1. | van den Wyngaert, Christine : Part IV : Mutual legal assistance, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Part IV : Mutual legal assistance : Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters in the European Union / van den Wyngaert, Christine ; Stessens, Guy REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: International criminal law and procedure / Dugard, J.; van den Wyngaert, C. (eds.) - (The international library of criminology, criminal justice and penology), p. 283-328. - Aldershot : Dartmouth, 1996. ISBN 1-85521-835-6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): European convention on extradition; EEC-ttreaty; TEU; Schengen convention; European convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters; European convention on the transfer of sentenced prisoners; European convention on the suppression of terrorism; |
2. | Paust, Jordan J. ... [et al.] : International criminal law, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International criminal law : cases and materials / Paust, Jordan J. ... [et al.], xiv, 1438 p.. - Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press, 1996. ISBN 0-89089-894-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Former Yugoslavia / Spain / South Africa / Sweden / Turkey NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; Helsinki final act; Schengen convention; Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; Council of Europe convention on laundering; CEDAW; CERD; Convention on the law of the sea; CRC; Montevideo convention; ICCPR; UN charter; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; CAT; Tokyo convention; Nuremberg charter; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR |
3. | Nakajima, Chizu : Conflicts of interest and duty, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Conflicts of interest and duty : a comparative analysis in Anglo-Japanese law / Nakajima, Chizu - (Studies in comparative corporate and financial law ; vol. 3), xxvii, 316 p.. - Hague : Kluwer, 1999. ISBN 90-411-9670-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. Introduction. 2. The duties of financial intermediaries in English law with particular reference to conflicts of interest. 3. Chapter 3 : Conflicts of interest in Japan. 4. Imputation of knowledge. 5. Duties of adviser and information provider. 6. Insider dealing regulation in the UK. 7. Insider dealing regulation in the Japan. 8. Money laundering in the UK : the potential for conflict. 9. Anti-money laundering legislation and its implications for financial institutions in Japan. 10. The 'Chinese wall'. 11. A conclusion - to conflict? INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: United Kingdom / Japan / Australia / Canada / caymen Island / Hong Kong / New Zealand / South Africa / USA / India / Malaysia |
4. | Jamieson, Alison : Migration and criminality, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Migration and criminality : the case of Albanians in Italy / Jamieson, Alison ; Silj, Alessandro, 46 p.. - Rome; Torpoint : CSS [=Consiglio Italiano per le Scienze Sociali]; CEMES [Centre for European Migration] and Ethnic Studies, 1998. ISBN 92-9184-009-9 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
5. | Gilmore, William C. : Dirty money, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Dirty money : the evolution of money laundering countermeasures / Gilmore, William C.. - 2. rev. and exp.., 341 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1999. ISBN 92-871-3854-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. International and organised crime : the contours of the problem. 2. Money laundering : an overview of the process. 3. Global responses to money laundering. 4. The financial action task force. 5. Pan-European responses to money laundering. 6. Action within the European Union. 7. Widening the net : an overview of progress and prospects in other regions. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention against illicit tarffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (full text); European convention on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime (full text); European Union action plan (full text) LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: CoE |
6. | Shelton, Dinah (ed.) : Commitment and compliance, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Commitment and compliance : the role of non-binding norms in the international legal system / Shelton, Dinah (ed.), xxvi, 560 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2000. ISBN 0-19-829808-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART 1. THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM: I. Normative Development in the International Legal System, by Christine Chinkin. COMPLIANCE THEORIES: 1. Choosing to Comply: Theorizing from International Relations and Comparative Politics, by Peter M. Haas. 3. Beyond Compliance: Helping Nations Cooperate Richard B. Bilder. CHALLENGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SYSTEM: 4. Interdependence, GJobalization, and Sovereignty: The Role of Non-binding International Legal Accords, by Wolfgang H. Reinicke and Jan Martin Witte. 5. The Role of Soft Law in a Global Order, by Mary Ellen O'Connell. 6. Commentary: Compliance with International Soft Law, by Jonathan L. Charney. PART II. PERSPECTIVES ON COMPLIANCE WITH NON-BINDING NORMS : THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES: 1. The General Assembly Ban on Driftnet Fishing Donald R. Rothwell. 2. Pesticides and Chemicals: The Requirement of Prior Informed consent, by Mohammed Ali Mekouar. 3. The Legal Status and Effect of Antarctic Recommended Measures, by Christopher C. Joyner. 4. Selected Agreements Concluded Pursuant to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, by Clare Shine. 5. Commentary and Conclusions, by Alexandre Kiss. TRADE AND FINANCE: 1. International Efforts against Money Laundering, by Beth Simmons. 2. 'Soft Law' in a 'Hybrid' Organization: The International Organization for Standardization, by Naomi Roht-Arriaza. 3. Policy Guidance and Compliance: The World Bank Operational Standards, by Laurence Boisson de Chazournes. 4. Environmental Norms in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, by Lyuba Zarsky. 5. Commentary: Compliance with Non-Binding Norms of Trade and Finance, by David A. Wirth. HUMAN RIGHTS:. 1. A Hard Look at Compliance with 'Soft' Law: The Case of the OSCE, by Erika B. Schlager. 2. International Labor Organization: Recommendations and Similar Instruments, b y Francis Maupain. 3. Inter-American Human Rights Law, Soft and Hard, by Douflass Cassel. 4. Human Rights Codes for Transnational Corporations : The Sullivan and McBride Principles, by Christopher McCrudden. 5. Commentary and Conclusions, by Dinah Shelton. 6. Multilateral Arms Control, by Dinah Shelton. 7. The System of Non-proliferation Export Controls, by David S. Gualtieri. 8. Protection of Nuclear Materials, by Barry Kellman. 9. International Regulation of Land Mines, by Richard L. Williamson, Jr. 10. Commentary, by Abram Chayes and Dinah Shelton. 11. Conclusions: Understanding Compliance with Soft Law, Edith Brown Weiss. 12. Editor's Concluding Note: The Role of Non-binding Norms in the International Legal System, by Dinah Shelton. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CCW USED FOR Convention on prohibitions or restrictions of use of certain conventional wepoans which be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate effects; ICCPR; ICESCR; UDHR; UN charter; ILO constitution; ADRD; OAS charter; CERD; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Stockholm declaration; Helsinki final act; CEDAW; Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolearnce and discrimination based on religion or belief; CAT; Framework convention on climate change; Rio declaration; European charter for regional or minority languages; GC no. 19 (CEDAW); DEDAW; Charter 77; |
7. | Delmas-Marty, M. (ed.) : Implementation of the corpus juris in the member states, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Implementation of the corpus juris in the member states : volume II : penal provisions for the protection of European finances / Delmas-Marty, M. (ed.) ; Vervaele, J.A.E. (ed.), xii, 525 p.. - Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2000. ISBN 90-5095-099-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. PART I : Synthesis. 2. PART II : Horizonthal syntheses of comparative law (15 member states of the European Union). PART III : Legal bases for the implementation. PART IV : Horizontal cooperation. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Austria / Belgium / Denmark / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Ireland / Italy / Luxembourg / Netherlands / Portugal / Spain / Sweden / United Kingdom NOTE (GENERAL): ToA; |
8. | Breur, C. M. ... [et al.] : New trends in criminal investigation and evidence, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph New trends in criminal investigation and evidence : volume II / Breur, C. M. ... [et al.], viii, 777 p.. - Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2000. ISBN 90-5095-133-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: This volumes gives the reader a broad insight in recent developments in criminal investigation and evidence. Amongst others the following topics are covered: 1. Challenges for the Law of Evidence, by J.F. Nijboer. 2. The Offence of Money Laundering – Polish Penal Regulation vis à vis the European Norms, by J.B. Banach. 3. International Tribunals, by G.T. Blewitt. 4. European Criminal Law, by G.J.M. Corstens. 5. The relationship between Interational Law and Criminal Procedure – a UK Perspective, by A.N. Brown. 6. Forensic Accountancy and Fraud Auditing: the Case of the Indian Securities Scam, by P. Chattopadhyay. 7. The Exclusion of Imprpoerly Obtained Evidence in England & Wales, by A.L.-T. Choo and S. Nash. 8. Changes in the Quantity, Quality and Significance of Pre-sentence Evidence in Criminal Trials in the US, by T.F. Courtless. 9. Monitoring Error in Forensic Science: Lessons to be learned from the Reviews of the FBI Laboratory, by I. Freckelton. 10. Trompe l’Oeuil: the Admissibility of Expert Testimony on the Unreliability of Eyewitness Identifications (M.W. Ghetti) 11. Hearsay Evidence in Criminal Proceedings – Proposals for Hearsay Reform: The Admissibility Wheel, by L.A.O. Mc Grath. 12. Improperly Obtained R-Evidece and the End(s) of Punishment, by H.J.R. Kaptein. 13. DNA Tests and Individual Identification, by L. Levine and L. Kobilinsky. 14. The process of Interrogating Criminal Suspects in the United States, by P. Marcus. 15. New Trends in International Co-operation in Criminal Matters in the European Union, by G. Vermeulen INDEX WORDS:
9. | PART FOUR : Justice and home affairs, police and judical co-operation in criminal matters and the international legal order, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph PART FOUR : Justice and home affairs, police and judical co-operation in criminal matters and the international legal order / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The European Union and the international legal order : discord or harmony? / Kronenberger, V. (ed.); with a foreword by Paul J. G. Kapteyn, p. 481-604. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001. ISBN 90-6704-129-7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention against transnational organised crime; TEU; EC treaty; Schengen convention; European convention on extradition; ECHR; Additional protocol to the European convention on extradition; CRC; UNIDROIT convention; UNESCO convention on the protection of cultural property; Europol convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: VIB |
10. | Anti-corruption measures in South-Eastern Europe - country reviews and priorities for reform, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Anti-corruption measures in South-Eastern Europe - country reviews and priorities for reform /, 182 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2001. ISBN 92-871-4694-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Albania / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Croatia / Former Yugoslavia / Montenegro / Romania / Belgium / Czech Republic / Denmark / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Italy / japan / Norway / Slovenia / Sweden / Switzerland NOTE (GENERAL): Criminal law convention on corruption; Civil law convention on corruption; Convention on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of proceeds of crime; Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; Convention on transnational organised crime; |
11. | Griffith, Ivelaw L. (ed.) : Democracy and human rights in the Caribbean, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Democracy and human rights in the Caribbean / Griffith, Ivelaw L. (ed.) ; Sedoc-Dahlberg, Betty N., vii, 278 p.. - Boulder, CO : Westview Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8133-2135-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Introduction: Democracy and Human Rights in the Caribbean, by Ivelaw L. Griffith and Betty N. Sedoc-Dahlberg. PART A: INTRENATIONAL DIMENSIONS AND COMMON PROBLEMS:. 2. International Law and Human Rights: A Caribbean Context, by Anselm A. Francis. 3. The OAS and Human Rights in the Caribbean, by David J. Padilla and ELizabeth A. Houppert. 4. NGOs and IGOs as Promoters of Liberal Democracy in the Caribbean: Cases from Nicaragua and Guyana, by W. Marvin Will. 5. Drugs and Democratic Governance in the Caribbean, by Ivelaw L. Griffith and Trevor Munroe. PART B: CASE STUDIES: 6. Democracy and Human Rights: The Case of Cuba, by Damian J. Fernandez. 7. Democracy and Human Rights in the Dominican Republic, by Larman C. Wilson. 7. Human Rights in the Eastern Caribbean, by Francis Alexis. 9. Democracy and Human Rights in Guyana, by Ivelaw L. Griffith. 10. Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti, by Robert E. Maguire. 11. Globalization, Structural Adjustment, and Democracy in Jamaica, by Dorith Grant-Wisdom. 12. Democracy and Human Rights in Suriname, by Betty N. Sedoc-Dahlberg. 13. Human Rights and State Security in Trinid ad and Tobago, by Clifford E. Griifin. 14. Conclusion: Democracy and Human Rights at the Century's End, by Ivelav L. Griffith and Betty N. Sedoc-Dahlberg. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Grenada / Guyana / United Kingdom / Haiti / India / Panama / Nicaragua / Netherlands Antilleans / South Africa / South America / South Korea / Spain / Taiwan / Suriname / USA / USSR NOTE (GENERAL): AMR;
URL http://shop.barnesandnoble.com/textbooks/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=0813321344 |
12. | Stessens, Guy : The FATF 'Black list' of non-cooperative countries or territories, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The FATF 'Black list' of non-cooperative countries or territories / Stessens, Guy REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Leiden journal of international law : vol. 14; no. 1., p. 199-208. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001. - ISSN 0922-1565 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
13. | Eser, Albin (ed.) : Principles and procedures for a new transnational criminal law, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Principles and procedures for a new transnational criminal law : documentation of an international workshop in Freiburg / Eser, Albin (ed.) ; Lagodny, Otto (ed.) - (Beiträge und Materialen aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Recht ; Bd. S 33), xi, 881 p.. - Freiburg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, 1992. ISBN 3-922498-63-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Session I: National Criminal Laws Competing on International Level Session II: Inter-National Co-operation in Criminal Matters Session III: Supra-National Crimes and Courts (Regional and Global) Session IV: (Inter-)National Human Rights as the "Third Dimension" in International Criminal Law Session V: Final Discussions INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.iuscrim.mpg.de/verlag/straf/s_gesamt.html#international |
14. | Paust, Jordan ... [et al.] : International criminal law, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International criminal law : cases and materials / Paust, Jordan ... [et al.]. - 2. ed.., xxxi, 1136 p.. - Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press, 2000. ISBN 0-89089-642-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART ONE : GENERAL NATURE, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND STATE COMPETENCIES TO ENFORCE Chapter 1 General Nature of International Criminal Law. Section 1 General Nature and Sources of ICL. A. Penal Aspects of International Law: International Crime. B. International Aspects of National Criminal Law: Enforcement. Section 2 Distinctions Between International and Transnational Crimes. Chapter 2 Individual, State and Other Responsibilities. Section 1 Individual Responsibility. A. Private Individuals, Officials, and Heads of State. B. Organizations and Groups. Section 2 Other General Defenses. A. Viable Defenses. 1. Superior Orders. 2. Duress. 3. Self-Defense and Defense of Others. 4. Mistake of Fact. B. Defenses Not Accepted. 