1. | Granvik, Lena : International environmental conventions in the European Community life, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document International environmental conventions in the European Community life : the guiding principle of mixity / Granvik, Lena, iii, 160 p.. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten, 1998. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (THESIS): Licentiate in international public law, 1998 NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; Convention on the law of the sea; Convention on the conservation of migrating species of wild animals; TEU; Lomé convention; ToA; Convention of Mannheim for the navigation of the Rhine; Convention on the canalization of the Moselle; Convention onthe protection of ozone layer; Montreal protocol; Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes; Air pollution protocol to the Paris convention; International convention for safety of life at sea; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: avhandlingar |
2. | Peltonen, Mia : Förhållandet mellan GATT-avtalet och miljökonventioner som innehåller handelsbestämmelser, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Förhållandet mellan GATT-avtalet och miljökonventioner som innehåller handelsbestämmelser / Peltonen, Mia, 103 p.. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten, 1998. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (THESIS): Avhandling pro gradu i folkrätt (master's thesis), 1997 NOTE (GENERAL): Rio declaration; African convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources; Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; Convention on conservation of North Pacific fur seals; Convention on nature protection and wild life preservation in the Western Hemisphere; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: avhandlingar |
3. | Ölander, Jens : Treaty-making and sub-state entities, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Treaty-making and sub-state entities : the cases of the Basque country, the Faroe Islands and Flanders / Ölander, Jens, 136 p.. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten, 1998. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Spain / Belgium / Denmark LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aaland Islands NOTE (THESIS): Avhandling pro gradu (master's thesis) i folkrätt, 1997 NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; ECHR; Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states; UDHR; UN charter; European charter of local self-government; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: avhandlingar |
4. | Lenaerts, Koen : The European Community's treaty-making competence, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The European Community's treaty-making competence / Lenaerts, Koen ; de Smijter, Eddy REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of European law : 1996 : vol. 16 / Barav, A.; Wyatt, D. A. (eds.), p. 1-58. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1997. ISBN 0-19-876499-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Art.-28-113-117-210 (EC-treaty); ACP-EEC convention; Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: EG-rätt |
5. | Sarooshi, Danesh : The United Nations and the development of collective security, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The United Nations and the development of collective security : the delegation by the UN Security Council of its chapter VII powers / Sarooshi, Danesh, xxii, 311 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1999. ISBN 0-19-826863-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. The general legal framework governing the process of a delegation by the UN Security Council of its chapter VII powers. 2. The delegation of powers to the UN secretary-general. 3. The delegation of powers to UN subsidiary organs. 4. The legal framework governing the delegation of powers to UN member states. 5. The delegation of powers to UN member states. 6. The delegation of powers to regional arrangements. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Dayton peace agreement; |
6. | To serve and to protect, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph To serve and to protect : human rights and humanitarian law for police and security forces /, 455 p.. - Geneva : International Committee of the Red Cross , 1998. ISBN 2-88145-093-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. LEGAL FRAMEWORK:. 1. Basic concepts of international law. 2. Human rights law. 3. Humanitarian law. BASIC PREMISES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT:. 4. Law enforcement in democratic states. 5. Ethical and legal law enforcement conduct. BASIC LAW ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES:. 6. Prevention and detection of crime. 7. Maintenance of public order. BASIC LAW ENFORCEMENT POWERS:. 8. Arrest. 9. Detention. 10. Use of force and firearms. VULNERABLE GROUPS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT:. 11. Women. 12. Juveniles. 13. Victims. 14. Refugees and internally displaced persons. COMMAND AND MANAGEMENT:. 15. Monitoring and review procedures. 16. Investigation of human rights violations. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECPT; CAT; ECHR; ICCPR-10; Declaration of minimum humanitarian standards; Victims declaration USED FOR UN declaration of basic principles of justice for v ictims of crime and abuse of power; CRC; Beijing rules USED FOR UN standard mini mum rules for the administration of juvenile justice; Riyadh guidelines USED FOR the UN Guidelines for the prevention of juvenile delinquency; UNRPJ USED FOR th e UN Rules for the protection of juveniles deprived of their liberty (UNRPJ); To kyo rules USED FOR the UN Standard minimum rules for non-custodial measures; Gen eva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Vienna Conventi on on the law of treaties; |
