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Findoc: söktermen indexes=('respekt för privatliv') gav 22 träffar

1. Cohen-Jonathan, Gérard : La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme les écoutes téléphoniques, 1990

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme les écoutes téléphoniques : les arrets Kruslin et Huvig du 24 avril 1990 / Cohen-Jonathan, Gérard

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Revue universelle des droits de l'homme - RUDH : 2 (5)., p. 185-191. - Kehl am Rhein : Editions N.P. Engel, 1990. - ISSN 0937-714X


* regionala dokument = regional instruments = alueelliset asiakirjat
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki



2. Drzemczewski, Andrew Z. : The European convention on human rights, 1988

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series

The European convention on human rights / Drzemczewski, Andrew Z. ; Warbrick, Colin, p. 361-398. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1988.

ISBN 0-19-825625-6


* klagomål/besvär = complaints = valitus
* grundlag/författning = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* ratificering = ratification = ratifiointi
* regionala dokument = regional instruments = alueelliset asiakirjat
* medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter = civil and political rights = kansalaisoikeudet ja poliittiset oikeudet
* skälig gottgörelse = just satisfaction = kohtuullinen hyvitys
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* val = elections = vaalit
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Turkey / Sweden / Belgium

NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-6-8; ECHRP-1-3; Additional protocol to the ESC

3. Hillgruber, Christian : The European convention on human rights and the protection of national minorities, 1994


The European convention on human rights and the protection of national minorities / Hillgruber, Christian ; Jestaedt, Matthias, 123 p.. - Köln : Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1994.

ISBN 3-8046-8808-X


* domstolsutslag = judicial judgment = tuomioistuinpäätös
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* religionsfrihet = freedom of religion = uskonnonvapaus
* etniska grupper = ethnic groups = etniset ryhmät
* staternas förpliktelser = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet
* jämlik behandling = equal treatment = tasa-arvoinen kohtelu
* nationella minoriteter = national minorities = kansalliset vähemmistöt
* rösträtt = right to vote = äänioikeus
* val = elections = vaalit
* politiskt deltagande = political participation = poliittinen osallistuminen
* individuella klagomål = individual complaints = yksilövalitus
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö


4. Privacy, 1994

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph

Privacy /

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Human rights : a European perspective / Heffernan, L.; Kingston, J. (eds.), p. 153-197. - Dublin : Round Hall Press, 1994.

ISBN 1-85800033-5


ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. P. Coughlan : Personal information and privacy. 2. J. Kingston : Sex and sexuality under the European convention on human rights.

* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* domstolsutslag = judicial judgment = tuomioistuinpäätös
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* undantagsstadgande = provisions of derogation = poikkeusmääräys
* dataskydd = data protection = tietosuoja
* grundlag/författning = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö


NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-5-8-14; Art. 6-17 (EC); ICCPR-26

5. Convery, Maureen A. : The privacy of telephone conversations under German law and article 8 of the European convention of human rights , 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series

The privacy of telephone conversations under German law and article 8 of the European convention of human rights : improving human rights enforcement through domestic decisions / Convery, Maureen A.

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: German yearbook of international law [GYIL] : 1995 : vol. 38 / Delbrück, J. (ed.), p. 153-177. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1996. - ISSN 0344-3094

ISBN 3-428-08521-3


* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* interamerikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Inter-American Court of Human Rights = Inter-Amerikkalainen ihmisoikeustuomioistuin


NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-8; Inter-American convention to prevent and punish torture

6. Jones, Timothy : Property rights, planning law and European convention , 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Property rights, planning law and European convention / Jones, Timothy

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European human rights law review : issue 3., p. 233-242. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1996. - ISSN 1361-1526


* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* romer = Roma = romanit
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Sweden / United Kingdom


7. Human rights in Finland, 1998


Human rights in Finland : 1998 audit, December 1998 /, 18 p.. - Helsinki : Ihmisoikeusliitto ry - Finnish League for Human Rights - Förbundet för mänskliga rättigheter, 1998.


* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna (FN) = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea (YK)
* grundlag/författning = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* romer = Roma = romanit
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* rätt till arbete = right to work = oikeus työhön
* arbetslöshet = unemployment = työttömyys
* samer = Sami = saamelaiset
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* inkorporering = incorporation = yhdistäminen
* församlingsfrihet = freedom of assembly = kokoontumisvapaus
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* föreningsfrihet = freedom of association = yhdistymisvapaus
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* rätt till privatliv = right to privacy = oikeus yksityiselämään
* fängelseförhållanden = prison conditions = vankilaolosuhteet
* rapporter = state reports = raportit
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* massmedia = mass media = joukkotiedotusvälineet
* dataskydd = data protection = tietosuoja
* skuggrapporter = shadow reports = varjoraportit




SHELF CODE: s Ihmisoikeusliitto ...

8. Merrills, J. G. : Decisions on the European convention on human rights during 1995, 1996

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series

Decisions on the European convention on human rights during 1995 / Merrills, J. G.

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The British year book of international law 1995 : no. 66 / Brownlie, I. ... [et al.], p. 513-560. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1996.

ISBN 0-19-825882-8


* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* prövningsmarginal = margin of appreciation = harkintamarginaali
* rätt till domstolsprövning = access to court = oikeus tuomioistuinmenettelyyn
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* respekt för familjeliv = respect for family life = perhe elämän kunnioittaminen
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* rätt att förutsättas vara oskyldig = presumption of innocence = oikeus tulla pidetyksi syyttömänä
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus


9. PART I : GENERAL, 1999

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph


REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The execution of Strasbourg and Geneva human rights decisions in the national legal order / Barkhuysen, T.; van Emmerik, M.L.; van Kempen, PH.Ph.M.C. (eds.) - (International studies in humann rights ; vol. 57), p. ixx-64. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1999.

ISBN 90-411-1152-2


ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. Improving the implementation of Strasbourg and Geneva decisions in the Dutch legal order : reopening of closed cases or claims of damages against the state, by T. Barkhuysen & M. L. van Emmerik. 2. Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against the Netherlands and their effects : an overview 1960-1997, by C.C. Engering & N. A. Liborang.

* erga omnes = erga omnes = erga omnes
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki
* grundlag/författning = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* individuella klagomål = individual complaints = yksilövalitus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* värnplikt = compulsory military service = asevelvollisuus
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* offentligt förhör = public hearing = julkinen kuulustelu
* oavhängig och opartisk domstol = independent and impartial tribunal = riippumaton ja puolueeton tuomioistuin
* respekt för familjeliv = respect for family life = perhe-elämän kunnioittaminen
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus



10. Betten, Lammy (ed.) : The human rights act 1998 - what it means, 1999


The human rights act 1998 - what it means : the incorporation of the European convention on human rights into the legal order of the United Kingdom / Betten, Lammy (ed.), x, 322 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1999.

ISBN 90-411-1085-2


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction, by Lammy Betten. 2. What does it all mean? Interpreting the human rights act 1998, by Michael Beloff. 3. The human rights bill : progress through parliament, by Ben Bradshav. 4. Principles of judicial review as developed by the European Court of Human Rights : their relevance in a national context, by Paul Mahoney. 5. Status of the ECHR in the member states, by Fredrik Sundberg. 6. How private is my private life, by Jane Wright. 7. Convention rights and the environment, by Nicholas Grief. 8. The protection of rights of property in land under the human rights act, by Jean Howell. 9. The applicability of the human rights act to private corporations, by Michael Addo.

* allmän talerätt = actio popularis = actio popularis
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* klagomål/besvär = complaints = valitus
* grundlag/författning = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki
* inskränkningar = derogations = poikkeukset
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* miljöskydd = environmental protection = ympäristönsuojelu
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* EU = EU = EU
* mellanstatliga klagomål = inter-state complaints = valtioidenvälinen valitus
* inkorporering = incorporation = voimaansaattaminen
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* tvångsarbete = forced labour = pakkotyö
* föreningsfrihet = freedom of association = yhdistymisvapaus
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* val = elections = vaalit
* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* prövningsmarginal = margin of appreciation = harkintamarginaali
* nationalitet = nationality = kansallisuus
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = perhe-elämän kunnioittaminen
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* ras = race = rotu
* utsätta sig för åtal = self-incrimination = saattaa itsensä syytteen vaaraan
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* transsexualism = transsexualism = transseksuaalisuus
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* individuella klagomål = individual complaints = yksilövalitus
* nationell rätt = national law = kansallinen oikeus

NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR (in full text); Vienna convention on the law of treaties;

11. Cameron, Iain : European Court of Human Rights, 2001

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

European Court of Human Rights : case law of the European Court of Human Rights, January to December 2000 / Cameron, Iain

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European public law [=EPL] : vol. 7; issue 4., p. 503-528. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001. - ISSN 1354-3725


* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* effektiva rättsmedel = effective remedy = tehokas oikeussuojakeino
* skälig tid = reasonable time = kohtuullinen aika
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* deporterade personer = deported persons = karkotetut henkilöt
* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* barn = children = lapset
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* religionsfrihet = freedom of religion = uskonnonvapaus
* statsansvar = state responsibility = valtiovastuu
* rösträtt = right to vote = äänioikeus

12. Morris, Dan : Assisted suicide under the European convention on human rights, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Assisted suicide under the European convention on human rights : a critique / Morris, Dan

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European human rights law review : issue 1., p. 65-91. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2003. - ISSN 1361-1526


* hjälp till självmord = assisted suicide = avunanto itsemurhaan
* eutanasi = euthanasia = eutanasia
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* omänsklig behandling eller bestraffning = inhuman treatment or punishment = epäinhimillinen kohtelu tai rangaistus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* samvetsfrihet = freedom of conscience = omantunnonvapaus
* religionsfrihet = freedom of religion = uskonnonvapaus
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen

NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-2-3-9; Canadian charter of rights and freedoms;

13. Wicks, Elizabeth : Human rights and healthcare, 2007


Human rights and healthcare / Wicks, Elizabeth, xxi, 291 p.. - Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2007.

ISBN 978-1-84113-580-9


ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Introduction: human rights in healthcare. 2. A right to treatment? The allocation of resources in the national health service. 3. Ensuring quality healthcare: an issue of rights or duties?. 4. Autonomy and consent to medical treatment. 5. Treating incompetent patients: beneficence, welfare and rights. 6. Medical confidentiality and the right to privacy. 7. Property rights in the body. 8. Medically assisted conception and a right to reproduce. 9. Termination of pregnancy: a conflict of rights. 10. Pregnancy and freedom of choice. 11. The right to life at the end of life. 12. The law and ethics of assisted dying: is there a right to die?

* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* abort = abortion = abortti
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* människovärde = human dignity = ihmisarvo
* rätt att dö = right to die = oikeus kuolla
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet
* medicinsk behandling = medical treatment = lääkehoito
* rätt till hälsa = right to health = oikeus terveyteen
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* eutanasi = euthanasia = eutanasia
* hjälp till självmord = assisted suicide = avunanto itsemurhaan
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö


URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841135809

14. Holdgaard, Marianne : Family life and transsexuals, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Family life and transsexuals : developments in the light of changes in "present-day conditions" / Holdgaard, Marianne

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): EU-ret & menneskeret : årg. 10; no. 2., p. 70-80. - Copenhagen : Jurist- og Okonomforbudets forlag, 2003. - ISSN 1395-220X


* familj = family = perhe
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* transsexualism = transsexualism = transseksuaalisuus
* transsexuella = transsexuals = transseksuaalit
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* rätt att gifta sig el. ingå äktenskap = right to marry = oikeus solmia avioliitto
* rätt till privatliv = right to privacy = oikeus yksityiselämään
* respekt för familjeliv = respect for family life = perhe-elämän kunnioittaminen
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä



15. Norrlund, Sofie : Prostitution inom folkrätten, 2007

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

Prostitution inom folkrätten / Norrlund, Sofie, 90 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi. Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2007.


* prostitution = prostitution = prostituutio
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* handel med kvinnor = trafficking in women = naiskauppa
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* individuella rättigheter = individual rights = yksilöoikeudet
* kollektiva rättigheter = collective rights = kollektiiviset oikeudet
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* omänsklig behandling eller bestraffning = inhuman treatment or punishment = epäinhimillinen kohtelu tai rangaistus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* ECj = ECJ = ECJ

NOTE (THESIS): Master's thesis in public international law, [2007], [T]

NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; Slavery convention; Geneva conventions; ECHR; ICCPR; AMR; CEDAW; ICESCR; Revised ESC; CEDAW-OP; ICC statute; CAT; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Convention on the right to organise and collective bargaining (ILO convention no. 98), Convention no. 87 on freedom of association and protection of the right to organise; Convention no. 29 on Forced labour; ESC;


SHELF CODE: seminarierummet

16. Keller, Helen (ed.) : A Europe of rights, 2008


A Europe of rights : the impact of the ECHR on national legal systems / Keller, Helen (ed.) ; Stone Sweet, Alec, xl, 852 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2008.

ISBN 978-0-19-953526-2


ABSTRACT: 1: Keller and Stone Sweet: Introduction: The reception of the ECHR in national legal orders. Part I: NATIONAL REPORTS:. 2: Erika de Wet: Belgium and the Netherlands 3: Elisabeth Lambert Abdelgawad: France and Germany 4: Daniela Thurnherr: Austria and Switzerland 5: Samantha Besson: Ireland and the UK 6: Ola Wiklund: Norway and Sweden 7: Ibrahim Özden Kaboglu and Stylianos-Ioannis G. Koutnatzis: Greece and Turkey 8: Magda Krzyzanowska-Mierzewska: Poland and Slavakia 9: Angelika Nussberger: Russia and Ukraine Part II Assessment and Conclusion 10: Keller and Stone Sweet: The ECHR and National Legal Orders

* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* anti-terrorism = anti-terrorism = antiterrorismi
* skadestånd = compensation = vahingonkorvaus
* barn = children = lapset
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* internationell sedvanerätt = customary international law = kansainvälinen tapaoikeus
* dataskydd = data protection = tietosuoja
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* erga omnes = erga omnes = erga omnes
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* jus cogens = jus cogens = jus cogens
* prövningsmarginal = margin of appreciation = harkintamarginaali
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* ratificering = ratification = ratifiointi
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* könsbyte = change of gender = sukupuolenvaihdos
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* CPT Committee = CPT Committee = CPT Committee
* romer = Roma = romanit
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* nationell rätt = national law = kansallinen oikeus
* inverkan = impact = vaikutus

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Ireland / United Kingdom / France / Germany / Sweden / Norway / Netherlands / Belgium / Spain / italy / Greece / Turkey / Poland / Slovakia / Russian Federation / Ukraine


URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199535262.do?keyword=europe+of+rights&sortby=bestMatches

17. Oda, Aklilu Tesfaye : The right of access to environmantal information under international human rights law, 2012

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

The right of access to environmantal information under international human rights law / Oda, Aklilu Tesfaye, 103 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi University. Department of Law. Institute for Human Rights, 2012.


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. General overview of the right of access to information. 3. The right of access to environmental information under the Aarhus convention. 4. The right of access to environmental information under international human rights instruments. 5. Access to privately held environmental information

* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* miljörätt = environmental law = ympäristöoikeus
* informationsfrihet = freedom of information = informaatiovapaus
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* levnadsstandard = standard of living = elintaso
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus

NOTE (THESIS): Master's thesis in public international law, ÅAU, Institute for Huamn Rights, 2012

NOTE (GENERAL): AMR; Protocol of San Salvador; ACHPR; ECHR; Revised ESC; ICCPR; ICESCR; Convention against corruption; Framework convention on climate change; UDHR; Rio declaration; World charter for nature;

18. Peers, Steve ... [et al.] : The EU charter of fundamental rights , 2014


The EU charter of fundamental rights : a commentary / Peers, Steve ... [et al.], xlii, 1893 p.. - Oxford : Hart, 2014.