1. Propriety under Domestic Law. 2. Tu Quoque 130 3. Double Jeopardy Between Different Sovereign 4. Official Status or Immunity. Section 3 State Responsibility. Chapter 3 State Competencies. Section 1 Universal Jurisdiction. Section 2 Other Bases of Jurisdiction. PART TWO : INCORPORATION AND ENFORCEMENT Chapter 4 U.S. and Canadian Incorporation, Competencies and Fora. Section 1 The United States Constitution (extracts). Section 2 Early U.S. Cases and Opinions. Section 3 Incorporation by Reference. Section 4 New Statutes and New Fora. Section 5 Prosecuting without a Statute. A. Custom. B. Treaties. Section 6 Federal District Court Jurisdiction. Section 7 Military Commissions and Courts-Martial. A. Military Commissions. B. Post WWII Executive Recognitions. C. Courts-Martial. D. Regular Uses of Such Fora and State Courts. Section 8 U.S. Occupation Courts. Section 9 Canadian Prosecution of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. Chapter 5 Obtaining Persons Abroad. Section 1 Extradition. A. Standing. B. The Process. C. Grounds for Denial of Extradition. D. Limitations on the Requested State: The Specialty Doctrine. E. The Political Offense Exception and Non-Inquiry. 1. The Political Offense Exception. 2. Non-Inquiry. F. Canadian Ministerial Discretion. Section 2 Rendition. A. By International Agreement. 1. Commonwealth Countries. 2. Others. B. Deportation as Disguised Extradition. 1. United States. 2. Canada. Section 3 Luring (Trickery). A. The United States Position on Luring: Yunis and B. International Consensus Against the Practice of Luring. 1. State Viewpoints. 2. The Jurisprudence of the ICTY: The Dokmanovic Case. C. Luring as a Law Enforcement Practice: The Relationship to International Human Rights Law and Civil Liability in Tort. D. Luring’s Impact on the Integrity of the United States Criminal Justice System. Section 4 Abductions. A. Unconsented to Extraterritorial Abductions Under International Law. B. Judicial Responses to Extraterritorial Abductions. Section 5 Other Uses of Force. A. Diversion of Aircraft and Vessels. B. Capture During War or in Self-Defense. C. Assassination. D. U.N. Security Council Powers. Chapter 6 Other Aspects of International Cooperative Enforcement. Section 1 Multilateral Conventions. Section 2 Mutual Legal Assistance. A. Obtaining Evidence Abroad. 1. Extraterritorial Application of the Fourth Amendment. a. Standing — the “substantial connection” test. b. The Joint Venture Doctrine. 2. Compelling Evidence. a. Unilateral Approacher. b. Compelled Consent. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / Canada NOTE (GENERAL): European convention ontransfer of proceedings in criminal matters; Hague declaration (IV); Declaration of St. Petersburg; Geneva protocol (1925); CAT; UDHR; ICCPR; CERD; Draft international criminal code; Draft statute of the ICC; Anti-terrorism conventions; Tokyo convention on offences and certain other acts committed on board aircraft; Montreal convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of civil aviation; Convention against the taking of hostages; Convention for the suppression of the illicit traffic in dangerous drugs; Single convention on narcotic drugs; Genocide convention; |
15. | Cassese, A. : International criminal law, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International criminal law / Cassese, A., lvi, 472 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P. , 2003. ISBN 0-19-925911-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Part I: INTRODUCTION:. 1. Fundamentals of International Criminal Law 1.1 General Features of International Criminal Law 1.2 Notion of International Crimes 1.3 Sources of International Criminal Law 1.4 Historical Evolution of International Crimes 1.5 The Reaction of the International Community to the Increasing Perpetration of International Crimes Part II: Substantive Criminal LawSection I: International Crimes 2 War Crimes 2.1 Notion 2.2 How to Establish Whether a Serious Violation of International Humanitarian Law Has Been Criminalized 2.3 Objective Elements of the Crime 2.4 Subjective Elements 3 Crimes Against Humanity 3.1 Notion 3.2 Origin of the Notion 3.3 Objective Elements of the Crime 3.4 Subjective Elements 3.5 The Possible Authors of the Crime 3.6 The Possible Victims 4 Genocide 4.1 Notion 4.2 Objective Elements 4.3 Subjective Elements 4.4 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity 5 Aggression 5.1 Notion 5.2 Objective and Subjective Elements 5.3 Appraisal of International Political Bodies v. Judicial Findings 6 Torture 6.1 General 6.2 Objective and Subjective Elements 7 Trans-National, State-Sponsored, or State-Condoned Terrorism 7.1 General 7.2 Objective and Subjective Elements Section II: Fundamentals of International Criminal Responsibility 8 General Principles 8.1 Preliminary Remarks 8.2 The Principles of Individual Criminal Responsibility 8.3 The Principles of Legality of Crimes (nullum crimen sine lege) 8.4 The Principle of Legality of Penalties (nulla poena sine proevia lege) 9 Mens Rea 9.1 The Methodological Problem 9.2 Intent 9.3 Recklessness 9.4 Knowledge 9.5 Culpable Negligence 9.6 The ICC Statute 9.7 Judicial Determination of the Subjective Element 10 Circumstances Excluding Criminal Liability: Justifications 10.1 General 10.2 Customary International Law 10.3 Self-Defence 10.4 Necessity 10.5 The ICC Statute 11 Other Circumstances Excluding Criminal Liability: Excuses 11.1 Distinction Between Circumstances Where the Lack of Mens Rea Derives from the Absence of Individual Autonomy (A), and Circumstances Where Mens Rea is Absent on account of Other Causes (B) 11.2 (A) Insanity or Mental Disorder 11.3 Intoxication 11.4 (B) Superior Order 11.5 Duress 11.6 Mistake of Fact 11.7 Mistake of Law 12 Immunities 12.1 General: Various Classes of Immunities 12.2 Functional and Personal Immunities Provided for in International Customary Law 12.3 The Customary International Rule Lifting Functional Immunities in the Case of International Crimes 12.4 International Personal Immunities 12.5 National Personal Immunities 13 