1. | Cooper, W. E. : Culture vultures and the re-enchantment of citizenship, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Culture vultures and the re-enchantment of citizenship / Cooper, W. E. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Do we need minority rights : conceptual issues / Räikkä, Juha (ed.) - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 26), p. 21-40. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0309-0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
2. | Smooha, Sammy : The model of ethnic democracy, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: collection The model of ethnic democracy / Smooha, Sammy - (ECMI working paper ; 13) - Flensburg : European Centre for Minority Issues, 2001. - ISSN 1435-9812 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Estonia / Israel / Slovakia / Northern Ireland / Poland / Malaysia LIBRARY LOCATION: Folkrätt SHELF CODE: s ECMI
URL http://www.ecmi.de/doc/public_papers.html |
3. | Thio, Li-Ann : Managing Babel, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Managing Babel : the international legal protection of minorities in the twentieth century / Thio, Li-Ann - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 81), xxxiii, 360 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2005. ISBN 90-04-14198-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Foreword; Acknowledgements; Table of Agreements, Charters, Committees, Conventions, Declarations, Resolutions, Recommendations, and Treaties; Table of Cases; List of Acronyms and Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. The International Legal Protection of Minorities in the Twentieth Century: A Preliminary Orientation; 2. The Inter-war Era & the First Institutional Attempt at the International Regulation of the Problem of Minorities; 3. The End of the ‘Remarkable Experiment’: Approaches towards Minority Protection in the Aftermath of World War Two; 4. The Submergence and Gradual Reemergence of Minorities Issues within the United Nations Human Rights Regime 1945-1989; 5. The Revival in Minorities Issues within the United Nations (1989-2000): Approaches towards Substance and Definition; 6. The Implementation of Minority Rights within the United Nations Human Rights Regime; 7. Concluding Observations; Appendix A: Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Poland; Appendix B: Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities; Appendix C: Approaches towards the Definition of Minorities and Related Groups by UN Bodies; Appendix D: Draft Minority Protection Clauses; Select Bibliography; Index. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Albania / America / Argentina / Asia / Australia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Belarus / Belgium / Bolivia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Burundi / Canada / Chile / China / Colombia / Costa Rica / Cyprus / Czechoslovakia / Denmark / Ecuador / Egypt / Estonia / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Gambia / Germany / Ghana / Greece / Greenland / Guatemala / Hungary / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Japan / Kenya / Latvia / Lebanon / Lithuania / Macedonia / Mauritania / Mexico / Myanmar / Malaysia / Nepal / Netherlands / New Zealand / Nicaragua / Norway / Quebec / Pakistan / Palestine / Panama / Paraguay / Peru / Poland / Romania / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Senegal / Singapore / Slovakia / Slovenia / South Africa / Spain / Sweden / Suriname / Switzerland / Syria / Thailand / Turkey / Tunisia / Ukraine / United Kingdom / Uruguay / Venezuela / Viet Nam / West Africa / Yugoslavia / Zaire LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aaland Islands Kosovo |
4. | Diversity or cacophony, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Diversity or cacophony : new sources of norms in international law symposium / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Michigan journal of international law : Summer : vol. 25; no. 4., p. 845-1348. - Ann Arbor, MI : Univ. of Michigan Law School, 2004. - ISSN 1052-2867 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Hafner, Gerhard : Pros and Cons Ensuing from Fragmentation of International Law. Comment, by Annika Tahvanainen. 2. The Varied Policies of International Juridical Bodies—Reflections on Theory and Practice, by John H. Jackson. 3. Judicial Dialogue for Legal Multiculturalism, Charles H. Koch, Jr. 4. Bridging Fragmentation and Unity: International Law as a Universe of Inter-Connected Islands, by Joost Pauwelyn. 5. Multiple International Judicial Forums: A Reflection of the Growing Strength of International Law or its Fragmentation?, by Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao. 6. International Legal Pluralism, by William W. Burke-White. 7. The Reality of Private Rights, Duties, and Participation in the International Legal Process, Jordan J. Paust . 8. Regime-Collisions: The Vain Search for Legal Unity in the Fragmentation of Global Law, by Andreas Fischer-Lescano and Gunther Teubner . 8. Religious Freedom and the Undoing of the Westphalian State, by Daniel Philpott . 9. The State and Globalization: Denationalized Participation, by Saskia Sassen. 10. Sub-State Nationalism and International Law, by Margaret Moore. 11. The United Nations Security Council’s Quest for Effectiveness, by Emilio J. Cárdenas. 12. Reflections on Theory and Practice, by John H. Jackson. 