1. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Ajankohtaista kalatautitutkimuksesta : alan tutkijat kokoontuivat Espanjassa /
Harry Björklund, Christina Råbergh.
- Ingår i: Suomen kalankasvattaja, ISSN 0359-4637, (1989) 5, s. 16-17. |
2. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Oksoliinihappo (Oxolinic acid) : lupaava lääke kalojen bakteeritauteihin /
Harry Björklund.
- Ingår i: Kalaterveyspäivä 17.2 1989. - Turku : Valtion Eläinlääketieteellinen laitos, 1989, s. 44. |
3. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Rapid HPLC-analysis of oxolinic acis in fish tissues / Harry Björklund and
Göran Bylund.
- Ingår i: Diseases of fish and shellfish : European Association of Fish Pathologists, IV International Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 24-28, 1989. - Santiago de Compostela : European Association of Fish Pathologists, 1989, s. 150. |
4. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Regenerating internal surface reversed phase columns : two case histories / J.
Meriluoto & H. Björklund.
- Ingår i: LC GC, ISSN 0888-9090, 7 (1989) s. 738-740. Även i LG GC international, ISSN 0895-5441, 2(1989), s. 12-14. |
5. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Analysis of oxolinic acid in fish by highperformance liquid chromatography /
Harry Björklund.
- Ingår i: Journal of chromatography, ISSN 0376-737X, 530 (1990) s. 75-82. |
6. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Residues of oxytetracycline in wild fish and sediments from fish farms / H.
Björklund, J. Bondestam, G. Bylund.
- Ingår i: Aquaculture, ISSN 0044-8486, 86 (1990) s. 359-367. |
7. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Temperature-related absorption and excretion of oxytetracycline in rainbow
trout (Salmo gairdneri R.) / H. Björklund, G. Bylund.
- Ingår i: Aquaculture, ISSN 0044-8486, 84 (1990) s. 363-372. |
8. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Comparative pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of oxolinic acid and
oxytetracycline in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) / Harry Björklund and
Göran Bylund.
- Ingår i: Xenobiotica, ISSN 0049-8254, 21 (1991) s. 1511-1520. |
9. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid as antibacterials in aquaculture : analysis,
pharmacokinetics and environmental impacts / Harry Björklund. - Åbo : Åbo
Akademi University, 1991. - 43, 47 s. : ill.
Diss.: Åbo Akademi. - Även som Acta Academiae Aboensis. Ser. B. Mathematica et
physica, ISSN, 001-51-05; vol. 51, nr 6.
ISBN 951-649-887-6 |
10. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Persistence of oxolinic acid and oxytetracycline in fish farm sediments / Harry
Björklund, Christina Råbergh.
- Ingår i: Havbrug og miljö / redaktion Erik Hoffman...et al. - Köpenhamn : Nordisk ministerråd, 1991, s. 284. - (Nord, ISSN 0903-7004 ; 1991, 10). ISBN 87-7303-545-9 |
11. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of oxolinic acid and oxytetracycline in
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) / Harry Björklund and Göran Bylund.
- Ingår i: Acta veterinaria Scandinavia, ISSN 0001-7221, Suppl. 87, s. 298-299. |
12. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of oxolinic acid and oxytetracycline in
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and persistence of the drugs in fish farm
sediments / Harry Björklund, Christina Råbergh and Göran Bylund.
- Ingår i: Fifth International Conference "Disease of fish and shellfish", Budapest, Hungary, August 25-29, 1991 : book of abstract : European Association of Fish Patologists, 1991, s. 127. |
13. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Residues of oxolinic acid and oxytetracycline in fish and sediments from fish
farms / H. V. Björklund, C. M. I. Råbergh and B. G. Bylund.
- Ingår i: Aquaculture, ISSN 0044-8489, 97 (1991) s. 85-96. |
14. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Temperature-related absorbtion and excretion of oxolinic acid in rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) / Harry Björklund, A. Eriksson och G. Bylund.
- Ingår i: Aquaculture, ISSN 0044-8486, 102 (1992) s. 17-27. |
15. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Biophysical and serological characterization of rhabdovirus 903/87 isolated
from European lake trout Salmo trutta lacustris / H. V. Björklund, N. J. Olesen
and P. E. V. Jorgensen.
- Ingår i: Disease of aquatic organisms, ISSN 0177-5103, 19 (1994) s. 21-26. |
16. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Comparative analysis of glycoprotein and polymerase gene sequences of the fish
rhabdoviruses spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) and hirame rhabdovirus (HRV)
/ Harry V. Björklund, Keith H. Higman and Gael Kurath.
- Ingår i: 13th annual meeting : University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, July 9-13, 1994 : scientific program and abstracts / American Society of Virology, 1994, s. 139. |
17. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Comparative analysis of nonvirion (NV) genes and glycoprotein-polymerase gene
junctions in the fish rhabdoviruses IHNNV, HRV, VHSV, and SVCV / G. Kutath,
K.H. Higman, and H. Bjorklund.
- Ingår i: International symposium on aquatic animal health : September 4-8, 1994, Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, Washington : program and abstracts. - Seattle, 1994, s. W-4.4. |
18. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Distribution and sequence variation of NY genes in fish rhabdoviruses / Gael
Kurath, Keith H. Higman, and Harry V. Bjorklund.
- Ingår i: 13th annual meeting : University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, July 9-13, 1994 : scientific program and abstracts / American Society of Virology, 1994, s. 136. |
19. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Molecular comparison of the fish rhabdoviruses SVCV, HRV and IHNV by the
glycoprotein and polymerase gene sequences / H.V. Bjorklund, K.H. Higman, and
G. Kurath.
- Ingår i: International symposium on aquatic animal health : September 4-8, 1994, Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, Washington : program and abstracts. - Seattle, 1994, s. W-12.6. |
20. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
Comparison of the polymerases (L genes) of spring viremia of carp virus and
hematopoietic necrosis virus / H. V. Björklund, E. J. Emmenegger and G. Kurath.
- Ingår i: Veterinary research, ISSN 0928-4249, vol. 26 (1996) nr. 5-6, s. 394-398. |
21. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
The non virion genes of fish rhabdoviruses : development of Rnase protection
assays for rapid assessment of genetics variations / G. Kurath, K. H. Higman
and H. V. Björklund.
- Ingår i: Veterinary research, ISSN 0928-4249, vol. 26 (1996) nr. 5-6, s. 477-485. |
22. | Björklund, Harry / Parasitologiska institutet |
The glycoproteingenes and gene junctions from the fish rhabdoviruses spring
viremia of carp virus and hirame rhabdovirus : analysis of relationships with
other rhabdoviruses / H. Björklund, K. H. Higman and G. Kurath.
- Ingår i: Virus research, ISSN 0168-1702, 42 (1996) s. 65-80. |