1. | Blanpain, Roger ... [et al.] : Institutional changes and European social policies after the treaty of Amsterdam, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Institutional changes and European social policies after the treaty of Amsterdam / Blanpain, Roger ... [et al.] - (Studies in social policy), 415 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 1998. ISBN 90-411-1018-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The European Union, Employment, Social Policy and the Law, by Roger Blanpain. 2. Labour Law and the European Union after the Amsterdam Treaty, by Chris Engels & Lisa Solas. 3. Searching for a European Employment Strategic Initiative, by Michele Colucci. 4. Fundamental Rights in the EU Frank Hendrickx. 5. The Constitutional Amendments made to the Treaty on European Union by the Treaty of Amsterdam, by Eddy De Smijter. INDEX WORDS:
2. | Modeen, Tore : Förfarandet, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Förfarandet : socialvården = Proceedings in the social welfare / Modeen, Tore REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Oikeus : No. 6., p. 386-401. - Helsinki : Juridiska föreningen i Finland, 1989. - ISSN 0356-4037 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
3. | Offentlighetsprincipen och ADB , 1980 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Offentlighetsprincipen och ADB : insyn, tillgång till : information hos myndigheterna : delbetänkande av datalagsstiftningskommittén (DALK) / - (SOU = Statens offentliga utredningar ; No. 31), 249 p.. - Stockholm : Liber, 1980. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 91 38 05702 6 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
4. | Revision av offentlighetslagstiftningen: Betänkande av offentlighetskommissionen, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Revision av offentlighetslagstiftningen: Betänkande av offentlighetskommissionen = Julkisuuslainsäädännön uudistaminen: julkisuustoimikunnan mietintö / ; Justitieministeriet = Oikeusministeriö - ( Kommittebetänkande = Komiteanmietintö ; No. 9) - Helsinki; Valtion painatuskesku, 1992. - ISSN 0356-9470 ISBN 951 47 5274 0 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Ehdotus julkisuuslainsäädännön kokonaisuudistukseksi, tavoitteena julkisuuden ja sen poikkeusten välisten rajojen selkiinnyttäminen. Laissa lueteltaisiin ne tärkeät yleiset ja yksityiset edut, joiden suojaamiseksi julkisuutta on rajoitettava. INDEX WORDS:
5. | Tiilikainen, Teija (toim.) : Kansalaisten Eurooppa, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Kansalaisten Eurooppa / Tiilikainen, Teija (toim.), 185 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi. Åbo Akademin ihmisoikeusinstituutti, 1994. ISBN 951-650-433-7 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
6. | Mäenpää, Olli : Julkisuusperiaate Euroopan unionista, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Julkisuusperiaate Euroopan unionista / Mäenpää, Olli REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Euroopan unioni ja ihmisoikeudet / Scheinin, M.; Dahlgren, T. (toim.), p. 41-56. - Turku/Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Ihmisoikeusinstituutti., 1994. ISBN 951-650-372-1 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nordic Countries / Finland / Sweden / Norway NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; Public access to Council documents; EEC-214 |
7. | Bohlin, Alf : Offentlighetsprincipen, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Offentlighetsprincipen / Bohlin, Alf. - 4th ed.., 231 p.. - Stockholm : Juristförlaget, 1994. ISBN 91-7598-686-8 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
8. | Norström, Carl : EU och den svenska offentlighetsprincipen, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph EU och den svenska offentlighetsprincipen / Norström, Carl, 286 p.. - Stockholm : Juridik & Samhälle, 1995. ISBN 91-7199-032-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
9. | Saarenpää, Ahti : Information, skydd och byråkrati, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Information, skydd och byråkrati : synpunkter på det finländska dataskyddets utveckling och tolkningspraxis / Saarenpää, Ahti REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Rätten till information som en mänsklig rättighet : föredrag vi XI nordiska mötet i rättsinformatik, 24-25.11.1995 / Saarenpää, A.; Suksi, M. (red.), p. 47-84. - Åbo : Abo Akademi. Institutet för mänskliga rättigheter, 1997. ISBN 951-650-910-X LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland NOTE (GENERAL): Convention on data protection |
10. | Norström, Carl : EU och den svenska offentlighetsprincipen, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph EU och den svenska offentlighetsprincipen / Norström, Carl, 286 p.. - Stockholm : Juridik & Samhälle, 1995. ISBN 91-7199-032-1 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
11. | Heckscher, Sten : Offentlighetsprinicpen vid ett svenskt medlemskap i EU, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Offentlighetsprinicpen vid ett svenskt medlemskap i EU / Heckscher, Sten ; Wiklund, Ola, 72 p.. - Stockholm : Svenska Tidningsutgivareföreningen, 1994. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
