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Findoc: söktermen indexes=('private prisons') gav 2 träffar

1. Letschert, Rianne : Privatization of prisons, 2000

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Privatization of prisons / Letschert, Rianne ; Hagoort, Mirjam

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Tilburg foreign law review : vol. 9; no. 3., p. 279-293. - Tilburg : Tilburg University, 2000. - ISSN 0926-874X


* fängelseförhållanden = prison conditions = vankilaolosuhteet
* privata fängelser = private prisons = yksityiset vankilat


2. Brown, David (ed.) : Prisoners as citizens, 2002


Prisoners as citizens : human rights in Australian prisons / Brown, David (ed.) ; Wilkie, Meredith, xxviii, 368 p.. - Sidney : Federation Press, 2002.

ISBN 1-86287-424-7


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I - Prisons and Prisoners:. 1. Prisoners and the penal estate in Australia, by Russell Hogg. 2. Words from the prisoners: Impacts of overcrowding The rights of Indigenous prisoners, by Loretta Kelly. 3. Words from the prisoners: Prisoners at risk Deprivation of liberty - deprivation of rights, by Debbie Kilroy & Anne Warner. 4. Words from the prisoners: Family Experiences of inmates with an intellectual disability, by Jenny Green. 5. Words from the prisoners: Staying healthy in prison Prisoners of difference, by Greta Bird. Words from the prisoners: Catering for prisoners speaking English as a second language. PART II - Regulating Prison and Prisoners Rights:. 6. 'Not the King's enemies': prisoners and their rights in Australian history, by Ma rk Finnane and Tony Woodyatt. Words from the prisoners: Law and Order (a poem). 7. Televising the invisible: prisoners, prison reform and the media, by Catherine Lumby. Words from prisoner advocates: Queensland Prisons: 1980s and 1990s, by Margaret Reynolds, former Qld Senator (ALP). Words from the prisoners: Legal assistance. 8. Institutional perspectives and constraints, by John Dawes. 9. Protection of prisoners' rights in Australian private prisons John Rynne. Words from the prisoners: Impacts of privatisation. 10. Prisoners as citizens: a view from Europe, by Vivian Stern. PART III - Citizenship and Rights:. 11. International human rights law applicable to prisoners, by Camille Giffard. 12. An insider's view: human rights and excursions from the flat lands Craig WJ Minogue. Words from the prisoners: Legal assistance. 13. Segregation, by David Robinson. 14. Prisoners' rights to health and safety, by Michael Levy. Words from the prisoners: Health care. 15. Crime victims and prisoners' rights, by Sam Garkawe. Words from the prisoners: Preparing for release. 16. Prisoners and the right to vote, by Melinda Ridley-Smith & Ronnit Redman. 17. Prisoners as citizens, by David Brown.

* fångar = prisoners = vangit
* barn = children = lapset
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* CPT Committee = CPT Committee = CPT Committee
* CAT Committee = CAT Committee = Cat Committee
* författning/grundlag = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* offer = victims = uhrit
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* narkotika = drugs = huumeet
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* ursprungsfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* rasåtskillnad = racial segregation = rotuerottelu
* privata fängelser = private prisons = yksityiset vankilat
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* tortyr = torture = kidutus


URL http://www.federationpress.com.au/bookstore/book.asp?isbn=9781862874244