7. | PART II : Belgium and Flanders within the international legal order, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph PART II : Belgium and Flanders within the international legal order / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: International law : theory and practice : essays in honour of Eric Suy / Wellens, K. (ed.), p. 121-158. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1998. ISBN 90-411-0582-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. A. Alen/P.Peters : Federal Belgium within the international legal order : theory and practice. 2. L. van den Brande : The international legal position of Flanders : some considerations. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Belgium NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; TEU; |
8. | Collection of essays by legal advisers of states, legal advisers of international organizations and practitioners in the field of international law, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Collection of essays by legal advisers of states, legal advisers of international organizations and practitioners in the field of international law = Recueil d'articles de conseillers juridiques d'etats, d'organisations internationales et de practicens du droit international /, xi, 523 p.. - New York : United Nations, 1999. ISBN 92-1-033080-3 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE, SPA DOCUMENT SYMBOL: E/99.V ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. II. THE ROLE OF THE NATIONAL LEGAL ADVISER IN SHAPING THE FOREIGN POLICY OF STATES LE ROLE DU CONSEILLER JURIDIQUE NATIONAL DANS LA FORMULATION DE LA POLITIQUE EXTERIEURE DES ETATS: 1. The Role of the Legal Adviser in the Conduct of Ghana's International Relations from Independence to the Present, by Emmanuel A. Addo. 2. The Role of the Legal Adviser in the Formulation of a State's Foreign Policy, by Jassim Bin NasserAl-Thani. 3. La contribution dujurisconsulte i la politique des Etats relative aux espace maritimes, par Hfiseyin Pazarci. II: THE ROLE OF THE LEGAL ADVISER IN SHAPING AND APPLYING INTERNATIONAL LAW LE ROLE DU CONSEILLER Juridique DANS L'LABORATION ET L'APPLICATION DU DROIT INTERNATIONAL: 1. The Role of the Legal Adviser in the treaty-making, by by Milan Beranek. 2. Some Reflexions on the Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in the Light of the Adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, by Adriaan Bos. 3. Le role du Directeur des affaires juridiques dans un pays engage dans la cooperation europeenne, par Marc Perrin de Brichambaut. 4. Cooperation among Legal Advisers on Public International Law, by Hans Corell. 5. Soft Law and the Legal Adviser, by Hartmut Hillgenberg. 6. The role of the legal adviser in the process of succession of States in Respect of Bilateral Treaties, with Particular Reference to the Experience of the Republic of Croatia, by by Stanko Nick. III. THE ROLE OF THE LEGAL ADVISER IN IMPLEMENTING INTERNATIONAL LAW IN NATIONAL LEGAL SYSTEMS = LE ROLE DU CONSEILLER JURIDIQUE DANS L'INCORPORATION DU DROIT INTERNATIONAL DANS LES SYSTMES JURIDIQUES NATIONAUX. 1. L'habilitation legislative: un moyen commode pour l'execution rapide des resolutions du Conseil de Sécurité prises dans ie cadre de la securite collective, par Constantin P. 2. The Role of and Problems Confronted by the Legal Adviser in Implementing International Treaties and Decisions under National Laws - A Case Study of Pakistan, by Jamshed A. 2. The role of the legal adviser in the internal application of international customary and treaty law, by Bharat Patel. 3. Treaty Negotiation and the National Implementation of International Treaty Obligations: Role of the Legal Adviser in a Changing Political and Economic Environment, by Arnrith Rohan Perera. 4. La labor del Consejero Legal en la relacion entre el derecho intemacional y el orden juridico intemo: una perspective Argentina, por Orlando R. Rebagliati. IV. THE ROLE OF THE LEGAL ADVISER IN THE APPLICATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE LAW OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS : 1. The role of the legal adviser in considering the legality of decisions of international organizations, by Rodoljub Etinski. 2. Gardien du patrimoine ou inventeur juridique? Le role du conseilleur juridique d'une organisation interationale face au changement, par par Francis Maupain. 2. The role of the legal adviser of an intergovernmental organization, by Alfons A. E. Noll. 3. The role of the World Bank's General Counsel, by Ibrahim F. 1. Shihata. 4. The role of the legal adviser in the refor restructuring of an international organization : The Case of UNIDO by Abdulqawi A. Yusuf. V. THE ROLE OF THE LEGAL ADVISER OR PRACTITIONER IN LITIGATION BEFORE NATIONAL COURTS INVOLVING QUESTIONS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW : LE ROLE DU CONSEILLER JURTOIQUE OU DU PRATICIEN DANS LE CONTENTIEUX DEVAN LES COURS NATIONALES SOULEVANT DES QUESTIONS DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL 1. The Legal Adviser and Litigation Involving International Law in National Courts, by by Henry Burmester. VI. THE ROLE OF THE LEGAL ADVISER OR PRACTITIONER IN LITIGATION BEFORE INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS : LE ROLE DU CONSEILLER JURIDIQUE OU DU PRATICIEN DANS LE CONTENTIEUX DEVANT 1. La pratique de l'article 38 du Statut de la Cour internationale de Justice dans ie cadre des plaidoiries ecrites et orales, par Pierre-Marie Dupuy. 2. Le role et les fonctions du chef du service du cotitentieux diplomatique dans le cadre de la Convention europeenne des droits de I'homme, par Umberto Leanza. 2. International Litigation and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes: A Case Study of Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru, by V.S. Afani. 3. Remarques sur ie "métier" de conseil devant la Cour internationale de Justice par Alain Pellet. 4. Litigation Practice before the International Court of Justice: Some Specific Problems of Developing and Small Countries, by Luis Ignacio Sanchez Rodriguez. 5. The Presentation of the GabEikovo-Nagymaroa Case before the International Court of Justice: Some Aspects of Case Management and the Hungarian Experience, by Oy Orgy Szenasi. POSTCRIPT: Between commitment and cynicism : outline for a theory of international law as practice, by by Martti Koskenniemi. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Statute of the ICC; LIBRARY LOCATION: UN-library |
9. | Polakiwicz, Jörg : Treaty-making in the Council of Europe, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Treaty-making in the Council of Europe / Polakiwicz, Jörg, 219 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1999. ISBN 92-871-3899-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. Drafting, adoption and opening for signature. 3. Expression of consent to be bound, termination and suspension. 4. Territorial application. 5. Federal states. 6. Participation of the European Community. 7. Reservations and declarations. 8. Follow-up, monitoring and settlement of disputes. 9. The application of European treaties in domestic law. 10. Amending European treaties. 11. State succession. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ESC; Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats; Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data; European charter of local self-government; ECPT; European charter for regional or minority languages; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; ECHR; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: CoE |
10. | Hafner, Gerhard ... [et al.] : Liber amicorum professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern in honour of his 80th birthday, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Liber amicorum professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern in honour of his 80th birthday / Hafner, Gerhard ... [et al.], xii, 900 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 1998. ISBN 90-411-1024-0 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE, GER ABSTRACT: 1. Mohammed Bedjaoui : La "descente sur les lieux" dans la pratique de la Cour Internationale de justice et de sa devanciere. 2. Rudolf Bernhardt : Europäisches Gemeinschaftsrecht und das Recht interationaler Organisationen : Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede. 3. Niels Blokker/Henry Schemers : Mission impossible? On the Immunities of Staff Members of International Organizations on Mission. 4. Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel : Neue Arbeiten an einem Konventionsentwurf zur Beilegung von Streitigkeiten bei der Nutzung des Weltraums. 5. Franz Cede : The Changing Role of the legal adviser in international relations - the Austrian experience. 6. Christian Dominice : Observations sur la personnalité juridique de droit interne des organisations interationales. 7. Pierre-Marie Dupay : On the "Doctrine" of Approximate Application of Treaties in internatinnal law. 8. Ahmed Sadek El-Kosheri : The Klockner Case and the Finality of ICSID Arbitral Awards. 9. Arghyrios A. Fatouros : International investment agreements and development - problems and prospects at the turn of the century. 10. Wilfried Fiedler : Entwicklungsiinien im Recht der Staatensukzession. 11. Peter Fischer : Is there a European Identity in the Field of Law? Some Considerations on the Nature and Scope of European Law. 12. Hans-Ernst Folz : Die Staatshaftung bei deutschen Verstössen gegen das Europäische Gemeinschaftsrecht. 13. Jochen A. Frowein : Are there Limits to the Amendment Procedures in Treaties Constituting International Organizations? 14. Andrea Giardina : The Economic Sanctions of the United States against Iran and Libya and the GATT Security Exception. 15. Konrad Ginther : Uberlegungen zu der Herausforderung der Rechtsdogmatik durch das Ordnungsprinzip "Nachhaltige Entwicklung". 16 Gerhard Hafner : The Amsterdam Treaty and the Treaty-Making Power of the European Union - Some Critical Comments. 