ISBN 978-1-84946-308-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I - COMMENTARY ON THE ARTICLES OF THE EU CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS:. Article 1 - Human Dignity, by Catherine Dupré. Article 2 - Right to Life, by Elizabeth Wicks. Article 3 - Right to the Integrity of the Person, by Sabine Michalowski. Article 4 - Prohibition of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, by Manfred Nowak and Anne Charbord. Article 5 - Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour, by Heli Askola. Article 6 - Right to Liberty and Security, by Daniel Wilsher. Article 7 - Respect for Private and Family Life (Private Life, Home and Communications), by Jens Vested-Hansen. Article 7 - Right to Respect for Private and Family Life (Family Life Aspects), by Shazia Choudhry. Article 8 - Protection of Personal Data, by Herke Kranenborg. Article 9 - Right to Marry and Right to Found a Family, by Shazia Choudhry. Article 10 - Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, by Ronan McCrea. Article 11 - Freedom of Expression and Information, by Lorna Woods. Article 12 - Freedom of Assembly and of Association Article 12(1), by Filip Dorssemont. Article 12(2), by Jo Shaw and Lamin Khadar. Article 13 - Freedom of the Arts and Sciences, by Debbie Sayers. Article 14 - Right to Education, by Gisella Gori. Article 15 - Freedom to Choose an Occupation and Right to Engage in work, by Diamond Ashiagbor. Article 16 - Freedom to Conduct a Business, by Michele Everson and Rui Correia Gonçalves. Article 17 - Right to Property: Article 17(1), by Ferdinand Wollenschläger. Article 17(2), by Paul Torremans. Article 18 - Right to Asylum, by Maarten den Heijer. Article 19 - Protection in the Event of Removal, Expulsion or Extradition, by Elspeth Guild. Article 20 - Equality before the Law, by Mark Bell. Article 21 - Non-Discrimination, by Claire Kilpatrick. Article 22 - Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Diversity, by Rachael Craufurd Smith. Article 23 - Equality between Women and Men, by Dagmar Schiek. Article 24 - The Rights of the Child, by Ruth Lamont. Article 25 - The Rights of the Elderly, by Colm O'Cinneide. Article 26 - Integration of Persons with Disabilities, by Charlotte O'Brien. Article 27 - Workers' Right to Information and Consultation within the Undertaking, by Filip Dorssemont. Article 28 - Right of Collective Bargaining and Action, by Catherine Barnard. Article 29 - Right of Access to Placement Services, by Diamond Ashiagbor. Article 30 - Protection in the Event of Unjustified Dismissal, by Jeff Kenner. Article 31 - Fair and Just Working Conditions, by Alan Bogg. Article 32 - Prohibition of Child Labour and Protection of Young People at Work, by Helen Stalford. Article 33 - Family and Professional Life, by Cathryn Costello. Article 34 - Social Security and Social Assistance, by Robin White. Article 35 - The Right to Health Care, by Tamara Hervey and Jean McHale. Article 36 - Access to Services of General Economic Interest, by Erika Szyszczak. Article 37 - Environmental Protection, by Elisa Morgera and Gracia Marín Durán. Article 38 - Consumer Protection, by Steve Weatherill. Article 39 - Right to Vote and to Stand as a Candidate at Elections to the European Parliament, by Lamin Khadar and Jo Shaw. Article 40 - Right to Vote and to Stand as a Candidate at Municipal Elections, by Kees Groenendijk. Article 41 - Right to Good Administration, by Paul Craig. Article 42 - Right of Access to Documents, by Deirdre Curtin and Joana Mendes. Article 43 - European Ombudsman, by Ian Harden. Article 44 - Right to Petition, by Mats Lindfelt. Article 45 - Freedom of Movement and of Residence, by Eleanor Spaventa. Article 46 - Diplomatic and Consular Protection, by Eileen Denza. Article 47 - Right to an Effective Remedy and to a Fair Trial, by Pekka Aalto, Herwig CH Hofmann, Liisa Holopainen, Elina Paunio, Laurent Pech, Debbie Sayers, Dinah Shelton and Angela Ward. Article 48 - Presumption of Innocence and Right of Defence (Administrative Law), by Hanns Peter Nehl. Article 48 - Presumption of Innocence and Right of Defence (Criminal Law), by Debbie Sayers. Article 49 - Principles of Legality and Proportionality of Criminal Offences and Penalties, by Valsamis Mitsilegas. Article 50 - Right not to be Tried or Punished Twice in Criminal Proceedings for the same Criminal Offence, by Jonathan Tomkin. Article 51 - Field of Application, by Angela Ward. Article 52 - Scope and Interpretation of Rights and Principles, by Steve Peers and Sacha Prechal. Article 53 - Level of Protection, by Bruno de Witte. Article 54 - Abuse of Rights, by Lorna Woods. PART II - REFLECTIONS ON THE EU CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS:. 1. THE PLACE OF THE CHARTER IN THE EU CONSTITUTIONAL EDIFICE, by Koen Lenaerts and José Antonio Gutiérrez-Fons. 2. Protocol (No 30) on the Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union to Poland and the United Kingdom, by Anthony Arnull. 3. The EU Fundamental Rights Agency and the Fundamental Rights Charter: How Fundamental is the Link Between them?, by Gabriel N Toggenburg. 4. The Implementation of the Charter by the Institutions of the European Union, by Olivier De Schutter. 5. The Extraterritorial Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: From Territoriality to Facticity, the Effectiveness Model, by Violeta Moreno-Lax and Cathryn Costello. 6. The Charter and Universal Human Rights Instruments, by Allan Rosas. 7. Fundamental Social Rights in the Charter-Are They Rights? Are They Fundamental?, by Niilo Jääskinen. 8. The Explanations Relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, by Jean-Paul Jacqué. PART III - COMMENTARY ON THE TREATY OF EU ACCESSION TO THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS:. 1. AGREEMENT ON THE ACCESSION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION TO THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Paul Gragl.

* abort = abortion = abortti
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* barn = children = lapset
* medborgarskap = citizenship (EU) = kansalaisuus
* gemensam utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik = CFSP = YUTP
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* upphovsrätt = copyright = tekijänoikeus
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikosoikeus
* dataskydd = data protection = tietosuoja
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* miljöskydd = environmental protection = ympäristönsuojelu
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* arbetsförhållanden = working conditions = työolosuhteet
* familjeåterförening = family reunification = perheen yhdistäminen
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* hatpropaganda = hate speech = vihapropaganda
* människovärde = human dignity = ihmisarvo
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* immaterialrätt = intellectual property rights = immateriaalioikeus
* äktenskap = marriage = avioliitto
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* rösträtt = right to vote = äänioikeus
* de äldres rätt = rights of elderly = vanhempien ihmisten oikeudet
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* Europol = Europol = Europol

NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; AMR; ACHPR; CAT; ECPT; ECHR; Convention on human rights and biomedicine; Convention on the adaption of children; CERD; CEDAW; CRC; CRPD; Refugee convention; TFEU; Lisbon treaty; Arab charter on human rights; European charter for regional and minority languages; ESC;


URL http://www.fp7-frame.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Peers_Hervey_Kenner_Ward_A5.pdf

19. Morel, Michele : The right not to be displaced in international law, 2014


The right not to be displaced in international law / Morel, Michele, xxxiii, 320 p.. - Antwerp : Intersentia, 2014.

