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Research and developmental work in content-based language instruction (TCE (Teaching Content through English))
Date: | 1.1.1995-31.12.2001 |
Code: | 84701 |
Department: | Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Education (PF), Dept. of Teacher Education |
Address: |
Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13/ PB 311, FIN-65101 Vasa
Phone +358-6-3247 375 Fax +358-6-3247 320 E-mail |
Project leader: |
FD Kaj Sjöholm, professor
(1.1.1995-31.12.1998) |
Researchers: |
PeM Anna-Brita Slotte (1.1.1995-31.12.2001) PeM Mikaela Björklund (1.1.1995-31.12.1998) |
Type of research: |
0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 100 % |
Man months: | Totally: 252 months |
Partners: | Vasa övningsskola |
Ordered by: | TCE-projektet: (a) Att hos institutionens och Vasa Övningsskolas lärarutbildare utveckla didaktisk sakkunskap samt handledningsfärdigheter för engelskspråkig ämnesundervisning inom förskolor, grundskolor, gymnasier samt mellanstadier.(b) Att hos lärarkandidater utveckla lärarfärdigheter och didaktisk beredskap att utföra ämnesundervisning på engelska. |
Keywords: | engelska, språkinlärning, undervisningsmetoder, englannin kieli, kielen omaksuminen, opetusmenetelmät, ämnesundervisning på engelska, språkinlärning, undervisningsmetoder, English content instruction, language learning, instructional methods, |
The project aim is to: (a) provide teacher-trainers of the Faculty and the teacher training school with the opportunity to gain new methodological perspectives and tutoring skills in the implementation of English content instruction at different stages.(b) develop readiness and methodological skills in student teachers to implement English content instruction.(c) evaluate and develop models and methods in English content instruction, computer assisted methods in particular.(d) develop and design teaching material compatible with the models and methods referred to above.
27.3.1996 / 15.2.1999