1. | Califa, Antonia : Declaring English the official language, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Declaring English the official language : prejudice spoken here / Califa, Antonia REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Harvard civil rights : civil liberties law review : No. 24(2)., p. 293-348. - Cambridge, MA : Harvard Law School, 1989. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
2. | Annual report 1990, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Annual report 1990 = Rapport annuel 1990 / ; Commissioner of Official Languages = Commissaire aux Langues Officielles, 290 p.. - Ottawa : Ministry of Supply and Services Canada, 1991. ISBN 0 662 58028 1 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE INDEX WORDS:
3. | Olika ursprung, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Olika ursprung : gemenskap i Sverige : utbildning för språklig och kulturell mångfald : huvudbetänkande av språk- och kulturarvsutredningen / ; Utbildningsdepartementet - (SOU = Statens offentliga utredningar ; No. 57), 296 p.. - Stockholm : Liber, 1983. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 91 38 07907 0 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Europe / Sweden : 8000 / 8246 |
4. | Monikulttuurisuus ja vähemmistöjen oikeudet, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Monikulttuurisuus ja vähemmistöjen oikeudet : seminaari Kulttuuritalo 10-11.3.1992 : seminaariraportti / - (Suomen Unesco-toimikunnan julkaisuja ; No. 62), 49 p.. - Helsinki : Suomen Unesco-toimikunta, 1992. ISBN 951 47 6899 x LANGUAGE: FIN / SWE / LAP INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): Conference, Helsinki (19920310-19920311), (C) |
5. | Part V, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part V : problem of language and communication : relationship between minority and majority it case Slovak - Hungarian relationships / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Minorities in politics : cultural and languages rights / Plichtova, J. (ed.), p. 155-190. - Bratislava : Czechoslovak Comitee of the European Cultural Foundation, 1992. ISBN 80 85681 01 3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are : . 1. The integration of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia - the language problem by Alena Zel'ova. 2. Bilingualism - yes or not? by Jana Plichtova. 3. Schools in the Slovak Republic with instruction in the Hungarian language - Present status, by Sona Gabzdilova. 4. Slovaks and Hungarians in Slovakia, by Tatiana Rosova and Zora Butorova. 5. Changes of national identity in historical development, by Stefan Sutaj. 4. Slovaks and Hungarians in Slovakia INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Hungary / Slovak Republic : 8129 NOTE (MEETINGS): International symposium on national minorities in Central Europe : minorities in politics : cultural and languages rights, org. by Czechoslovak Committee of the European Cultural Foundation and Ministry of Culture, Slovak Republic. Sponsored by European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic, The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Know How Fund, United Kingdom, held in Bratislava, (19911113-19911116), (C) |
6. | Modeen, Tore : Officiell svenska i Finland, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Officiell svenska i Finland / Modeen, Tore REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Svensk juristtidning : no. 7., p. 565-573. - Stockholm : Sveriges Advokatsamfund, 1992. - ISSN 0339-6591 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
7. | Jansson, Jan-Magnus (ordf.) : Språklagen i korsdrag, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Språklagen i korsdrag / Jansson, Jan-Magnus (ordf.), 27 p.. - Helsingfors : Svenska Finlands folkting, 1994. - ISSN 0358-4542 ISBN 952-9700-10-3 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
8. | Tandefelt, Marika : Finlands svenskar i det 20e seklet, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Finlands svenskar i det 20e seklet / Tandefelt, Marika - (Finlandssvensk rapport ; no. 30), 47 p.. - Helsingfors : Svenska Finlands folkting, 1995. - ISSN 0358-4542 ISBN 952-9700-14-8 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
LIBRARY LOCATION: s Finlandssvensk ... |
9. | Invandrare och minoriteter, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Invandrare och minoriteter / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Invandrare & minoriteter : tidskrift för kultur, politik, forskning och debatt = Scandinavian migration and ethnic minority review : no. 3., p. 2-35. - Stockholm : Stiftelsen Invandrare & Minoriteter, 1991. - ISSN 0346-6566 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. David Schwarz : Det låga valdeltagandet. 2. Björn Gustafsson : Utlänningarnas försörjning. 3. Sioma Zubicky : Ärr för hela livet. 4. Mieczyslaw Gorski : (Den tyska minoriteten - en chock för polackerna) : Bilden av en fiende. 5. Judit Horvath-Lindberg intervjuar Judit Toth : Ungersk flyktingpolitik. 6. Henrik Persson : Stamfolk i Indien. 7. Birger Winsa : Tornedalsk tvåspråkighet. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: India / Sweden / Poland / Hungary NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions |
10. | Invandrare & minoriteter, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Invandrare & minoriteter / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Invandrare & minoriteter : tidskrift för kultur, politik, forskning och debatt = Scandinavian migration and ethnic minority review : no. 3., p. 2-32. - Stockholm : Stiftelsen Invandrare & Minoriteter, 1995. - ISSN 0346-6566 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Ali Najib : Invandrarföretag : inte bara pizzerior och kiosker. 2. Annick Sjögren : Integration förutsätter maktdelning. 3. Ulf Tjäder : Sju av tio av utländsk härkomst. 4. Maria Leissner intervjuas av David Schwarz : Diskrimineringen på arbetsmarknaden vårt största invandrarpolitiska problem. 5. Jonas Alwall : En oundviklig skilsmässa. 6. Jarmo Lainio : Språkets mångfald. 7. Mehmet Eskin : Självmordsbeteende i två kulturer. INDEX WORDS:
11. | Frost, Lynda : The bilingual of indigenous children in Nicaragua under the 1987 autonomy statute, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The bilingual of indigenous children in Nicaragua under the 1987 autonomy statute : the effective limits of legal charge / Frost, Lynda REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The international journal of children's rights : special issue : multiculturalism and the rights of the child : vol. 3; no. 1., p. 51-68. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1995. - ISSN 0927-5568 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICESCR; ADRD; AMR; CRC; ECHRP-1-2; Convention concerning indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries, (ILO convention no. 169); |
12. | Helander, Mika : De finländska ministeriernas internationella kontakter, 1993 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series De finländska ministeriernas internationella kontakter / Helander, Mika - ( Språkgrupp och mobilitet : forskningsrapporter - ethnicity and mobility : research reports ; no. 24), 180 p.. - Helsingfors : Svenska social- och kommunalhögskola, 1993. ISBN 951-9018-97-2 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
13. | Tremblay, André : Les droits linguistiques (articles 16 a 22), 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Les droits linguistiques (articles 16 a 22) / Tremblay, André REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Canadian charter of rights and freedoms / Beaudoin, G.A.; Mendes, E. (eds.). - 3rd ed.., p. 1-38. - Toronto : Carswell, 1996. ISBN 0-459-56014-X LANGUAGE: FRE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms |
14. | Foucher, Pierre : Les droits scolaires des minorités linguistiques, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Les droits scolaires des minorités linguistiques / Foucher, Pierre REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Canadian charter of rights and freedoms / Beaudoin, G.A.; Mendes, E. (eds.). - 3rd ed.., p. 1-48. - Toronto : Carswell, 1996. ISBN 0-459-56014-X LANGUAGE: FRE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms |
15. | Magnet, Joseph Eliot : Multiculturalism in the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Multiculturalism in the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms / Magnet, Joseph Eliot REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Canadian charter of rights and freedoms / Beaudoin, G.A.; Mendes, E. (eds.). - 3rd ed.., p. 1-50. - Toronto : Carswell, 1996. ISBN 0-459-56014-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms; ICCPR-27; Declaration on the rights of minorities; |
16. | Suksi, Markku : Finland, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Finland : general features of public law / Suksi, Markku REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Europea public law [=EPL] : vol. 2: issue 2., p. 182-193. - Hague : Kluwer, 1996. - ISSN 1354-3725 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
17. | Sandlund, Tom : Territorium, etnicitet och identitet, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Territorium, etnicitet och identitet / Sandlund, Tom REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Svenska språkets ställning i Finland och finska språkets ställning i Sverige / Horn, F. (ed.) - (Publikationer från Nordiska institutet för miljö- och minoritetsrätt vid Lapplands universitet : Juridica Lapponia ; no. 14), p. 1-24. - Rovaniemi : Lapplands Universitet, 1996. - ISSN 0783-4144 ISBN 951-634-526-3 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Sweden / Finland NOTE (MEETINGS): Seminarium, Rovaniemi, [199403] |
18. | Herberts, Kjell : Språkklimatet i Finland - några empiriska iakttagelser, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Språkklimatet i Finland - några empiriska iakttagelser / Herberts, Kjell REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Svenska språkets ställning i Finland och finska språkets ställning i Sverige / Horn, F. (ed.) - (Publikationer från Nordiska institutet för miljö- och minoritetsrätt vid Lapplands universitet : Juridica Lapponia ; no. 14), p. 25-40. - Rovaniemi : Lapplands Universitet, 1996. - ISSN 0783-4144 ISBN 951-634-526-3 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland NOTE (MEETINGS): Seminarium, Rovaniemi, [199403] |
19. | Lax, Henrik (ordf.) : Vårt land, vårt språk, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Vårt land, vårt språk : en attitydundersökning om det svenska i Finland = Kahden kielen kansa : suomalaisia asenteita Ruotsin kieleen Suomessa / Lax, Henrik (ordf.) - (Finlandssvensk rapport ; no. 35), 112 p.. - Helsingfors : Svenska Finlands Folkting, 1997. ISBN 952-9700-30-X LANGUAGE: SWE, FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland LIBRARY LOCATION: Folkrätt SHELF CODE: s Finlandssvensk rapport... |
20. | Peacock, Anthony A. (ed.) : Rethinking the constitution, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Rethinking the constitution : perspectives on Canadian constitutional reform, interpretation and theory / Peacock, Anthony A. (ed.), xxix, 286 p.. - Toronto : Oxford U. P., 1996. ISBN 0-19-541178-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. Part I: Constitutional reform. 1. Robert Martin : A larment for British North America. 2. H. D. Forbes : Trudeau's moral vision. 3. Christopher P. Manfredi : On the virtues of a limited constitution : why Canadians were right to reject the Charlottetown accord. PART II: Constitutional interpretation. 4. Rainer Knopff and F. L. Morton : Canada's court party. 5. Bradley C. S. Watson : The language of rights and the crisis of the liberal imagination. 6. Karen Selick : RIghts and wrongs in the Canadian charter. 7. Anthony A. Peacock : Strange brew : Tocqueville, rights and technology of equality. 8. John T. Pepall : What's the evidence? The use the Supreme Court of Canada. Makes of evidence in charter cases. 9. Gerald Owen : Disclosure after Stinchombe. 10. Scott Reid : Penumbrus for the people : placing judicial supremacy under popular control. PART III: Constitutional theory. 11. Barry Cooper : Theoretical perspectives on constitutional reform in Canada. 12. Tom Darby and Peter C. Emerley : Political correctness and the constitution : nature and convention re-examined. 13. Robert Martin : Reconstituting democracy : orthodoxy and research in law and social science. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms; American declaration of independence; |
21. | Aikio, Marjut : Saamelaiset kielenvaihdon kierteessä, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Saamelaiset kielenvaihdon kierteessä : kielisosiologinen tutkimus viiden saamelaiskylän kielenvaihdosta 1910-1980 / Aikio, Marjut, xii, 374 p.. - Helsinki : Suomalainen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1988. - ISSN 0355-1768 ISBN 951-717-476-4 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
22. | Anderson, Gavin W. (ed.) : Rights and democracy , 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Rights and democracy : essays in UK-Canadian constitutionalism / Anderson, Gavin W. (ed.) - (Law in its social setting), xxvi, 276 p.. - London : Blackstone, 1999. ISBN 1-85431-705-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I : The impact of the charter of rights and freedoms on Canadian constitutional thought and practice:. 1. The Canadian charter of rights : lessons and laments, by David Beatty. 2. Supreme Court Inc : The business of democracy and rights, by Allan C. Hutchinson. PART II : Rights and freedoms before the Supreme Court of Canada: 3. Understanding constitutional speech : two theories of expression, by Gavin W. Anderson. 4. The charter and labour : the limits of constitutional rights, by K. D. Ewing. 5. Charter equality : has it delivered?, by Kathleen E. Mahoney. PART III: The charter in the political process:. 6. The impact of the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms on executive and judicial behaviour, by Hon. Justice J. C. Macpherson. 7. The charter and Quebec : exploring the limits of constitutional authority, by Ines Molinaro. PART IV: Bringing rights home : the implications for public law in the UK. 8. The human rights act 1998 and the role of the Strasbourg organs : some preliminary reflections, by Conor A. Gearty. 9. Rights discourse and public law thought in the United Kingdom, by Martin Loughlin INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: United Kingdom / Canada NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms (full text); ECHR; ESC; UDHR; |
23. | Varennes, Fernand de : Ethnic conflicts and language in eastern Europe and Central Asian states, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Ethnic conflicts and language in eastern Europe and Central Asian states : can human rights help prevent them? / Varennes, Fernand de REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International journal on minority and groups rights : vol. 5; no. 2., p. 135-174. - Hague : Kluwer, 1997. - ISSN 1385-4879 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR-27; European charter for regional or minority languages; |
24. | Dufholm, Kristina : Finlands tvåspråkighet, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Finlands tvåspråkighet : lag och övervakning / Dufholm, Kristina - ( Finlandssvensk rapport ; no. 38), 32 p.. - Helsingfors : Svenska Finlands Folkting, 1998. - ISSN 0359-4542 ISBN 952-9700-38-5 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland NOTE (GENERAL): Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; European charter for regional or minority languages; LIBRARY LOCATION: Folkrätt SHELF CODE: s Finlandssvensk rapport |
25. | Mitä laki sanoo kielellisistä oikeuksista, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Mitä laki sanoo kielellisistä oikeuksista /, 24 p.. - Helsingfors : Svenska Finlands Folkting, 1998. - ISSN 0359-4542 ISBN 952-9700-36-9 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
26. | Haarmann, Harald (preface) : Europäische Identität und Sprachenvielfalt, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Europäische Identität und Sprachenvielfalt = European identity and language diversity = L'identité européenne et la diversité linguistique / Haarmann, Harald (preface) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Sociolinguistica : internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik = International yearbook of European Sociolinguistics = Annuaire international de la Sociolinguistique Européenne : 9 / Ammon, U.; Mattheier, K. J.; Nelde, P. H. (eds.), x, 146 p.. - Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1995. - ISSN 0933-1883 ISBN 3-484-60339-9 LANGUAGE: GER, FRE, ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Harald Haarmann : Europanness, European identity and the role of language - giving profile to an anthropological infrastructure. 2. Konrad Schröder : Zur Problematik von Sprache und Identität in Westeuropa, eine Analyse aus sprachenpolitischer Perspektive. 3. Georg Kremnitz : Dimensionen und Dynamik kollektiver Identitäten (Beispiele aus dem okzitanischen und katalaischen Sprachgebiet). 4. Peter H. Nelde, Peter J. Weber : Les trois identités linguistiques en Belgique - des particularismes culturels?. 5. Peter Broeder, Guus Extra : Ethnic identity and community languages in the Netherlands. 6. Sirkku Latomaa : Finland as a multilingual society yesterday, today - and tomorrow?. 7. Eugene Holman : MUltilingualism and national identity in post-Soviet Estonia. INDEX WORDS:
27. | Beijar, Kristina ... [et al.] : Ett land två språk - den finländska modellen, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Ett land två språk - den finländska modellen / Beijar, Kristina ... [et al.], 103 p.. - Esbo : Schildts förlag, 1998. ISBN 951-50-0892-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
28. | Opalski, Magda (ed.) : Ethnic minority rights in Central Eastern Europe, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Ethnic minority rights in Central Eastern Europe / Opalski, Magda (ed.) ; Dutkiewicz, Piotr (ed.), 161 p.. - Ottawa : Canadian Human Rights Foundation; Forum Eastern Europe, 1996. ISBN 0-9680376-0-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. Protection of national minorities in Central Eastern Europe : political and legal approaches in the light of international law, by Slawomir Lodzinski. 2. The situation of ethnic minorities in Estonia, by Vello Pettai. 3. The situation of ethnic minorities in Latvia, by Boris Tsilevich. 4. The rights of national minorities and their implementation in Lithuania, by Severinas Vaitiekus. 5. Legal and political status of minorities in the Former Czecholsovakia, by Silvia Mihalikova. 6. National minorities in Post-Ceausescu Romania, by Magda Opalski. 7. Ethnic minorities in Bulgaria, by Ilona Tomova. 8. Ethnic minorities and the Democratization process in Albania, by Piotr Dutkiewicz. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany / Austria / Poland / Belarus / Ukraine / Hungary / Greece / Albania / Czech Republic / Slovak Republic NOTE (GENERAL): Framework convention for the protection of national minorities (full text); Genocide convention; ECHR; Copenhagen document; Charter of regional and minority languages; Cluj declaration; UN charter; Declarationon the rights of minorities; UDHR; |
29. | Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove : Linguistic genocide in education - or worldwide diversity and human rights?, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Linguistic genocide in education - or worldwide diversity and human rights? / Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove, xxxiii, 785 p.. - Mahwah, Nj : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. ISBN 0-8058-3467-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. I. SETTING THE SCENE:. 1. What is happening to the languages of the world. 2. Connections between biodiversity and linguistic and cultural diversity. 3. Mother tongue(s), culture, ethnicity and self-determination. 4. Linguistic diversity - curse or blessing? To be maintained or not? Why? II. LINGUISTIC GENOCIDE, STATE POLICIES and GLOBALISATION:. 5. State policies towards langugaes - linguistic genocide, language death or support for languages? 6. Globalisation, power and control. III. STRUGGLE AGAINST LINGUISTIC GENOCIDE AND FOR LINGUISTIC HUMAN RIGHTS IN EDUCATION:. 7. Linguistic human rights. 8. Linguistic human rights in education? 9. Alternatives to genocide and dystopia. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): European charter for regional or minority languages; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; CDE; UN charter; CRC; Copenhagen declaration; Declaration on the rights of minorities; Declaration on the right to development; Draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; ICCPR; Migrant workers convention; UDHR; Convention concerning the protection and integration of indigenous and other tribal and semi-tribal populations in independent countries (ILO convention no. 107); Convention concerning indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries (ILO convention no. 169); |
30. | Scheinin, Martin : III : YKSITTÄISET PERUSOIKEUDET : Oikeus omaan kieleen ja kulttuuriin (PL 17§), 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph III : YKSITTÄISET PERUSOIKEUDET : Oikeus omaan kieleen ja kulttuuriin (PL 17§) / Scheinin, Martin REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Perusoikeudet / Hallberg, P. ... [et al.] - ( Oikeuden perusteokset), p. 533-560. - Helsinki : WSOY, 1999. ISBN 951-6700-006-3 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR-26-27; ECHR-6(3); ICESCR-2; ECHR-14; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; European charter for regional or minority lan guages; Copenhagen document; CDE; |