1. | Nybäck, Ann-Sofi / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Metallic and non-metallic redox response of conducting polymers / Krzysztof
Maksymiuk ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, ISSN 0022-0728, 430 (1997) s. 243-252. |
2. | Nybäck, Ann-Sofi / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric properties of polypyrrole films doped with calmagite / Ann-Sofi
Nybäck, Andrzej Lewenstam and Ari Ivaska.
- Ingår i: Yearbook 1997 / Graduate School of Materials Research. - Åbo : Graduate School of Materials Research, 1998, s. 165-178. - (Yearbook /Graduate School of Materials Research, ISSN 1239-8608 ; 1997). |