/clinical psychology. ISBN 0-306-44553-0 |
13. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
The inevitability of conflict but not of violence : theoretical considerations
on conflict and aggression / Kaj Björkqvist.
- In: Cultural variation in conflict resolution : alternatives to violence / ed. by Douglas P. Fry, Kaj Björkqvist. - Mahwah (N.J.) : Lawrence Erlbaum, cop. 1997, s. 25-36. ISBN 0-8058-2221-6 |
14. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Internal locus of control and traditional sex role attitudes in relation to
three types of aggression in adolescents : a comparison between Finland and
Italy / K. Österman ... [et al.].
- In: Human and animal aggression : sociocognitive and neurobiological determinants = Les déterminants socio-cognitifs et neurobiologiques de l'agression et de la violence : International Society for Research on Aggression : XII World Meeting : 25-30 August 1996, Strasbourg, France : program. - [Strasbourg] : [International Society for Research on Aggression], [1996], s. 108. Abstract. |
15. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Introduction : conflict-resolution themes / Douglas P. Fry & Kaj Björkqvist.
- In: Cultural variation in conflict resolution : alternatives to violence / ed. by Douglas P. Fry, Kaj Björkqvist. - Mahwah (N.J.) : Lawrence Erlbaum, cop. 1997, s. 3-7. ISBN 0-8058-2221-6 |
16. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Learning aggression from models : from a social learning toward a cognitive
theory of modeling / Kaj Björkqvist.
- In: Aggression : biological, developmental, and social perspectives / edited by Seymour Feshbach and Jolanta Zagrodzka. - New York : Plenum Press, cop. 1997, s. 69-81. - (The Plenum series in social/clinical psychology). ISBN 0-306-45497-1 |
17. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Parental influence on religiosity / Kaj Björkqvist & Nils G. Holm.
- In: World views in modern society : empirical studies on the relationship between world view, culture, personality, and upbringing / red. Nils G. Holm and Kaj Björkqvist. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996, s. 79-88. - (Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter, ISSN 0780-1270 ; 29). ISBN 951-650-758-1 |
18. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Peer and self-estimated aggression and victimization in 8-year-old children
from five ethnic groups / Karin Österman ... [et al.].
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 20 (1994) s. 411-428. |
19. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Psychosocial determinants of religiosity in an open and a closed society : a
comparison between Finland and Estonia in 1991 / Kaj Björkqvist & Mirja
- In: World views in modern society : empirical studies on the relationship between world view, culture, personality, and upbringing / red. Nils G. Holm and Kaj Björkqvist. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996, s. 97-112. - (Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter, ISSN 0780-1270 ; 29). ISBN 951-650-758-1 |
20. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Rebellion against religious upbringing / Kaj Björkqvist & Nils G. Holm.
- In: World views in modern society : empirical studies on the relationship between world view, culture, personality, and upbringing / red. Nils G. Holm and Kaj Björkqvist. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996, s. 89-96. - (Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter, ISSN 0780-1270 ; 29). ISBN 951-650-758-1 |
21. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Sex differences and developmental trends in aggression : a comparison between
Finland, Italy, Israel, and Poland / Kaj Björkqvist, Karin Österman, Kirsti M.
J. Lagerspetz.
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 21 (1995) s. 188. |
22. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Sex differences in aggression : evolutionary, historical, and developmental
perspectives / K. Björkqvist.
- In: Human and animal aggression : sociocognitive and neurobiological determinants = Les déterminants socio-cognitifs et neurobiologiques de l'agression et de la violence : International Society for Research on Aggression : XII World Meeting : 25-30 August 1996, Strasbourg, France : program. - [Strasbourg] : [International Society for Research on Aggression], [1996], s. 18. Abstract. |
23. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Sex differences in covert aggression among adults / Kaj Björkqvist, Karin
Österman, Kirsti M. J. Lagerspetz.
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 20 (1994) s. 27-33. |
24. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Sex differences in indirect aggression during late adolescence / Ari Kaukiainen
... [et al.].
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 19 (1993) s. 55-56. |
25. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Sex differences in physical, verbal, and indirect aggression : a review of
recent research / Kaj Björkqvist.
- In: Sex roles, ISSN 0360-0025, 30 (1994) s. 177-188. |
26. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Sex differences in styles of conflict resolution : a comparison between
Finland, Italy, Israel, and Poland / Karin Österman, Kaj Björkqvist, Kirsti M.
J. Lagerspetz.
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 21 (1995) s. 188. |
27. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Sex differences in styles of conflict resolution : a developmental and
cross-cultural study with data from Finland, Israel, Italy, and Poland / Karin
Österman ... [et al.].
- In: Cultural variation in conflict resolution : alternatives to violence / ed. by Douglas P. Fry, Kaj Björkqvist. - Mahwah (N.J.) : Lawrence Erlbaum, cop. 1997, s. 185-197. ISBN 0-8058-2221-6 |
28. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Social intelligence and the use of indirect aggression / Ari Kaukiainen ... [et
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 21 (1995) s. 188-189. |
29. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Social structure of peer groups and indirect aggression among girls / V. Roope
... [et al.].
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 19 (1993) s. 55. |
30. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Sociometric measures and aggression among adolescents in Finland, Italy,
Israel, and Poland / Kaj Björkqvist, Karin Österman, Kirsti M. J. Lagerspetz.
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 21 (1995) s. 181. |
31. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Styles of aggression and sex differences : a developmental theory / Kaj
Björkqvist ... [et al.].
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 19 (1993) s. 11-12. |
32. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
A taxonomy of conflict and conflict resolution / Kaj Björkqvist.
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 21 (1995) s. 192. |
33. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Those were the days... : abuse and neglect during childhood and their
consequences / Kerstin Haddas, Laila Norrlund, Kaj Björkqvist.
