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Findoc: söktermen indexes='lärare' gav 1 träffar

1. Restrictions to teachers' trade union activities : Europe and Latin America, 1982


Restrictions to teachers' trade union activities : Europe and Latin America /, 144 p.. - s.l. : WCOTP / CMOPE (D), 1982.


ABSTRACT: This study shows, on the basis of comparisons made in different countries that it is feasible for public employees to enjoy extensive trade union rights. The "general interest" has often been the justification for denying public employees full trade union rights.Disciplinary procedures are another means through which those rights can be curtailed.In this study discliplinary procedures have been enlarged to cover some countries on other continents. The Latin American section has been examined and prepered in cooperation with the Latin American members of the WCOTP Executive Committee.The study has also been examined by the European Conference of WCOTP.The point of departure for the project is the international labour standards established by the ILO.

* fackföreningsrättigheter = trade union rights = ammattiyhdistysoikeudet
* lärare = teachers = opettajat

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Europe / Americas : 8000 / 6000
