1. | Lintel, Ida (ed.) : Defending human rights, 2012 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Defending human rights : tools for social justice : volume in honour of Fried van Hoof on the occasion of his valedictory lecture and the 30th anniversary of the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights / Lintel, Ida (ed.) ; Buyse, Antoine ; McGonigle Leyh, Brianne, xi, 172 p.. - Antwerp : Intersentia, 2012. ISBN 978-1-78068-082-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Social Justice in the Inter-American System of Human Rights: An Approach, by Pedro Nikken. 2. The European Court of Human Rights and Social Justice, by Egbert Myjer. 3. The African Regional Human Rights System and its Potential for Delivering, or at Least Contributing to, Social Justice, by Frans Viljoen. 4. The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights as a Tool for Social Justice, by Tan Hsien-Li. 5. The League of Arab States: Recent Developments on Human Rights and Social Justice, by Mervat Rishmawi. 6. The Institutionalisation of Human Rights in ASEAN, by Irene I. Hadiprayitno. 7. Towards the Establishment of a Regional Human Rights Mechanism in Asia, by Mitsue Inazumi. 8. Acting Normal and Doing Good: The Dutch and Human Rights, by Esther van den Berg. 9. Health, Human Rights and Social Justice in Europe, by Brigit Toebes. 10. Economic and Social Rights and Social Justice Movements: Some Courtship, No Marriage, No Children Yet, by Marlies Glasius. 11. Empowering David to Face Goliath: Regional Human Rights Systems and Victims of Corporate Human Rights Violations, by Nicola Jägers. 12. A World Court of Human Rights: Utopia?, by Manfred Nowak. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): OAS charter; AMR; ECHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ACHPR; CEDAW; CRC; Arab charter on human rights; ASEAN charter; ICESCR; |
2. | Lazaridis, Gabriella : International migration into Europe, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International migration into Europe : from subjects to abjects / Lazaridis, Gabriella, x, 199 p. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. ISBN 978-1-137-38495-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction and theoretical context. 1. Irregular migration and undocumented migrants - the abjects. 2. Documented migrants: skilled migration - the injects. 3. From undocumented to documented: migration and self-employment. 4. Migrant women: maids, nannies and nurses, and the ban on the headscarf. 5. Human trafficking and smuggling: the production of ultimate abjects. 6. The securitisation of migration. 7. Migration regimes/s, the multiculturalism question and regularisation policies in Europe. 8. The challenges of migration for EU citizenship: from abjects and ejectés to subjects?. INDEX WORDS:
3. | Estrada-Tanck, Dorothy : Human security and human rights under international law, 2016 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human security and human rights under international law : the protections offered to persons confronting structural vulnerability / Estrada-Tanck, Dorothy, 333 p. - Oxford : Hart, 2016. ISBN 978-1-84946-882-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Human security: an overview. 2. Human security, international law and human rights. 3. The human security-human rights synergy. 4. Violence against women, human security and women's human rights. 5. Human security and rights of undocumented migrants and other non-citizens. 6. Undocumented female migrants and illustrative migrant cases. 7. Conclusions on the human security-human rights synergy and prospective routes. INDEX WORDS:
4. | Brems, Eva (ed.) : Children's rights law in the global human rights landscape, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Children's rights law in the global human rights landscape : isolation, inspiration, integration? / Brems, Eva (ed.) ; Desmet, Ellen (ed.) ; Vandenhole, Wouter (ed.), 312 p. - London : Routledge, 2017. ISBN 978-1-138-63901-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Eva Brems, Ellen Desmet and Wouter Vandenhole: Children's rights law and human rights law: analysing present and possible future interactions. PART I: THE BROADER RELEVANCE OF FEATURES OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS LAW. 1. Wouter Vandenhole: Distinctive characteristics of children's human rights law. 2. Helen Stalford: The broader relevance of features of children's rights law: the 'best interests of the child' principle. 3. Laura Lundy and Bronagh Byrne: The four general principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: the potential value of the approach in other areas of human rights law. 4. Roberta Ruggiero, Diana Volonakis and Karl Hanson: The inclusion of 'third parties': the status of parenthood in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. PART II: INSPIRATION FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS FROM CATEGORICAL HUMAN RIGHTS. 5. Eva Brems: Lessons for children's rights from women's rights? Emancipation rights as a distinct category of human rights. 6. Ralph Sandland: Lessons for children's rights from disability rights?. 7. Ellen Desmet: Inspiration for children's rights from indigenous peoples' rights. 8. Ann-Katrin Habbig, Alexander Hoefmans and Paul De Hert: What young and old can learn from each other: cross-fertilization between existing human rights law for children and developing human rights law for older persons. PART III: THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN CHILDREN'S RIGHTS LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS LAW IN THEMATIC AREAS. 9. Titia Loenen: Towards an integrated approach to intra-family relations under the CRC and CEDAW: some reflections. 10. Ivana Isailovic: Children's rights and LGBTI persons' rights: some thoughts on their 'integration'. 11. Julie Ryngaert and Wouter Vandenhole: Undocumented migration: integrating the children's rights concept of nuanced vulnerability in human rights law. 12. Eva Lievens: Children's rights and media: imperfect but inspirational. 13. Danielle van Kalmthout: Out of isolation: a claim for explicit attention for children in the movement towards recognition of an environmental right. 14. Gamze Erdem Türkelli: Children's rights in business and human rights: from the sidelines to the centre field? INDEX WORDS:
5. | Lyytinen, Eveliina (toim.) : Turvapaikanhaku ja pakolaisuus Suomessa, 2019 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Turvapaikanhaku ja pakolaisuus Suomessa / Lyytinen, Eveliina (toim.), 352 p. - Turku : Siirtolaisuusinstituutti, 2019. ISBN 978-952-7167-59-5 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Eveliina Lyytinen: Johdanto. I. POLITIIKKA, LAINSÄÄDÄNTÖ, HALLINTA. 2. Matti Välimäki: Kylmän sodan ajasta eurooppalaiseen päätöksentekoon: kansainvälistä suojelua hakevia ihmisiä koskeva politiikka ja lainsäädäntö 1973-2015. 3. Mikaela Heikkilä ja Maija Mustaniemi-Laakso: Turvapaikanhakijoiden haavoittuvuuden huomioiminen Suomen ulkomaalaisoikeudessa ja -käytänteissä. 4. Talvikki Ahonen ja Annastiina Kallius: Paperittomuuden tuotanto ja hallinta Suomessa vuosina 2015-2017. II. MATKALLA, TURVAPAIKKAPROSESSISSA JA VASTAANOTTOKESKUKSESSA. 5. Saara Koikkalainen ja Tapio Nykänen: Viisitoista päivää: irakilaisten turvapaikanhakijoiden matka Euroopan halki. 6. Eva Puumala, Hanna-Leena Ristimäki ja Riitta Ylikomi: Kokemus, kertominen ja tieto turvapaikkamenettelyssä. 7. Tapio Nykänen, Saara Koikkalainen, Tiina Seppälä, Enni Mikkonen ja Minna Rainio: Poikkeusajan tilat: vastaanottokeskukset pohjoisessa Suomessa. 8. Sari Pöyhönen, Lotta Kokkonen ja Mirja Tarnanen: Turvapaikanhakijoiden kertomuksia sosiaalisista verkostoista ja kuulumisen tunteista. III. PAKOLAISUUDEN REPRESENTAATIOT. 9. Sari Vanhanen: Valistusta ja vuorovaikutusta: turvapaikanhakijoiden laillisuuskasvatus poliisin työssä. 10. Ulla Siirto ja Hanna Niemi: Solidaarista yhdessä elämisen taitoa vai vieraanvaraisuutta: evenkelisluterilaiset seurakunnat turvapaikkatyössä. 11. Meira Pappi: Turvapaikanhakijat ja suomalaisuus: kotouttamiskeskustelussa rakentuva kansallisuuden kuva. IV. ARJEN INTEGRAATIO JA HYVINVOINTI. 12. Susanna Kallakorpi: Pakolaisten ja turvapaikanhakijoiden psyykkinen sairastuminen ja psykiatriset hoitokokemukset Suomessa. 13. Marja Tiilikainen ja Outi Fingerroos: Perhe ja perheenyhdisäminen pakolaisten elämässä: esimerkkinä kahden suomensomalialaisen miehen elämänkulut. 14. Elli Heikkilä ja Eveliina Lyytinen: Irakilaistaustaisten pakolaisten työelämään integraation ajallisuus. 15. Eveliina Lyytinen: Yhteenveto: pakolaistutkimusta ajassa ja tilassa. INDEX WORDS: