1. | Part III : some legal and institutional aspects of implementing the precautionary principle, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Part III : some legal and institutional aspects of implementing the precautionary principle / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The precautionary principle and international law : challenge of implementation / Freestone, D.; Hey, E. (eds.) - ( International environmental law and policy series ; vol. 31), p. 171-248. - Hague : Kluwer, 1996. ISBN 90-411-0143-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. The precautionary approach in international human rights law : how it can benefit the environment, by Menno T. Kamminga. 2. EC environmental policy - a pre-cautionary tale?, by Leigh Hancher. 3. The impact of scientific uncertainty on environmental law and policy in the United States, by Dinah Shelton. 4. Glocalization : the precautionary and public particpation, with special reference to the UN framework convention on climate change, by Joyeeta Gupta. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Stockholm declaration on the human environment; AMR; RIO declaration; SEA; ECHR LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
2. | Hey, Ellen : Considerations regarding the Hormones case, the precautionary principle and international dispute settlement procedures, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Considerations regarding the Hormones case, the precautionary principle and international dispute settlement procedures / Hey, Ellen REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Leiden journal of international law : vol. 13; no. 1., p. 239-248. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2000. - ISSN 0922-1565 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Abstract: This essay focuses on the (non)application of the precautionary principle in the Hormones Case. It concludes that the finding of the Appellate Body that the precautionary principle, as such, cannot overrule the explicit wording of Articles 5.1 and 5.2 of the SPS Agreement is debatable, if a similar principle or concept were to exist in health law - a line of thought that is not pursued by the Appellate Body in its consideration of the precautionary principle. In addition, the article includes considerations about the problems that arises if sub stantive unity is sought in a procedurally non-unified system for international dispute settle ment INDEX WORDS:
3. | Bastmeijer, Kees : Regulating Antarctic tourism and the precautionary principle, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Regulating Antarctic tourism and the precautionary principle / Bastmeijer, Kees ; Roura, Ricardo REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : vol. 98; no. 4., p. 763-781. - Washington, D.C. : American Society of International Law, 2004. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
4. | da Cruz Vilaca, Jose Luis : The precautionary principle in EEC law, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The precautionary principle in EEC law / da Cruz Vilaca, Jose Luis REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European public law [=EPL] : vol. 10; issue 2., p. 369-406. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2004. - ISSN 1354-3725 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Art. 130r(2) TEU; |
5. | Biondi, Andrea : European Union : 2002 and 2003 in Luxembourg, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial European Union : 2002 and 2003 in Luxembourg : recent developments / Biondi, Andrea ; Harmer, Katherine REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European public law [=EPL] : vol. 10; issue 4., p. 581-602. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2004. - ISSN 1354-3725 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Art. 30 EC treaty; EU charter of fundamental rights; |
6. | Orebech, Peter (ed.) : The role of customary law in sustainable development, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The role of customary law in sustainable development / Orebech, Peter (ed.) ; Bosselman, Fred ; Bjarup, Jes ; Callies, David ; Chanock, Martin ; Petersen, Hanne. - repr. 2010., xix, 502 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-521-85925-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. The linkage between sustainable development and customary law. 2. Three case studies from Hawaii, Norway and Greenland. 3. Social interaction: the foundation of customary law. 4. How custom becomes law in England. 5. How custom becomes law in Norway. 6. Adaptive resource management through customary law. 7. The place of customary law in democratic societies. 8. Customary law, sustainable development and the failing state. 9. Towards sustainability: the basis in international law. 10. The case studies revisited. 11. The choice of customary law. 12. Conclusion: customary law in a globalizing culture. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Hawaii / Norway / England / Greenland NOTE (GENERAL): Cartagena protocol; Convention concerning the indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries (ILO convention no. 169); ECHR; Copenhagen declaration on social development; ICCPR; Framework convention on climate change; Kyoto protocol; Rio declaration;
URL http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521859255 |
7. | Baudenbacher, Carl (ed.) : European integration through interaction of legal regimes, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph European integration through interaction of legal regimes / Baudenbacher, Carl (ed.) ; Bull, Henrik - (IUSEF ; 50), vii, 131 p.. - Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 2007. ISBN 978-82-15-01183-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: ARTICLES:. 1. The definition of the precautionary principle in European law: a product of judicial dialogue, Carl Baudenbacher. 2. The European Court of Justice and fundamental rights: yet another case of judicial activism?, Allan Rosas. 3. The rights and interests of undertakings, the WTO law and the prerogatives of the EU institutions, Paolo Mengozzi. 4. International legal obligations as barriers to national policy: challenges for national courts, Karin M. Brizelius. 5. What cares these roarers for the name of king? To cabin! Silence! Trouble us not. Community law, judicial activism and liquid rules - an EEA perspective, Hans Petter Graver. INDEX WORDS:
8. | Westra, Laura : Environmental justice and the rights of unborn and future generations, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Environmental justice and the rights of unborn and future generations : law, environmental harm and the right to health / Westra, Laura, xii, 326 p.. - London : Earthscan, 2006. ISBN 978-1-84407-366-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Part I: The Rights of the First Generation: 1. The Child's Rights to Health and the Environment, and the Role of the World Health Organization 2. The Status of the Preborn in Civil Law Instruments. 3. The Status of the Child and the Preborn in Common Law Instruments and Cases. 4. Supranational Governance: The European Court of Human Rights, and the WTO-WHO Conflict. Part II: Ecojustice and Future Generations' Rights: 5. The Impact of Consumerism and Social Policy on the Health of the Child 6. Future Generations' Rights: Linking Intergenerational and Intragenerational Rights in Ecojustice. 7. Ecojustice and Consideration for the Future: The Persistence of Ecofootprint Disasters. 8. Ecojustice and Industrial Operations: Irreconcilable Conflict or Possible Coexistence?. 9. Developmental and Health Rights of Children in Developing Countries: Towards a Model Legislation for the Rights of the Child to Health. INDEX WORDS:
9. | Francioni, Franceso (ed.) : Biotechnology and international law, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Biotechnology and international law / Francioni, Franceso (ed.) ; Scovazzi, Tullio - (Studies in international law ; vol. 9), xxxvii, 448 p.. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2006. ISBN 1-84113-631-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Part I: THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL REGIME OF BIOTECHNOLOGY: GENERAL ASPECTS:. 1. F. FRANCIONI (European University Institute; Università di Siena): International Law for Biotechnology: Basic Principles. 2. R. PAVONI (Università di Siena): Biodiversity and Biotechnology: Consolidation and Strains in the Emerging International Legal Regimes. Part II: BIOTECHNOLOGY AND THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT:. 3. C. REDGWELL (University College of London): Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: Conflict or Congruence?. 4. T. SCOVAZZI (Università di Milano-Bicocca): Bioprospecting on the Deep Seabed: A Legal Gap Requiring to be Filled. 5. G. CATALDI (Università di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’): Biotechnology and Marine Biogenetic Resources: The Interplay Between UNCLOS and the CBD. 6. P. VIGNI (Università di Siena): Antarctic Bioprospecting: Is It Compatible with the Value of Antarctica as a Natural Reserve?. 7. A. GUYOMARD (Université de Nantes): Bioprospecting in Antarctica: A New Challenge for the Antarctic Treaty System. Part III: BIOTECHNOLOGY AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE ISSUES:. 8. E.-U. PETERSMANN (European University Institute): The WTO Dispute Over Genetically Modified Organisms: Interface Problems of International Trade Law, Environmental Law and Biotechnology Law. 9. H. ULLRICH (European University Institute): Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity, Benefit-Sharing and the Patent System: Romantics v. Economics?. 10. S. ZARRILLI (UNCTAD): International Trade in GMOs: Legal Frameworks and Developing Country Concerns. Part IV: BIOTECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN RIGHTS:. 11. M.E. FOOTER (University of Amsterdam): Agricultural Biotechnology, Food Security and Human Rights. 12. F. LENZERINI (Università di Siena): Biotechnology, Human Dignity and the Human Genome. 13. M. FRABONI and F. LENZERINI (Università di Siena): Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Biogenetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: The Case of the Sateré-Mawé People. Part V: BIOTECHNOLOGY AND REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION SYSTEMS:. 14. P. ŠTURMA (Charles University in Prague): The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Governance of Biotechnology in the European Union. 15. S. POLI (Università di Trieste): The EU Risk Management of Genetically Modified Organisms and the Commission’s Defence Strategy in the Biotech Dispute: Are They Inconsistent?. 16. F. NOVAK (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Lima): Biotechnology and Regional Integration Systems: Legislation and Practices in the Andean Community Countries. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: France / Germany / India / Italy / Japan / Peru / Philippines / Spain / Thailand / United Kingdom / USA / Venezuela NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; ACHPR; AMR; Convention on biological diversity; ECHR; ESC; Cartagena protocol on biosafety; Rio declaration; Stockholm declaration; CRC; EU charter of fundamental rights; ICESCR; ToA; TEU; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; International declaration on human genetic data; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan - Miljörätt SHELF CODE: Arbetsmaterial
URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841136318 |
10. | Marsden, Simon : Strategic environmental assessment in international and European law, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Strategic environmental assessment in international and European law / Marsden, Simon, xv, 330 p.. - London : Earthscan, 2008. ISBN 978-1-88407-489-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction: SEA and the Law. Part I: International Law: 2. An Overview of International Law. 3. International Environmental Law. 4. The Espoo and Aarhus Conventions. 5. The SEA Protocol. 6. SEA and the Conservation Conventions. Part II: European Law:. 7. An Overview of European Law. 8. European Environmental Law. 9. The EIA and other Horizontal Directives. 10. The SEA Directive. 11. Relationship between the SEA, EIA and other Related Directives. 12. Comparisons and Conclusions. Index INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; ECHR; TEU; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
11. | Birnie, Patricia : International law and the environment, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law and the environment / Birnie, Patricia ; Boyle, Alan ; Redgwell, Catherine. - 3. ed.., xxxvi, 851 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-876422-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. International law and the environment. 2. International governance and the formulation of environmental law and policy. 3. Rights and obligations of states concerning protection of the environment. 4. Interstate enforcement: state responsibility, treaty compliance, and dispute settlement. 5. Non-state actors: environmental rights, liability, and crimes. 6. Climate change and atmospheric pollution. 7. The law of the sea and protection of the marine environment. 8. International regulation of toxic substances. 9. Nuclear energy and the environment. 10. International watercourses: environmental protection and sustainable use. 11. Conservation of nature, ecosystems, and biodiversity. 12. Conservation of migratory and land-based species and biodiversity. 13. Conservation of marine living resources and biodiversity. 14. International trade and environmental protection. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ACHPR; ECHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; ICRW; Reykjavik declaration on responsible fisheries; Convention on the protection of the Rhine; Protocol to the London dumping convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt |
12. | Björksten, Jenni : Försiktighetsprincipens folkrättsliga status - med utgångspunkt i en diskussion om rättskällor, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Försiktighetsprincipens folkrättsliga status - med utgångspunkt i en diskussion om rättskällor / Björksten, Jenni, ii, 106 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi. Ekonomisk-statsvetenskakliga fakulteten, 2008. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany / Finland / USA NOTE (THESIS): Master's thesis in public international law, 2008 [T] NOTE (GENERAL): Stockholm declaration; Rio declaration; Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union; Kyoto protocol; Biodiversity convention; Cartagena protocol; World charter for nature; ICJ statute; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: seminarierummet |