12. | Österdahl, Inger : Openness v. Secrecy, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Openness v. Secrecy : public access to documents in Sweden and the European Union / Österdahl, Inger REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law review : vol. 23; no. 4 ., p. 336-356. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1998. - ISSN 0307-5400 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
13. | Betten, Lammy : The democratic deficit of participatory democracy in community social policy, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The democratic deficit of participatory democracy in community social policy / Betten, Lammy REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law review : vol. 23; no. 1 ., p. 20-36. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1998. - ISSN 0307-5400 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EC treaty; Social charter; |
14. | O.Neill, Michael : The right of access to Community - held documentation as a general principle of EC law, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The right of access to Community - held documentation as a general principle of EC law / O.Neill, Michael REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European public law : vol. 4; issue 3., p. 403-432. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1998. - ISSN 1354-3725 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
15. | Alm, Oili : Kaksintaistelu : pitäisikö EU:n päätöksenteko perustua täydelliseen avoimuuteen?, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Kaksintaistelu : pitäisikö EU:n päätöksenteko perustua täydelliseen avoimuuteen? / Alm, Oili ; Kemppinen, Reijo REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Ulkopolitikka : 4., p. 60-65. - Helsinki : Ulkopolitiikan instituutti, 1996. - ISSN 0501-0659 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Sweden |
16. | Piispanen, Kirsi : Poliisin tiedoksisaamisoikeudesta salassapidettäviin tietoihin, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Poliisin tiedoksisaamisoikeudesta salassapidettäviin tietoihin / Piispanen, Kirsi REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Juhlakirja Kaarlo Tuori 50 vuotta / van Aerschot, P.; Ilveskivi, P.; Piispanen, K. (toim.), p. 29-42. - Helsinki : Helsingin yliopiston julkisoikeuden laitos, 1998. ISBN 951-45-8101-6 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
17. | Mäenpää, Olli : Julisuusperiaate ja integraatio, 1993 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Julisuusperiaate ja integraatio = Access to information and integration / Mäenpää, Olli REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Lakimies : suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen aikakauskirja : no. 91 (4)., p. 563-582. - Helsinki : Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, 1993. - ISSN 0023-7353 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
18. | Ilveskivi, Paula : Potilaan tiedonsaantioikeus, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Potilaan tiedonsaantioikeus = Patients' right to information / Ilveskivi, Paula REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Lakimies : suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen aikakauskirja : no. 95 (6)., p. 774-805. - Helsinki : Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, 1997. - ISSN 0023-7353 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; ECHR; Biomedicine convention; Declaration on the promotion of patient's rights; UDHR; |
19. | Part I : International law and international relations, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part I : International law and international relations / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: International law : theory and practice : essays in honour of Eric Suy / Wellens, K. (ed.), p. 1-120. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1998. ISBN 90-411-0582-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. C.F. Amerasinghe : South Asian antecedents of international law. 2. M. Eyskens : Particularism versus universalism. 3. R. Foqué : Global governance and the rule of law; Human rights and general principles of good global governance. 4. W. Lang : New regionalism in a changing world order. 5. R. St.J. Macdonald : Rummaging in the ruins. Soviet international law and policy in the early years : is anything left? 6. L. Reychler : Democratic peacebuilding and conflict prevention. 7. K. Skubiszewski : The end of Yalta. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Rwanda / Burundi / Zaire / Poland / USSR / Romania / Greece / Bulgaria / Former Yugoslavia / Hungary / Ukraine / South Asia / India NOTE (GENERAL): Declaration of the rights of man and citizen; UDHR; UN charter; Charter of Paris; UN charter-51; Biological weapons convention; Chemical weapons convention; London convention; Covenant of the League of Nations; Kellog Priard Pact; Decree on peace; Nuremberg charter; TEU; ToA; |
20. | Bull, Thomas : Sweden : constitutional issues in Sweden, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Sweden : constitutional issues in Sweden / Bull, Thomas REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European public law : vol. 5; issue 2., p. 209-213. - Hague : Kluwer, 1999. - ISSN 1354-3725 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
