1. | Aikio-Puoskari, Ulla : Rapport om den samiska undervisningen i grundskolorna i Norden, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Rapport om den samiska undervisningen i grundskolorna i Norden : en nordisk jämförelse med utgångspunkt i undervisningens grundförutsättningar / Aikio-Puoskari, Ulla, 128 p.. - Enare : Samiskt Parlamentariskt Råd, 2006. ISBN 952-441-132-6 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Den samiska undervisningen i grundskollagstiftning och läroplaner. 2. Den samiska undervisningsförvaltningen och dess inflytande. 3. Situationen för undervisningen i och på samiska. 4. Det samiska läromedelarbetet och dess status. 5. Nordisk jämförelse av begreppen och undervisningssituationen. 6. "Samerna är ett folk vars enhet inte får sprängas av statsgränserna". INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Sweden / Norway |
2. | Aikio-Puoskari, Ulla : Raportti saamelaisopetuksesta Pohjoismaiden peruskouluissa, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Raportti saamelaisopetuksesta Pohjoismaiden peruskouluissa : pohjoismainen vertailu opetuksen perusedellytysten näkökulmasta / Aikio-Puoskari, Ulla, 127 p.. - Inari : Saamelainen Parlamentaarinen Neuvosto, 2006. ISBN 952-441-131-8 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Saamelaisopetus peruskoululainsäädännössä ja opetussuunnitelmissa. 2. Saamelainen opetushallinto ja sen vaikutusvalta. 3. Saamen kielen ja ssamenkielisen opetuksen tilanne. 4. Saamelainen oppimateriaalityö ja -tilanne. 5. Käsitteiden ja opetustilanteen pohjoismainen vertailu. 6. "Saamelaiset ovat yksi kansa, jonka yhteyttä valtioiden rajat eivät saa rikkoa". INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Sweden / Norway |
3. | Yildirim, Jülide : Defence, education and health expenditures in Turkey, 1924-96, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Defence, education and health expenditures in Turkey, 1924-96 / Yildirim, Jülide ; Sezgin, Selami REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Journal of peace research : vol. 39; no. 5., p. 569-580. - London : SAGE, 2002. - ISSN 0022-3433 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
4. | The equal rights review, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The equal rights review : promoting equality as a fundamental human right and a basic principle of social justice, vol. fourteen (2015) /, 183 p. - London : The Equal Rights Trust, 2015. - ISSN 1757-1650 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Bob Hepple: Achieving social rights through the principle of equality. 2. Jim Fitzgerald and Richard Wingfield: More haste, less speed: developments in the Ukrainian framework of equality. 3. Aileen McColgan: Discrimination on grounds of religion and belief. 4. Nazila Ghanea: Driving while Bahá'i: a typology of religious discrimination. 5. Richy Thompson: Religion, belief, education and discrimination. 6. Lucy Vickers: Religion and the workplace. 7. Tim Cunningham: Monitoring equality: reflexive regulation, planning systems, and the role of discrimination law: lessons from Northern Ireland. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Northern Ireland / Ukraine / United Kingdom |
5. | Olthuis, Marja-Liisa : Revitalising indigenous languages, 2013 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Revitalising indigenous languages : How to recreate a lost generation / Olthuis, Marja-Liisa ; Kivelä, Suvi ; Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove, 251 p. - Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2013. ISBN 978-1-84769-887-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. How did the CASLE project start?. 3. Aanaar Saami: A small Saami language. 4. The CASLE revitalisation method. 5. The CASLE year. 6. Complementary Aanaar Saami language education as a project: CASLE 2009-2010. 7. What has CASLE achieved? What does the future hold?. INDEX WORDS:
6. | Urrutia, Gorka (coord. ed.) : Yearbook on humanitarian action and human rights, 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Yearbook on humanitarian action and human rights / Urrutia, Gorka (coord. ed.) , 251 p. - Bilbao : Instituto de Derechos Humanos Pedro Arrupe, 2014. - ISSN 1885-298X LANGUAGE: SPA, ENG ABSTRACT: ARTICLES:. 1. Ana Pinilla Pulido: La celebración del Inti Raymi en el Parque del Retiro de Madrid: Reconfiguración identitaria, rituales andinos en espacios publicos. 2. Silvia Ordóñez Ganoza: La Educación Intercultural Bilingüe desde la perspecive de los indigenas de la Amazonia Peruana. 3. Laura Calle Alzate: El espejismo de la autonomia indigena: mirada a la situación de una comunidad en la Orinoquia Colombiana. 4. Marcelo Yokoi: Watá Ka'a per: aproximaciones acerca de la movilidad, territorio y caminos entre los Awá-Guajá (este amzonico). 5. Marzia Rosti: El derecho a la tierra de los pueblos originarios en la Argentina de hoy. 6. Yuri Tornero Cruzatt: La continuidad del modelo economia social de mercado frente a la situación del derecho al ambiente sano de los pueblos indigenas en una jurispudencia peruana. 7. Elisa Garcia Mingo: Persiquiendo la utopia: medios de comunicación Mapuche y la construcción de la utopia del Wallmapu. 8. Mercedes Vidal Gallardo: Migración y diversidad cultural como valor sustantivo de los ordenamiento democráticos. 9. David Fernández Rojo: Pertinence of a general prohibition of the Burqa and Niqab in Spain: a human rights perspective. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Argentina / Chile / Colombia / Peru / Spain LIBRARY LOCATION: S Yearbook on humanitarian action... |
7. | Mustaniemi-Laakso, Maija (ed.) : Human rights-based change, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights-based change : the institutionalisation of economic and social rights / Mustaniemi-Laakso, Maija (ed.) ; Sano, Hans-Otto (ed.), 121 p. - London : Routledge, 2017. ISBN 978-1-138-20830-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Maija Mustaniemi-Laakso and Hans-Otto Sano: Introduction. 1. Wouter Vandenhole and Paul Gready: Failures and successes of human rights-based approaches to development: towards a change perspective. 2. Sandra Liebenberg: Participatory approaches to socio-economic rights adjudication: tentative lessons from South African eviction laws. 3. Alessandra Sarelin: Modernisation of maternity care in Malawi. 4. Tiina Saaresranta: Education in pursuit of the development dream? Effects of schooling on indigenous development and rights in Bolivia. 5. Sisay Alemahu Yeshanew: Mainstreaming human rights in development programmes and projects: experience from the work of a United Nations agency. 6. Hans-Otto Sano: Evidence in demand: an overview of evidence and methods in assessing impact of economic and social rights. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Bolivia / Malawi / South Africa |
8. | Montero, Delfin : Educación Secundaria y discapacidad intelectual en Euskadi, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Educación Secundaria y discapacidad intelectual en Euskadi / Montero, Delfin ; Etxabe, Eguskiñe ; López, Ana Luisa - (Cuadernos Deusto de Derechos Humanos ; núm. 87), 86 p. - Bilbao : Universidad de Deusto, 2017. ISBN 978-84-16982-19-6 LANGUAGE: SPA ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introducción. Descriptión de la investigación: objectivos y caracteristicas del estudio sobre el alumnado con Discapacidad Intelectual o del Desarrollo (DID) en Secundaria. Sintesis del análisis de los resultados y recommendaciones. 1. Clima de centro. 2. Profesional de referencia. 3. Aprendizaje personalizado y colaborativo. 4. Planification del programa educative personalizado del alumnado. 5. Comunicación y colaboración centro-familias. 6. Coordinacion con asociaciones externas. 7. Recursos. INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.deusto-publicaciones.es/deusto/index.php/en/cddh-en/cddh01i-cuadernos-2 |
9. | MacNaughton, Gillian (ed.) : Economic and social rights in a neoliberal world, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Economic and social rights in a neoliberal world / MacNaughton, Gillian (ed.) ; Frey, Diane F. (ed.), xx, 366 p. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-1-108-41818-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Gillian MacNaughton and Diane F. Frey: Introduction. 2. James Heintz: Inequality, neoliberalism, and human rights. 3. Felipe Ford Cole: Neoliberalim's law in Peru: a model. 4. Asa Maron: Governing risky childhoods: how neoliberal governance prescriptions rule our social rights in Israel. 5. James Murphy: Neoliberalism and the privatization of social rights in education. 6. Gillian MacNaughton: Equality rights beyond neoliberal constraints. 7. Ben T.C. Warwick: A hierarchy of comfort? The CESCR's approach to the 2008 economic crisis. 8. Allison Corkery and Heba Khalil: Do metrics matter? Accountability of economic and social rights in post-revolution Egypt. 9. Ana Maria Sánchez Rodríguez: Contesting neoliberalism: bringing economic and social rights to end violence against women in Mexico. 10. Amanda Cahill Ripley: Challenging neoliberalism: making economic and social rights matter in the peacebuilding agenda. 11. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr: Developmental states, neoliberalism and the right to food: Brazil and South Africa. 12. Carmel Williams and Alison Blaiklock: Human rights informed the sustainable development goals, but are they lost in Nea Zealand's neoliberal aid program?. 13. Joo-Young Lee: Neoliberal developmentalism in South Korea and the unfulfilled promise of economic and social rights. 14. Diane F. Frey: Social justice, neoliberalism, and labor standards in the International Labour Organization. 15. Jean Carmalt: Neoliberal geographies and the justiciability of economic and social rights. 16. LaDawn Haglund: Can human rights challenge neoliberal logics? Evidence from water and sanitation rulings in São Paulo, Brazil. 17. Diane F. Frey and Gillian MacNaughton: Conclusion. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Brazil / Egypt / Israel / Mexico / New Zealand / Peru / South Africa / South Korea |