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Coastal settlers and cultural heritage : a study in diversity and change on basis of probate inventories
Date: | 1.8.1989-31.12.1997 |
Code: | K1624 |
Department: | Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Arts (HF), Dept. of Ethnology |
Address: |
Biskopsgatan 13, FIN-20500 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 311 Fax +358-2-2154 845 E-mail |
Project leader: |
FD Nils Storå, professor
(1.8.1989-31.12.1997) |
Researchers: |
FM Niklas Hulden (1.8.1989-31.12.1997) |
Type of research: |
0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 100 % |
ÅA internal financing: | FIM 72000 |
Finnish funding organizations: |
Finland Akademi () FIM 120000 |
Man months: | Totally: 33 months |
Partners: | Projektet "Den maritima människan", Etnologiska institutionen, Åbo Akademi; Turun yliopisto; Joensuun yliopisto |
Contacts: | Moderprojekt: Miljö i förändring - samhälle i förändring, projektledare: Unto Salo, Turun yliopisto |
Keywords: | levnadssätt, kust, näringar, elämäntapa, rannikko, elinkeinot, resursutnyttjandet, mångsyssleri, maritime ecology, cultural adaption, natural resources, probate inventories, |
The aim is to study cultural adaption in a coastal and archipelago environment in southwestern Finland.Probate inventories from a time period from 1700 to 1900 provide the basis for the investigation which concentrates on studying objects connected to the utilisation of natural resources in agrculture, fishing and hunting, thus indicating geographical diversity and changes in time.To enlight a more quantitative approach in research, the inventories have been stored in a database now consisting of some 300 records containing over 80.000 artefacts.
13.3.1996 / 15.3.1996