1. | Sara, Rolf / Bioteknikcentret |
Acid-base titration in a sequential injection system / Johan Nyman, Rolf Sara
and Ari Ivaska.
- In: Eighth International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis ICFIA 97 held jointly with the Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis JAFIA, January 12-16, 1997, Embassy Suites Hotel, Orlando, Florida : January 12-16, 1997, Embassy Suites Hotel, Orlando, Florida / [ICFIA and JAFIA]. - Orlando : [ICFIA and JAFIA], 1997, s. 44. Poster P-4. Book of abstracts. |
2. | Sara, Rolf / Bioteknikcentret |
Comparison of conformations of cyclosporin A and macrolide FK506 fragments :
localization of putative binding sites with phosphatase calcineurin / Alexander
I. Denesyuk ... [et al.].
- In: Biochemical and biophysical research communications, ISSN 0006-291X, 194 (1993) 1, s. 280-286. |
3. | Sara, Rolf / Bioteknikcentret |
A modular approach to sequential injection analysis / M. Vilén ... [et al.].
- In: Papers presented at Euronalysis IX, session on 'Emerging techniques in environmental analysis', Bologna, Italy, September 1-7, 1996 / Euroanalysis (1996). - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1997, s. [poster Mo P 29]. - (Analytica chimica acta, ISSN 0003-2670 ; 346(1997):1). |
4. | Sara, Rolf / Bioteknikcentret |
New control software for sequential injection analysis / Rolf Sara ... [et al.]
- In: Sammanfattningar = Abstracts / Analysdagarna den 10-13 juni 1996 Stockholm ; Stockholms universitet , Svenska kemistsamfundet. - Stockholm : Univ, 1996, s. 213. Poster presentation P40. |
5. | Sara, Rolf / Bioteknikcentret |
Spectrophotometric determination of magnesium in presence of high concentration
of nickel by sequential injection analysis : on-line application to a
metallurgical process / Johan Nyman ... [et al.].
- In: Eighth International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis ICFIA 97 held jointly with the Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis JAFIA, January 12-16, 1997, Embassy Suites Hotel, Orlando, Florida / [ICFIA and JAFIA] . - Orlando : [ICFIA and JAFIA], 1997, s. 56. Poster P-16. Book of abstracts. |