17. Waldemar Hummer : Die Beteiligung des Europaischen Parlaments an der "Komitologie". 18. Sir Robert Jennings : International Law Reform and Progressive Development. 19. Gerhard Kegel : Erbfolge und Vermächtnis : Heres ex re certa und Vindikations- legat. 20. Pierre Lalive : Partimoine culturel national ou partimoine culturel commun? 27. Winfried Long : "Peer Review" of Environmental Performances in International Organizations. 22. Eli Lauterpacht : The First Decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: the M/v SAIGA. 23. Gerhard Loibl : Trade and environment - a difficult relationship. New Approaches and Trends: The Kyoto Protocol and Beyond. 24. Franz Matscher : Der neue Menschenrechtsschutz in Europa. Volkerrechtliche, prozessuale und rechtspolitische Bemerkungen zur Reform des Kontrollmechanismus. 25. Jörg Manfred Mössner : Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen und nationales Steuerrecht. 26. Jean Mousse : Le droit a la sante des fonctionnaires interationaux. 27. Hanspeter Neuhold : The Provisions of the Amsterdam Treaty on the CFSP: Cosmetic Oneration or Genuine Progress? 28. Walter Rabus : 1st das "Söldnerverbot" des Artikels 47 des Ersten Zusatz- protokolls von 1977 noch zeitgernäss? 29. Georg Ress : Die Organisationsstruktur interationaler Gerichte, insbesondere des neuen Europaischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte. 30. Alfred Rest : Zur Notwendigkeit eines Internationalen Umweltgerichtshofes. 31. Eugene Schaeffer : Le Traite sur la Charte de l'Energie et l'Acces des Produits Energetiques des Pays de l'Est aux Marches de I'UE. 32. Dietrich Schindler : Völkerrecht und Demokratie. 33. lbrahim F.I. Shihata : The World Bank's Contribution to the Development of Inter national Environmental Law. 34. Bruno Simma : Reservations to Human Rights Treaties - Some Recent Developments. 35. Lilly Sucharipa-Behrmann : An Optional Protocol to CEDAW: A Further Step Towards Strengthening of Women's Human Rights. 36. Paul C. Szasz : Adjudicating Staff Challenges to Legislative Decisions of International Organizations. 37. Santiago Torres-Bernardez: Interpretation of Treaties by the International Court of Justice following the Adoption of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. 38. Georges C. van Hecke : Une illustration au quotidien de l'Etat de la politique etrangere europeenne commune. 39. Stephan Verosta : GruBadresse. 40. Daniel Vignes : L'absence de personnalitejuridique de l'Union Europeenne: Amsterdam persiste et signe. 41. Thomas W. Waelde : A Requiem for the "New International Economic Order" The Rise and Fall of Paradigms in International Economic Law and a Post-Mortem with Timeless Significance. 42. Friedl Weiss : Die Spannung Volk - Nation - Europa im Wandel von Herr- schaftsverhaitnissen am Beispiel Österreichs. 43. Rüdiger Wolfrum : Die Bewertung von intennationalen EnteignungsansprUchen unter besonderer BerUcksichtigung der Rechtsprechung des Iran/us Claims Tribunals. 44. Karl Zemanek : Is the Term "Soft Law" Convenient? INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Stockholm declaration; Kyoto protocol; TEU; ToA; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Convention for the protection of cultural property; UDHR; Vienna declaration and programme of action; |
11. | Wessel, Ramses A. : The European Union's foreign and security policy, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The European Union's foreign and security policy : a legal institutional perspective / Wessel, Ramses A. - (Legal aspects of international organization ; vol. 33), xiii, 383 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 1999. ISBN 90-411-1265-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. INTRODUCTION. 2. THE CONCEPT OF LEGAL ORDER. 3. THE PURPOSES AND SCOPE OF CFSP. 4. LEGAL BASES FOR CFSP DECISION-MAKING. 5. THE LEGAL NATURE OF CFSP DECISIONS. 6. SUPERVISION OF CFSP PROCEDURES AND DECISIONS. 7. THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. 8. CONCLUSION. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; UN charter; SEA; Charter of Paris; Helsinki final act; ECHR; Draft treaty on European Union; LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
12. | Meyer, Michael A. (ed.) : Reflections on law and armed conflicts , 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Reflections on law and armed conflicts : the selected works on the laws of war by the late Professor Colonel G.I.A.D. Draper, OBE / Meyer, Michael A. (ed.) ; McCoubrey, Hilaire (ed.), xxx, 288 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 1998. ISBN 90-411-0557-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Christianity and war. 2. Development of the law of war. 3. Implementation and enforcement. 4. Humanitarian law and human rights. 5. War criminality. 6. Personnel and issues of status. 7. Comments on world events. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICCPR; UN charter; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |
13. | Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) : United Kingdom materials on international law 1998, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series United Kingdom materials on international law 1998 / Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The British year book of international law 1998 : no. 69 / Brownlie, I. ... [et al. ], p. 433-630. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1999. ISBN 0-19-826800-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Genocide convention; Charter of Nuremberg; UDHR; ICCPR; |
14. | Gowlland-Debbas, Vera (ed.) : Multilateral treaty-making , 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Multilateral treaty-making : the current status of challenges to and reforms needed in the international legislative process / Gowlland-Debbas, Vera (ed.) ; with the assitance of Hassiba Hadj-Sahraoui ; Nobuo Hayashi - (Nijhoff law specials ; vol. 47), vi, 144 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2000. ISBN 90-411-1448-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introductory Remarks; Chair: V. Gowlland-Debbas 1. Multilateral Treaties as a Source of International Law, b Larry Johnson. 1.1 Responding to New Needs through Codification and Progressive Development, by A. Pellet. 1.2. Some Reflections on the Relationship of Treaties and Soft Law, by Alam Boyle. 2. Participation in Multilateral Treaty-Making by Non-State Entities, by Andrew Clapham. 2.1. Participation of Non-Governmental Entities in Treaty-Making: The Case of Conventional Weapons, by L. Doswald-Beck. 2.2. Multionational Enterprises and Treaty-Making – A Contribution to the Discussion on Non-State Actors and the `Subjects' of International Law, by Peter Malanczuk. 3. Luncheon Address. 3.1. The International Treaty-Making Process: Paradise Lost, or Humpty Dumpty?, by C.N. Brower. 4. Multilateral Treaties and the Collective Interest. 4. 1. How Distinctive are Treaties Representing Collective Interest? The Case of Human Rights Treaties, by Bruno Simma. 4.2 Multilateral Environmental Treaty-Making, by Catherine Redgwell. 5.1 Implementing Multilateral Treaties at the Domestic and International Levels: 5. 1 Implementing Treaties in Domestic Law: from `Pacta Sunt Servanda' to `Anything Goes'? Walter Kälin. 5.2. The ILO's Standard-Setting Action: International Legislation or Treaty Law?, by Francis Maupain. 6. Concluding Remarks, by Georges Abi-Saab. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): Papers presented at the Forum Geneva held in Geneva, Switzerland, [19980516], [C] NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Vienna convention on succession of states in respect of treaties; The statute of the ICC; Chemial weapons convention; UN charter; Convention on climate change; Convention on the law of treaties; CCW convention; Energy charter treaty; ECHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; |
15. | Maluwa, Tiyanjana : International law-making in the Organisation of African Unity, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial International law-making in the Organisation of African Unity : an overview / Maluwa, Tiyanjana REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): African journal of international and comparative law : vol. 12; no. 2., p. 201-225. - London : The African Society of International and Comparative law, 2000. - ISSN 0954-8890 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; OAU convention on the prevention and comabting of terrorism; OAU charter; Declaration on principles of international law; Convention on friendly relations and co-operation among states; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; UN charter-52-54; |
16. | de Keuning, C.W.J.L. : Netherlands state practice for the parliamentary year 1996-1997, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Netherlands state practice for the parliamentary year 1996-1997 / de Keuning, C.W.J.L. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Netherlands yearbook of international law : vol. 30 : 1999 / Blokker, N.M. ... [et al.], p. 139-190. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2000. - ISSN 0167-6768 ISBN 90-411-1497-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Convention concerning indigenos and tribal peoples in independent counries (ILO convention no. 169); |
17. | Kronenberger, Vincent (ed.) : The European Union and the international legal order, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The European Union and the international legal order : discord or harmony? / Kronenberger, Vincent (ed.), xvi, 640 p.. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001. ISBN 90-6704-129-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Foreword, by Paul J.G. Kapteyn. Introduction, by Vincent Kronenberger. PART ONE: The European Union and International Law:. 1. Nanette A.E.M. Neuwahl: Legal Personality of the European Union – International and institutional aspects. 2. Michael Hofstötter: Suspension of Rights by International Organisations – The European Union, the European Communities and other international organisations. 3. Allan Rosas: The European Union and International Human Rights Instruments. 4. Jörg Polakiewicz: Relationship Between the European Convention on Human Rights and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – Some proposals for a coherent system of human rights protection in Europe. PART TWO: The European Communities and the International Legal Order:. 5. Andrea Ott: Thirty Years of Case-law by the European Court of Justice on International Law – A pragmatic approach towards its integration. 6. Bernd Martenczuk: Decisions of Bodies Established by International Agreements and the Community Legal Order. 7. Ramon Torrent: Individual Third Countries, Member States, the European Community and the world at large – How do they fit together? A very general reflection of a very particular case: Andorra. 8. Wybe Th. Douma: How Safe is Safe? The EU, the USA and the WTO Codex Alimentarius Debate on Food Safety Issues. 9. Mariëlle D. Matthee: Regulating Scientific Expertise with Regard to Risks Deriving from Genetically Modified Organisms – Procedural rules on Risk Assessment Committees under European Community and International Law. 10. Muriel Échégut-Vigroux: The International Government Procurement Agreement and the EC Legal Order. 11. Raimund Raith: The European Community, the WTO-TRIPs Agreement and the WIPO Conventions. 12. Geert A. Zonnekeyn: EC Liability for Non-implementation of Adopted WTO Panels and Appellate Body Reports – The example of the ‘innocent exporters’ in the banana case. 13. Ingrid Nitsche: Extraterritoriality and International Co-operation – The state of play in EC-USA relations in competition matters. 14. Barbara Jésus-Gimeno: International and Community Obligations of the Member States in the Field of Social Security Schemes – Which impact for migrant workers?. 15. Monica den Boer and Gilles de Kerchove: A Hurdled Admission: the Integration of Candidate Countries into the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. PART THREE: Common Foreign and Security Policy and the International Legal Order:. 16. Stephan Marquardt: The Conclusion of International Agreements Under Article 24 of the Treaty on European Union. 17. Vincent Kronenberger: Common Foreign and Security Policy – International Law aspects of the Association of Third States with the common positions of the Council of the European Union. 18. Jan Wouters: The European Union as an Actor Within the United Nations General Assembly. 19. Ramses A. Wessel: The EU as a Black Widow: Devouring the WEU to Give Birth to a European Security and Defence Policy. 20. Panos Koutrakos: Inter-pillar Approaches to the European Security and Defence Policy – The economic aspects of security. 21. Richard Desgagné: European Union Practice in the Field of International Humanitarian Law – An overview. PART FOUR: Justice and Home Affairs, Police and Judicial Co-operation in criminal matters and the International Legal Order:. 22. Conny Rijken and Vincent Kronenberger: The United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime and the European Union. 23. Meri Rantala: A Treaty Labyrinth of Legal Co-operation in Criminal Matters – Can Europe find Ariadne’s thread?. 24. Carlos Gimeno Verdejo: International Conventions and EU Law on the Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Goods – Complementarity and conflicts. 25. Conny Rijken: Legal and Technical Aspects of Co-operation Between EUROPOL, Third States and INTERPOL. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEC; TEU; ECHR; ESC; ICCPR; CEDAW; UN charter; EU charter of fundamental rights; Cartagena protocol on biosafety to the convention on biological diversity; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
18. | PART ONE : The European Union and international law, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph PART ONE : The European Union and international law / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The European Union and the international legal order : discord or harmony? / Kronenberger, V. (ed.); with a foreword by Paul J. G. Kapteyn, p. 3-94. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001. ISBN 90-6704-129-7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; TEU; EU charter of fundamental rights; TEU (art.6(2); UDHR; CERD; CEDAW; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: VIB |
19. | PART THREE : Common foreign and security policy and the international legal order, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph PART THREE : Common foreign and security policy and the international legal order / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The European Union and the international legal order : discord or harmony? / Kronenberger, V. (ed.); with a foreword by Paul J. G. Kapteyn, p. 333-480. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001. ISBN 90-6704-129-7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; ToA; EC treaty (art.11); UN charter-10; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Refugee convention; Protocol relating to the status of refugees; Statute of the ICC; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: VIB |
20. | Österdal, Inger : The EU and its member states, other states and international organizations - the common European security and defence policy after Nice, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The EU and its member states, other states and international organizations - the common European security and defence policy after Nice / Österdal, Inger REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Nordic journal of international law : vol. 70; no. 3., p. 341-372. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001. - ISSN 0902-7351 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; Treaty of Nice; UN charter-51; |
21. | Linderfalk, Ulf : Om tolkningen av traktater, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Om tolkningen av traktater / Linderfalk, Ulf, xvii,440 p.. - Lund : University of Lund, 2001. ISBN 91-7874-149-1 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. 1. Introduktion. 2. Begreppet tolkningsregel. 3. Användningen av konventionellt språkbruk ("den gängse meningen") 4. Användningen av sammanhangelt, i den del man beskriver som "texten" till traktaten. 5. Användningen av sammanhanget, i den del man beskriver i VCLT art. 31. § 2 6. Användningen av sammanhanget, i den del man beskriver i VCLT, art. 31 § 3. 7. Användningen av traktatens ändamål och syfte. 8. ANvändningen av supplementära tolkningsmedel. 9. Användningen av supplementära tolkningsmedel (forts.) 10. Förhållandet mellan olika tolkningsmedel sisemellan. 11. Speciellt om tolkningen av traktater som bestyrkts på två eller flera språk. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): Dr.iur. (thesis), University of Lund, [20011020], [T] NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ECHR;
URL http://www.lub.lu.se/cgi-bin/show_diss.pl?db=global&fname=law_24.html |
22. | Crawford, James : The International Law Commission's articles on state responsibility, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The International Law Commission's articles on state responsibility : introduction, text and commentaries / Crawford, James, xxxiii, 387 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2002. ISBN 0-521-01389-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART one: The internationally wrongful act of a state. PART two : Content of the international responsibility of a state. PART three: The implementation of the international responsibility of a state. PART four : General provisions. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; UN charter; Draft declaration on the rights and duties of states; Friendly relations declaration; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR |
23. | Simpson, Brian A. W. : Human rights and the end of empire, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights and the end of empire : Britain and the genesis of the European convention / Simpson, Brian A. W., xiv, 1161 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2001 . ISBN 0-19-82689-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: 1. Human Rights, Fundamental Freedoms, and the World of the Common Law. 2. The Mechanisms of Repression. 3. The International Protection of Individual Rights Before 1939. 4. The Ideological Response to War: Codes of Human Rights. 5. Human Rights and the Structure of the Brave New World. 6. The Burdens of Empire. 7. The Foreign Office Establishes a Policy. 8. Beckett's Bill and the Loss of the Initiative. 9. Conflict Abroad and at Home. 10. The Growing Disillusion. 11. Britain and the Western Option. 12. From the Brussels Treaty to the Council of Europe. 13. A Convention on the Right Lines: The Rival Texts. 14. The Conclusion of Negotiations and the Rearguard Action. 15. The First Protocol. 16. Ratification and its Consequences. 17. Emergencies and Derogations. 18. The First Cyprus Case. 19. The Outcome of the Two Applications. 20. Coming In, Rather Reluctantly, From the Cold. Bibliography Index INDEX WORDS:
24. | Levasseur, Alain : The law of European Union, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The law of European Union : a new constitutional order / Levasseur, Alain ; Scott, Richard F., liii, 1079 p.. - Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press, 2001 . ISBN 0-89089-834-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. History at a glance from "war" to "union". 2. The European Union : structure and constitutional principles. 3. Institutional framework of the European Union. 4. Decision-making system. 5. The EC Court system : structure, functions and procedure. 6. Sources of law and methods of interpretation. 7. Community law and national legal orders. 8. Preliminary references and rulings. 9. Judicial review : action for annulment, action for failure to act and exception of illegality. 10. Actions for infringement or actions for enforcement of the treaty. 11. Issues of liability. 12. External relations : EU foreign policy powers, consraints and actions. 13. Enlargement. 14. EU security and defense. 15. Justice and home affirs in the European Union. INDEX WORDS:
25. | Zimmermann, ANdreas : Yugoslav territory, United Nations Trusteeship or sovereign state?, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Yugoslav territory, United Nations Trusteeship or sovereign state? : Reflections on the current and future legal status of Kosovo / Zimmermann, ANdreas ; Stahn, Carsten REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Nordic journal of international law : vol. 70; no. 4., p. 423-460. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001. - ISSN 0902-7351 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
26. | Eser, Albin (ed.) : Principles and procedures for a new transnational criminal law, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Principles and procedures for a new transnational criminal law : documentation of an international workshop in Freiburg / Eser, Albin (ed.) ; Lagodny, Otto (ed.) - (Beiträge und Materialen aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Recht ; Bd. S 33), xi, 881 p.. - Freiburg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, 1992. ISBN 3-922498-63-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Session I: National Criminal Laws Competing on International Level Session II: Inter-National Co-operation in Criminal Matters Session III: Supra-National Crimes and Courts (Regional and Global) Session IV: (Inter-)National Human Rights as the "Third Dimension" in International Criminal Law Session V: Final Discussions INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.iuscrim.mpg.de/verlag/straf/s_gesamt.html#international |
27. | Treaty making - expression of consent by states to be bound by treaty, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Treaty making - expression of consent by states to be bound by treaty = Conclusions des traites - expression par les etats du consentement a etre lies par un traite / ; Council of Europe (ed.), xi, 349 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001. ISBN 90-411-1692-3 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE ABSTRACT: Foreword by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Introduction. Part I: Analytical Report. Section I: Regulation of the treaty-making process. 1. The negotiating process. 2. Consent to be bound. 3. Reservations. 4. Provisional application. 5. Implementation. Section II: National regulation of treaty-making at the international level. 1. Comparison of how States express their consent at the international level. 2. Negotiation process. Section III: Domestic legal processes governing the conclusion of treaties. 1. Analysis of municipal legal sources. 2. The involvement of different State organs. Section IV: Reservations and declarations. 1. Executive competence. 2. Involvement of the parliament. Section V: Provisional application. 1. Legal systems in which provisional application is generally permissible. 2. Provisional application subject to the rules of domestic law. 3. Provisional application generally excluded. Section VI: The place of treaties in domestic law. 1. Forms of incorporation. 2. Self-executing treaties. 3. Direct applicability. 4. Hierarchy of norms. Part II: Country Reports. Appendices. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ECHR; |
28. | Fierro, Elena : The EU's approach to human rights conditionality in practice, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The EU's approach to human rights conditionality in practice / Fierro, Elena - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 76), xvii, 423 p.. - Hague : Martinus nijhoff publ., 2003. ISBN 90-411-1936-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction. Part I: Introductory Aspects. I. The Legal Framework of EC External Relations. II. Evolution of the Human Rights Policy in the EU/EC External Relations. III. Approaching Conditionally. Part II: Conditionality Ex Ante. IV. Conditionality in Relation to European Countries. V. Conditionality in Relation to Third (non-European) Countries. Part III: Conditionality Ex-Post. VI. The Human Rights Clauses in Bilateral Agreements. VII. Legal Basis, Interpretation and Scope of the Human Rights Clauses. VIII. The Human Rights Clause as an Obstacle to the Agreement. IX. Application of the Human Rights Clauses in Bilateral Agreements. X. Human Rights Clauses in Financial (Unilateral) Regulations. Conclusions. Index. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Argentina / Australia / Bulgaria / Burma / China / Cuba / Guinea Bissau / New Zealand / Ivory Coast / Macedonia / Mexico / Niger / Portugal / Russian Federation / Slovakia / Togo / Turkey / Uganda / USA / Cuba NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; ECHR; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
29. | Iles, Alastair : Political culture in the United States 'treaty-making', 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Political culture in the United States 'treaty-making' : a new century, familiar behavior so far / Iles, Alastair REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Leiden journal of international law : vol. 15; no. 1., p. 207-224. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002. - ISSN 0922-1565 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Kyoto protocol; The statute of the ICC; Framework convention on climate change; Biological weapons convention; |
30. | Lysén, Göran : Folkrättsligt ansvar, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Folkrättsligt ansvar : en studie an EG/EU och dess medlemsstater / Lysén, Göran. - 506 - (Uppsala University : Swedish Institute of International Law : Studies in international law ; vol. 14), 506 p.. - Uppsala : Iustus, 2002. ISBN 1-7678-495-9 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. 1. Folkrätten som rättsordning - några utgångspunkter. 2. Internationella organisationers ansvar. 3. Den europeiska unionen. 4. Den europeiska gemenskapens ansvar. 5. Medlemsstaternas ansvar i sammanhanget av den europeiska gemenskapen. 6. Vissa svenska konstitutionella aspekter. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Denmark / France / United Kingdom / Germany / USA / Belgium / Sweden NOTE (GENERAL): Draft articles on state responsibility (full text); |