Perpetration and Other Forms of Participation in Criminal Conduct 13.1 General 13.2 Perpetration 13.3 Co-perpetration 13.4 Participation in a Common Criminal Design, Entailing Liability for All the Acts Following form the Criminal Design 13.5 Participation in a Common Criminal Design Involving Liability for the Foreseeable Crimes of Other Participants 13.6 Planning 13.7 Ordering 13.8 Aiding and Abetting 14 Inchoate Crimes 14.1 Attempt 14.2 Conspiracy to Commit Genocide 14.3 Incitement to Genocide 15 Multiplicity of Offences 15.1 General 15.2 Various Classes of Multiplicity of Offences 15.3 The Test Based on Protected Values 15.4 Impact of Multiplicity of Crimes on Sentencing Part III: Prosecution and Punishment by National Courts16 Legal Grounds of Jurisdiction 16.1 Territoriality 16.2 Passive Nationality 16.3 Active Nationality 16.4 The Protective Principle 16.5 The Universality Principle 17 The Impact of International Rules on National Legislation 17.1 The Limited Implementation of International Treaties in National Legal Systems 17.2 Are there International Customary Rules Obliging States to Prosecute International Crimes? 17.3 Are there International Customary Rules Authorizing States to Prosecute International Crimes? 17.4 International Rules Imposing Compliance with Procedural Safeguards in National Trials 18 Obstacles to the Exercise of National Jurisdiction 18.1 Amnesty 18.2 Statutes of Limitation 18.3 The Prohibition of Double Jeopardy (ne bis in idem) 18.4 Immunities 19 Trends in the Exercise of National Criminal Legislation over International Crimes 19.1 War Crimes 19.2 Other International Crimes Part IV: Prosecution and Punishment by International Courts(A) General 20 The Establishment of International Criminal Tribunals 20.1 Early Abortive Attempts 20.2 Criminal Prosecution in the Aftermath of the Second World War: Nuremberg and Tokyo 20.3 Post-Cold War 'New World Order': The Establishment of Ad Hoc Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda 20.4 The Adoption of the ICC Statute 20.5 The Establishment of So-Called Internationalized Courts and Tribunals (Sierra Leone, Kosovo, East Timor, Attempts for Cambodia 20.6 International v. National Jurisdiction: Concurrence of Jurisdiction, Primacy and Complementarity (B) International Criminal Trials 21 The Adoption of the Fundamental Features of the Accusatorial System 21.1 General: Accusatorial v. Inquisitorial 21.2 The Transposition of the Accusatorial Model onto the International Legal Plane 21.3 Principal Elements of the Inquisitorial Model Incorporated into the International Procedure 22 General Principles Governing International Criminal Trials 22.1 The Principle that Courts Must be Independent and Impartial 22.2 The Principle of Fair and Expeditious Trial 22.3 The Principle that the Accused Must Be Present 22.4 The Presumption of Innocence 22.5 The Principle of Reliance on State Cooperation (C) Stages of International Criminal Proceedings in Outline 23 Prosecutor's Investigation and Pre-Trial Proceedings 23.1 The Setting in Motion of International Proceedings 23.2 Conditions to which the Prosecutor's Investigations are Subject 23.3 Conduct of Investigations by the Prosecutor 23.4 Pre-trial Judicial Proceedings 23.5 The Question of Pre-Trial Detention 24 Trial Proceedings 24.1 Case Presentation 24.2 Rules of Evidence 24.3 Control of Proceedings 24.4 Deliberations 24.5 Sentencing 24.6 Reparation or Compensation to Victims 25 Enforcement of Sentences 25.1 Place of Imprisonment 25.2 Conditions of Detention 25.3 Reduction or Commutation of Sentences and Pardon 25.4 Supervision of Imprisonment 26 Appellate and Review Proceedings 26.1 General 26.2 Appeal Against Interlocutory Decisions 26.3 Appeal Against Judgement or Sentence 26.4 Review of Judgement or Sentence 26.5 Review of Other Decisions 27 The Specificity of International Trials 27.1 The Unique Traits of International Criminal Trials 27.2 Merits of International Criminal Justice 27.3 Main Problems Besetting International Criminal Proceedings Part V: The Outlook for International Criminal Justice28 National, Internationalized, and International Courts 28.1 The Possible Role of National Courts 28.2 Reconciling State Sovereignty and International Criminal Justice: Expansion of the Universal Jurisdiction of National Courts 28.3 Is 'Absolute' Universal Criminal Jurisdiction Appropriate? 28.4 National Criminal Judges, the International Criminal Court, and So-Called Internationalized Courts or Tribunals INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): The statute of the ICC; |
16. | Bantekas, Ilian : International criminal law, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International criminal law / Bantekas, Ilian ; Nash, Susan. - 2. ed.., lxviii, 432 p.. - London : Cavendish publ., 2003. ISBN 1-85941-776-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Theory of International Criminal Law. 2. Terrorism. 3. Transnational offences. 4. International criminal law of the sea. 5. Offences against the person. 6. Defences in international criminal law. 7. State jurisdiction and immunities. 8. Extradition and abduction. 9. Mutual legal assistance. 10. International police co-operation. 11. Evidence before the ad hoc tribunals. 12. Nuremberg, Tokyo and the birth of modern international criminal law. 13. The international criminal tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda. 14. The permanent International Criminal Court. 15. Internationalised domestic criminal tribunals. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Hague convention (IV); Slavery convention; Nuremberg charter; UN charter; Genocide convention; Geneva conventions; ECHR; Refugee convention; Cultural property convention; European convention on extradition; EC treaty; ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; CERD; Vienna convention on consular relations; Trafficking protocol; Convention against transnational organized crime; AMR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Protocols to the Geneva conventions; CEDAW; Convention on the law of the sea; Inter-American convention on extradition; CRC; Schengen agreement; TEU; CWC; ICTY statute; Vienna declaration and programme of action; ICTR statute; ToA; The statute of the ICC; CRC-OP; CRC-2OP;
URL http://www.cavendishpublishing.com/book_detail.asp?p_edition=252 |
17. | Cortright, David : Sanctions and the search for security, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Sanctions and the search for security : challenges to UN action / Cortright, David ; Lopez, George A. ; with Linda Gerber, xii, 249 p.. - Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner publ., 2002. ISBN 1-58826-053-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Themes and Trends of the Sanctions Era. 2. The Iraq Quagmire. 3. Smart Sanctions, Limited Impacts: United Nations Policy in Afghanistan. 4. Success in the Making? The Evolution of U.N. Sanctions in Angola. 5. Sanctions and Regional Security: The Crisis in West Africa. 6. Following the Money Trail: Targeted Financial Sanctions. 7. Carrots and Sticks for Controlling Terrorism. 8. Beyond Symbolism: Travel and Aviation Sanctions. 9. Sanctions Sans Commitment: Arms Embargoes. 10. The Viability of Commodity Sanctions: The Case of Diamonds. 11. Reform or Retreat? The Future of U.N. Sanctions Policy. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Angola / Australia / Belgium / Cambodia / Central Africa / China / Congo / France / Gambia / Guinea / Haiti / Horn of Africa / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Kuwait / Liberia / Libya / Macedonia / Pakistan / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Sierra Leone / Somalia / South Africa / Switzerland / Sudan / Togo / Turkey / Uganda / Ukraine / United Kingdom / USA / Former Yugoslavia / Zaire / Zambia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; |
18. | Robertson, Geoffrey : Crimes against humanity , 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Crimes against humanity : the struggle for global justice / Robertson, Geoffrey, xxxiv, 658 p.. - New York : The New Press, 1999. ISBN 1-56584-668-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The human rights story. 2. The post-war world. 3. The rights of humankind. 4. Twenty-first century blues. 5. War law. 6. An end to impunity? 7. Slouching towards nemesis. 8. The Balkan trials. 9. The International Criminal Court. 10. The case of general Pinochet. 11. The Guernica paradox : bombing for humanity. 12. Terrorism : 11 September and beyond. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Albania / Algeria / Argentina / Asia / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Burma / Burundi / Cambodia / Canada / Chile / Costa Rica / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / East Germany / El Salvador / Ecuador / Egypt / Ethiopia / France / Gambia / Germany / Ghana / Guyana / Greece / Guatemala / Haiti / netherlands / Hong Kong / Hungary / India / Indonesia / Iraq / Iran / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Japan / Kenya / Korea / Latin America / Latvia / Lebanon / Libya / Malaysia / Malawi / Monaco / Mozambique / Netherlands / New Guinea / Nicaragua / New Zealand / Nigeria / Pakistan / Peru / Philippines / Portugal / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Saudi Arabia / Serbia / South Africa / South America / South Korea / USSR / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Suriname / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Tanzania / Thailand / Tibet / Tonga / Turkey / Uganda / United Kingdom / Zaire / Zimbabwe / Former Yugoslavia / USA / Viet Nam LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Grenada Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): Forced labour convention; The statute of the ICC; UDHR; UN charter; CAT; ACHPR; CERD; CEDAW; Genocide convention; CRC; Convention on terrorism (draft); Convention against the taking of hostages; Declaration of independence; Declaration on friendly relations; Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen; |
19. | Good governance and its demands, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: serial Good governance and its demands : annual report on the Andean Region / - ( Andean commission of jurists), 89 p.. - Lima : Andean Commission of Jurists, 2003. ISBN 9972-637-64-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Democracy. 2. Civil and political rights. 3. Economic and social rights. 4. Women in the Andean region. 5. International system for the protection of human rights. 6. Democratic institutions. 7. Drug control policies. 8. Conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Bolivia / Chile / Colombia / Ecuador / Peru / Venezuela SHELF CODE: s Andean |
20. | Sorel, Jean-Marc : Some questions about the definition of terrorism and the fight against its financing, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Some questions about the definition of terrorism and the fight against its financing / Sorel, Jean-Marc REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European journal of international law [=EJIL] : vol. 14; no. 2., p. 365-378. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2003. - ISSN 0938-5428 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www3.oup.co.uk/ejilaw/hdb/Volume_14/Issue_02/140365.sgm.abs.html |
21. | Ayers, Andrew : The financial action task force, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The financial action task force : the war on terrorism will not be fought on the battlefield / Ayers, Andrew REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): New York Law School of human rights : 2002; vol. 18; part three., p. 449-460. - New York : New York Law School, 2002. - ISSN 8756-8926 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
22. | Masciandaro, Donato (ed.) : Global financial crime, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Global financial crime : terrorism, money laundering and offshore centres / Masciandaro, Donato (ed.), 256 p. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2004. ISBN 0-7546-3797-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents Introduction, Donato Masciandaro; Overview: markets, offshore sovereignty and onshore legitimacy, George Peter Gilligan; Law: the War on Terror and crime and the offshore centres: the 'new' perspective?, Barry A.K. Rider; Macroeconomics: the financial flows of Islamic terrorism, Friedrich Schneider; Financial policy: offshore centres and competition in regulation: the laxity problem, Donato Masciandaro and Alessandro Portolano; Public policy: offshore centres and tax competition: the harmful problem, Julian Alworth and Donato Masciandaro; Politics: offshore centres, transparency and integrity: the case of the UK territories, Chizu Nakajima; Conclusions, Donato Masciandaro; Index. INDEX WORDS:
23. | Likosky, Michael (ed.) : Privatising development, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Privatising development : transnational law, infrastructure and human rights / Likosky, Michael (ed.), xxvi, 313 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2005. ISBN 90-04-14331-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents :. ‘Privatising Development: Global Project Finance Law and Human Rights’, by Michael B. Likosky. Part One - Frameworks:. Chapter One : ‘Beyond Naming and Shaming: Towards a Human Rights Unit for Infrastructure Projects’, by Michael B. Likosky. Chapter Two. ‘ An Evaluation of the World Bank’s New Comprehensive Development Framework’, Lan Cao. Comment. ‘ The “Ripple Effect” in Social Policy and its Political Content: A Debate on Social Standards in Public and Private Development Projects’, by Michael M. Cernea. Part Two : Privatisation and Project Finance :. Chapter Three. ‘ PRI and the Rise (and Fall?) of Private Investment in Public Infrastructure’, by Kenneth W. Hansen. Chapter Four : ‘Private Capital and Infrastructure: Tragic? Useful and Pleasant? Inevitable?’, by Don Wallace, Jr. Chapter Five : ‘Rating, Dating, and the Informal Regulation and Formal Ordering of Financial Transactions: Securitisations and Credit Rating Agencies’, by John Flood. Chapter Six : ‘Privatisation in Modern Banking Regulation: Selective Supervisory and Enforcement Dimensions’, by J. J. Norton and H. M. Shams. Part Three : Human Rights and Democracy:. Chapter Seven : ‘Project Finance and Consent’, by Carl S. Bjerre. Chapter Eight : ‘From Global Forest Governance to Privatised Social Forestry: Company-Community Partnerships in the Ecuardorian Choco’, by Laura Rival. Chapter Nine : ‘Globalisation, Democracy, and the Need for a New Administrative Law’, by Alfred C. Aman, Jr.. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Chile / China / Ecuador / USA |
24. | Nanda, Ved P. (ed.) : Law in the war on international terrorism, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Law in the war on international terrorism / Nanda, Ved P. (ed.), ix, 277 p.. - Ardsley, NY : Transnational Publ., 2005. ISBN 1-57105-319-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Chapter 1 : Terrorism, International Law and International Organizations, by Ved P. Nanda. Chapter 2 : The United Nations in the Fight Against International Terrorism , by Péter Kovács. Chapter 3 : The Grave New World of Terrorism: A Lawyer’s View, James A.R. Nafziger. Chapter 4 : Lawful and Unlawful Wars Against Terrorism , by Mary Ellen O’Connell. Chapter 5 : International Responses to the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism , by Larry D. Johnson. Chapter 6 : U.S. Response to the Events of September 11, 2001: The USA PATRIOT Act, Title III , by Claude d’Estree and Luke Andrew Busby. Chapter 7 : Detention of Terrorists as Unlawful Combatants and Their Trial by American Military Commissions, by Neal Richardson and Spencer Crona. Chapter 8: Military Tribunals and Civil Liberties in Time of National Peril: A Legal and Historical Perspective, by Robert Hardaway, Christopher Hardaway and James Siegesmund. Chapter 9 : Terrorism Insurance—The Insurability/Risk Transfer Debates Since September 11, by Ronald R. Robinson. Chapter 10 : The Unfinished Agenda, by Ved P. Nanda. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Asia / Iran / Iraq / Kuwait / Mexico / North Korea / Pakistan / Palestine / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; |
25. | Wyngaert, Christine Van den (ed.) : International criminal law, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International criminal law : a collection of international and european instruments / Wyngaert, Christine Van den (ed.). - Third revised edition., xviii, 1542 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 2005. ISBN 90-04-14294-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. GENERAL HUMAN RIGHTS INSTRUMENTS:. 1.1. UNITED NATIONS. 1.2. COUNCIL OF EUROPE. 1.3. EUROPEAN UNION. 2. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT. 3. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CODE. 3.1. UNITED NATIONS. 3.2. EUROPEAN UNION. 4. INTERNATIONAL CRIMES. 4.1. AGGRESSION. 4.2. WAR CRIMES: Red Cross Conventions 1949; Additional Protocols 1977; Statutory Limitations. 4.3. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: Genocide; Apartheid. 4.4. TORTURE: Forced Disappearances. 4.5. MERCENARIES. 4.6. TERRORISM: General; Aviation Terrorism; Hostages; Diplomatic Agents; United Nations and Associated Personnel; Nuclear Material; Maritime Terrorism; Terrorist Bombings; Financing of Terrorism. 4.7. ORGANISED CRIME. 4.8. DRUG OFFENCES. 4.9. MONEY LAUNDERING. 4.10. CORRUPTION. 4.11. FRAUD AGAINST THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY. 4.12. INSIDER TRADING. 4.13. TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS. 4.14. COUNTERFEITING. 4.15. CRIMES AGAINST THE ENVIRONMENT. 4.16. CYBERCRIME. 4.17. FIREARMS. 4.18. CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. 5. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION IN CRIMINAL MATTERS. 5.1. EXTRADITION:United Nations: Council of Europe; European Union; EU-USA Agreements; Commonwealth Countries. 5.2. CO-OPERATION BETWEEN INVESTIGATING AUTHORITIES: Police Co-operation; Co-operation between Administrative Authorities; Data Protection and Co-operation in Crime Investigation. 5.3. CO-OPERATION BETWEEN JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES: United Nations; Council of Europe; European Union; EU-USA Agreements; Commonwealth Countries. 5.4. TRANSFER OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. 5.5. TRANSFER OF EXECUTION OF SENTENCES. 5.6. TRANSFER OF PRISONERS. 5.7. MUTUAL RECOGNITION. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR, ECHR, TEU, Treaty of Versailles, Nuremberg Charter, Tokyo charter, Statute of the International Tribunal for Rwanda, Statute of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, The statute of the ICC, Statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Geneva conventions, Genocide convention, Apartheid convention, CAT, Inter-American torture convention, ECPT, Inter-American convention on forced disappearance of persons, European convention on the suppression of terrorism, Arab convention on the suppression of terrorism, Inter-American convention against terrorism, International convention against the taking of hostages, Convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes against internationally protected persons, including diplomatic agents, Convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings, UN convention against transnational organized crime, UN convention against corruption, European convention on extradition, Schengen convention, EU charter of fundamental rights, Optional protocol to CAT, OAU convention on the prevention and combating of terrorism, Convention on the protection of the environment through criminal law, EU convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: VIB |
26. | Archick, Kristin : Europe and counterterrorism, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Europe and counterterrorism / Archick, Kristin ; Gallis, Paul, 154 p.. - New York, NY : Nova Science Publ., 2003. ISBN 1-59033-675-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Europe and Counterrorism: Strengthening Police and Judicial Cooperation. European Counterrorism Efforts since September 11: Political Will and Diverse Responses. INDEX WORDS:
27. | Gilmore, William C. : Dirty money, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Dirty money : the evolution of international measures to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism / Gilmore, William C.. - 3rd ed.., 345 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2004. ISBN 92-871-5467-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Council of Europe convention on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime (full text), Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: CoE
URL http://book.coe.int/EN/ficheouvrage.php?PAGEID=36&lang=EN&produit_aliasid=1751 |
28. | Koh, Jae-myong : Suppressing terrorist financing and money laundering, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Suppressing terrorist financing and money laundering / Koh, Jae-myong, xv, 243 p.. - Berlin : Springer, 2006. ISBN 3-540-32518-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Terrorism and its financing. 2. The common perception on terrorist financing prior to 9/11. 3. The role of the Security Council since 9/11. 4. Standards set by specialist bodies since 9/11. 5. Monitoring and enforcing standards by specialist bodies. 6. The financing of terrorism: a Trojan horse. INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.springer.com/uk/home?SGWID=3-102-22-138801427-0&changeHeader=true |
29. | McLean, David : Transnational organized crime, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Transnational organized crime : a commentary on the UN convention and its protocols / McLean, David, lviii, 512 p.. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-19-921772-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. The convention. 2. The trafficking protocol. 3. The migrants protocol. 4. The firearms protocol. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention against transnational organized crime |
30. | Ervo, Laura (ed.) : Europeanization of procedural law and the new challenges to fair trial, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Europeanization of procedural law and the new challenges to fair trial / Ervo, Laura (ed.) ; Gräns, Minna ; Jokela, Antti, xiii, 248 p.. - Amsterdam : Europa Law Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-90-8952-005-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. New European methods of legal protection, by Antti Jokela. 2. Party autonomy and access to justice, by Laura Ervo. 3. Duty of loyal interpretation; theorethical structures and practical solutions, by Minna Gräns. 4. Procedural autonomy: a misnomer?, by Pekka Haapaniemi. 5. 'Burden of proof' in cases concerning free movement¨, by Kenneth Nordback. 6. Europeanization of insolvency law, by Tuula Linna. 7. Prosecutors, the objectives of criminal policy andthe situation in Finland, by Mikko Vuorenpää. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Norway / Sweden NOTE (GENERAL): EC treaty; ToA; Treaty of Lisbon; ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; Istanbul convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |