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Bioinformational attack on superfamily modelling and drug discovery
Date: | 14.11.1997-31.12.2000 |
Code: | 1682 |
Department: | Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), Dept. of Biochemistry and Pharmacy |
Address: |
BioCity, Artillerig. 6A /P.O. Box 66, FIN-20521 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 689 Fax +358-2-2154 745 E-mail |
Project leader: |
Ph.D., Docent Mark Stuart Johnson, professor
(1.1.1998-31.12.2000) |
Type of research: |
0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 100 % |
Finnish funding organizations: |
TEKES, Helsingfors (Gene research programme) FIM 1200000 |
Man months: | Totally: 34 months |
Keywords: | proteiner, proteiinit, proteiners struktur, modeller för protein, sekvenser, proteinfamiljer, Protein structure, Protein modelling, sequences, Protein families, |
To help us understand the criteria important to ligand and inhibitor binding within protein structures of medicinal value, we will develop a modelling tool aimed at deriving the most information from the entire related superfamily.This is a bioinformational approach that combines sequence information, 3D structural information, information from experimental studies, and novel clustering approaches.The result is the ability to pinpoint those features in a potential target drug that should provide specificity of binding to one member of the family, as opposed to them all.
11.3.1996 / 12.6.1998