13. | Jans, Jan H. : European environmental law, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph European environmental law / Jans, Jan H. ; Vedder, Hans H. B.. - 3.ed.., xvi, 496 p.. - Groningen : Europa Law Publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-90-76871-77-6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Cartagena protocol; SEA; ToA; ECHR; Kyoto protocol; Lisbon treaty; Montreal protocol; Nice treaty; TEU; Rotterdam convention; Stockholm declaration; Rio declaration; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
14. | Joerges, Christian (ed.) : Constitutionalism, multilevel trade governance and social regulation, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Constitutionalism, multilevel trade governance and social regulation / Joerges, Christian (ed.) ; Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich - (Studies in international trade law ; no. 9), xxxviii, 554 p.. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2006 . ISBN 1-84113-665-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Introduction. Section I: International Trade Law: Constitutionalisation and Judicialisation in the WTO and Beyond. Section I.1: Constitutionalisation and the WTO: Two Competing Visions from Two Different Disciplines. 1. Multilevel Trade Governance in the WTO Requires Multilevel Constitutionalism, by Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann. 2. Democratic Legitimacy of Transnational Trade Governance: A View from Political Theory, by Patrizia Nanz. Section I.2. Judicialisation: Empirical Inquiries and Constitutional Concerns: 3. Dispute Settlement under GATT and WTO: An Empirical Enquiry into a Regime Change, by Achim Helmedach and Bernhard Zangl. 4. The Appellate Body’s ‘Response’ to the Tensions and Interdependencies Between Transnational Trade Governance and Social Regulation, by Christiane Gerstetter. Section I.3: Participatory Governance: Emerging Patterns and their Juridification:. 5. Why Co-operate? Civil Society Participation at the WTO, by Jens Steffek and Claudia Kissling. 6. Participatory Transnational Governance, by Rainer Nickel. Section I.4 Legalisation Patterns outside the WTO:. 7. Non-Traditional Patterns of Global Regulation: Is the WTO ‘Missing the Boat’?, by Joost Pauwelyn. 8. Conflicts and Comity in Transnational Governance:. Private International Law as Mechanism and Metaphor for Transnational Social Regulation through Plural Legal Regimes, by Robert Wai. Section II: Transnational Governance Arrangements for Product Safety:. Section II.1 Food Safety Regulation: the SPS Agreement and the Codex Alimentarius. 9. Fixing the Codex? Global Food-Safety Governance Under Review, by Thorsten Hüller and Matthias Leonhard Maier. 10. The Precautionary Principle in Support of Practical Reason: an Argument Against Formalistic Interpretations of the Precautionary Principle, by Alexia Herwig. 11. Beyond the Science/Democracy Dichotomy: The World Trade Organisation Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement and Administrative Constitutionalism, by Elizabeth Fisher. 12. Administrative Globalisation and Curbing the Excesses of the State, by Damian Chalmers. Section II.2 The TBT Agreement and International Standardisation:. 13. A New Device for creating International Legal Normativity: The WTO Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement and ‘International Standards', by Robert Howse. 14. The Empire’s Drains: Sources of Legal Recognition of Private Standardisation under the TBT Agreement, by Harm Schepel. Section III The WTO and Transnational Environmental Governance:. 15. Global Environmental Governance and the WTO: Emerging Rulesthrough Evolving Practice: The CBD-Bonn Guidelines, by Christine Godt. 16. Environmental Policies and the WTO Committee on Trade and Environment: A Record of Failure?, by Ulrike Ehling. 17. Facing the Global Hydra: Ecological Transformation at the Global Financial Frontier: The Ambitious Case of the Global Reporting Initiative, by Oren Perez. Section IV Epilogue:. 18. Constitutionalism in Postnational Constellations: Contrasting Social Regulation in the EU and in the WTO, by Christian Joerges. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; EC treaty; EU constitution;
URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841136653 |
15. | Ku, Charlotte (ed.) : International law, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law : classic and contemporary readings / Ku, Charlotte (ed.) ; Diehl, Paul F.. - 3. de.., vii, 507 p.. - London : Lynne Rienner, 2009. ISBN 978-1-58826-627-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: International Law as Operating and Normative Systems: An Overview, by Charlotte Ku and Paul F. Diehl. PART 1: INTERNATIONAL LAW AS OPERATING SYSTEM:. Sources of International Law:. 2. Hard and Soft Law in International Governance, by K. Abbott and D. Snidal. 3. Traditional and Modern Approaches to Customary International Law: A Reconciliation, by A. Roberts. 4. Normative Hierarchy in International Law, by D. Shelton. Participants in the International Legal Process:. 5. The New Treaty Makers, by J.E. Alvarez. 6. Nongovernmental Organizations and International Law, by S. Charnovitz. Implementation and Compliance with International Law:. 7. Compliance with International Agreements, by B. Simmons. 8. Filling in the Gaps: Extrasystemic Mechanisms for Addressing Imbalances Between the International Legal Operating and Normative Systems--the Editors. 9. Princeton Principles on Universal Jurisdiction—The Princeton Project. International Legal Structures:. 10. A Babel of Judicial Voices? Ruminations from the Bench, by R. Higgins. 11. The Place of the WTO and Its Law in the International Legal Order, by P. Lamy. 12. The Role of the International Criminal Court in Enforcing International Criminal Law, by P. Kirsch. PART 2: INTERNATIONAL LAW AS NORMATIVE SYSTEM:. To Regulate the Use of Force:. 13. "Jus ad bellum," "Jus in bello"..."Jus post bellum"? Rethinking the Conception of the Law of Armed Force, by C. Stahn. 14. Legal Control of International Terrorism: A Policy Oriented Assessment, by M.C. Bassiouni. For the Protection of Individual Rights:. 15. The Evolving International Human Rights System, by T. Buergenthal. 16. The Responsibility to Protect: Humanitarian Concern and the Lawfulness of Armed Intervention, by C.C. Joyner. For the Protection of the Environment:. 17. International Environmental Agreements: A Survey of Their Features, Formation, and Effects, by R. Mitchell. 18. Responsibility for Biological Diversity Conservation Under International Law, by C. Tinker. Managing the Commons:. 19. Towards a New Regime for the Protection of Outer Space as a Province of All Mankind, by D. Tan. 20. The Territorial Temptation: A Siren Song at Sea, by B. Oxman. PART 3: THE FUTURE of INTERNATIONAL LAW:. 21. The Yahoo Case and Conflict of Laws in the Cyberage, by M. Reimann. 22. The Future of International Law Is Domestic (or, The European Way of Law), by A. Slaughter and W. Burke-White. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Belgium / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Cambodia / Canada / China / Colombia / Congo / Costa Rica / Cuba / Czechoslovakia / East Timor / Honduras / India / Iraq / Israel / Italy / Japan / Korea / Kuwait / Latin America / Liberia / Libya / Myanmar / Nicaragua / Norway / Pakistan / Rhodesia / Russian Federation / Sierra Leone / Somalia / South Africa / USSR / Switzerland / Turkey / Uganda / USA / Yugoslavia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; Convention on biological diversity; Helsinki accords; CAT; CERD; Espoo convention; ECHR; Framework convention on climate change; Geneva conventions; Genocide convention; Helsinki final act; ICCPR; Kyoto protocol; Montevideo convention on the rigts and duties of states; Montreal protocol; Nuremberg charter; OAS charter; Oslo convention; Outer space treaty; Ramsar convention; Vienna convention on the law of treaties;
URL http://www.rienner.com/title/International_Law_Classic_and_Contemporary_Readings_3rd_Edition |
16. | Kotze, Louis J. (ed.) : The role of the judiciary in environmental governance, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The role of the judiciary in environmental governance : comparative perspectives / Kotze, Louis J. (ed.) ; Paterson, Alexander R. - (Energy and anvironmental law & policy series : supranational and comparative aspects ; vol. 4), 637 p.. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2009. ISBN 978-90-411-2708-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Foreword; A. Iza. Acknowledgements. Preface. Author Biographies. 1. The Netherlands, by J. Verschuuren. 2. Belgium, by Luc Lavrysen. 3. Germany, by Eckard Rehbinder. 4. United Kingdom, by Karen Morrow. 5. United States of America, by Nicolas A. Robinson. 6. Canada, by J. Benidickson, H. McLeod-Kilmurray. 7. Brazil, by Ingo W. Sarlet, T. Fensterseifer. 8. Argentina, by Juan M. Carballo. 9. Paraguay, by Sheila R. Abed. 10. Australia, by Linda Pearson. 11. New Zealand, by Klaus Bosselmann. 12. Pakistan, by Parvez Hassan, Jawad Hassan. 13. The People’s Republic of China (PRC), by Qun Du. 14. Kenya, by Patricia Kameri-Mbote. 15. Uganda, by Emmanuel Kasimbazi. 16. Tanzania, by Palamagamba J. Kabudi. 17. Nigeria, M uhammed T. Ladan. 18. South Africa, by Louis J. Kotzé and Alexander Paterson. 19. Eritrea, by Zerisenay Habtezion. Index. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Rio declaration; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt |
17. | Brown Weiss, Edith ... [et al.] : International environmental law and policy, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International environmental law and policy / Brown Weiss, Edith ... [et al.]. - 2. ed.., xxxiv, 1145 p.. - New York : Aspen Publishers, 2007. ISBN 0-7355-2638-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART ONE: Basic Concepts and Context Regarding International Environmental Protection:. The nature of international environmental issues -- The philosophical framework -- Rational decisionmaking and its constraints : economics, risk, and uncertainty -- The international legal system and environmental protection. PART TWO: Pollution Control: General and Specific Norms:. Accountability and compliance -- General norms of prevention -- Environmental disasters -- Human rights and environment -- Regional transboundary pollution -- Controlling ozone depletion -- Global climate change -- Protection of the marine environment -- Hazardous substances : wastes, toxic chemicals, heavy metals -- Military activities. PART THREE: Natural Resource Management:. Norms of allocation of use : fresh water -- Biological diversity -- Biosafety regulation. PART FOUR: Trade and finance:. Environment and trade -- Financing environmental protection. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Agenda 21; Biodiversity convention; Convention on international watercourses; Framework convention on climate change; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt
URL http://www.aspenpublishers.com/Product.asp?catalog_name=Aspen&product_id=0735526389 |
18. | Craig, Paul : EU administrative law, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph EU administrative law / Craig, Paul - (The collected courses of the Academy of European law), xcv, 888 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2006. ISBN 978-0-19-929681-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: I: Administration and Law:. 1: Crisis, Reform, and Constitutionalization. 2: Centralized or Direct Community Administration. 3: Shared Management. 4: Comitology. 5: Agencies. 6: Open Method of Coordination. 7: Social Partners. II: Law and Administration:. 8: Foundations. 9: Courts. 10: Access. 11: Process. 12: Competence and Subsidiarity. 13: Law, Fact, and Discretion. 14: Rights. 15: Equality. 16: Legal Certainty and Legitimate Expectations. 17: Proportionality I. 18: Proportionality II. 19: Precautionary Principle. 20: Remedies I: The Community. 21: Remedies II: Member States. 22: The Ombudsman. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada / Germany / Italy / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; LIBRARY LOCATION: EG-rätt
URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199296804.do?keyword=eu+administrative+law&sortby=bestMatches |
19. | Crawford, James (ed.) : The law of international responsibility, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The law of international responsibility / Crawford, James (ed.) ; Pellet, Alain ; Olleson, Simon, lxv, 1296 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2010. ISBN 978-0-19929697-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I: Introduction - Responsibility and International Law:. 1: Alain Pellet: The Definition of Responsibility in International Law. 2: James Crawford: The System of International Responsibility. 3: Eric David: Primary and Secondary Rules. PART II: International Responsibility - Development and Relationship with Other Areas of Law:. SECTION 1: Development of the law of international responsibility:. A: Responsibility for internationally wrongful acts:. 4: Patrick Daillier: The Development of the Law of Responsibility in the Case Law. 5: Martti Koskenniemi: Doctrines of State Responsibility. B: The codification process:. 6: Lucie Laithier: Private Codification Efforts. 7: Clémentine Bories: The Hague Conference of 1930. 8: Daniel Müller: The Work of García-Amador on State Responsibility for Injury Caused to Aliens. 9: Alain Pellet: The ILC's Articles on State Responsibility. C: Liability in the abscence of an internationally wrongful act:. 10: Alan Boyle: Liability for Injurious Consequences of Acts Not Prohibited by International Law. SECTION 2: Responsibility and the legal system:. A responsibility and municipal law:. 11: Joe Verhoeven: The Law of Responsibility and the Law of Treaties. 12: Vera Gowlland-Debbas: Responsibility and the United Nations Charter. 13: Bruno Simma & Dirk Pulkowski: Leges speciales and Self-Contained Regimes. 14: Jean-Marc Sorel: The Emergence of "Soft" Responsibility. B: Responsibility and municipal law:. 15: Pierre-Marie Dupuy: Relations between the International Law of Responsibility and Responsibility in Municipal Law. PART III: The Sources of International Responsibility:. 16: Gilbert Guillaume: Overview of Part One of the Articles on State Responsibility. SECTION 1: The notion of an internationally wrongful act:. 17: Brigitte Stern: The Elements of an Internationally Wrongful Act. A: Attribution:. 18: Luigi Condorelli & Claus Kress: The Rules of Attribution: General Considerations. 19: Djamchid Momtaz, Gérard Cahin & Olivier de Frouville: Attribution of Conduct to the State. 20: Christian Domincé: Attribution of Conduct to Multiple States and the Implication of a State in the Act of Another State. 21: Václav Mikulka: State Succession and Responsibility. 22: Pierre Klein: Attribution of Conduct to International Organizations. 23: Christian Tomuschat, Gérard Cahin & Anna-Karin Lindblom: The Responsibility of Other Entities. B: Breach of an international obligation:. 24: Franck Latty: Actions and Omissions. 25: Yumi Nishimura: Source of the Obligation. 26: Constantin Economides: Content of the Obligation: Obligations of Means and Obligations of Result. 27: Jean Salmon: Duration of the Breach. 28: Paul Tavernier: Relevance of the Inter-temporal Law. C: Grave breaches of obligations owed to the international community as a whole:. 29: James Crawford: International Crimes of States. 30: Antonio Cassese: The Character of the Violated Obligation. 31: Paola Gaeta: The Character of the Breach. 32: Sandra Szurek: The Notion of Circumstances Precluding Wrongfulness. D: Circumstances precluding wrongfulness:. 33: Affef Ben Mansour, Maja Ménard, Jean-Marc Thouvenin, Hubert Lesaffre, Sandra Szurek & Sarah Heathcote: Circumstances Precluding Wrongfulness in the ILC Articles on State Responsibility. SECTION 2: Responsibility in the absence of an internationally wrongful act:. 34: Michel Montjoie: The Concept of Liability in the Absence of an Internationally Wrongful Act. 35: Philippe Guttinger: Allocation of Responsibility for Harmful Consequences of Acts not Prohibited by International Law. 36: Gerhard Hafner & Isabelle Buffard: Obligations of Prevention and the Precautionary Principle. PART IV : The Content of International Responsibility:. 37: Roslyn Higgins: Overview of Part Two of the Articles on State Responsibility. SECTION 1: The general regime of responsibility for internationally wrongful acts:. A: General principles:. 38: Olivier Corten: The Obligation of Cessation. 39: Sandrine Barbier: Assurances and Guarantees of Non-Repetition. 40: Brigitte Stern: The Obligation of Reparation. B: The modalities of reparation:. 41: Yann Kerbrat: Interaction Between the Forms of Reparation. 42: Christine Gray, John Barker, Elihu Lauterpacht, Eric Wyler & Alain Papaux: The Different Forms of Reparation. 43: Anaïs Moutier-Lopet: Contribution to the Injury. 44: Alexander Orakhelashvili: Division of Reparation between Responsible Entities. SECTION 2: Consequences of grave breaches of obligations owed to the international communitu as a whole:. 45: Stephan Wittich: Punitive Damages. 46: Martin Dawidowicz: The Obligation of Non-Recognition of an Unlawful Situation. 47: Nina Jørgensen: The Obligation of Non-Assistance of the Responsible State. 48: Nina Jørgensen: The Obligation of Cooperation. 49: Antoine Ollivier: International Criminal Responsibility of the State. 50: Rafaëlle Maison: The "Transparency" of the State. SECTION 3: Specific regimes of responsibility:. 51: Susan Marks, Fiorentina Azizi, Raphaële Rivier, Jean-Paul Costa & Habib Gherari: Responsibility for Violations of Human Rights Obligations. 52: Joanna Gomula: Responsibility and the World Trade Organization. 53: Céline Nègre: Responsibility and International Environmental Law. 54: Zachary Douglas, Daniel Müller & Drazen Petrovic: Other Specific Regimes of Responsibility. 55: Jean-Marc Thouvenin: Responsibility in the Context of European Community Law. SECTION 4: Regimes of responsibility inthe absence of an internationally wrongful act:. A: Reparation for harmful consequences of acts not internationally wrongful:. 56: Régis Chemain: The "Polluter Pays" Principle. 57: Mathias Forteau: Reparation in the Event of a Circumstance Precluding Wrongfulness. B: Treaty-based mechanisms:. 58: Gabriel Nakhleh & Mikael Quimbert: The Law of the Sea. 59: Mathias Forteau: Space Law. 60: Michel Montjoie: Nuclear Energy. PART V: The Implementation of International Responsibility:. 61: James Crawford: Overview of Part Three of the Articles on State Responsibility. SECTION 1: The injured party:. A: The state:. 62: Giorgio Gaja: The Concept of an Injured State. 63: Rosaria Huesa Vinaixa: Plurality of Injured States. 64: Giorgio Gaja: States having an Interest in Compliance with the Obligation Breached. 65: Václav Mikulka: Succession of States in respect of Rights of an Injured State. B: International organizations:. 66: Eglantine Cujo: Invocation of Responsibility by International Organizations. C. Other entities:. 67: Christian Tomuschat: Individuals. 68: Anne-Laure Vaurs-Chamette: Peoples and Minority Groups. 69: Vaughan Lowe: Corporations. 70: Anne-Laure Vaurs-Chamette: The International Community as a Whole. SECTION 2: Modalities for the implementation of international responsibility:. A: Conditions for claims:. 71: Jacqueline Peel: Notice of Claim by an Injured State. 72: Christian Tams: Waiver, Acquiescence and Extinctive Prescription. B: Diplomatic and functional protection:. 73: John Dugard: Diplomatic Protection. 74: Muriel Ubéda-Saillard & Myriam Benlolo-Carabot: Functional Protection. C: Procedures for the peaceful settlement of disputes:. 75: Michael Waibel: The Diplomatic Channel. 76: Nadine Susani: Conciliation and Other Forms of Non-Binding Third Party Dispute Settlement. 77: Frederique Coulée: Arbitration. 78: Gilles Cottereau: Resort to International Courts. SECTION 3: Countermeasures:. A: The object countermeasures:. 79: Denis Alland: The Definition of Countermeasures. 80: Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos: Countermeasures in Response to Grave Violations of Obligations owed to the International Community as a Whole. B: Conditions for recourse to countermeasures:. 81: Yuji Iwasawa & Naoki Itwatsuki: Procedural Conditions. 82: Roger O'Keefe: Proportionality. 83: Maurice Kamto: The Time Factor in the Application of Countermeasures. C: substantive limits on the recourse to countermeasures:. 84: Simon Olleson & Silvia Borelli: Obligations Relating to Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. 85: Charles Leben: Obligations Relating to the Use of Force and Deriving from Peremptory Norms of International Law. 86: Laurence Boisson de Chazournes: Other Non-Derogable Obligations The ILC Texts. Draft Articles on State Responsibility (as adopted on first reading), 1996. Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, 2001. Articles on Diplomatic Protection, 2006. Draft Articles on Responsibility of International Organizations (as adopted on first reading), 2009. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; UN charter; Aarhus convention; Geneva conventions; UN charter; ECHR; ICC statute; Kyoto protocol; ESC; Genocide convention; ICESCR; AMR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Vienna conventions on diplomatic and consular relations; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: Inst.ref. |
20. | Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) : Yearbook of international environmental law , 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Yearbook of international environmental law : vol. 17 (2006) / Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) ; Hunter, David, xxxxii, 870 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-953964-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART 1: ARTICLES:. 1. International Investment Law and Environmental Protection, by Ole Kristian Fauchald. 2. The Role of Science in Investment Arbitrations concerning Public Health and the Environment, by Marcos A: Orellana. 3. Financing Sustainability: The New Transnational Governance of Socially Responsible Investment, by Benjamin J. Richardson. 4. Stabilization Clauses and the Evolution of Environmental Standards in Foreign Investment Contracts, by Lorenzo Cotula. 5. Unilateral Commitments to Investment Protection: Does the Promise of Stability Restrict Environmental Policy Development?, by Kyla Tienhaara. 6. The Contribution of State-Multinational Corporation "Transnational" Investment Agreements to International Environmental Law, by David M. Ong. 7. Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Protection: A Review of the Legal Regime in China, by Yuhong Zhao. PART 2: THE YEAR IN REVIEW:. I: General Developments. II: Air and Atmosphere. III: Fresh Water. IV: Oceans. V: Energy. VI: Hazardous Substances and Waste, Other Than Nuclear. VII: International Commons/Areas beyond National Jurisdiction. VIII: Natural Resource Management and Conservation. IX: International Economy and the Environment. X: Country/Region Reports. XI: Reports from International Courts and Tribunals. XII: Reports on International Organizations and Bodies. PART 3: Literature Review Timo Koivurova: Oran Young, The Institutional Dimension of Environmental Change: Fit, Interplay and Scale Sophie Riley: Murray Raff, Private Property and Environmental Responsibility: A Comparative Study of German Real Property Law Index INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Albania / Algeria / Angola / Argentina / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Benin / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Brazil / Burundi / Cambodia / Cameroon / Chile / China / Congo / Cuba / Denmark / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Ecuador / Estonia / Croatia / China / France / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Guatemala / Honduras / Hungary / Iceland / India / Indonesia / Iran / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Japan / Kazakhstan / Korea / Kyrgyzstan / Liberia / Lebanon / Libya / Lithuania / Macedonia / Madagascar / Malawi / Malta / Mauritius / Myanmar / Nepal / Netherlands / Nicaragua / Nigeria / Norway / Pakistan / Papua New Guinea / Peru / Philippines / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Senegal / Serbia / Singapore / Slovakia / Slovenia / South Africa / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Taiwan / Tajikistan / Togo / Thailand / Tonga / Turkey / Ukraine / Uganda / USA / Uruguay / Venezuela / Viet Nam / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Greenland NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Basel convention; Cartagena protocol; Convention on biological diversity; Montreal convention; Convention on the law of the sea; Stockholm convention; Convention on the prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction; Ramsar convention; ICESR; ECHR; Espoo convention; Energy charter treaty; Kyoto protocol; MARPOL; Barcelona convention; Montreal protocol; Protocol on ocean dumping; Framework convention on climate change; Vienna convention on the law of the treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
21. | Zander, Joakim : The application of the precautionary principle in practice, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The application of the precautionary principle in practice : comaparative dimensions / Zander, Joakim, xxxi, 376 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2010 . ISBN 978-0-521-76853-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. 1. Introduction. 2. Risk and uncertainty: basic concepts and tools for the application of the precautionary principle. 3. The precautionary principle in international law. 4. The precautionary principle in EC law. 5. The precautionary principle in Sweden 6. The precautionary principle in the United Kingdom. 7. The precautionary principle in the United States. 8. Conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: United Kingdom / USA / Sweden NOTE (GENERAL): Framework convention on climate change; Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage; Convention on biological diversity; Protocol to the Framework convention on climate change; Stockholm declaration; Stockholm declaration on the human environment; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://www.cambridge.org/gb/knowledge/isbn/item4497455/?site_locale=en_GB |
22. | Fitzmaurice, Malgosia (ed.) : Research handbook on international environmental law, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Research handbook on international environmental law / Fitzmaurice, Malgosia (ed.) ; Ong, David M. ; Merkouris, Panos - (Research handbooks in international law), xxv, 703 p.. - Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2010. ISBN 978-1-84720-124-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I: INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AS A SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL LAW:. 1. Actors and Law-making in International Environmental Law, by Mark A. Drumbl. 2. International Framework for Environmental Decision-making, by Geir Ulfstein. PART II: THEORIES AND CONCEPTS OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW:. 3. Sustainable Development, by Duncan French. 4. Environment and Development: Friends or Foes in the 21st Century?, by Paolo Galizzi and Alena Herklotz. 5. Implementing Intergenerational Equity, by Edith Brown Weiss. 6. An Introduction to Ethical Considerations in International Environmental Law, by Alexander Gillespie. 7. The World Bank and Sustainable Development, by David Freestone. 8. Common but Differentiated Responsibilities, by Philippe Cullet. 9. The Principles of Prevention and Precaution in International Law: Two Heads of the Same Coin?, by Nicolas de Sadeleer. PART III: SUBSTANTIVE PRINCIPLES:. 10. The Precautionary Principle, by Minna Pyhälä, Anne Christine Brusendorff and Hanna Paulomäki. 11. Environmental Impact Assessment, by Olufemi Elias. 12. The Polluter-Pays Principle, by Priscilla Schwartz. PART IV: HUMAN RIGHTS TO A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT:. 13. Human Rights and the Environment: Substantive Rights, by Dinah Shelton. 14. Human Rights to a Clean Environment: Procedural Rights, by Jona Razzaque. PART V: RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HARM:. 15. Responsibility for Environmental Damage, by Phoebe Okowa. 16. International Liability for Damage to the Environment, by Louise Angélique de La Fayette. 17. Corporate Liability for Environmental Harm, by Amanda Perry-Kessaris. PART VI: DISPUTE SETTLEMENT AND COMPLIANCE:. 18. Settlement of International Environmental Law Disputes, by Natalie Klein. 19. Environmental Disputes in the WTO, by Joanna Gomula. 20. Compliance Procedures and Mechanisms, by Gerhard Loibl. 21. International Legal Efforts to Address Human-Induced Global Climate Change, by David M. Ong. 22. Filling The Holes: The Montreal Protocol’s Non-Compliance Mechanism, by Feja Lesniewska. PART VII: BIODIVERSITY:. 23. Environmental Protection and the Concept of Common Concern of Mankind, by Michael Bowman. 24. International Environmental Law Governing Threats to Biological Diversity, by David M. Ong. 25. Fisheries and Marine Biodiversity, by Richard Barnes. PART VIII: SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGIMES:. 26. The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and Marine Environmental Protection, by David M. Ong. 27. Environmental Protection in Armed Conflict, by Karen Hulme. 28. The Relationship between the Law of International Watercourses and Sustainable Development, by Malgosia Fitzmaurice. 29. International Chemicals and Waste Management, by Katharina Kummer Peiry. 30. Drilling at the Poles: Environmental Protection in the Antarctic and the Arctic, by Karen N. Scott. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Angola / Asia / Australia / Bulgaria / Canada / China / Chile / Colombia / Congo / Czech Republic / Denmark / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Germany / Greenland / India / Indonesia / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Jordan / Malaysia / Mauritania / Namibia / Norway / Sweden / Switzerland / Thailand / Uganda / Ukraine / United Kingdom / USA / Uruguay / Zimbabwe NOTE (GENERAL): World heritage convention; Aarhus convention; Convention on biological diversity; Bonn convention; Convention on the law of the sea; ECHR; Kyoto protocol; ICESCR; Framework convention on climate change; Montreal protocol; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Ramsar convention on Wetlands; Rio declaration; Stockholm declaration; AMR; Cartagena protocol; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
