1. | Waldén, Marina / Institutionen för informationsbehandling |
Formal derivation of a distributed load balancing algorithm / M. Waldén.
- Ingår i: Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory : November 1-3, 1995, Göteborg - Sweden / editors: Bror Bjerner, Marie Larsson, Bengt Nordström . - Göteborg : Chalmers University of Technology and University of Göteborg, 1995, s. 508-527. - (Report / Programming Methodology Group ; 86). |
2. | Waldén, Marina / Institutionen för informationsbehandling / Projekt |
Data refinement of remote procedures / K. Sere, M. Waldén.
- Ingår i: Theoretical aspects of computer software : third International Symposium, TACS '97, Sendai, Japan, September 23-6, 1997 : proceedings / Martín Abadi, Takayaso Ito (eds.). - Berlin : Springer, cop. 1997, s. 267-294. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 1281). Kongress: International Symposium on Theorethical Aspects of Computer Software (3 : 1997 : Sendai). ISBN 3-540-63388-X |