- In: Aggressive behavior, ISSN 0096-140X, 19 (1993) s. 54. |
34. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
World-view and personality / Kaj Björkqvist, Barbara Bergbom, Nils G. Holm.
- In: Archiv für Religionspsychologie, ISSN 0084-6724, 21 (1994) s. 185-207. |
35. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
World view and personality / Kaj Björkqvist, Barbara Bergbom & Nils G. Holm.
- In: World views in modern society : empirical studies on the relationship between world view, culture, personality, and upbringing / red. Nils G. Holm and Kaj Björkqvist. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996, s. 13-28. - (Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter, ISSN 0780-1270 ; 29). ISBN 951-650-758-1 |
36. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
The world view of the Åland Islanders / Nils G. Holm, Kaj Björkqvist & Barbara
- In: World views in modern society : empirical studies on the relationship between world view, culture, personality, and upbringing / red. Nils G. Holm and Kaj Björkqvist. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996, s. 59-75. - (Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter, ISSN 0780-1270 ; 29). ISBN 951-650-758-1 |
37. | Björkqvist, Kaj / Utvecklingspsykologi |
World views in modern society : empirical studies on the relationship between
world view, culture, personality, and upbringing / red. Nils G. Holm and Kaj
Björkqvist. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996. - 125 s. : diagr., tab.
- (Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter, ISSN 0780-1270 ; 29).
ISBN 951-650-758-1 |
38. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Cascades on an epigenetic river : indeterminacy incognitive and personality
development / Helena Hurme.
- In: Dynamics and indeterminism in developmental and social processes / edited by Alan Fogel, Maria C.D.P. Lyra, Jaan Valsiner. - Mahwah, N.J. : L. Erlbaum, 1997 , s. 261-272. ISBN 0-8058-1805-7 |
39. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Collectivism, individualism and grandparent-grandchild relations / Helena Hurme
- In: Preparation for aging / edited by Eino Heikkinen, Jorma Kuusinen and Isto Ruoppila. - New York : Plenum Press, cop. 1995, s. 191-194. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of the International Association of the Universities of the Third Age (IAUTA), held August 12-14, 1994, in Jyväskylä, Finland. ISBN 0-306-45068-2 |
40. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
The construction and consumption of psychology / Helena Hurme.
- In: Czlowiek i spoleczenstwo, ISSN 0239-3271, XIII (1995) s. 7-16. |
41. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Cross-cultural differences in adolescents' perceptions of their grandparents /
Helena Hurme.
- In: International journal of aging and human development : journal of psychosocial gerontology, ISSN 0091-4150, 44 (1997) 3, s. 221-253. |
42. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Developmental concepts, their producers and consumers / Helena Hurme.
- In: XIIIth Biennial Meetings of ISSBD, 28 June - 2 July 1994 Amsterdam, The Netherlands : abstracts / editors W. Koops, B. Hopkins, P. Engelen. - Leiden : Logon Publications, 1994, s. 405. ISBN 90-73197-05-8 |
43. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Do Finnish-Polish differences in child-rearing reflect the individualism vs.
collectivism distinction? / Helena Hurme.
- In: VIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Kraków 1995, August 23-27 : book of abstracts / editors: Adam Niemczynski & John Fenz. - [Kraków] : Jegiellonian University, [1995], s. 182. The VII European Conference on Developmental Psychology has been organized in affiliation with the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development. ISBN 83-86813-01-6 |
44. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Finnish adolescents relations with their grandparents / Helena Hurme.
- In: New trends in developmental psychology : abstracts : VIIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Université Rennes 2, September 3-7, 1997 / European society for developmental psychology and Presses universitaires Rennes 2. - [Rennes] : European society for developmental psychology and Presses universitaires Rennes 2, 1997, s. 210. VIIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology = VIIIème conference europeenne de psychologie du developpement. ISBN 2-86847-279-6 |
45. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Grandparent-grandchild relations in Finland and Poland / Helena Hurme.
- In: Roczniki socjologii rodziny : studia socjologiczne oraz interdyscyplinarne, ISSN 0867-2059, Tom VI (1994) s. 67-100. Yearbook of family sociology. |
46. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Intergenerational relations in Finland / Helena Hurme.
- In: ISSBD Newsletter (1995) 2, s. 4-5. Utg. av: International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. |
47. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Intergenerational transmission in Finnish and Polish families / Helena Hurme.
- In: New trends in developmental psychology : abstracts : VIIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Université Rennes 2, September 3-7, 1997 / European society for developmental psychology and Presses universitaires Rennes 2. - [Rennes] : European society for developmental psychology and Presses universitaires Rennes 2, 1997, s. 259. VIIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology = VIIIème conference europeenne de psychologie du developpement. ISBN 2-86847-279-6 |
48. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Millaisen vanhuuden yksilöllistynyt yhteiskuntamme luo? / Helena Hurme.
- In: Gerontologia, ISSN 0784-0039, (1995) 9, s. 64. Abstract av paper presenterat vid Gerontologiapäivät i Jyväskylä, januari 1995. |
49. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Perhe kehityksen kontekstina / Helena Hurme.
- In: Näkökulmia kehityspsykologiaan : kehitys kontekstissaan / Paula Lyytinen, Mikko Korkiakangas, Heikki Lyytinen (toim.). - Porvoo : WSOY, 1995, s. 139-156. 2. uppl. 1997. ISBN 951-0-20199-5 |
50. | Hurme, Helena / Utvecklingspsykologi |
Polish cultural femininity : perception and evaluation by the Finns / Helena
- In: XIII Congress, August 12-16 1996 = XIII Congrès, 12-16 Aout 1996 : Recueil des résumés = Book of abstracts / [The International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology]. - [Montréal] : Université de Montréal, [1996], s. 62. |