ISBN 978-1-78068-205-1


ABSTRACT: Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. The Displacement Phenomenon. Chapter 3. Th e Emergence of New Human Rights. Chapter 4. Th e Current Status of the Right not to be Displaced in International Law. 5. Chapter 5. Th e Future of the Right not to be Displaced. Chapter 6. Conclusion.

* tvångsförflyttade personer = displaced persons = hätäsiirtolaiset
* brott mot mänskliga rättigheter = human rights violations = ihmisoikeusloukkaukset
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* deporterade personer = deported persons = karkotetut henkilöt
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* vräkning = eviction = häätö
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* lämplig bostad = adequate housing = sopiva asunto

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; Convention governing the specific aspects of refugee problems in Africa; Arab charter on human rights; CEDAW; CERD; ICESCR; CRC; ICTR statute; ICTY statute; ICCPR; London declaration; Migrant workers convention; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; UDHR; protocol of San Salvador; OAS charter; ESC; ACHPR-OP; CRPD; Genocide convention; UN charter; Refugee convention; Convention on stateless persons; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ADRD;

URL http://www.intersentia.co.uk/searchDetail.aspx?back=reeks&reeksCode=&bookid=102858&author=Michèle Morel&title=The Right not to be Displaced in International Law

20. Kondrateva, Svetlana : Medical data protection in the scope of the right to private life (article 8 of the ECHR) and European Union regulation, 2014

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

Medical data protection in the scope of the right to private life (article 8 of the ECHR) and European Union regulation : comparative analysis / Kondrateva, Svetlana, 87 p.. - Turku/Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 2014.


* dataskydd = data protection = tietosuoja
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* medicinsk etik = medical ethics = lääketieteellinen etiikka
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen

NOTE (THESIS): Master's thesis in public international law, ÅAU, Institute for Human Rights, 2014

NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ECHR-8; EU charter of fundamental rights; ICCPR-17;Convention on human rights and biomedicine; Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data;


SHELF CODE: seminarierummet

21. Saul, Ben (ed.) : Research handbook on international law and terrorism, 2014


Research handbook on international law and terrorism / Saul, Ben (ed.) - ( Research handbooks in international law), xxxi, 797 .. - Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2014.

ISBN 978-0-85793-880-0


ABSTRACT: PART I: NORMATIVE FRAMEWORKS:. 1. The Definition(s) of Terrorism in International Law, by Marcello Di Filippo. 2. Terrorism and Customary International Law, by Kai Ambos and Anina Timmermann. 3. Terrorism and the International Law of State Responsibility, by Kimberley Trapp. 4. Aviation and International Terrorism, by Juliet Atwell. 5. Maritime Terrorism in International Law, by Efthymios Papastavridis. 6. Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Terrorism in International Law, by David Fidler. 7. The International Law on Terrorist Financing, by Ilias Bantekas. 8. The International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, by Samuel Witten. 9. The Draft United Nations Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, by Amrith Rohan Perera. 10. Gender, Counter-Terrorism and International Law, by Jayne Huckerby. 11. Islam, Terrorism, and International Law, by Javaid Rehman. PART II: TERRORISM AND CONFLICT:. 12. Terrorism and the International Law on the Use of Force, by Michael Wood. 13. Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law, by Ben Saul. 14. Terrorism and the International Law of Occupation, by David Kretzmer. 15. Terrorism and Targeted Killings in International Law, by Emily Crawford. 16. Terrorism and Military Trials, by Detlev Vagts. 17. Terrorism, War Crimes and the International Criminal Court, by Roberta Arnold. 18. Terrorism and Self-Determination, by Elizabeth Chadwick. 19. Humanitarian Action, Development, and Terrorism, by Andrej Zwitter. PART III: TERRORISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS:. 20. International Human Rights Law and Terrorism: An Overview, by Helen Duffy. 21. Extraordinary Rendition, Counter-Terrorism, and International Law, by Silvia Borelli. 22. Torture and Counter-Terrorism, by Ben Saul and Mary Flanagan. 23. Counter-Terrorism Detention and International Human Rights Law, by Fiona de Londras. 24. Terrorism Prosecutions and the Right to a Fair Trial, by Clive Walker. 25. Terrorism and Freedom of Expression in International Law, by Yaël Ronen. 26. Terrorism, Surveillance and Privacy, by Simon Chesterman. 27. Terrorism and International Refugee Law, by Geoff Gilbert. 28. Terrorism and Migration Law, by Elspeth Guild. 29. Special Measures: Terrorism and Control Orders, by Andrew Lynch. 30. Judicial Supervision of Anti-Terrorism Laws in Comparative Democracies, by Craig Forcese. 31. Victims’ Redress Amidst Terrorism’s Changing Tactics and Strategies, by Ilaria Bottigliero and Lyal S Sunga. PART IV: TERRORISM AND THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM:. 32. The United Nations General Assembly and Terrorism, by Jane Boulden. 33. The Role of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force and the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre, by Marc Porret. 34. The Role of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s Terrorism, Prevention Branch, by Marta Requena. 35. The United Nations Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Al-Qaida Sanctions Regime: Resolution 1267 and the 1267 Committee, by Lisa Ginsborg. 36. A Critical Assessment of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, by Luis Miguel Hinojosa-Martínez. 37. The United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Prosecuting Terrorism, by Guénaël Mettraux. 38. Challenges in United Nations Counter-Terrorism Coordination, by James Cockayne. PART V: TERRORISM AND REGIONAL ORGANISATIONS:. 39. The Legal Response to Terrorism of the European Union and Council of Europe, by Cian Murphy. 40. The Legal Response of the Organisation of American States in Combating Terrorism, by Mirko Sossai. 41. The Legal Response to Terrorism of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, by Katja Samuel. 42. Counter-Terrorism and Pan-Africanism: From Non-action to Non-indifference, by Martin A. Ewi and Anton Du Plessis. 43. Regional Legal Responses to Terrorism in Asia and the Pacific, by Rohan Gunaratna and Gloria Cheung.

* Afrikanska Unionen = African Union = Afrikan Unioni
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* kolonialism = colonialism = kolonialismi
* antiterrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki
* sedvanerätt = customary law = tapaoikeus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* staternas förpliktelser = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* humanitär rätt = humanitarian law = humanitaarinen oikeus
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* självförsvar = self-defence = itsepuolustus
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* Specialdomstolen för Sierra Leone = Special Court for Sierra Leone = Sierra Leonen erityistuomioistuin
* Tribunalen för Libanon = Special Tribunal for Lebanon = Libanonin erityistuomioistuin
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* användning av maktmedel = use of force = voimakeinojen käyttö
* offer = victims = uhrit
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* massförstörelsevapen = weapons of mass destruction (=WMD) = joukkotuhoaseet
* sjöröveri = piracy = piratismi
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Canada / Colombia / Congo / Cuba / Ecuador / France / Germany / India / Israel / Japan / Kenya / Lebanon / Libya / Mexico / Nepal / New Zealand / Norway / Pakistan / Philippines / Portugal / Saudi Arabia / Rwanda / Russian Federation / Sierra Leone / Singapore / Sri Lanka / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Turkey / Uganda / Yemen

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; Convention against the taking of hostages; CAT; Convention against transnational organized crime; ICC statute; Convention on the law of the sea; CRC; Migrant workers convention; Refugee convention; ECHR; European convention on the suppression of terrorism; Geneva conventions; ICCPR; CAT; UN charter-chap. VII; UDHR; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam;


SHELF CODE: Inst.ref.

22. Haeck, Yves (ed.) : The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 2015


The Inter-American Court of Human Rights : theory and practice, present and future / Haeck, Yves (ed.) ; Ruiz-Chiriboga, Oswaldo (ed.) ; Burbano-Herrera, Clara (ed.), xxxii, 832 p. - Cambridge : Intersentia, 2015.

ISBN 978-1-78068-308-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Marijke De Pauw: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the interpretive method of external referencing: regional consensus v. universality. 2. Álvaro Paúl: An overview of the Inter-American Court's evaluation of evidence. 3. Geneviève Säuberli: Revision procedures: revisiting the case of Mapiripán Massacre v. Colombia. 4. Diana Contreras-Garduño, Kristin Xueqin Wu and Leo Zwaak: Who pays the bill? Possibilities and limitations of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Legal Assistance Fund. 5. Francisco J. Rivera Juaristi: The amicus curiae in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (1982-2013). 6. Oswaldo R. Ruiz-Chiriboga: Defining the scope of the provisions against the use of illegitimate coerced statements in the inter-American system. 7. Kresimir Kamber: Medical negligence and international human rights adjudication: procedural obligations in medical negligence cases under the American Convention on Human Righs and the European Convention on Human Rights. 8. Juana Maria Ibáñez Rivas: Use of force: requirements, limitations and pending challenges from the perspective of the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 9. Aziz Tuffi Saliba and Tainá Garcia Maja: Judicial protection of states of emergency: an analysis of the amplitude of judicial protection of fundamental rights during the application of derogations. 10. Scott McKenzie: Yakye Axa v. Paraguay: upholding and framing the human right to water. 11. Thomas Antkowiak: Social, economic, and cultural rights: the Inter-American Court at a crossroads. 12. Manuel E. Ventura Robles: Impact of the reparations ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and contributions to the justiciable nature of economic, social and cultural rights. 13. Gina Donoso: Sacred fire as healing: psychosocial rehabilitation and indigenous peoples in the Inter-American Court's judgments. 14. Agostina N. Cichero and Sebastián A. Green Martínez: Punitive damages and the principle of full reparation in the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 15. Clara Burbano Herrera: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and its role in preventing violations of human rights through provisional measures. 16. Gabriella Citroni: The contribution of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and other international human rights bodies to the struggle against enforced disappearances. 17. Jeffrey Davis and Micaela Perez Ferrero: Building truth and moving justice: the Inter-American Court and the forcible disappearance of children. 18. Frédéric Mégret and Jean-Paul S. Calderón: The move towards a victim-centred concept of criminal law and the "criminalization" of the inter-American human rights law: a case of human rights law devouring itself?. 19. Patricio Galella: Amnesty laws in the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 20. Nikolas Kyriakou: Rights cast into oblivion? Amnesties in the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 21. Monica Yriart: Jurisprudence in a political vortex: the right of indigenous peoples to give or withhold consent to investment and development projects - the implementation of Saramaka v. Suriname. 22. Valeska David and Julie Fraser: Juvenile criminal justice before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: aims and limitations of the imprisonment of children. 23. Geneviève Säuberli: The case of the Kichwa Peoples of the Sarayaku v. Ecuador: constructing a right to consultation and to cultural identity?. 24. Salvatore Fabio Nicolosi: The treatment of irregular migrants in the inter-American human rights and European Union case law: two parallel lines may even meet. 25. Elena Falletti: Sexual orientation and parenthood: a comparative analysis of the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights. 26. Clara O'Connell: What a "private life" means for women. 27. Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen: Chronicle of a fashionable theory in Latin America: decoding the doctrinal discourse on conventionality control. 28. Eric Tardif: The Radilla-Pacheco v. Mexico case: a paradigmatical shift towards conventionality control in Mexico. 29. Paola Andrea Acosta Alvarado: The Latin American judicial dialogue: a two-way street towards effective protection. 30. Rosmerlin Estupiñan-Silva: The Inter-American Court and the International Criminal Court: transjudicial communication, boundaries and opportunities. 31. Cristiana Domínguez: Inter-American Court of Human Rights and European Court of Human Rights: from observation to interaction on human rights. 32. Martin Nicolás Montoya Céspedes: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights' positive obligations doctrine: between unidirectional influence and judicial dialogue. 33. Claudia Martin and Diego Rodrígues-Pinzón: Strengthening or straining the inter-American system on human rights.

* interamerikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Inter-American Court of Human Rights = inter-amerikkalainen ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* bevis = evidence = todistus
* internationella domstolar = international courts = kansainväliset tuomioistuimet
* grova brott mot mänskliga rättigheter = gross violations of human rights = törkeät ihmisoikeusloukkaukset
* rättshjälp = legal assistance = oikeusapu
* användning av maktmedel = use of force = voimakeinojen käyttö
* undantagstillstånd = state of emergency = hätätila
* rätt till vatten = right to water = oikeus veteen
* ESK-rättigheter = ESC rights = TSS-oikeudet
* gottgörelse = reparation = hyvitys
* ofrivilliga försvinnanden = enforced disappearances = pakotettu katoaminen
* amnesti = amnesty = armahdus
* utsatta grupper = vulnerable groups = riskialttiit ryhmät
* ursprungsfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* barn = children = lapset
* ungdomsförbrytare = juvenile offenders = nuoret rikoksentekijät
* irreguljära invandrare = irregular immigration = laittomat maahanmuuttajat
* sexuell orientering = sexual orientation = seksuaalinen suuntautuminen
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* nationella domstolar = national courts = kansalliset tuomioistuimet
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = International Criminal Court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* positiva skyldigheter = positive obligations = positiiviset velvollisuudet
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* omänsklig behandling eller bestraffning = inhuman treatment or punishment = epäinhimillinen kohtelu tai rangaistus
* deltagande = participation = osallistuminen

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHR; ECHR; Protocol of San Salvador