21. | After Amsterdam, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph After Amsterdam : sexual orientation and the European Union : a guide /, 74 p. . - Brussels : European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association [=ILGA-Europe], 1999. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
22. | Dyrberg, Peter : Current issues in the debate on public access to documents, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Current issues in the debate on public access to documents / Dyrberg, Peter REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law review : vol. 24:2., p. 157-170. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1999. - ISSN 0307-5400 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
23. | Lagstiftningen om offentlighet och sekretess revideras, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Lagstiftningen om offentlighet och sekretess revideras : särtryck = Julkisuus- ja salassasäädännön uudistus : eripainos / - (Lagberedningsavdelningens publikation ; 6), 283 p.. - Helsingfors : Justitieministeriet, 1999. - ISSN 0356-8431 ISBN 951-53-2077-1 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL: 1. Regeringens proposition till Riksdagen med förslag till lag om offentlighet i myndighetemas verksamhet samt till lagar som har samband med den (RP 30/1998 rd). 2. Förvaltningsutskottets betänkande 31/1998 rd. 3. Transumt ur riksdagens svar pa regeringens proposition med förslag till lag om offentlighet i myndighetemas verksamhet samt till lagar som bar samband med den (RSv 303/1998 rd). 4. Lagtexter i Finlands författningssamling. INDEX WORDS:
24. | Reif, Linda C. (ed.) : The international ombudsman anthology , 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The international ombudsman anthology : selected writings from the International Ombudsman Institute / Reif, Linda C. (ed.) - (~), xxxviii, 745 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law; International Ombudsman Institute, 1999. ISBN 90-411-0490-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Introduction, by Linda C. Reif. 1. THE OMBUDSMAN : PRESENT AND FUTURE ROLES :. 1. M. Costing : The ombudsman and his environment: a global viev. 2. D. Jacoby : The Future of the Ombudsman. 3. S. Owen : The Ombudsman: Essential Elements and Common Challenges. 4. D. Pearce : The Ombudsman: Review and Preview - The Importance of Being Different. 5. G.E. Caiden and D. de Asper y Valdes : Maturation Issues for the Ombudsman. II : THE OMBUDSMAN : SURVEYS AND PERSPECTIVES:. 1. R. Gregory : Building an Ombudsman Scheme: Statutory Provisions and Operating Practices. 2. V. Ayeni : Evaluating Ombudsman Programmes. 3. U. Kempf and M. Mille : The Role and the Function of the Ombudsman: Personalised Parliamentary Control in Forty-Eight Different States. 4. D. de Asper y Valdes : The Self-Perceptions of the Ombudsman: A Comparative and Longitudinal Survey. III : THE OMBUDSMAN AND HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION:. 1. L.C. Reif : The Promotion of International Human Rights Law by the Office of the Ombudsman. 2. M. Costing : The National Ombudsman of the Netherlands and Human Rights. 3. J. Madrazo : New Policies on Human Rights in Mexico: The National Commission for Human Rights 1988-1993. 4. J.L. Maiorano : The Defensor del Pueblo in Argentina: A Constitutional Institution of Control and Protection. 5. H. Gammeltoft-Hansen : Refugee Concerns. IV. ADAPTATIONS OF THE OMBUDSMAN MODEL : 1. M.G.J. Kimweri : The Effectiveness of an Executive Ombudsman. 2. M.D. Farrell-Donaldson : Will the Real Ombudsman Come Forward?. 3. M. Mills : Municipal Government Ombudsman. 4. C. Maino : Ethical Considerations : The Leadership Code of Papua New Guinea. V. THE OMBUDSMAN AND ISSUES OF JURISDICTION:. 1. E. Biganovsky : The Experiences of the South Australian Ombudsman : "Policy - Administration - Jurisdiction of the Ombudsman". 2. D. Gibson : Coping With Quasi-ness : Ombudsmen and Quasi-Judicial Tribunals. 3. J. Meunier : The Special Relations of the Canadian Province Ombudsmen With the Courts and Quasi-Judicial Authorities. 4. P.K. Koskinen : Investigating the Judiciary. 5. D.C. Rowat : Why An Ombudsman to Supervise the Courts?. 6. T. J. Christian : Why an ombudsman to supervise the courts in Canada? VI. THE OMBUDSMAN PROCESS:. 1. M. Zacks : Administrative Fairness in the Ombudsman Process. 2. C. Ferris : Special Ombudsman Investigations. 3. R. Jamieson : Alternative Dispute Resolution. 4. H.G. Morrison : Decisions by the Ombudsman and Review by th Legislature: Rules, Principles and Policy. 5. B. Parfitt : Public Education on the Role of the Ombudsman Office Geographical Concerns, Targetting Vulnerable Groups. 6. M. Aeuilar Alvarez : The Teaching, Learning and Training Process for Human Rights Protection. 7. D. Jacoby : Comments on Relations Between Ombudsmen. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Alaska / Austria / California / Chile / China / Australia / Colombia / Costa Rica / Denmark / Eastern Europe / El Salvador / Finland / France / Germany / Ghana / Guatemala / Hawaii / Netherlands / Mexico / Hungary / Jamaica / Papua New Guinea / Latin America / Argentina / Chile / Brazil / Venezueal / Namibia / Taiwan / Uganda / Zambia NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; Candadian charter of rights and freedoms; CEDAW; CRC; CAT; ECHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; |
25. | Access to legal norms, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Access to legal norms /, 211 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2000. ISBN 92-871-4377-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Publicity of norms and their entry into force, by Dr. George GERAPETRITIS. 2. The organisation of publishing houses for legal norms, by Mrs Päivi KäMäRäINEN. 3. Organisation of work on the official gazette, by Mr Yvan GAYDARSKI. 4. Right of access to administrative documents, by Dr. George GERAPETRITIS. 5. Access to administrative documents, by Mrs Malina NOVKIRICHKA-STOYANOVA. 6. Case-law and legal knowledge, by Mr Peter ANGST. 7. The contribution of "legistique"to a better knowledge of the law, by Mr Charles-Albert MORAND. 8. The computerisation of legal norms, by Mr Giacomo OBERTO. 9. Situation in Bulgaria, by M. Gueorgui TCHORBOV. 10. Codification : the issues at stake, by Mr Guy BRAIBANT. 11. The current state of codification in the Republic of Bulgaria, by Ms Alexandra TZEKOVA. 12. General report presented by Mr Guy BRAIBANT. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Albania / Armenia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Belgium / Bosnia-herzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Hungary / Italy / Latvia / Lithuania / Moldova / Norway / Portugal / Romania / Russian Federation / Slovak Republic / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Ukraine / United Kingdom NOTE (MEETINGS): Proceedings : multilateral seminar : activities for the development and consolidation of democratic stability (Adacs), Borovets, Bulgaria, [19981125-19981127], [C] NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; EC treaty; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: CoE |
26. | Abrahamsson, Olle : Öppenheten i EU - ett arbete med nationella komplikationer, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Öppenheten i EU - ett arbete med nationella komplikationer / Abrahamsson, Olle REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Europarättslig tidskrift [=ERT] : Årg. 3; no. 3., p. 455-465. - Stockholm : Jure AB, 2000. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
27. | Alling, Johan : Beslut, dokumentation och öppenhet i EU, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Beslut, dokumentation och öppenhet i EU / Alling, Johan ; Jönsson, Karin ; Lindberg, Fredrik, 300 p.. - Stockholm : Norstedts förlag, 2001. ISBN 91-39-00642-5 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL: 1. Europeiska Unionen - institutioner och organ. 2. Offentlighet och informationspolitik. 3.EG-domstolens rättspraxis om öppnehet. 4. Sammasntällning och klarhet. 5. Dokumentation. 6. Beslutsförfarande. 7. Rättskällor och politiska akter. 8. Rådets dokument. 9. Historiska arkiv. 10. Elektroniska källor. INDEX WORDS:
28. | Wouters, Jan (ed.) : Principles of proper conduct for supranational, state and private actors in the European Union, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Principles of proper conduct for supranational, state and private actors in the European Union : towards a Ius Commune : essays inhonour of Walter van Gerven / Wouters, Jan (ed.) ; Stuyck, Jules ; Kruger, Thalia, xx, 214 p.. - Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2001. ISBN 90-5095-162-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. CHAPTER I : Good governance in the European Union. 1. Introduction, by Lord Slynn of Hadley. 2. The European Commission in search of accountability : from chamber of secrets to good governance?, by Deirdre Curtin. 3. Good governance : the national experience, by Thijmen Koopmasn. 4. Comment from an EU point of view, by Chrstiaan W. A. Timmermans. CHAPTER II: JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION: 1. Introduction, by Gil Carlos Rodriguez Iglesias. 2. Judge-made harmonisation of national procedural rules : a bridging perspective, by Sacha Prechal. 3. Judicial review of Community acts from a German point of view, by Jürgen Schwarze. 4. Judicial review and the Community judicature : towrards a new European constitutionalism?, by Takis Tridimas. CHAPTER III : LIABILITY OF SUPRANATIONAL, STATE AND PRIVATE SECTOR:. 1. Introduction, by Bruno de Witte. 2. Mutual permeation of Community and national tort rules, by Jeremy Lever. 3. The Brasserie du pecheur puzzle, by Pierre Larouche. 4. Some remarks on Community and member state liability, by Francis G. Jacobs. 5. Comment from the point of view of EU competition law, by Luc Gyselen. CHAPTER 4 : TRIBUTE TO WALTER van GERVEN:. 1. Walter van Gerven's contribution to EU law, by Paul J. G. Kapteyn. 2. Principle andpractice : the contribution of Walter van Gerven to national and European private law, by Arthur Hartkamp. 3. The contributions of Walter van Gerven to the international debate on the concept, the geographical dimensions and the principles of economic law, by Pieter VerLoren van Themat. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Austria / France / Germany / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; TEU; EU charter of fundamental rights; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
29. | Bohlin, Alf : Offentlighetsprincipen, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Offentlighetsprincipen / Bohlin, Alf. - 6. uppl.., 266 p.. - Stockholm : Norstedts juridik, 2003. ISBN 91.39-20232-3 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS: