1. | Birnie, Patricia : International law and the environment, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law and the environment / Birnie, Patricia ; Boyle, Alan ; Redgwell, Catherine. - 3. ed.., xxxvi, 851 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-876422-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. International law and the environment. 2. International governance and the formulation of environmental law and policy. 3. Rights and obligations of states concerning protection of the environment. 4. Interstate enforcement: state responsibility, treaty compliance, and dispute settlement. 5. Non-state actors: environmental rights, liability, and crimes. 6. Climate change and atmospheric pollution. 7. The law of the sea and protection of the marine environment. 8. International regulation of toxic substances. 9. Nuclear energy and the environment. 10. International watercourses: environmental protection and sustainable use. 11. Conservation of nature, ecosystems, and biodiversity. 12. Conservation of migratory and land-based species and biodiversity. 13. Conservation of marine living resources and biodiversity. 14. International trade and environmental protection. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ACHPR; ECHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; ICRW; Reykjavik declaration on responsible fisheries; Convention on the protection of the Rhine; Protocol to the London dumping convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt |
2. | Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) : Yearbook of international environmental law, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Yearbook of international environmental law : vol. 19 (2008) / Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) ; Hunter, David ; Wang, Xi, xxxii, 807 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-958038-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART 1: ARTICLES:. 1. Karen Hukme:Environmental security: implications for international law. 2. Daniella Dam-de Jong: International law and resource plunder: the protection of natural resources during armed conflict. 3. Carl Bruch ... [et al.]: Post-conflict peace building and natural resources. 4. Patricia Wouters ... [et al.]: Hydrosolidarity and international law: a river runs through it. 5. Werner Scholtz: Collective (environmental) security:the yeast for the refinement of international law. 6. Christina Voigt: Sustainable security. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Angola / Asia / Australia / Austria / Bolivia / Brazil / Bulgaria / Cambodia / Canada / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Chile / China / Colombia / Croatia / East Africa / Cyprus / East Timor / Ecuador / El Salvador / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Iceland / India / iraq / Israel / Japan / kenya / Korea / Liberia / Montenegro / Mozambique / Nepal / Norway / Serbia / Sierra Leone / South Africa / South America / Spain / Switzerland / Syria / Sweden / Turkey / Ukraine / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Cartagena protocol; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
3. | Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) : Yearbook of international environmental law, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Yearbook of international environmental law : vol. 18 (2007) / Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) ; Hunter, david ; Xi, Wang, xxxiii, 829 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-954553-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: ARTICLES:. 1: Wiek Schrage and Keith Bull: Environmental legal instruments in the UNECE region. 2: Eric Dannenmaier: Europe's commitment to environmental citizenship - Article 3.7 of the Aarhus Convention and public participation in international forums. 4: Michelle-Ann Williams: Regional Environmental Agreements and Initiatives in the Americas. 4: Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger: State Practice in the Management and Allocation of Transboundary Ground Water Resources in North America. 5: Willem D Lubbe: Straddling borders and legal regimes: The case for co-operative transfrontier biodiversity conservation in the Southern African Development Community. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Antarctica / Asia / Australia / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Bangladesh / Brazil / Canada / Caribbean Region / Central America / Chile / China / Columbia / Costa Rica / Croatia / Europe / Finland / France / Honduras / Iceland / India / Israel / Italy / Japan / Korea / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / New Zealand / Nicaragua / North America / Norway / Poland / Serbia / South America / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Turkey / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Convention on biological diversity; Montreal protocol; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
4. | Ekroos, Ari ... [et al.] : Ympäristöoikeuden pääpiirteet, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Ympäristöoikeuden pääpiirteet / Ekroos, Ari ... [et al.]. - 2. uudist. painos. , xxiv, 673 p.. - Helsinki : WSOYpro OY, 2010. ISBN 978-951-0-36128-3 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: I Ympäristöoikeus oikeudenalana. II Ympäristöllinen päätöksenteko- ja ohjausjärjestelmä. III Perusoikeudet ja ympäristö. IV Ympäristöoikeuden kansainväliset kytkennät. KIINTEISTÖT JA YMPÄRISTÖ I Kiinteistönmuodostus. II Lunastus. YMPÄRISTÖNKÄYTÖN SUUNNITTELU I Ympäristönkäytön suunnittelun peruskysymyksiä. II Ympäristönkäytön suunnittelu valtakunnan tasolla. III Maakuntakaavoitus. IV Yleiskaavoitus. V Asemakaavoitus, tonttijako ja maapolitiikka. VI Ranta-alueiden käytön suunnittelu. VII Kaavoitusmenettely ja vuorovaikutteinen suunnittelu. VIII Ympäristövaikutusten arviointi. LUONNONVAROJEN HYÖDYNTÄMINEN I Metsienkäyttö. II Maa-ainekset. III Kaivostoiminta. IV Kalatalous ja kalastus. V Metsästys ja riistanhoito. VI Luonnon virkistyskäyttö. YMPÄRISTÖN MUUTTAMINEN I Rakentamishankkeet. II Vesitaloushankkeet. III Tiet ja kadut. IV Johtojen sijoittaminen. LUONNON-, MAISEMAN- JA KULTTUURINSUOJELU I Luonnonsuojelu. II Kulttuurin- ja maisemansuojelu. YMPÄRISTÖNSUOJELU I Ympäristönsuojelulaki. II Muu ympäristönsuojeluoikeus. III Ilmastonmuutos ja päästökauppa. YMPÄRISTÖVASTUU I Korvausvastuu. II Rikosoikeudellinen ympäristövastuu. INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.wsoypro.fi/wsoypro.aspx?navi=Kirjat.Kirjat-ja-verkkokirjat&bookid=7587&subtype=8 |
5. | Lachs, Manfred : The law of outer space, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The law of outer space : an experience in contemporary law-making / Lachs, Manfred ; Masson-Zwaan, Tanja (ed.) ; Hobe, Stephen, xviii, 177 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2010. ISBN 978-9004-18667-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Chapter I. The New Horizon of International Law. Chapter II. The New Chapter of International Law. Chapter III. First Stages of International Co-Operation. Chapter IV. The Legal Regime of Outer Space and Celestial Bodies. Chapter V. The Frontiers of Outer Space. Chapter VI. The Legal Situation of Objects Launched into Outer Space and of Astronauts. Chapter VII. Assistance to Astronauts, Return of Astronauts and Space Objects. Chapter VIII. Space Telecommunications. Chapter IX. Peaceful Use–Arms and Armament. Chapter X. Rights and Obligations of States. Chapter XI. Responsibility. Chapter XII. The Law-Making Process. Conclusions. Annex I. Treaty on Principles governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies. Annex II. Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space. Annex III. Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects; Selected Bibliography. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Liability convention; |
6. | Carroll, Peter : The OECD, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The OECD : a study of organisational adaptation / Carroll, Peter ; Kellow, Aynsley, vii, 301 p.. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2011. ISBN 978-1-84542-954-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. The OECD Approaching 50. 3. Key Processes: Peer Reviews, Roundtables and Budgets 4. The Origins of the OECD and its Development in the 1960s 5. The Quest for a More Active Role in the 1970s 6. The OECD in the 1980s: Changing Roles and Influence 7. The 1990s: New Challenges 8. A New Century 9. Accession and Policy Transfer 10. The OECD and Civil Society 11. The OECD and International Organisations 12. The OECD and the Environment 13. The Health-related Work of the OECD 14. Conclusion: An Evolving OECD Bibliography Index INDEX WORDS:
7. | Joyner, Daniel H. : Interpreting the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Interpreting the nuclear non-proliferation treaty / Joyner, Daniel H., xiv, 184 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-922735-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Introduction:. 1. Nuclear Energy and International Law. I. Nuclear Energy. II. International Law. 2. Approach to Interpretation:. I. Context and Object and Purpose in Interpretation of the NPT. II. Conclusions. 3. NWS Nuclear Policy and Interpretation of the NPT:. I. Epochs of Policy toward Nuclear Weapons. II. Non-Proliferation. III. Peaceful Use. 4. Legal Analysis of NWS Interpretations of the NPT:. I. Non-Proliferation. II. Peaceful Use. III. Disarmament. 5. Developments after 2008: Change and Continuity:. I. 2009. II. 2010. III. Summary Analysis of Change and Continuity Post-2008. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ICCPR; ICESCR; Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; Genocide convention; UDHR;
URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199227358.do?keyword=joyner&sortby=bestMatches |
8. | Odendahl, Kerstin (ed.) : German yearbook of international law, 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph German yearbook of international law : volume 56, 2013 / Odendahl, Kerstin (ed.) ; Matz-Lück, Nele (ed.) ; von Arnauld, Andreas (ed.), 646 p.. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2014. ISBN 978-3-428-14480-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: FORUM: Conflicts in the South China Sea. 1. Zou Keyuan: China and the South China Sea conundrum: Any prospective solution in future?. 2. Ted L. McDorman: The South China Sea: The U-shaped line, islands and the Philippine-China arbitration. FOCUS: International energy law. 1. Sergei Vinogradov and Gokce Mete: Cross-border oil and gas pipelines in international law. 2. Tara Davenport: The installation of submarine power cables under UNCLOS: Legal and policy issues. 3. Kaj Hobér and Joel Dahlquist: International investment protection regimes in the energy sector. 4. Andrey Konoplyanik: Russia and the Energy Charter: Long, thorny and winding way to each other. 5. Patrick Reyners: The international nuclear energy law framework: An outlook. 6. Peter Kayode Oniemola: International law and renewable energy: The need for a worldwide treaty. 7. Alexandra Xanthaki: Rights of indigenous peoples under the light of energy exploitation. GENERAL ARTICLES:. 1. Ulf Linderfalk: All the things that you can do with jus cogens: A pragmatic approach to legal language. 2. Martin Borowski: Absolute rights and proportionality. 3. Jasmine Coppens: Interception of seaborne migrants: The applicability of the non-refoulement principle at sea. 4. Dagmar Richter and Patrick Uhrmeister: Returning 'politically exposed persons' illict assets from Switzerland: International law in the force field of complexity and conditionality. GERMAN PRACTICE:. 1. Christophe Eick: The German-Gabonese initiative on poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking: Is there a role for the UN Security Council?. 2. Berenike Schriewer: Shining a light on the human rights situation in Germany: The Human Rights Council's report on Germany in the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review. 3. Marlitt Branders: Germany's secret arms deals: Compliance of German arms export licensing with international law. 4. Nicholas English and Tim Rauschning: The procurement and use of armed UAVs by the German military in international and German law. 5. Jule Siegfried and Marieke Lüdecke: 50th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty. 6. Katrin Kohoutek: The Swiss-German treaty on the effects of the operation of Zurich airport on German territory. 7. Julia Müller: The Hamburg piracy trial: A contribution to the international aim of combating piracy?. 8. Andrea Meyer: The 2011 EU directive on preventing and combating trafficking: Non-implementation by Germany?. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: China / Germany / Philippines / Russia NOTE (GENERAL): UNCLOS; Energy charter treaty; UN declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; ILO convention no. 169; ECHR; Convention against corruption; Convention against transnational organized crime; Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children; Optional protocol to the CRC on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography |
9. | Turkish yearbook of human rights, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Turkish yearbook of human rights : vol. 35-36, 2013-2014 /, 83 p. - Ankara : Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East, 2017. - ISSN 1300-1809 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Sanem Berkün: Home-based telecommuting: perceptions of disabled municipality employees in Bursa. 2. Sebiha Kablay: The practice of patient rights in the eyes of health workers. 3. Ali Eksi: Public participation in the nuclear energy decision-making processes in the European Union Accession Process. INDEX WORDS: