1. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
The coordination of coexisting structures in Chekhov's "The steppe" / Martina
- Ingår i: X mezdunaroden kongres na slavistite Sofija 14-22 septembri 1988g : rezjumenta na dokladite. - Sofija : Izdatelstvo na b"lgarskata akademija na naukite, 1988, s. 532. |
2. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Koordinacija sosuscestvujuscich struktur v povesti A.P. Cechova "Step" /
Martina Björklund.
- Ingår i: Studia slavica Finlandensia, ISSN 0781-3333, 5 (1988) s. 7-22. |
3. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Toward a taxonomy of structure shifts / Nils Erik Enkvist, Martina Björklund.
- Ingår i: Connexity and coherence : analysis of text and discourse / ed. by Wolfgang Heydrich...et al. - Berlin : de Gruyter, 1989, s. 324-341. - (Research in text theory ; vol. 12). ISBN 3-11-011102-0 UDK 801.73 |
4. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
A note on "Literaturnyj Jazyk" / Nils Erik Enqvist & Martina Björklund.
- Ingår i: Carina amicorum : Carin Davidsson septuagenariae 28.3.1990 oblata / redaktörer Martina Björklund, Helena Lundberg, Janina Orlov. - Åbo : Åbo akademis förlag, 1990, s. 79-92. ISBN 951-9498-62-1 UDK 82, 808, 082 Davidsson |
5. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Interaction of text and context : a reading of Cechov's The Steppe / Martina
- Ingår i: Carina amicorum : Carin Davidsson septuagenariae 28.3.1990 oblata / redaktörer Martina Björklund, Helena Lundberg, Janina Orlov. - Åbo : Åbo akademis förlag, 1990, s. 35-50. ISBN 951-9498-62-1 UDK 82, 808, 082 Davidsson |
6. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Deictic phenomena in narrative discourse / Martina Björklund.
- Ingår i: 1990 international pragmatics conference : abstracts : 9/13th July, Universitat de Barcelona. - Barcelona : Univesitat de Barcelona, 1990, |
7. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
The double function of cohesive chains / Martina Björklund-Zabyshnyi.
- Ingår i: Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguistics, Berlin/GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987 / editors Werner Bahner, Joachim Schildt, Dieter Vieweger. - Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1990, s. 1935-1937. |
8. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Variation in narrative structure : a simple text vs. an innovative work of art
/ Martina Björklund & Tuija Virtanen.
- Ingår i: Poetics, ISSN 0304-422X, 20 (1991) s. 1-13. Tidigare version i: Approches to the analysis of literary discourse, ed. by Eija Ventola. Åbo, Åbo akademis förlag, 1991, s. 95-117. |
9. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Grounding and point of view in narrative / Martina Björklund.
- Ingår i: 15e Congres International des Linguistes = 15th International Congress of Linguistics : 3e circulaire = 3rd circular : recueil des resumes abreges = condensed abstract book. - Quebec : Departement langues et linguistique. Faculte des lettres. Universite laval, 1992, s. 56. |
10. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Participant reference in spoken and written Russian narratives / Martina
- Ingår i: Writing vs speaking : language, text, discourse, communication, Prague, October 14-16, 1992 : 1st conference : abstract. - Prague : Institute for the Czech Language. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1992, s. 5-6. |
11. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Narrative strategies in Chechov's The steppe : cohension, grounding, and point
of view / by Martina Björklund. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University Press, 1993. -
346 s
Diss.: Åbo Akademi.
ISBN 952-9616-38-4 |
12. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Participant reference in spoken and written Russian narratives / Martina
- Ingår i: Writing vs speaking : language, text, discourse, communication : proceedings of the Conference held at the Czech Language Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, October 14-16, 1992 / Svetla Cmejrková, Frantisek Danes, Eva Havlová (eds.). - Tübingen : Narr, 1994, s. 355-360. - (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik ; 392). ISBN 3-8233-5057-9 |
13. | Björklund, Martina / Ryska institutionen |
Subjectivity and organization in narrative discourse / Martina Björklund.
- Ingår i: Organization in discourse : proceedings from the Turku Conference / edited by Brita Wårvik, Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen and Risto Hiltunen. - Turku : University of Turku, 1995, s. 167-173. - (Anglicana Turkuensia, ISSN 1236-4754 ; 14). ISBN 951-29-0572-8 |