13. The Essentially Contested Nature of the Concept of Sovereignty: Implications for the Exercise by International Organizations of Delegated Powers of Government, by Dan Sarooshi . 14. Fragmentation of International Law and Establishing an Accountability Regime for International Organizations: The Role of the Judiciary in Closing the Gap, by Karel Wellens. 15. The Hole in the Whole: Sovereignty, Shared Sovereignty, and International Law, by Stephen D. 16. The Essentially Contested Nature of the Concept of Sovereignty: Implications for the Exercise by International Organizations of Delegated Powers of Government, by Dan Sarooshi . 17. Fragmentation of International Law and Establishing an Accountability Regime for International Organizations: The Role of the Judiciary in Closing the Gap, by Karel Wellens. 18. The Hole in the Whole: Sovereignty, Shared Sovereignty, and International Law, by Stephen D. Krasner. 19. National Self-Determination and Ethnic Minorities, by Olli Lagerspetz. 20. Nations Without States: Political Communities in the Global Age, by Montserrat Guibernau . Comment, by Annika Tahvanainen. 21. Sub-state nationalism and international law, by Margaret Moore. 22. The United Nations Security Council's quest for effectiveness. INDEX WORDS:
5. | Harel, Alon : Benign segregation?, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Benign segregation? : a case study of the practice of gender separation in buses in the ultra-orthodox community in Israel / Harel, Alon REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): South African journal on human rights : vol. 20; part 1., p. 64-85. - Kenwyn : Juta & Co., 2004. - ISSN 0258-7203 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.law.wits.ac.za/sajhr/contents2004_1.htm (full text) |
6. | McGoldrick, Dominic : Multiculturalism and its discontents, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Multiculturalism and its discontents / McGoldrick, Dominic REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights law review : vol. 5; no. 1., p. 27-56. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2005. - ISSN 1461-7781 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
7. | Smith, Thomas W. : Civic nationalism and ethnocultural justice in Turkey, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Civic nationalism and ethnocultural justice in Turkey / Smith, Thomas W. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : vol. 27; no. 2., p. 436-470. - Baltimore, MA : John Hopkins U. P., 2005. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
8. | Amnéus, Diana (red.) : Mänskliga rättigheter - från forskningens frontlinjer, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Mänskliga rättigheter - från forskningens frontlinjer = Human rights - from the frontiers of research / Amnéus, Diana (red.) ; Gunner, Göran - (Studia theologica holmiensia ; nr. 7), 313 p.. - Uppsala : Iustus förlag, 2003. - ISSN 1401-1557 ISBN 91-7678-545-9 LANGUAGE: SWE, ENG ABSTRACT: Diana Amnéus & Göran Gunner: Inledning / Introduction. 1. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im: Towards a More People-Centered Human Rights Movement. 2. David Miller: Human Rights in a Multicultural World. 3. Anna T. Höglund: Feminismens paradox – Kampen för gruppen kvinnors rättigheter och för varje kvinnas rätt att vara individ. 4. Kerstin Lökken: ”Vi måste resa oss upp!” – om rätten att tala och erkännas i det offentliga samtalet. 5. Elisabeth Gerle: Participatory Democracy and Human Rights for Women in Globalization – New Possibilities and Challenges. 6. Eva Evers Rosander: Genus, islam och mänskliga rättigheter: Exempel från Marocko och Senegal. 7. Mohammad Fazlhashemi: Islamisk demokrati eller muslimernas demokrati? Tankar om mänskliga rättigheter och globalisering bland muslimska intellektuella. 8. Jan Hjärpe: Himmel eller helvete? Diskussionen om självmordsattentatens religiösa legitimitet. 9. Paul W. Kahn: National Security and Human Rights after September 11. 10. Gregor Noll: Rätt, myt och politik: folkrättens våldsförbud i undantagets gränsland. 11. Brian Gorlick: The Institution of Asylum after 11 September. 12. Reinhold Fahlbeck: Ora et labora – Bed och arbeta. Om religionsfrihet i arbetslivet. 13. Birgitte Kofod Olsen: Biometrisk identifikation og integritetsbeskyttelse. 14. Hans Ingvar Roth: Några etiska aspekter på vetenskapliga framsteg och ny teknologiv. 15. Katarina Månsson: Human Rights Protection in Complex Peace Operations: A Comparative Study on Kosovo and East Timor. 16. Lisbeth Segerlund: The responsibility of corporations for human rights and social issues, NGO's and a development towrads a new regulatory framework?. INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.iustus.se/html/contents/menu/03_katalog/bookshop/describtion/5459.pdf |
9. | Ruiz Vieytez, Eduardo Javier : Derechos humanos y diversidad, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Derechos humanos y diversidad : nuevos desafios para las sociedades plurales / Ruiz Vieytez, Eduardo Javier - (Derechos humanos ; 12), 204 p.. - Bilbao : Universidad de Deusto, Instituto de Derechos Humanos Pedro Arrupe, 2008. ISBN 978-84-9868-008-9 LANGUAGE: SPA INDEX WORDS:
URL http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0836/2008417769-d.html |
10. | Melsen, Renaud van : Liberal neutrality, cultural communities and legal accommodation, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Liberal neutrality, cultural communities and legal accommodation : a reflexion on the relationship between the individual and the collective / Melsen, Renaud van, 121 p.. - Padua : Padua Univ., 2005. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / Canada' NOTE (THESIS): European Master's degree in human rights and democratisation 2004/2005 NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICCPR; ECHR; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan |
11. | Cotterrell, Roger : Law and culture - inside and beyond the nation state, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Law and culture - inside and beyond the nation state / Cotterrell, Roger REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Retfaerd : nordisk juridisk tidsskrift : 31. årg. nr. 4/123., P. 23-36. - Copenhagen : Akademisk forlag, 2008. - ISSN 0105-1121 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
12. | Xanthaki, Alexandra : Multiculturallism and international law , 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Multiculturallism and international law : discussing universal standards / Xanthaki, Alexandra REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities and law : vol. 32; no. 1., p. 21-48. - Baltimore, MA : John Hopkins U. P., 2010. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; CERD; UNESCO convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions; ICESCR; CRC; ICCPR-27; CEDAW;
URL http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/human_rights_quarterly/summary/v032/32.1.xanthaki.html |
13. | Sinding Aasen, Henriette (ed.) : Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state, 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state / Sinding Aasen, Henriette (ed.) ; Gloppen, Siri (ed.) ; Magnussen, Anne-Mette (ed.) ; Nilssen, Even (ed.), x, 317 p. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-1-78347-022-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Henriette Sinding Aasen, Siri Gloppen, Anne-Mette Magnussen and Even Nilssen: Introduction. 2. Even Nilssen: Activation policies and proceduralization of law in Britain. 3. Silke Bothfeld and Stefanie Kremer: Reflexive regulation of employment conditions: a good way to reconcile economic efficiency with social protection?. 4. Cornelius Cappelen and Eskil Le Bruyn Goldeng: Unemployment compensation and the trade-off between equality and personal responsibility. 5. Tine Eidsvang: The activation line in social security and social assistance law: a human rights perspective. 6. Anne-Mette Magnussen and Lene Brandt: Individual rights and prioritization of health care. 7. Octavio L.M. Ferraz, Siri Gloppen, Ottar Maestad and Lise Rakner: Judging the price of life: cost considerations in right-to-health litigation. 8. Kristine Baeroee and Berit Bringedal: Professionalism, discretion and juridification: social inequality in health and social citizenship. 9. Henriette Sinding Aasen, Alice Kjellevold and Paul Stephens: 'Undocumented' migrants' access to health care services in Europe: tensions between international human rights, national law and professional ethics. 10. Kristian Mjåland and Ingrid Lundeberg: Penal hybridization: staff-prisoner relationships in a Norwegian drug rehabilitation unit. 11. Susanne Bygnes: Ad hoc multiculturalism: prison staff approaches to cultural and religious diversity. 12. Wibo Van Rossum and Katja Jensen Fredriksen: How legal professionals in the Netherlands and in Norway deal with cultural diversity (and how it affects social citizenship). 13. Hugo Stokke: Rethinking social citizenship: the case of the Finnmark Act. 14. Roberto Gargarella: International courts, social righta and a dialogic approach to justice: experiences from Latin America. 15. Henriette Sinding Aasen, Siri Gloppen, Anne-Mette Magnussen and Even Nilssen: Juridification and social citizenship: international law, democracy and professional discretion. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Denmark / Netherlands / Norway / United Kingdom |
14. | Lazaridis, Gabriella : International migration into Europe, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International migration into Europe : from subjects to abjects / Lazaridis, Gabriella, x, 199 p. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. ISBN 978-1-137-38495-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction and theoretical context. 1. Irregular migration and undocumented migrants - the abjects. 2. Documented migrants: skilled migration - the injects. 3. From undocumented to documented: migration and self-employment. 4. Migrant women: maids, nannies and nurses, and the ban on the headscarf. 5. Human trafficking and smuggling: the production of ultimate abjects. 6. The securitisation of migration. 7. Migration regimes/s, the multiculturalism question and regularisation policies in Europe. 8. The challenges of migration for EU citizenship: from abjects and ejectés to subjects?. INDEX WORDS:
15. | Brems, Eva : Addressing multicultural conflicts, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Addressing multicultural conflicts : an emphasis on procedural fairness / Brems, Eva REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Deusto journal of human rights : no. 2(2017)., p. 13-47. - Bilbao : Universidad de Deusto, 2017. - ISSN 2530-4275 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://revista-derechoshumanos.revistas.deusto.es/article/view/1396 |