23. | Ramlogan, Rajendra : Sustainable development, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Sustainable development : towards a judicial interpretation / Ramlogan, Rajendra - (Legal aspects of sustainable development ; vol. 9), xx, 287 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2011. - ISSN 1875-0923 ISBN 978-90-04-18753-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Chapter 1: The Philosophical Evolution of Sustainable Development. Chapter 2: Precautionary Principle. Chapter 3: The Polluter Pays Principle. Chapter 4: The Right to a Healthy Environment. Chapter 5: Public Participation. Chapter 6: Intergenerational Equity. Chapter 7: Intragenerational Equity. Chapter 8: Access to Justice. Chapter 9: Where To?. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / Bangladesh / Brazil / Canada / Chile / Caribbean countries / Cuba / India / Ireland / Jamaica / Kenya / Latin America / Malawi / Malaysia / Mexico / New Zealand / Nigeria / Pakistan / Peru / South Africa / Spain / Sri Lanka / Tanzania / Trinidad and Tobago / Uganda / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; ACHPR; Rio declaration; Convention on biological diversity; CERD; Climate change convention; CEDAW; CRC; ICESCR; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
24. | Bogdandy, Armin von (ed.) : Max Planck yearbook of United Nations Law, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Max Planck yearbook of United Nations Law : volume 14 2010 / Bogdandy, Armin von (ed.) ; Wolfrum, Rüdriger, xvii, 629 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ. , 2010. - ISSN 1389-4633 ISBN 978-90-041-9421-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Sieber, Ulrich: Legal Order in a Global World – The Development of a Fragmented System of National, International, and Private Norms. 2. Bigi, Giulia: Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Prosecution of Senior Political and Military Leaders: The Krajišnik Case. 3. Roscini, Marco: World Wide Warfare – Jus ad bellum and the Use of Cyber Force. 4. Suarez, Suzette V.: Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. 5. Spohr, Maximilian: United Nations Human Rights Council. 6. Fernández de Casadevante Romani, Carlos: International Law of Victims. 7. López-Jacoiste, Eugenia: The UN Collective Security System and its Relationship with Economic Sanctions and Human Rights. 8. Göcke, Katja: The Case of Ángela Poma Poma v. Peru before the Human Rights Committee. 9. Tiroch, Katrin: Violence against Women by Private Actors: The Inter-American Court’s Judgment in the Case of Gonzalez et al. (“Cotton Field”) v. Mexico Neudorfer, Sonja/ Wernig, Claudia, Implementation of International Treaties into National Legal Orders: The Protection of the Rights of the Child within the Austrian Legal System. 10. Weilert, Katarina: Taming the Untamable? Transnational Corporations in United Nations Law and Practice. 11. Ioannidis, Michael: Naming a State – Disputing over Symbols of Statehood at the Example of “Macedonia”. LL.M. Thesis:. Laowonsiri, Akawat: Application of the Precautionary Principle in the SPS Agreement. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; CERD; CRC; Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; UN charter; ICCPR; ICESCR; Convention concerning the indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries (ILO convention no. 169); LIBRARY LOCATION: S Max Plack yb |
25. | Giegericht, Thomas (ed.) : German yearbook of international law, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph German yearbook of international law : volume 53 - 2010 / Giegericht, Thomas (ed.) ; Proelss, Alexander, 1044 p.. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2011. - ISSN 0344-3094 ISBN 978-3-428-13622-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. FORUM: Perspectives on International Law from China:. B.B. Jia: A Synthesis of the Notion of Sovereignty and the Ideal of the Rule of Law: Reflections on the Contemporary Chinese Approach to International Law. FOCUS: Climate Change and new Challenges for International Law:. 1. A. Proelss: International Environmental Law and the Challenge of Climate Change. 2. M. Fitzmauric: Responsibility and Climate Change. 3. P. Aerni, B. Boie, T. Cottier, K. Holzer, D. Jost, B. Karapinar, S. Matteotti, O. Nartova, T. Payosova, L. Rubini, A. Shingal, F. Temmerman, E. Xoplaki, & S. Z. Bigdeli: Climate Change and International Law: Exploring the Linkages between Human Rights, Environment, Trade and Investment. 4. C. Schofield, Rising Waters: Shrinking States: The Potential Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Claims to Maritime Jurisdiction. 5. J. McAdam & B. Saul: Displacement with Dignity: International Law and Policy Responses to Climate Change Migration and Security in Bangladesh. 6. M. Bowman: Conserving Biological Diversity in an Era of Climate Change: Local Implementation of International Wildlife Treaties. 7. J. Gupta: Climate Change: A GAP Analysis Based on Third World Approaches to International Law. 8. W. Th. Douma: Legal Aspects of the European Union's Biofuels Policy: Protection or Protectionism? GENERAL ARTICLES:. 1. G. Handl: In Re South African Apartheid Litigation and Beyond: Corporate Liability for Aiding and Abetting Under the Alien Tort Statute. 2. K. Ambos: The Crime of Aggression after Kampala. 3. K. Odendahl: The Scope of Application of the Principle of Territorial Integrity. 4. C. Riziki Majinge: Southern Sudan and the Struggle for Self-Determination in Contemporary Africa: Examining its Basis Under International Law. 5. A. Gourgourinis: Lex Specialis in WTO and Investment Protection Law. 6. A. Peters: Extraterritorial Naturalizations: Between the Human Right to Nationality, State Sovereignty and Fair Principles of Jurisdiction. 7. P. Pustorino: Failed States and International Law: The Impact of UN Practice on Somalia in Respect of Fundamental Rules of International Law. 8. P. Kroker: Transitional Justice Policy in Practice: Victim Participation in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. 9. K. Oellers-Frahm: Problematic Question or Problematic Answer? Observations on the International Court of Justice's Advisory Opinion Concerning Kosovo's Unilateral Declaration of Independence. GERMAN PRACTICE:. 1. W. Heintschel von Heinegg, P. Dreist: The 2009 Kunduz Air Attack: The Decision of the Federal Prosecutor-General on the Dismissal of Criminal Proceedings Against Members of the German Armed Forces. 2. T. Giegerich: The Federal Constitutional Court's Non-Sustainable Role as Europe's Ultimate Arbiter: From Age Discrimination to the Saving of the Euro. 3. T. Giegerich, O. Daum: Chechen Rebels as "Bona Fide Refugees"? The Judgment of the Federal Administrative Court of 24 November 2009. 4. D. Blöcher: Retraction of Definitive Administrative Acts after a Change in Case Law. 5. P. Wennholz: Refugee Protection for a Leading War Criminal? The Judgment of the Munich Higher Administrative Court of 11 January 2010. 6. H. Wieduwilt: The German Federal Constitutional Court Puts the Data Retention Directive on Hold. 7. A. Proelss: Enforcement of the Obligation to Refer to the European Court of Justice Under Article 267 (3) TFEU. 8. M. Krivickaite, H.-C. Schröder: The New German Federal Nature Conservation Act in the Context of the International Law of the Sea. 9. B. Schriewer, Gäfgen v. Germany Revisited. 10. W. Staff: Germany's National Preventive Mechanism Under the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention Against Torture. 11. T. Thienel: Human Rights of Biological Fathers v. Hard and Fast Rules: The Case of Anayo v. Germany. 12. J. Siegfried, B. Schriewer, P. Braasch: The Withdrawal of Germany's Unilateral Statement on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 13. P. Braasch: Deportation of Foreign Nationals Under Article 12 (4) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 14. F. Bieker, L. Frahm: Follow-Up: The Implementation of the ECtHR's Judgment in the Case M. v. Germany 15. A. Makee Mosa, F. Seesko: Can the 2008 Framework Decision on the Fight against Organized Crime Influence German Criminal Law?. 16. P. Zickert: German Legal Protection Against the European Patent Organisation and Other International Organizations. 17. O. Daum: Follow-Up: The Zaunegger v. Germany Case. 18. P. Braasch: Follow-Up: The European Court of Human Rights' Pilot Judgment on Excessive Length of Proceedings Before German Courts. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany / China NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; ICC statute; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ICCPR; ICESCR; |
26. | Lester, Simon : World trade law, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph World trade law : text, materials and commentary / Lester, Simon ; Mercurio, Bryan ; with Arwel Davies and Kara Leitner. - repr. 2011., xiv, 892 p.. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2008. ISBN 978-1-84113-660-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Argentina / Australia / Austria / Bangladesh / Brazil / Canada / Cambodia / Chile / China / Croatia / Cuba / Czechoslovakia / France / Germany / Ghana / Hong Kong / Hungary / India / Indonesia / Japan / Libya / Liechtenstein / Malaysia / Mali / Mexico / Morocco / Norway / Nicaragua / New Zealand / Netherlandds / Nigeria / Norway / North Korea / Pakistan / Panama / Peru / Philippines / Portugal / Singapore / Slovakia / South Korea / USSR / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sweden / Switzerland / Taiwan / Tanzania / Thailand / Turkey / United Kingdom / USA / Uruguay / Venezuela NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; UDHR;
URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841136608 |
27. | Sands, Philippe : Principles of international environmental law, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Principles of international environmental law / Sands, Philippe ; Peel, Jacqueline ; with Adriana Fabra and Ruth MacKenzie. - 4th ed.., lxviii, 968 p. . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-1-108-43112-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I. The Legal and Institutional Framework:. 1. The environment and international society: issues, concepts and definitions. 2. History. 3. Governance: states, international organisations and non-state actors. 4. International law-making and regulation. 5. Compliance: implementation, enforcement, dispute settlement. PART II. Principles and Rules Establishing Standards:. 6. General principles and rules. 7. Atmospheric protection. 8. Climate change. 9. Freshwater resources. 10. Biological diversity. 11. Oceans, seas and marine living resources. 12. Hazardous substances and activities, and waste. 13. The polar regions: Antarctica and the Arctic. PART III. Techniques for Implementing International Principles and Rules:. 14. Environmental impact assessment. 15. Environmental information and technology transfer. 16. Liability for environmental damage. PART IV. Linkage of International Environmental Lae and Other Areas of International Law:. 17. Human rights and international humanitarian law. 18. International economic law: trade, investment and intellectual property. 19. Future developments. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; Rio declaration; Aarhus convention; ACHPR; Berne convention; Biodiversity convention; CRC; Climate change convention; Kyoto protocol; Espoo convention; Doha declaration; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; ESC; TFEU; Stockholm declaration; ICCPR; ICESCR; Vienna convention on civil liability for nuclear damage; Vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer; OSPAR convention; UNCLOS |
28. | Dupuy, Pierre-Marie : International environmental law, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International environmental law / Dupuy, Pierre-Marie ; Viñuales, Jorge E.. - 2nd ed.., 522 p. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-1-108-43811-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Emergence and development of international environmental law. 2. Main features of international environmental law. 3. The principles of international enviromental law. 4. Oceans, seas and freshwater. 5. Protection of the atmosphere. 6. Species, ecosystems and biodiversity. 7. Dangerous substances and activities. 8. Implementation: traditional approaches. 9. Implementation: new approaches. 10. Human rights and the environment. 11. Environmental dimensions of international security. 12. Environmental protection and international economic law. INDEX WORDS:
29. | Harrison, James : Saving the oceans through law, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Saving the oceans through law : the international legal framework for the protection of the marine environment / Harrison, James, xiii, 336 p. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017. ISBN 978-0-19-870732-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the protection and preservation of the marine environment. 3. Mainstreaming marine biological diversity conservation in the law of the sea. 4. Land-based sources of marine pollution. 5. Dumping of waste at sea. 6. Marine environmental threats from shipping. 7. Fishing and the conservation of marine living resources. 8. Environmental regulation of seabed activities within and beyond national jurisdiction. 9. Addressing the marine environmental impacts of climate change and ocean acidification. 10. Towards integrated management of the oceans at the international level. 11. The role of international law in saving the oceans and future challenges for the legal framework. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UNCLOS; Convention on biological diversity; OSPAR convention; London dumping convention; MARPOL; SOLAS convention; |