1. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Ames mutagenicity and concentration of the strong mutagen
3-chloro-4(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone and of its geometric isomer
E-2-chloro-3-(dichloromethyl)-4-oxo-butenoic acid in chlorine-treated tap
waters / L. Kronberg, T. Vartiainen.
- Ingår i: Mutation research, ISSN 0027-5107, 206 (1988) s. 177-182. |
2. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Ames mutagens in chlorinated drinking water : /platform abstract/ / L.A.
- Ingår i: Society enviromental toxicology and chemistry/Ninth annual meeting : reducing uncertainty in environmental risk assessment, November 13 to 17, 1988, Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia : abstracts. - Washington, D.C. : Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1988, s. 38. |
3. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Formation of Ames mutagenicity and of the strong bacterial mutagen
3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone and other halogenated
compounds during disinfection of humic water / P. Backlund, L. Kronberg, L.
- Ingår i: Chemosphere, ISSN 0045-6535, 17 (1988) s. 1329-1336. |
4. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Formation of mutagenic activity and some chlorinated by-products during water
disinfection : /abstrakt/ / Peter Backlund.
- Ingår i: Kemia = Kemi, ISSN 0355-1628, 15 (1988) s. 1060. |
5. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Identification and quantification of the Ames mutagenic compound
3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone and of its geometric
isomer E-2-chloro-3-(dichloromethyl)-4-oxobutenoic acid in chlorine-treated
humic and drinking water extracts / Leif Kronberg ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Enviromental science and technology, ISSN 0013-936X, 22 (1988) s. 1097-1103. |
6. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Mutagenic by-products formed during chlorination of humic model compounds :
/abstract/ / Vivi-Ann Långvik.
- Ingår i: Kemia=Kemi, ISSN 0355-1628, 15 (1988) s. 1061. |
7. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Mutagenic compounds in chlorinated waters / Bjarne Holmbom, Leif Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the fifth European Symposium, held in Rome, Italy, October 20-22, 1987 / ed. by G. Angeletti and A. Björseth. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1988, s. 278-283. Titelrubrik: Commission of the European Communities. Innehåll: Contains oral papers and posters presented at the "Fifth European Symposium on Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic Environment. ISBN 90-277-2738-4 |
8. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Identification of mutagenic by-products from aquatic humic chlorination /
Russell F. Christman...et al. - Denver, Colo. : Americam water works
association. Research foundation, 1990. - 47 s. : ill.
Executive summary.
ISBN 0-89867-513-8 |
9. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Genotoxic effects of various chlorinated butenoic acids identified in
chlorinated drinking water / L. Tikkanen, L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Mutation research, ISSN 0027-5107, 240 (1990) s. 109-116. |
10. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Associates between aquatic humic matter and low-molecular weigh organic
compounds / M. Kulovaara, L. Kronberg, B. Holmbom.
- Ingår i: Humusuutiset, ISSN 0786-7050, 2 (1990) s. 37-42. |
11. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Formation and properties of
3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone, a potent mutagen in
chlorinated waters / B. Holmbom ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Water chlorination : chemistry, environmental impact and health effects : vol. 6; proceedings of the sixth Conference on water chlorination: environmental impact and and health effects, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 3-8, 1987 / ed. by R. L. Jolley ... [et al.]. - Chelsea : Lewis, 1990, s. 125-137. ISBN 0-87371-167-X |
12. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Identification of the strong mutagen
3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone and of its geometric isomer
E-2-chloro-3-(dichloromethyl)-4-oxo-butenoic acid in mutagenic fractions of
chlorine treated humic water and drinking waters / L. Kronberg, B. Holmbom, L.
- Ingår i: Water chlorination : chemistry, environmental impact and health effects : vol. 6; proceedings of the sixth Conference on water chlorination: environmental impact and and health effects, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 3-8, 1987 / ed. by R. L. Jolley...et al. - Chelsea : Lewis, 1990, s. 137-146. ISBN 0-87371-167-X |
13. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Characterization of mutagenic compounds formed during disinfection of drinking
water / Leif Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Genetic toxicology of complex mixtures / ed. by Michael D. Waters. - New York : Plenum Press, 1990, s. 173-183. - (Environmental science research ; v. 39). ISBN 0-306-43683-3 |
14. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Chlorinated furanones in chlorine treated waters / Robert Franzén and Leif
- Ingår i: 4th Nordic Symposium on Organic Pollutants : Sörup Herregård, Danmark 8.-11. september 1991. - Lyngby : Danmarks Tekniske Höjskole, 1991, s. 55. |
15. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Chlorinated furanones produced by aqueous chlorination of naturally occuring
macromolecules / R. Franzén, O. Hormi, L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Humusuutiset, ISSN 0786-7050, 3 (1991) 3, s. 59-64. Proceedings of the third Nordic symposium on humic substances, Turku/Åbo 21-23 August 1991. |
16. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Formation of 3-Chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX) and
mutagenic activity by chlorination of phenolic compounds / V.-A. Långvik...et
- Ingår i: Humic substances in the aquaric and terrestrial environment : proceedings of an International Symposium Linköping, Sweden, August 21-23, 1989 / B. Allard, H. Boren, A. Grimvall (eds.). - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1991, s. 459-465. - (Lecture notes in earth science ; 3). ISBN 3-540-53702-3 |
17. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
The formation of MX-glutatione adducts / Deanne Östman, George Becher and Leif
- Ingår i: 4th Nordic Symposium on Organic Pollutants : Sörup Herregård, Danmark 8.-11. september 1991. - Lyngby : Danmarks Tekniske Höjskole, 1991, s. 74. |
18. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Formation of the potent mutagen MX and structurally related compounds by
chlorination of phenolic substances / V.-A. Långvik ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the Sixth European Symposium, held in Lisbon, Portugal, May 22-24, 1990 / ed. by G. Angeletti and A. Björseth. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1991, s. 518-522. - (Water pollution research report ; 21). ISBN 0-7923-1104-3 |
19. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Identification of oxidized and reduced forms of the strong bacterial mutagen
(Z)-2-chloro-3-(dichloromethyl)-4-oxobutenoic acid (MX) in extracts of
chlorine-treated water / L. Kronberg ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Environmental science & technology, ISSN 0013-936X, 25 (1991) s. 99-104. |
20. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Mutagenic activity in disinfected waters and recovery of the potent bacterial
mutagen "MX" from water by XAD resin adsorption / P. Backlund, E. Wondergem, L.
- Ingår i: Humic substances in the aquaric and terrestrial environment : proceedings of an International Symposium Linköping, Sweden, August 21-23, 1989 / B. Allard, H. Boren, A. Grimvall (eds.). - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1991, s. 449-459. - (Lecture notes in earth science ; 3). ISBN 3-540-53702-3 |
21. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Reactions of chlorinated furanones with amines and nucleosides / Leif Kronberg
and Svante Karlsson.
- Ingår i: 4th Nordic Symposium on Organic Pollutants : Sörup Herregård, Danmark 8.-11. september 1991. - Lyngby : Danmarks Tekniske Höjskole, 1991, s. 33. |
22. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Reactions of the potent bacterial mutagen "MX" with nucleophiles / P.
Backlund...et al.
- Ingår i: Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the sixth European symposium, held in Lisbon, Portugal, May 22-24, 1990 / ed. by G. Angeletti and A. Björseth. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1991, s. 478-482. ISBN 0-7923-1104-3 (inb.) UDK 504.054:504.4:061.3, 628.1:543.38:547 |
23. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Structures and chemical properties of mutagens in drinking water / Leif
- Ingår i: Complex mixtures in the environment : ninth annual meeting of Nordic Environmental Mutagen Society, Stockholm June 2-5 1991 : Nordic Environmental Mutagen Society, 1991, |
24. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Formation of 3,N[sup 4]-ethenocytidine, 1,N[sup 6]-etheneoadenosine and 1,N[sup
2]-ethenoguanosine in reactions of mucochloric acid with nucleosides / L.
Kronberg, S. Karlsson, R. Sjöholm.
- Ingår i: Chemical research in toxicology, ISSN 0893-228X, 5 (1992) s. 852-855. |
25. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Klororganiska föreningar i dricksvatten / Leif Kronberg...et al. - Köpenhavn :
Nordiska ministerådet, 1992. - 163 s. : ill.
- (Nordiske seminar- og arbejdsrapporter, ISSN 0906-3668 ; 1992, 576).
ISBN 952-9120-106-5 |
26. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
A number of chlorinated hydroxyfuranones in chlorine treated waters are
genotoxins which form stable adducts with nucleic acid bases / L. Kronberg...et
- Ingår i: Pharmacology & toxicology, ISSN 0901-9928, 70 (1992) s. 15. |
27. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Reactions of the Ames mutagen 3,4-dichloro-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone with
nucleosides / S. Karlsson, L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Pharmacology & toxicology, ISSN 0901-9928, 70 (1992) s. 26. |
28. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Studies on the partition behaviour of three organic hydrophobic pollutants in
natural humic water / M. Kulovaara, L. Kronberg and B. Holmbom.
- Ingår i: Chemosphere, ISSN 0045-6535, 24 (1992) 7, s. 919-925. |
29. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
The chloro hydroxyfuranone mucochloric acid reacts with nucleic acid bases / S.
Karlsson, L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Humusuutiset = The Finnish humus news 5 (1993) 1, s. 21-26. |
30. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Chloro hydroxyfuranones in chlornated water / R. Franzén, L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Humusuutiset = The Finnish humus news 5 (1993) 1, s. 27-32. |
31. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Chloro hydroxyfuranones : synthesis, analyses and mutagenicity / Robert Franzén
and Leif Kronberg.
- Ingår i: 5th Nordic symposium on organic pollutants : Röros, Norway, Sept. 5-8, 1993 : abstracts / editor: Jan Skramstad. - Oslo : University of Oslo. Department of chemistry, 1993, s. 25-26. ISBN 82-992954-0-8 |
32. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
The degradation of the strong mutagen "MX" in water / Deanne Asplund, Rainer
Sjöholm and Leif Kronberg.
- Ingår i: 5th Nordic symposium on organic pollutants : Röros, Norway, Sept. 5-8, 1993 : abstracts / editor: Jan Skramstad. - Oslo : University of Oslo. Department of chemistry, 1993, s. 7-8. ISBN 82-992954-0-8 |
33. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Determination of chlorinated furanones, hydroxyfuranones and butenedioic acids
in chlorine treated waters and pulp bleaching liquor / L. Kronberg, R. Franzén.
- Ingår i: Environmental science & technology, ISSN 0013-936X, 27 (1993) 9, s. 1811-1818. |
34. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Effects on /1/H and /13/C NMR shifts of chlorine addition to
5-chloromethyl-5-hydroxy-2-furanones / Robert Franzén, Rainer Sjöblom and Leif
- Ingår i: XVI national NMR symposium : program and abstracts / edited by Jorma Mattinen. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1993, - (Åbo Akademi. Institutionen för organisk kemi. Ser. B, ISSN 0359-0666 ; 130). ISBN 951-650-244-X |
35. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Formation of ethenocarbaldehyde derivates of adenosine and cytidine in
reactions with mucochloric acid / L. Kronberg, S. Karlsson, R. Sjöholm.
- Ingår i: Chemical research in toxicology, ISSN 0893-228X, 6 (1993) s. 495-499. |
36. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Identification of nucleoside adducts of mucochloric acid and "MX" : two
mutagenic hydroxyfuranones found in chlorine disinfected water / Leif
Kronberg...et al.
- Ingår i: Environment & Genes : issues for the 21st century : sixth international conference on environmental mutagenes, World Congress Centre, Melbourne, Australia, February 21 - 26 1993 : book of abstracts. - S.l. : Australia, New Zealand Environmental Mutagen Society (ANZEM), 1993, s. 232. |
37. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Presence of chlorinated enol lactones and cyclopentenediones in chlorinated
waters / Annika Smeds, Robert Franzén and Leif Kronberg.
- Ingår i: 5th Nordic symposium on organic pollutants : Röros, Norway, Sept. 5-8, 1993 : abstracts / editor: Jan Skramstad. - Oslo : University of Oslo. Department of chemistry, 1993, s. 70-71. ISBN 82-992954-0-8 |
38. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Reactions of the chlorohydroxyfuranones mucochloric acid and "MX" with base
units of nucleic acids / Leif Kronberg...et al.
- Ingår i: 5th Nordic symposium on organic pollutants : Röros, Norway, Sept.5-8, 1993 : abstracts / editor: Jan Skramstad. - Oslo : University of Oslo. Department of chemistry, 1993, s. 49-50. ISBN 82-992954-0-8 |
39. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Synthetic approaches to chlorinated 5-hydroxy-5-methyl-2-furanones / R.
Franzén, L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Tetrahedron, ISSN 0040-4020, 47 (1993) s. 10945-10958. |
40. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Determination of chlorinated 5-hydroxy-5-methyl-2-furanones in chlorine treated
water / R. Franzén and L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Environmental science & technology, ISSN 0013-936X, 28 (1994) s. 2222-2227. |
41. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Presence of strong mutagen "MX" and of other chlorinated hydroxyfuranones in
chlorine disinfected drinking water / L. Kronberg, R. Franzén, A. Smeds.
- Ingår i: Zaopatrzenie w wode miast i wsi = Muncipal and rural water supply and water quality / redakcja = editor Marek M. Sozanski. - Poznan : Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians. Department in Poznan, 1994, s. 461-467. ISBN 83-902173-0-9 |
42. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Genotoxic effects of the chlorinated hydroxyfuranones
3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone and
3,4-dichloro-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone in Tradescantia micronucleus assays / C.
Helma ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Mutation research, ISSN 0027-5107, 346 (1995) s. 181-186. |
43. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Induction of genotoxic effects in E. Coli K-12 cells recovered from various
organs of mice by chlorohydroxyfuranones, byproducts of water disinfection / K.
Fekadu ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Environmental and molecular mutagenesis, ISSN 0893-6692, 24 (1994) s. 317-324. |
44. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Mutational spectra of revertants in Salmonella Typhimurium induced by
chlorohydroxyfuranones : byproducts of chlorine disinfection of drinking water
/ S. Knasmüller...[et al.].
- Ingår i: Chemical research in toxicology, ISSN 0893-228X, 9 (1996) s. 374-381. |
45. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Occurence of some chlorinated enol lactones and cyclopentene-1,3-diones in
chlorine-treated waters / A. Smeds, R. Franzén and L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Environmental science & technology, ISSN 0013-936X, 29 (1995) s. 1839-1844. |
46. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Reaction of mucochloric acid with adenosine : formation of 8-(N[sup
6]-adenosinyl)ethenoadenosine derivatives / D. Asplund...[et al.].
- Ingår i: Chemical research in toxicology, ISSN 0893-228X, 8 (1995) s. 841-846. |
47. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Synthesis of chlorinated 5-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(5H)-furanones and mucochloric
acid / R. Franzén and L. Kronberg.
- Ingår i: Tetrahedron letters, ISSN 0040-4039, 36 (1995) s. 3905-3908. |
48. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Identification of the adducts formed in reactions of adenosine with
3-chloro-4-methyl-5-hydroxy-2-(5H)-furanone (MCF) - a bacterial mutagen present
in chlorine disinfected drinking water / T. Munter, L. Kronberg and R. Sjöholm.
- Ingår i: Chemical research in toxicology, ISSN 0893-228X, 9 (1996) s. 703-708. |
49. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Chemical stability of the mutagens
3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX) and
E-2-chloro-3-(dichloromethyl)-4-oxobutenoic acid (E-MX) / Bjarne Holmbom, Leif
Kronberg and Annika Smeds.
- Ingår i: Chemosphere, ISSN 0045-6535, 18 (1989) s. 2237-2245. |
50. | Kronberg, Leif / Institutionen för organisk kemi |
Chemistry of mutagenic by-products of water chlorination / L. Kronberg, R. F.
- Ingår i: Science of the total environment, ISSN 0048-9697, 81/82 (1989) s. 219-230. |